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Old 16-10-2017, 09:01 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by NaNaKomatsuOnly View Post
Probably nothing new here!

Tokyo: Yoshiwara Soaplands (chances of Idols)

Gaijin friendly soapland in yoshiwara that boasts of Ex Idol (gravure + special) ,AV Idols, former or current on their website! Some of the girls do raw too, need to ask!

Emerald Emperor
Satin Doll


Gaijin friendly!

Matsushima shinchi (Have to walk deeper inside for younger ones , choose 1h so no rush! due to shower.)
Tobita shinchi (No shower! choose 20-30min depending on preference)
Tobita shinchi is well known. But where's Matsushima shinchi ?
I don't trade in points, please don't up my points and demand I return you the favour without asking first

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Old 17-10-2017, 05:15 AM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by Sfan View Post
Tobita shinchi is well known. But where's Matsushima shinchi ?
Its in osaka too.

Quoting Azure Knight of international sex guide info!

Matsushima Shinchi

Osaka-shi Nishi-ku Honda
Closest Station
Osaka City Subway Chuo-sen Kujo Station

There are about 80 shops. You can choose while looking at the girl.
Get off at Kujo Station, and head towards the shopping arcade in the direction of the Osaka Dome.
Matsushima Shinchi is to the left side of that shopping arcade.
Look for a sign that reads "Matsushima Cooking Association". It's easy to spot.
The girls range from the 20's to 30's. Plenty of cute and young girls.
Old 17-10-2017, 10:47 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by NaNaKomatsuOnly View Post
Its in osaka too.

Quoting Azure Knight of international sex guide info!

Matsushima Shinchi

Osaka-shi Nishi-ku Honda
Closest Station
Osaka City Subway Chuo-sen Kujo Station

There are about 80 shops. You can choose while looking at the girl.
Get off at Kujo Station, and head towards the shopping arcade in the direction of the Osaka Dome.
Matsushima Shinchi is to the left side of that shopping arcade.
Look for a sign that reads "Matsushima Cooking Association". It's easy to spot.
The girls range from the 20's to 30's. Plenty of cute and young girls.
Do you mean here?!3m1!1e3
I am going to Osaka once in end Oct and another time in end Nov. Will be staying in Kitashinchi area. Anyone will be in Osaka during these period?
Old 18-10-2017, 05:57 AM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by Kimskull View Post
Do you mean here?!3m1!1e3
I am going to Osaka once in end Oct and another time in end Nov. Will be staying in Kitashinchi area. Anyone will be in Osaka during these period?
松島新地 this is the japanese word for matsushima shinchi!

I think you have to check out the news on raids in osaka, due to 2020 Olympics.
Tobita Shinchi ・20 Minutes = ¥16,000 ・30 Minutes = ¥21,000 ・
, Matsushima Shinchi 10k - 30 min?

Soapland 2022: Tokyo Yoshiwara: Budget: Darling harbour Emerald Emperor / Giardino

Escorts: Tokyo Hentai Club

JK:Akihabara ( school girl - greatest experience in life)

Last edited by NaNaKomatsuOnly; 18-10-2017 at 06:07 AM.
Old 18-10-2017, 09:37 AM
an148 an148 is offline
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Re: Action in Japan

I just went to Tokyo and frankly, Yoshiwara is the only place to go to.

Went strolling along Yoshiwara and plenty of touts asking you to go into their premises. Told them that I was gaijin and they said ok. I said that I only want to look at photos first before making a decision and if the photos aren’t good, I ain’t staying. I speak some passable Japanese and with that, the touts become pretty comfortable with you.

First place I went to was Make Up. You see, you got to behave like you’ve come here often, so they won’t pull a fast one on you. They showed me 4 photos at first, which nothing caught my eye. They quoted me 80k for 2 hrs, and I replied that was expensive. I insisted on younger girls. There is a Yoshiwara age in place there. When they show you a girl saying she’s 20 years old, most likely she’s 22-23. When the age is stated as 22, she’s likely to be 26. Girls whose age is stated at 25 and above, these girls are of real age 30 plus. There is a formula to calculate out Yoshiwara age, but I forgot about it. To be safe, never choose those above 23. I do find that girls who are stated to be 20 are actually very close to 20. Actually, I wasn’t happy with the selection at Make Up so I told them I was gonna go. They tried to hold me back by showing 2 more photos. I didn’t like any so I just left.

