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Old 10-11-2009, 10:09 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

so what do u call winning the CL wif Porto?

anyways i think it is wishful thinking on my part as i get the feeling that Jose is biding his time to head on to Old Toilet when that scot bugger finally calls it a day...

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post

mourinho is just unproven if he has a limited budget.
Old 10-11-2009, 10:12 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

OMG pls not Keegan...better off sticking wif Rafa if it is Keegan...

Originally Posted by starcrosser View Post
I am hoping that Keegan will come over as the new savior
Old 10-11-2009, 10:29 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
OMG pls not Keegan...better off sticking wif Rafa if it is Keegan...

Why not? if he can turn Newcastle into a sexy attacking football side, i dun see why he cannot do that to the Kops.

Not to forget that he is once a red.
Old 10-11-2009, 10:44 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Keegan has a bad track record of walking out when the going get's tough...also i dont think he can really cut it at the v top level as a manager...what did the barcodes win under him?...all said n done...Rafa has won the CL, Uefa N La between Rafa n Keegan i shall take Rafa anyday...

saying that i did like mighty mouse as a Reds n England player...great partnership wif Tosh...also wif Brooking when Admiral use to sponsor the english team

Originally Posted by starcrosser View Post
Why not? if he can turn Newcastle into a sexy attacking football side, i dun see why he cannot do that to the Kops.

Not to forget that he is once a red.
Old 10-11-2009, 11:52 PM
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Angry Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by omnia View Post

good pts: Ngog is showing some potential at last even to extent of getting a pen when it actually sld not hv been awarded...glad for the lad, good for his confidence n Reds deserved abit of the rub of the green...GJ had a cracking game, perhaps once again showed that he may well be worth the 18m quid afterall...appearances of Gerrad n Aquilani was a heartening sight...even Lucas looked pretty good...n the lads showed resilience n toughness even when the ball wld not go in the net for them...kept their chins up n grafted...something i had not seen in the last few games save for the Manure match...
it looks like another cheater has replaced the great cheat who moved to RM.
And how disgrace this Ngog, not only to liverpool but to the whole game of football. and you feel good for him. I jst cant imagine what wud you be telling if you were on the receiving side. It seems you guys are not genuine football fans, but just liverfoolians. Real disgrace Ngog, i hope the kids dont learn from him.
Old 11-11-2009, 03:11 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by _AXL_ View Post
outstanding post, bro.

nothing wrong with rafa actually. for those who are clamouring for jose mourinho to take over, i sincerely believe he will take up the challenge, if offered. but is the guy any better than rafa??? besides his superior man-management skills, i dont think he is any better than rafa. and i believe jose will take time for his man-management skills to work, cos most of the players left in the liverpool squad now already learnt how to motivate themselves. moreover, with jose, he has had a lot of spending budget in his last 2 clubs. so, he is still unproven when managing a club with limited spending abilities.

the only rant i have for rafa is that he always looks ahead into the future. he is always managing with the next game in mind. i confessed that during the fulham game, when torres was subbed out in the 60th minute, i was hoping for fulham to score and rub it in the face of rafa. so that he will learn that bloody lesson if this happens often enough. fulham deserves respect which rafa failed to accord, and liverpool got beaten. other than that, dont think anybody has anything to begrudge rafa...

if there is anyone to blame, it is the 2 clown owners and the bloody idiot moore who sold out to them. and will someone tell souness to shut his fucking trap??? everyone in the world can criticise rafa, just not him!!! he is the biggest bungling idiot who brought liverpool down!!!

i dont know about u guys, but supporting liverpool is different from supporting some kungfu-kick team. remember the years when chelsea were dominant and the supporters of that kungfu team all went underground??? cos they couldnt take the ribbing. think why they get so much stick when they dont win???

supporting liverpool means we are here, regardless whether we win any trophies. not as often as we like, but we are still here. liverpool dont win that many trophies, but at least we dont need to hide when they are not winning. but the honourless knight has got 1 thing right. it doesnt matter if his team loses 4-1 to liverpool at old toilet. it is only 3 points, the same 3 points he gets from beating the weak teams, or teams managed by steve bruce. only his fans get insulted for getting walloped upside down, not him. and he knew that his fans wont get lost trying to get to the same underground hole to hide from the total humiliation.

in rafa we trust. YNWA.
well said bro rafa is the man to take us forward,things r not going so well 4 us now but things will chg 4 the better.we were jus unlucky against birmingham long way to go yet n r more pts to be won n lost.
Old 11-11-2009, 08:30 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Luckytime View Post
Bro, I totally agree with you on this one... He left Liverpool as he dun think that Liverpool can win anythings under rafa. After He went to Real, they 1 cup also didn't get but Liverpool got the Champions League.
When he went to RM, he was discriminated against. He never really got a fair shot but if i remember correctly, when he was given the chance to play, he did fairly well. At one point he won the supporters over but RM culture is very tough with grandmaster raul there. owen was not the first foreigner to "fail" at RM.

