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Re: The house in Bukit Timah
I cannot wait too... Climax fight scene!
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Very nice story, camping here for finale!
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Ilock, jia you...! Waiting for your next update. Make me more kanchong reading ur stories
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Enjoyed reading this fantastic story, thanks TS
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Re: The house in Bukit Timah
bump... waiting patiently....
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Patiently waiting here for more updates please.
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"Temptation know no laws, standing prick has no conscience." Xchange pts, min POWER 8 |
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Xia was followed closely by the rest and I watched the noose close in from all direction towards Owen and his men like a circle of light coming together.
The men that Owen brought with him were a weird mix, the mad, the crazy and while some are just there for the money. My eyes followed Owen as best as I could for a couple of seconds before the clash of bodies on both sides made it impossible to even make out anything. Hong : bloody hell…. They’re all mad… It’s true, everyone on that field that day is mad and insane in their own way. The cries and screams that filled the air that day is one I would never forget soon. It was utter chaos. Hong limped away and said he will head back into the castle to check on Cindy. With most of the action going on outside, the inside of the castle should be pretty much clear. I skirted the perimeter of the main fight and tried to find a way in. It’s madness out here and anyone not running in the opposite direction has to be mad. Has to be. And yet I was gripping the axe I held in my hand tightly as I tried to look for Owen. A guy ran towards me with a wooden baton in hand but upon seeing the bloodied state I was in with the Axe in hand, he ran the other way towards the perimeter and I never saw him again. As I got closer to the farmhouse, a better picture started to form in my head. While I expected a Mel Gibson braveheart style clash to play out, the reality is a lot different. The initial clash lasted seconds before the main body splintered into smaller groups heading in different directions. Some ran, some gave chase, some gave up, some dropped their weapons and started to bolt. You could tell those that are motivated purely by financial gains are the first to leave, dropping the trolley and tolls they intend to use for pillaging the vault. The fanatics and the ones loyal to Owen are the ones that are fighting. I got close to a group of fighting men and I saw 3 men spewing a foreign language surrounding Jane who just rolled off a beefy man after burying a dagger in his neck. All 3 attempted to strike at Jane at the same time and she rolled, crawled and tumbled out of their reach before running towards Xia who thrust his Kwandao in between Jane and the 3 man. Xia swung his weapon behind his back like a rotating blade before widening the circle and drove everyone to give him a wider radius. A clear sign that he was not dependent on his Kwandao, Xia threw it at 2 screaming CF approaching from his rear before engaging them with his bare fist. The 3 foreigners continued heading for Jane who is avoiding their hits with her nimble moves. While it appears as if Jane was on the run, it was just her drawing them towards where she wants the fight to be at. Making an abrupt turn and springing back onto the man closest to her, Jane brought him down to the floor before rolling away seconds before Butcher’s cleaver severed his head. The other 2 continue heading towards Jane who executed a beautiful back flip into the path of Nikka who saw Jane’s approached and threw her his weapon before pulling out his secondary and shorter sword to continue his fight. Jane was about to split the stomach of one of them when another CF jumped onto her and tried to relieve her of her Katana. I ran towards the 2 men and one of them realised my attempt to hit them from behind. Before I could cleave the 1st fucker’s head apart, he was literally rammed out of sight by another body. I don’t even know where that came from. The 2nd man came at me only to fall into my plot of edible plants when Jane jumped onto him. Before the 2 of them can finish rolling to a stop I saw another man coming at me with a sledge hammer. Jackson :aRGHHH!!!! I swung my axe at him and he kept ducking my hit while landing a few unsuccessful blows at me. His heavier choice of weapon is harder to wield but the fear of getting hit kept me further away from him than necessary. “ get down !!!!! “ Someone shouted, I don’t know who it was, and I don’t know who he was directing the shout at. It felt almost as if someone was shouting because a grenade landed next to me. I lowered my body instinctively to see the bamboo plants which had grown taller than me get it’s height reduced by 50% exposing angry sharpened stakes you see in viet cong traps during the war. “ whuaarrrrr !!! “ Jackson : fuck !! A massive blade swung a little too close to me for comfort and I barely managed to avoid it. I rolled onto a dead body and pressed my hand into a split stomach as I get back up on my feet a few metres away to see Jane removing the hand of the sledge hammer guy. Turning my attention to the person that just redecorated my bamboo garden, I cursed softly under my breathe. A large heavy set man about 1.9m tall and extremely well built is keeping 2 of our masked men at bay with his large blade. He’s wearing a mask but one which is starkly different from the ones in black that our guys wear. The mask is like a full face helmet with paintings of a Japanese Edo-period monster. A Nure-onna The ghostly painting of a woman’s head on a snake’s body went around the helmet like a snake chasing it’s own tail. One of the masked man in black tried to jump him and it was a fatal mistake. He did not expect the man to drop his main weapon and