Next up was Ascott. Only 3 photos to choose and I left again.

At Yoshiwara, different places have different niches. Landmark for example specializes in ex AV girls. As these are ex AV girls, they are usually of higher ages, most around their 30’s. So although they specialize in AV, I didn’t want 30’s girls. The older the girl, the more difference when comparing photo to real person. Be warned.

Some of these places specializes in younger girls. Aile-Dore is one of them. I went there and told them I’ve been there before. Told them the girl I had before and they could confirm I wasn’t lying. Showed me 6 photos. Hmm... not bad... was deciding between 2 of them. Until they told me one of them is a current AV girl. She films for Her name was Futaba Mio. Photos look good, looks young as in 22-25. Stated 22 years old but she’s really 25. Still good enough. Asked for price, told them cannot be too expensive. They asked how much I would recommend. I said 60k. They said ok. I scrutinized their photos and prices.

She looks exactly like the photo. Body was good and pretty cheerful. Said I was the first Singaporean that she has met.

Same old Soapland protocol so I won’t elaborate. However, her mat play was excellent. Best mat play I had. Her hands were very....busy. I had to tell her to stop using her hands otherwise I might have even been game over before anything. She is that good.

She’s still filming and had done about 50 films already. But she says in private, she’s actually quite reserved. Only in AV does she become so emboldened.

She’s a good one. So I thought I better write something down to remember about her.
Old 18-10-2017, 10:51 AM
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Just dropped by this thread here as I used to cheong Japan. At 60,000yen, that is like SG$730!! Think Ican go Macau and tabao a 20 Syt lady for a 2 nights... But I do agree that it's a different level of exp.

To answer the other bro questions, there are several places to cheong in Tokyo depending on the service u want. For full FJ, u hv to go to soap land that can be found in Ikkubukuro, Kichijoji, Kawasaki, Shinagawa, etc. The trick is can u get pass the door or not?

Are u able to speak Japanese? Do u know the system / procedure?

For those who can't, my recommendation is that u ask ur male Japanese colleagues to bring u in. Once u went in once after the deed, rem the receptionist name, talk to him and tell him thru ur male colleague that u will be back on which day. With ur colleague's help, u should be paying abt 20K to 30k for around 90min bah. Japan system is buffet style. So, u can do as many shots as u can within the time frame.

No need to be shy becoz they are as horny if not more than us. Usually they will understand and but they will expect u to return the favor when they come over to Singapore.

So the trick is to approach one of those who does come over to SG. Got it boh? Many of them who came to SG heard abt Geylang and they are as afraid/blur as us when we go Tokyo first time.

If u understand their culture, u r guest once u step into their homeland... Make use of this point to tease them until they bobian Lan Lan bring u to their play ground. Good luck!

Originally Posted by an148 View Post
I just went to Tokyo and frankly, Yoshiwara is the only place to go to.


Some of these places specializes in younger girls. Aile-Dore is one of them. I went there and told them I’ve been there before. Told them the girl I had before and they could confirm I wasn’t lying. Showed me 6 photos. Hmm... not bad... was deciding between 2 of them. Until they told me one of them is a current AV girl. She films for Her name was Futaba Mio. Photos look good, looks young as in 22-25. Stated 22 years old but she’s really 25. Still good enough. Asked for price, told them cannot be too expensive. They asked how much I would recommend. I said 60k. They said ok. I scrutinized their photos and prices.

She’s still filming and had done about 50 films already. But she says in private, she’s actually quite reserved. Only in AV does she become so emboldened.