Owen left liverpool for the same reason ronaldo did - the "glory" of RM. to be fair i tink for many footballers, joining RM is like some holy grail. So though i was sad that he left (i had just bought owen biography when it happened), in my heart i understood. Its like, if u're an outstanding product manager at creative (no offence) and apple comes calling, most likely you will want to join cos you want to take urself to the next level and work for the market leader. Or if u're the supermarket manager at sheng siong (again, no offence) and cold storage comes calling, there's a good chance most people will opt to go. Not dat i am saying liverpool is a sheng siong - rather than when an organisation perceived (operative word) to be higher comes along, ppl will tend go.

Given our tight financial situation, Owen was a free transfer and on a pay-as-u-play contract. So there's minimal risk. I ve also noticed that so far when owen has come on for man u, he still does a decent job, i would say definitely better than bloody voronin. He scored the winner against man city and even in the game against man u, he got carra in trouble too when carra brought him down. So he is quite "value for money" in dat sense.

We should judge players objectively, not emotionally.
Old 11-11-2009, 08:36 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by pirambi View Post
it looks like another cheater has replaced the great cheat who moved to RM.
And how disgrace this Ngog, not only to liverpool but to the whole game of football. and you feel good for him. I jst cant imagine what wud you be telling if you were on the receiving side. It seems you guys are not genuine football fans, but just liverfoolians. Real disgrace Ngog, i hope the kids dont learn from him.
There were many times in the past when we were on the receiving end of unjust/wrong decisions, so as they say in football, the ball is round. I am not saying i condone it but i m not sure if ngog intentionally dived. He might have fell over while avoiding the incoming challenge and the referee blew the whistle.
Old 11-11-2009, 08:49 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
OMG pls not Keegan...better off sticking wif Rafa if it is Keegan...
How about King Kenny?....
Old 11-11-2009, 10:04 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Alkano View Post
How about King Kenny?..
I was thinking about him as well. But he quit in 1991 because he can't handle the stress of management. So don't think he will come back to manage as the current league will be much more stressful for him. By the way, King Kenny is working for liverpool now already. So I'm sure he would be giving advice to Rafa as a backroom staff now.

Interesting how the thread gets alive when AXL is back. Lively discussion is always good. But at the end of the day (regardless of whatever views we have as a fan) when our beloved team scores, all is forgotten and 2 persons with opposing views can even give each other a hug and a couple of high fives... Right?
I don't exchange points. So no point adding me hoping I will up you back. No need to pm me about points too.
Old 11-11-2009, 11:28 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by too_hot View Post

We should judge players objectively, not emotionally.
Bro don't be an apologist for Judas. Owen has shown has colours very clearly not just by leaving Pool but his transfers since then. He always goes where he believes success is. What about contributing so that you make a club successful? That is not in his psyche.

And don't tell us to leave our emotions behind. That is why football is not Sheng Siong or any other form of business.

PS. Even in the corporate world, a high profile executive who works out on the company is not likely to find themselves welcome back, ain't it?

Last edited by rahl; 11-11-2009 at 11:41 AM.
Old 11-11-2009, 12:03 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
another cut n paste for u Bro...

it is a fact that Benitez has made a serious transfer miscalculation this buying GJ (although he is a good attacking wingback albeit a poor defender n not cheap) when it is clear that another quality striker was needed instead...also why buy an injured midfield player for a position required to be filled at the start of the season?...

it is a fact that Gerrad wld hv been the simple yet effective option of being played in midfield to cover Alonso's departure until Acquilani is fit...but no Benitez stubbornly sticks to fielding the limited Lucas who lacks even an ounce of creativity...

Bro I read this before and I totally disagree about GJ part...

We paid half (or slightly over) of the 17mil cause Portsmouth still owe us $$$, which to me is good business, now having seen how Portsmouth is in shit both on and off the field, I doubt they can also pay us the balance even if we didnt sign GJ...

And to make this good business, I feel GJ has done a real good job so far, bringing our attck to another dimension and its fact that he has been the difference during a few games which we drew last leason but won this time round...

His defending is improving too, as far as I am concern

Everyone can see we need a striker, yes...
I would love a Villa or Eto around Anfield, who doesnt?
But can you name anyone in the market (except Judas Owen) that we can afford and yet good enough for us?

And please dont go into Voronin, as we all know Rafa dont want him but yet no takers for him...

And that goes into the debate for Stevie...

Its simple to throw him back to midfield and leave Torres alone up front..
Yet we have seen how dangerous it is to have a fit Torres and Stevie up front and how the goals flow...

Dare we change the winning formula?

Ok, even Rafa drop Stevie back to midfield and the goals start to dry, Rafa will still get blasted for changing the partnership...

Its a lose-lose situation in the end...

Originally Posted by omnia View Post
so what do u call winning the CL wif Porto?
I will call Porto winning the CL a brillant stroke of luck and tatics with superb diving everywhere, so much that it would even put any navy divers to shame!

Why luck? Is Chelski a poorer team than Porto? Or maybe not enough divers in the team other than Drogba?