brandish a secondary one. I watched in horror as the NureOnna thrust a forked knife into the body of the masked black man before quickly pulling it out and burying it in his neck again. I threw my axe at him and he blocked it with the lifeless body of the man he just killed. Charging into him, I bulldozed him backwards against the farmhouse wall as he dropped the body. I punched him twice in his kidney and made the mistake of striking him on his helmet. Before I could cry out in pain, he strangled me by my neck with both hands. Not wanting him to gain a firm hold, I tightened my core, grabbed onto his arms for leverage and literally walked my feet on his body up till I grabbed onto his arms with my legs. I slammed my right foot repeatly against his face until his grip loosened and I felt onto my back. Rolling under his opened legs I slammed my fist against his groin. With him groaning in pain on his knees, I grabbed his helmet and yank his head towards my striking knee. I hit him hard, on the helmet that is. It might have disorientated him a little but my knees felt as if I just knee a fire hydrant. I took 1 unstable step before falling down and there was a loud cry as I watched 2 other men with back mask bury their daggers into the body of the Nureonna. Nureonna : arGNHHHHHHH!!!! The 2 daggers appeared to have not done enough manage and he could still punch hard enough to send the 2 man staggering back and slam one of them into the ground. Another 2 daggers appeared from our guys and disappeared inside his body before he finally knelt down and fell face flat onto the ground. More men were rushing towards the farmhouse and I could hardly make out if they are on our side until they are close. A crazed CF charged at me waving a sawn off pitch fork and I quickly rolled out of his way. He came at me again and I blocked his downward stab with both arms raised into a cross but the force was too big. Jackson: arGHHH!! I felt a sharp end of the fork split open the skin from the side of my left nostril down to my chin. I tripped and wrestled the CF to the ground before I was kicked on my ribs so hard that I completely a full roll on the ground. Before the kicker could come at me, he went into spasm before falling flat on his face, revealing the spear that had buried itself in his lower back. I went back at the CF again who jumped up and clung onto me. Jackson : aRGHHHH!!! I rotated to redirect the energy of the leapt and we fell towards the newly cut bamboos. Several sharpened bamboos entered the CF’s body as he screamed and struggled with his body impaled by the plants I grew. My arm was grazed too as I pushed myself off him. He’s still alive but aside from screaming in pain, there was nothing he could do. The snapping sound of the weaker bamboos accompanied his dying cries as gravity did the rest of the work, embedding the plant deeper into his body until he stopped moving. I heard the hiss and honk of a truck before the wild flashing headlights caught my attention. Some mad fucker has driven their truck right into the estate from the cookhouse and is headed straight for the farmhouse. The truck smashed itself into the farmhouse, ripping a chunk of the wall cleaning off. The jagged edges of brick walls were exposed, and broken chunks of concrete flew all over the garden. The driver revved the accelerator and he was trying to use the truck again as a weapon. I ran towards the passenger side and tried to open the door but it’s locked. I jumped off and grabbed a piece brick before climbing onto the reversing truck. It took a few tries before I smashed the window in and unlocked the door. The driver is obviously high on drugs and he kept laughing and shaking his head in tandem to the rock music he was blasting inside the cabin. The truck reversed onto dead bodies and uneven terrain, the bumpiness made it hard for me to hold on. I threw myself at the driver and wrestled for control of the wheel. We traded punches as I pulled the handbrakes and went for the keys. The moment I yanked the key out, the driver tried to escape. He opened his door and just before he could jump onto the ground, he was nailed to the inside of the opened driver door. A massive out of this world ice pick went right through his body and embedded itself in the door, pinning the driver as blood gushed from his wounds and perforated organs. I saw a man as large as the butcher in height but he looks more lean. His muscles are more contoured. He left his ice pick and was chasing after another group of CF towards the forested area. I went out of the truck and I saw a CF leaping onto butcher from behind and stabbing him once on his shoulder. I grabbed a broken chunk of brick from the ground and ran towards him. The butcher threw the CF onto the ground like a bug before immediately diverting his attention to another man in front of him. Wearing a similar helmet to the Nureonna, this one had a different painting of a monster. A balding head with life like eyes painted all over it’s face. Even the clothes he was wearing is filled with prints of eyeballs. Before the CF could strike at the butcher again, I smashed the brick into his face the same time the butcher and Eyeballs engaged. Eyeballs carried 2 sabres, and he danced nimbly around butcher. Butcher blocked and parried eyeballs’s strike, bidding his time to strike. After I made sure the CF could not longer get up, I saw a Fat lady charging towards Butcher and i. She’s fat, fucking fat. Almost 3 times my size, the fat lady wore a similar helmet with a painting of, you guessed it. A fat lady. Her fats wobbled as she rolled towards us supported by her thunder thighs. A smaller masked man on our side tried to engage her only to get caught by her pudgy fingers. I could not believe my eyes when I saw her slam her attacker onto the ground before jumping tummy first onto him. |
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
The massive weight disorientated her target and she used the man’s weapon against him, burying the blade into the side of his body. The masked man had no fighting chance against a massive beast like her.