She’s a good one. So I thought I better write something down to remember about her.
Old 19-10-2017, 01:16 AM
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Re: Action in Japan

going Tokyo in dec. wanted to bed an av actress like Tsukasa Aoi. how to get right contact?
Pls up my pts if u find my post useful. Remember to leave your nick hor, cos i'll return the favour immediately
Old 19-10-2017, 02:20 AM
NaNaKomatsuOnly NaNaKomatsuOnly is offline
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by greatbody View Post
going Tokyo in dec. wanted to bed an av actress like Tsukasa Aoi. how to get right contact?
wow! Tsukasa Aoi!(葵つかさ) I think she was under some soaplands and is still under SOD, you may need to ask around those soaplands manager that speaks english. However she is considered idol category now, since she is on variety show, ebisu muscat and mainstream acting! She seems to be in a relationship with Jun matsumoto too(rumours of being split and being together by the press).

However if you want to consider alternative you can camp emerald emperor, giardino soaplands website to see who is available. They may not have the same name, like the one currently available at giardino soapland website, 橋本さら may look like someone familiar.

Anyway you can try looking at martini soapland (google search) website , choose english, they have 2 girls looking like tsukasa aoi, martini soapland is at yoshiwara too and accepts gaijin!

Hope it helps!

PS: sometimes you may find ultra pretty in tobita shinchi osaka if you recce all the houses.
Tobita Shinchi ・20 Minutes = ¥16,000 ・30 Minutes = ¥21,000 ・
, Matsushima Shinchi 10k - 30 min?

Soapland 2022: Tokyo Yoshiwara: Budget: Darling harbour Emerald Emperor / Giardino

Escorts: Tokyo Hentai Club

JK:Akihabara ( school girl - greatest experience in life)

Last edited by NaNaKomatsuOnly; 19-10-2017 at 02:59 AM.
Old 19-10-2017, 03:36 PM
Tripitakatw Tripitakatw is offline
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Re: Action in Japan


Any where to recommend for sexual message in Tokyo? Went THC, have to admit it is good but I am kind of looking for a more massage style one.

Thanks in adv
Old 19-10-2017, 08:19 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by Tripitakatw View Post

Any where to recommend for sexual message in Tokyo? Went THC, have to admit it is good but I am kind of looking for a more massage style one.

Thanks in adv
In Tokyo, go yoshiwara !
Darling Harbour - got oil massage followed by action! (no raw , wear condom), gaijin friendly!
For a higher fee, there are soaplands with raw action and gaijin friendly with their staffs looking as good or better than idols.

I dont recommend those massage parlors or cafes ,... in my mind its pretty much use the hand campaign or bj or even more jialat cbj! Unless got lobang otherwise stick to yoshiwara soapland! Then there's the other kind they ask u what kind of girls u want and then they choose for you, without pictures. Sometimes we may choose big whatever and then ,... when they arrive! We scream in our heart " OMG! KNN! whale lai liao! " so I prefer soaplands. The higher tiered soaplands can choose pictures and ask questions.
Tobita Shinchi ・20 Minutes = ¥16,000 ・30 Minutes = ¥21,000 ・
, Matsushima Shinchi 10k - 30 min?

Soapland 2022: Tokyo Yoshiwara: Budget: Darling harbour Emerald Emperor / Giardino

Escorts: Tokyo Hentai Club

JK:Akihabara ( school girl - greatest experience in life)
Old 20-10-2017, 09:58 AM
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Japan: A Kami hunting guide

Why Japan?

No where on earth do we have someone moaning or screaming loudly when a 2 inch enters, making them feel like a king! The service, the moaning, the feel, makes it a unique experience. Kami is goddess in Japanese, so this is a brief guide to Kami hunting in Japan.

SGD to Yen watch:

Google this Best & Cheapest Japanese Yen Money Changer rates from Singapore regularly if you are planning a trip to Japan.


Ignore/Avoid Touts, especially the blacks who keep asking you for sex.
There's somewhere where every 50m or so you can see them.
It may be a trap to get robbed, but dont put yourself at risk.

The law in Japan does not allow fs, so in most places generally those outcall
services will not offer fs.So when you engage an escort service and they will stop at hand or mouth! No action Mouth Only or No Action Hand Only (Naho or Namo). There is an unwritten law of 10k yen and a condom when engaging escorts.

