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Old 16-08-2005, 01:58 PM
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Re: True Story

Very good, very good, Bro Harrier, keep at this pace until you finish this story please, if not, we also wait 10 minutes, then no response we might also log off, ha ha ha
can see?
Semi-retired Member of the League of Extra-horny Gentlemen

She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end...
Old 16-08-2005, 02:19 PM
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Re: True Story

Hmmm....seems like over but is it? Another H24 twist? She doesn't seem the type that will give up easily. Did she expect you and your wife to not have sex all the months (or years) that you were with her?

Chateau Latour is one of the most expensive wines in the market. The others are Lafite-Rothschild, Mouton-Rothschild, Haut-Brion and Margaux. Don't have the money to try any of these but like sex, there's no guarantee that a $200 lay is 5 times as good as a $40 lay
Old 16-08-2005, 02:38 PM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by maiteejoe
Chateau Latour is one of the most expensive wines in the market. The others are Lafite-Rothschild, Mouton-Rothschild, Haut-Brion and Margaux. Don't have the money to try any of these but like sex, there's no guarantee that a $200 lay is 5 times as good as a $40 lay is REALLY VERY GOOD and I tried the Lafite as well some time later but drinking bloody good wine with a felt weird and at that kind of ridiculous price....not at this point in time either....
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Old 16-08-2005, 02:39 PM
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Re: True Story

I felt that something was wrong because she wouldn’t usually do that, as in log off suddenly in the middle of a chat unless the PC got hung….BUT it would be too much of a coincidence for it to hang just when I threw in the ‘killer punch’……

Since she logged off, I got my secretary to call my staff to the conference room for the meeting….

Some half an hour later, we wrapped up the meeting as I stepped out of the conference room, my receptionist came and inform me that a lady by the name of Christina was here to see me…..

I was rather surprised as I didn’t have any appointment scheduled for the afternoon but since I was quite free anyway, I asked her to send her in while I proceeded to my room.

There was a soft knock and the door opened……I was very taken aback as standing there at the doorway was HER!!!

“…… come you are here?” I asked still in shock.

“I came to see you. I needed to see you…..” She replied as my receptionist closed the door behind her.

“Well, since you are here……shall we proceed for lunch downstairs then?”

“Ok, but I’m not hungry…..let’s go get some beer..”

“Er….it’s hardly 1pm in the afternoon on a workday…….”

“, let’s go have some drinks…..ok?”

My heart was softened as I looked at her pouty lips and puffy eyes (probably from crying) and gave in… “Ok, let’s go somewhere we can get some food and drinks….it’s bad to drink on an empty stomach…”

She didn’t reply and just walked in front of me to the reception area, out to the lift lobby
and pressed the down button before turning to face me.

Now that we were out of my office, and with nobody in the lobby, she hugged me really tight and attempted to kiss me but just at that moment, the lift door opened and we broke the embrace and walked into the lift……
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Old 16-08-2005, 02:39 PM
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Re: True Story

Well i think she must feel very very sad.... Hope she didnt do anything stupid

There are 2 kind of women

Kind No. 1
In their heart they knew the answer but die die refused to admit it till the guy say so. Once the guy spell it out ... Zoom off they disappear

Kind No. 2
Even the guy make things so clearly... she still refused to give up.. Trying all her ways n means to built it back...

Bro H24 .. so which kind she belongs to

Wonder why King nowaday so quiet ??
Old 16-08-2005, 02:52 PM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by canny
Kind No. 1
In their heart they knew the answer but die die refused to admit it till the guy say so. Once the guy spell it out ... Zoom off they disappear

Wonder why King nowaday so quiet ??
She's the No. 1 on and you will know why...

As for King....i think he's rather 'BUSY' these days......BUT busy with what....your guess is as good as mine.....
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Old 16-08-2005, 03:07 PM
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Re: True Story

We walked together hand in hand towards Boat Quay, saw a rather empty Thai food place that served beer and sat down at the table by the river.

We ordered some light finger food and a jug of beer from the waitress and when she had walked away, she lokked intensely in my eyes and said

“Why did you have to lie to me about your flight? Because she came back together with you?”

“Well….in a sort of way yes….” I replied meekly

“Did you know that I was sitting there in the airport for 2 whole hours, crying my heart out!!”


“Well, do you still care for me? I am your baby you know! Your MOST IMPORTANT baby…the one you love the most, the one you bought a diamond ring for…..”

“…………………………” I looked around to see if anyone had overheard our conversation and feeling satisfied that the nearest group of people, being at least 20metres away, can’t hear us, I turned my head to watch the small waves on the surface of the River.

“Baby, please look at me. Look me in the eyes. Do you feel my pain? Do you feel my heartache? Do you feel my love?”

I looked her in the eyes and I could INDEED feel her pain, sorrow and love for me. I was rather surprised I could feel it……were we REALLY meant to be together….which was why I could feel so much???? What is happening???!!!
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Old 16-08-2005, 03:33 PM
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Re: True Story

We paused as the waitress brought us our jug of beer and as she stood beside us pouring the golden liquid into the frosted mugs, I saw someone waving at me and as she walked nearer, I froze in horror as standing there was MY WIFE’S YOUNGER SISTER!

I took a sip of the iced cold beer and walked over to say hi… “Hi, how come you are here?”

“Oh, just had lunch with my friend who works in UOB…..what about you?