She’s surprisingly fast for her size. I looked around for something I could use and I saw a severed wrist holding onto a machete. I didn’t even have time to flick the wrist away and I grabbed it, blade, fingers, wrists and all. The butcher blocked off another 2 strikes by Eyeballs while I barely slid behind him in time to swing my machete in a outward arc to fend off the Fat lady who tried to ram herself into Butcher. The fight was spreading out towards the perimeter of the estate and some are headed for the castle. Most of the crowd in the field has cleared. Fatlady : herrrikkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!! I slashed at her body and I drew blood immediately, but she seemed to be immune to pain. I slashed her three times and each time I barely avoided her pudgy fingers grabbing through the air. Backing up, I exhaled and calm myself as I heard the clash of metal against metal rang out from behind me from the fight between Butcher and Eyeballs. Fatlady screamed a muffled cry and ran at me with both her hands raised like a overweight banshee. I fake a left before running towards my right, drawing her towards me. As long as I can get her away from Butcher, he will be able to concentrate on Eyeballs. Fatlady came for me, laughing and shrieking as I retreated into my destroyed farmhouse. Fatlady : serhrhiiikkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!! I went around the table where we always have our steamboat and used it like a barrier. Speed is my key advantage here. I went left when she tried to go right and did the opposite when she changed her direction. I grabbed cans off my shelves and started throwing at her. Clams, abalones, baked beans and even a bottle of peanut butter. Fatlady waved her pudgy hands and blocked most of them. I directed most of the cans at her head but she was wearing the helmet. Fatlady : arGHH!!! Slamming her fist onto the table, she lifted the table off the ground and threw it aside, opening up access to me. I dove low and went for my tool box. Grabbing a shovel, I had no time to orientate it and I jabbed the handle end into her body only to see it literally being consumed by her layers of body fat. It’s like pushing something into Jello. I let go of the shovel and she laughed as she wobbled her body to show how nimble her fats were. I felt like puking when I saw her stomach spit out the shovel. Fatlady came at me and I ran around the bamboo plot where the earlier CF laid impaled on it. She bashed through the low plants ignoring the scratches and I decided to make my stand and fight. A succession of well-placed kicks from my days in the gym with Candy and Cindy did little damage. Fatlady did not look like she was hurt by my kicks as well. I blocked, punched and had my arms scratched as I fought off her grubby fingers. She belly fucked me with a forward thrust and I fell backwards. Her stomach alone is enough to push me off balance and I scrambled towards my tool box for something to use. I saw the nail gun from my tool box and I went for it. I took it and fired at Fatlady. Thud Thud thud thud…… I squeezed off 4 nails and the nails disappeared into her body with hardy any effect. I wanted to squeeze off more but it was already empty. If that did anything, it was to make her even more angry. Fatlady : erhigkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!! Fatlady got hold of my shirt and she yanked me towards her. I wanted to strike at her neck but she had no neck. My punches were negated by the blubber around her body. I could feel her shifting her centre of gravity towards me. in a matter of seconds, she’s going to body fuck me onto the floor. Her grip is too strong to pry and I went for her helmet. Reaching for the clasp, I unlocked it and loosened the protective helmet. Yanking it off her head I head butted her on the nose and felt an explosive expulsion of bad breath that made me want to puke. Still she tried to push me down. Jumping and spreading my legs outwards and towards my back while holding her wrist, I anchored my body onto the soft ground like I’m wrestling a sumo. My right leg snapped forward quickly, raising my knee and went for her stomach. The hit seemed to have registered some pain in her as she screamed and staggered backwards. I struck her several times on her bloodied face and she kept shrieking and moving backwards. Fatlady : erGUUUU!!!!!!herrikkkkkkk!!!!!!!! I saw the spark of butcher’s cleaver against eyeball’s blade as they came closer to Fatlady and i. They were evenly matched and both managed to land a couple of strikes on the other but it’s not fatal enough to end it. Eyeball came towards me upon seeing that I’m unarmed, his blade barely missing my hand as I retracted my punch in time to avoid his slash. Butcher sliced his meathook