Useful Phrases:

Shita agete – dfk tongue to tongue
iku – cumming, used when cumming
sugoi – amazing!
Kawaii – cute , beautiful!
正常位 (seijoui) "normal position" = missionary
バック (bakku) "back" = doggy style
騎乗位 (kijoui) "horseback position" = cowgirl
横臥位 (ougai), 側位 (sokui) "side position" = spooning
Tobita Shinchi ・20 Minutes = ¥16,000 ・30 Minutes = ¥21,000 ・
, Matsushima Shinchi 10k - 30 min?

Soapland 2022: Tokyo Yoshiwara: Budget: Darling harbour Emerald Emperor / Giardino

Escorts: Tokyo Hentai Club

JK:Akihabara ( school girl - greatest experience in life)

Last edited by NaNaKomatsuOnly; 20-10-2017 at 10:12 AM.
Old 20-10-2017, 09:59 AM
NaNaKomatsuOnly NaNaKomatsuOnly is offline
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Re: Japan: A Kami hunting guide

Adventures in Tokyo.

- say goodbye to IA! IA! NAHO! NAMO!

There are 3 kinds of FS adult adventures in Tokyo!

Escort Services (Gaijin Friendly)

Tokyo Hentai Club.
Tips: Some recommend a 10k yen and a condom when inside the hotel.

Soapland Services (Yoshiwara)

Basically, shower, oil massage, full service. You can ask for rotations of 2 or 3 people if you have the stamina, sometimes they do offer this service. Most people dont ask though. Try to choose 2h service to experience everything without rush. Remember to be polite, clean shaven, and all nails cut, and bathed before going. Remember to ask for pictures and you have the option to walk out if there is none you like.

1. Darling Harbour has many reviews (foreigner friendly) (most budget friendly)
2. Emerald Emperor, Giardino I think they are sister clubs are foreigner friendly. Martini and Satin doll too. There are others if you are adventurous.
3. Kings has negative reviews by seniors in Tokyo Adult Guide, reddit and other places.
(google their website to check their escorts , i.e Emerald Emperor soapland.)

JK Dating (Akihabara)

Alot of crackdowns in recent years, so it is not easy now. The recent trend these days is to talk to those girls in maid uniforms handing out flyers. There are also those freelance who offer tour of Akihabara which ends up in Love Hotel(There was a massive raids and not sure if they are still available !). Tips: Approach them and talk slowly in english, sometimes you can approach those standing alone at around 6-7pm+ in Akihabara. Try saturday. PS: Alot of maid cafes, dating cafes,... are Naho, Namo or Eyepower only and charges per minute, so please be very careful.

If you dont mind paying a huge premium , can read a bit of japanese or has a friend that can help you, you can consider the online service (google JK style tv). Basically these girls style themselves like morning musume, akb48, some are definitely more beautiful than the most beautiful akb48 members, thats why the high premium. There are alot of positive reviews about them from Tokyo Adult guide. Its not cheap but there are some people who became addicted to them and spent alot on them, Its like banging their Kami+Oshimen all rolled in one. Some even tried almost everyone on the list. Reviews can be googled.

Anyway the landscape in Akihabara is always changing due to the raids. Good luck and have fun!
Tobita Shinchi ・20 Minutes = ¥16,000 ・30 Minutes = ¥21,000 ・
, Matsushima Shinchi 10k - 30 min?

Soapland 2022: Tokyo Yoshiwara: Budget: Darling harbour Emerald Emperor / Giardino

Escorts: Tokyo Hentai Club

JK:Akihabara ( school girl - greatest experience in life)

Last edited by NaNaKomatsuOnly; 20-10-2017 at 11:41 AM.
Old 20-10-2017, 10:00 AM
NaNaKomatsuOnly NaNaKomatsuOnly is offline
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Re: Japan: A Kami hunting guide


Tobita shinchi:

Ever watched Japan Adult Videos? Are you a fan of Mihiro, Tsukasa Aoi, An Tsujimoto, Iori furukawa, yua mikami ? What if there is a place on earth with somewhat younger and prettier versions of them? Yes! Tobita Shinchi.

How to get there?

Subway Midosuji Line or Sakaisuji Line
Get off at "Dobutsuen-mae Station"
Go out Exit 2 and search for "Tobita Shinchi" on Google Map. If you walk according to the guide you will arrive in about 10 minutes via the shopping street.