Jose has not even been close eversince he won it with Porto...
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Old 11-11-2009, 12:24 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Luckytime View Post
Bro, I totally agree with you on this one... He left Liverpool as he dun think that Liverpool can win anythings under rafa. After He went to Real, they 1 cup also didn't get but Liverpool got the Champions League.
Originally Posted by kingcopa View Post
I love your post....... YNWA!!!!!!!!!! Once a red always a red (liverpool red n not scum red)
Originally Posted by rahl View Post
Haha nice analogy bro, good to read something down to earth in a time of gloom and darkness.

Do come back more often for more whacking!!
thanks bros. i thought i was the only one who didnt agree with bro omnia on sacking rafa.

bro rahl, our views quite close mah, well except for lucas. help to defend??? cant be spending my whole lunch hour to reply, right???

and to the manure loser whom i have already zapped, we are mostly disgusted with ngog for diving. but jibes coming from a guniang like u, it doesnt hurt us at all. divers??? why do u keep quiet about shrek diving??? park ji sung diving??? what about carrick diving against tottenham???!!! not to mention your "i wont sell them a virus" cristina??? nobody will say i m exagerrating when i say manure is the china women's diving team!!! worldclass!!!

ps. bro omnia, not convenient to read too closely at your replies (NSFW website). will reply u when i can sit down and give them the time and day. oh, and i like king kenny taking over if rafa really has to leave.

YNWA all...
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Old 11-11-2009, 12:52 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by hawksbay View Post
well said bro rafa is the man to take us forward,things r not going so well 4 us now but things will chg 4 the better.we were jus unlucky against birmingham long way to go yet n r more pts to be won n lost.
i only saw the game last nite during the repeat. again, the old bad habits of liverpool surfaced. after ngog scored, what die they do??? they sat back and relaxed, instead of going in for the kill. there was no torres or gerrard, meaning the frontline does not possess the composure to take advantage of the fastbreaks when birmingham are attacking. they should have kept control of the ball in the first half, be more adventurous and go in search of the 2nd goal.

Originally Posted by Xgenre View Post
I was thinking about him as well. But he quit in 1991 because he can't handle the stress of management. So don't think he will come back to manage as the current league will be much more stressful for him. By the way, King Kenny is working for liverpool now already. So I'm sure he would be giving advice to Rafa as a backroom staff now.
he couldnt handle the hillsborough pain, actually.

Interesting how the thread gets alive when AXL is back. Lively discussion is always good. But at the end of the day (regardless of whatever views we have as a fan) when our beloved team scores, all is forgotten and 2 persons with opposing views can even give each other a hug and a couple of high fives... Right?
ya, somebody for u to hang out to dry. so long as our affiliations remain the same, no need for liverpool to score in order for us to bond. miss your enthusiasm for getting the 2 americans out...

Originally Posted by rahl View Post
Bro don't be an apologist for Judas. Owen has shown has colours very clearly not just by leaving Pool but his transfers since then. He always goes where he believes success is. What about contributing so that you make a club successful? That is not in his psyche.
his psyche is to make lots of money!!! his excuse of having regular premiership games by joining the scums - disgraceful. hull will give him a full game, as long as he is fit. jan vennagoor's addition to hull meant that hull plays the same style as england. win a premiership title with manure to rub salt into carragher's wounds??? carra obviously doesnt know his friends from fiends.

great reference to sheng siong...

Originally Posted by beck7777 View Post
And to make this good business, I feel GJ has done a real good job so far, bringing our attck to another dimension and its fact that he has been the difference during a few games which we drew last leason but won this time round...

His defending is improving too, as far as I am concern
there is one thing i m perturbed with. why is everyone saying that glen johnson's defence is suspect. yes, i see the press keep emphasising this point, but i still dont see it on the field. so, i would really question those so-called journalists intentions. if not johnson at rightback for england, then who??? miss gary neville???

and if really necessary, johnson can really hold his own as a holding midfielder. he is the best business liverpool have had done for a long time, judging from the fact that pool might not get any money back from portsmouth for a long, long time.

my mac delivery here liao. dont give up on them yet, ya??? they need us fans most now. YNWA.
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Old 11-11-2009, 03:25 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

aiyah like i said before...this is the rub of the green...if u watched the match...i think Gerrad was later on brought down in the box n no pen was what Tyler n Walsh said after this incident...maybe the earlier pen played on the Ref's he did not award what looked like a legitimate all irons out at the end...

anyways if u look at the Ngog incident replays...i believe it is reasonable to say that Ngog did not appear to intentionally 'dive'...Carsley's leg looked late even though he was going for the ball...Ngog appeared to jump in order to avoid the tackle...

as for great 'actors'...this incident is nothing compared to what say Ronny n Drogba get up to on a consistent i suggest u go take a chill pill

Originally Posted by pirambi View Post
it looks like another cheater has replaced the great cheat who moved to RM.
And how disgrace this Ngog, not only to liverpool but to the whole game of football. and you feel good for him. I jst cant imagine what wud you be telling if you were on the receiving side. It seems you guys are not genuine football fans, but just liverfoolians. Real disgrace Ngog, i hope the kids dont learn from him.
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