through the air and I never expected Eyeballs to use Fatlady as a shield. The meat hook went into Fatlady body from the back like a hot knife slicing though butter. She screamed and went berserk, waving and screaming as she staggered back and forth with the meat hook going clean through the front of her shoulder blade and coming out the back. Fatlady : arGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! With the meathook stuck, Eyeballs went under and landed a horizontal slash across butcher’s chest. Butcher dropped his cleaver as he staggered back and Eyeball went for the kill. Before he could strike, I grabbed onto Eyeball’s waist and yanked him off the ground, his sharp blade barely missing butcher’s face as both of us tumbled onto the floor together. Eyeball elbowed me in my face but I managed to block the 2nd hit and rolled away. Butcher recovered enough to reach for his cleaver the same time Eyeball grabbed his blade. He executed a back slash into the ground directed at me with his weapon and I barely got clear. Seeing that I was out of range, Eyeball went straight for the approaching Butcher. I thought time slowed but it didn’t. Butcher’s left hand reached for his meat hook that was embedded inside Fatlady and yank her in front of himself as Eyeball’s blade thrust towards him. There was no time for Eyeball to react as his blade sliced into Fatlady while Butcher’s cleaver finally found it’s target. A sickening crunch reached my ears and I saw the cleaver buried in both Eyeball and Fat lady’s neck. The smell, the sound, or perhaps mostly the Fat lady’s breathe made me retched. I vomited onto the vegetable plot I was kneeling in as the Butcher collapsed onto his bottom to catch his breath. I looked around the vicinity and it was clear. There was no one left on the field. No one left fighting that is. I went into the farmhouse and opened up the fridge. My throat is so dry I felt like I haven drank anything in a long while. I gulped down a bottle of water and grabbed another one together with the first aid Kit. I opened up the storage under the bed at the farmhouse and pulled out another Axe. I handed the first aid box and water to Butcher and I asked him where is Owen. Jackson : Where is Owen… ? Butcher : Hibiki was with him earlier…. I don’t know where they went…. A small ball of flame shot out from the cookhouse. Something exploded. Perhaps a small stove. I could hear distant gunshots as well. I decided to head over to the cookhouse and along the way, I passed by more bodies from both sides. Upon reaching the cookhouse, I saw Xia and Jane fighting another 2 helmet donning men on level 2. It’s like brutal dance with dragons with Xia’s massive blades sliced and hack through the air as Jane nimbly ducked and attacked with her Hudiedao. The 2 men in helmet both wielded a large shield and a spiked mace. One hit with that heavy mace on your body and you are done. No matter how many cuts your body suffer, you will still be able to manage a certain level of activity. Get smashed in your ribs or head with a blunt force and you are done. The group parried back and forth, each testing the other’s opening and weakness. Xia’s blade kept them pinned while Jane looked for openings but with their large shields, they are well protected. One of our LBV man was thrown into the cookhouse by a beefier CF and I immediately went to his aid. I got the CF on his knee with the back of my axe and followed up with a smash to his face. The man that was thrown earlier grabbed a black soup serving pot you always see at the buffet line and slammed it into his head. Shots rang out and one of it hit my man in the back of his shoulder. LBV man 6 : aRGHHHHHHHH!! I went down low and started crawling as I turned to see where are the shots coming from. It was a stray bullet fired from the outside. The firing stopped after a while. I went to my guy and dragged him away from the entrance. Jackson : are you ok…. ?? LBV man 6 : yes… yes… arghhh… Hong asked me to blocked the road to the cookhouse with our vehicle…. There’s no way they can backed out fast…. He told me he manages to get the keys from 2 of the unattended trucks as well. Jackson : ok… ok … stay here… stay here for a while…. I dragged him over to the storage room by the kitchen and did my best to dress his wound with his belt and a tablecloth. I gave him my axe and told him to lay low till it’s over. Heading out I saw Jane sheath her weapon and jump over the railings like a parkour expert while gripping onto the handrails. Shuffling along the sides of the rail, she distracted the 2 men long enough for Xia to break through their formation. One of the helmet wearing man slashed at her and I watched Jane let go of the railing and allowed her body to fall. My heart nearly fell when I saw Jane grab onto