Damage: 16k 20min, 21k 30min.
Procedure: Wipes organ and starts! Recommended to shower thoroughly before going to Tobita shinchi, it will be a plus point.
1. Go along those shophouses, and look inside if the old lady and the young lady waves at you, smile back, and if you like the young girl, you enter and ask English ok?
2. Very Important note: If the old lady is waving at you and the girl you like is looking down, looking bored or disinterested, or face is black, angry, or face is not smiling, do not ask for her, try at your own risk! I think it is a sign that she doesnt want to service at that time.
3.If you see someone you like and wants to RTF, please bring along a gift for 2nd visit.
4.Try going in early afternoon or late morning, be the first few customers, because if she is very popular, she would be very tired by late afternoon and absolutely numb.
5.When entering, please greet both the mamasan and girl. Yoroshiku! Onegashimasu! Slight bow with smile!

Matsushima Shinchi

Same system as Tobita shinchi except that they have shower and it is cheaper.

How to get there?

Osaka-shi Nishi-ku Honda
Get off at Osaka City Subway Chuo-sen Kujo Station
Walk towards Osaka Kujo Post office (landmark)
Search 松島新地 on google map.

Imazato Shinchi, Shinodayama Shinchi.

Wont get to see the girls beforehand! Mamasan asks your preference and will call them. Pretty huge hit and misses. A summary of a few reviews : “ KNN! Tio Whale “

Direction to Imazato shinchi by Azure Knight

Osaka-shi Ikuno-ku Shin Imazato 3-Chome
Closest Station
Kintetsu Nara Line Imazato Station
(Take the Local from Tsuruhashi - 1 station.)

(Azure: Note that "Japanese restaurants" probably means sex shops)

There are about 30 shops. Same as Shinodayama, its a mamasan calls the girls out system.

Pass through the gates at Imazato Station, and head straight towards the shopping district on the south side for 10 minutes.
Cross the two-lane highway and its in the area on the right hand side.

Directions to Shinodayama Shinchi by Azure Knight.

The inexpensive, young, and attractive Shinodayama Shinchi.

Osaka Prefecture Izumi-shi Sachi
Closest Station
JR Osaka Izumi Shinodayama Station
(290 yen, 35 minutes from Tennoji)

There are approximately 40 shops.

Get off at Shinodayama Station, and walk along the train line towards Tennoji for about 10 minutes.
You'll see a drinking place called "Inari", turn right there.
You will have arrived at Shinodayama Shinchi.
Tobita Shinchi ・20 Minutes = ¥16,000 ・30 Minutes = ¥21,000 ・
, Matsushima Shinchi 10k - 30 min?

Soapland 2022: Tokyo Yoshiwara: Budget: Darling harbour Emerald Emperor / Giardino

Escorts: Tokyo Hentai Club

JK:Akihabara ( school girl - greatest experience in life)
Old 20-10-2017, 12:05 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Originally Posted by NaNaKomatsuOnly View Post
In Tokyo, go yoshiwara !
Darling Harbour - got oil massage followed by action! (no raw , wear condom), gaijin friendly!

Dude...try not to start a new thread when there is existing thread...mod merged your thread here...
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Old 05-11-2017, 05:28 PM
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Re: Action in Japan

Sharing my exp here while during my trip to Kyushu.

Went to a few cities on Kyushu and managed to have actions in Fukuoka (Nakasu) and Beppu (near Takegawa onsen).

Nakasu, Fukuoka
Cost: JPY 17,000 + 1,000 for 40 min

Spoken to the personnel in one the information centres. Was told that there are 130 soap lands over here. Went to one of them had a great time.

No problem for me as I can speak Japanese fluently and know the system well.

Beppu, east of JR Beppu station, shopping street with covered walkway
Cost: 17,000 to 19,000 + 1,000 for 50 to 1hr

Walked around the area there. Think there about 10 to 20 soap land shops located in the same area near the Takegawa onsen (sand bath)

Again, spoke to one of the staff in the information centres and he brought me to several shops to select the ladies.

Will be in Fukuoka this week. Have fun!!
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