“Oh, I just set up a new office here and was about to have lunch with a business associate”

“Beer on a working afternoon? You really turning into an alcoholic huh?!”

“Well….had a stressful morning….so gotta de-stress …..”

She glanced over the HER and commented “Wah…your business associate so sexy…..did you do anything to her?”

“HUH? What u mean??”

“I meant whether you have mad a pass at her?”

“NO lah! Cannot mix work and pleasure….besides…I am faithful man….ok?”

“Well…that’s not what I heard recently……” She grinned as she said that.

“Anyway, I gotta go…..take care…bye”


And as I walked back to the table, she stared at me and asked “Who was that?”

“Were you flirting with her?!”

“Oh…for God’s sake….that was my sister-in-law……!!” (But she was indeed sexy with those 34C boobs....and her shapely ass)

“So pretty and sexy…..did you ever fantasize or did anything with her?”

“er……..well…I have fantasized about her before …BUT that was before I met you….” I told her as my mind wandered back to when I was instructed to buy some fish porridge for her sister, who was staying along in a condo nearby, and when she openeded her door in her satin nightgown…… with her pinkish brown nipples visible thru the material…….. (But that’s another story…..)

I snapped back to reality when the food arrived and since I was rather hungry, I started eating away while I also peeled a chicken wing for her and place on her plate (Like what I always used to do for her…….
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Old 16-08-2005, 03:48 PM
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Re: True Story

‘Do you still love me?” She asked

“I do love you, I still desire you BUT I do not think I can ever have you as my wife…….because I still stand by what I had said to you before and that I will NEVER divorce my wife…….”

She kept quiet as she bowed her head and her tears started streaking down her face and dripping onto her plate.

“So…..are you trying to tell me that you are…….”

“….do …not want this baby anymore?”

“I…er……I….” I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that I wanted to break up with her as a part of me still wanted to be able to see her….

After gathering all my courage and determination, I finally said in a clear and crisp voice

“Let’s break up….there is no future for you to stick with me…..even though I still love you…..we can still be friends since I know you so well….” (sounds familiar? I reckon a lot of guys use this line for breakups BUT hoping to maintain some contact….be it for sex….or just a friend)

“But…..but…..” She started but stopped again appearing to be deep in thought.

“Ok then! If you want to break up with me, I WILL NEVER EVER SEE NOR TALK YOU AGAIN…..ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO BREAK UP WITH ME??” She challenged
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Old 16-08-2005, 04:14 PM
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Re: True Story

I kept silent for a while and continued sipping my beer in the mug……

“Yes, if that’s what it’s going to take…then that’s what it’s going to be…..”

I replied as I decided that it had to end somewhere and since it had already come to this point……execute it all the way and save the hassles in the future.

She was rather stunned as she thought she might have had a way of holding me back…

“You really do not love me anymore….or else how can you not ever see me anymore?”

Her tears were starting to flow again and this time her make up on her face as all smudged.

I kept quiet and just continued drinking the beer, acting as if I didn’t care BUT deep down in my heart, I was being ripped apart….

We kept silent without speaking to each other for a quite a while, till we finished the jug and even till the next jug of beer came…..

Finally breaking the silence, “Baby, let’s stay together for this one final day and night. After tonight, we shall not see each other or even have any communications with each other ever again……ok?”

I paused for another short while and replied ‘OK’

She then came and sat beside me instead of opposite me, held on to my arm and leaned her head onto my shoulder.

I leaned my head over and planted a kiss on the top of her head…….
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Old 16-08-2005, 04:33 PM
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Re: True Story

We continued behaving like a couple, the way we were before we had any problems, kissing and holding each other for the rest of the day consuming tons of beer, then proceeding to dinner, and more drinks.

But we both had this heavy feeling weighing in our hearts. It was like THE LAST SUPPER just before the end of the world. And when I finally sent her home, we hugged and kissed with both passion and pain BUT there had to be an ending and when we seperated from that hug and kiss for the final time, I turned into my car, started the engine and drove off slowly......I could see thru the rear view mirror that she chased the car for a short distance before giving up and continued standing there, with tears flowing down her beautiful face, looking at my car till I reached a bend and went out of sight......


It has been 363 days since that day when we officially broke up and I have yet to meet or see her at all…throughout this period.

We have maintained ZERO contact BUT I heard from some friends that she has found herself a very nice guy and was planning to get married sometime next year..

I wish her all the best in life….
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Old 16-08-2005, 04:34 PM
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Re: True Story

abit of an anti-climax....... but well written story....

so when is the milf coming into the picture?
Trying... to retire...
Old 16-08-2005, 04:35 PM
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Re: True Story

nice story bro harrier... touchin indeed... still gt any more to cont??? like ur MILF?? haha...
Old 16-08-2005, 04:40 PM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by dakboyslim
abit of an anti-climax....... but well written story....

so when is the milf coming into the picture?
Anti-climax cos if anymore life would have been fucked...remember, this is true life NOT story book where there is no realism....

But till today, i do not know IF i had made the correct decision and it will be something I will take with me to my grave.......

Let me rest a bit.......very tiring to write and i just realised that this story is exactly 100 pages......
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Old 16-08-2005, 04:41 PM
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Re: True Story

Originally Posted by Harrier24B

It has been 363 days since that day when we officially broke up and I have yet to meet or see her at all…throughout this period.
Thanks for the wonderful conclusion!!
*applause applause*

Bro, should delay 2 more days for the finale mah since only 2 days away..

So, a new story??
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