the foot of the railing at the last moment with her left hand. Using only her right hand, she pulled herself up high enough to plunge her Hudiedao into the calves of the man that just tried to kill her, She made him drop his shield and allowed Xia’s Kwandao to find it’s intended target. Jane let go and landed on the ground floor like a sure-footed cat. Shortly after that, I saw 2 bodies falling from the 2nd level down onto the tables we regularly have our meals on. One of them stopped moving but the other got right up. Another man donning a helmet entered the fight from the main entrance and went straight for Jane. Xia came down and within seconds, regrouped with Jane as they evaluated their new enemy which carried a long staff who just helped the other shield and mace guy over to his side. I slowly backed away from the cookhouse and towards the rear exit. Owen is not here and there’s no point in me being here longer than necessary. The fight that will be taking place is of a level that is beyond what I train for. I exited the cookhouse and jogged across the open field. |
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Most of the fighting had subsided by then with small pockets of contact spread out at the perimeter of the estate.
I could see storm clouds starting to gather a distance away. Arriving at the extension wing, I paused and took cover behind a hedge after making sure it’s clear. There’s still active contact in the extension wing. Nikka and Tametsu were facing off another 2 guys also wielding Katanas. Their contact is swift and calculated, when they clashed, it was all down to a matter of seconds before they moved out of each other’s strike range. It looks like this route is blocked off. I don’t want to interrupt the fight and I circled around the exterior of the castle towards the side. I tried the pantry door and it was locked. I cautiously took the detour and I was getting closer to the garage when I heard voices and shouts coming from the inside. I recognised that voice immediately. It was Owen. I dashed inside the garage and I saw Hibiki jumping from the Maserati and denting the roof of the Z4 as he attempted a kick at Owen. Owen ducked and he laughed, circling to the back of the vehicle as if he was playing catch with Hibiki. Owen : Too anxious Hibiki…. Still too Anxious… hahaha….. I grabbed a wrench from a tool box and I walked calmly over to Owen who saw me arrive. Owen : Ahhh… another one to the party…. Hahaha… Hibiki : stay out of my way…. ! Hibiki struck at Owen who blocked his stab with his knife. Their knives parried and grind against each other and every stroke felt as if someone’s face is going to get sliced off soon. Both of them wielded dual knives almost like a mirror image. I could hardly follow the flurry of movements and the wild swings of their weapon and I hung back, bidding my time to strike. Owen managed to get a lock and disarmed Hibiki off one of his knife before a close slash at his neck drove him backwards. Owen : too slow Hibiki…. You are getting slow….. Hibiki went for him again and so did i. Owen’s eyes darted and his movements anticipated our strikes and defence accurately. He avoided my heavier wrench while making short sharp strikes at me to keep a distance while he taunted Hibiki to move and hopefully make a mistake. Jackson : arGHHHHHHHH!!! I charged at Owen and in that heat of a moment, I had half a mind to die together with him if it means all these could end. If I could just hold him down for a couple of seconds, it would be enough for Hibiki to end it, maybe impale both of us together or something. I don’t care. Owen jumped backwards and onto the hood of Yiling’s Lamborghini, landing on his hips and he quickly rotated his body away. With his hands spread and the pointed tip of his 2 knives pointed at Hibiki and I, Owen taunted us to move. Owen : come on… hahaha… I don’t have all day….. hahah Jackson : there’s no one left to help you get to the vault…. It’s just you now… Owen shrugged his shoulders with a smug look on his face like a poker player who still holds some cards. Hibiki moved and so did i. Owen blocked Hibiki’s hit with both knives and still have ample time to block my wrench by punching me on my wrist from the side hard enough to disarm me. I tried to kick him but Owen read my move and he landed a heel on my shin before my kick could build up enough momentum. Hibiki send his knife within inches of my face while his other knife grind angrily against Owen’s own blade. Only after the flash of steel in front of my face disappeared did I realised that Hibiki had saved me from getting my nose slice off. As if someone hit the reset button, the fight started again after a 2 second pause. Hibiki moved first and amidst a flurry of grabs, twist and attempted stabs, they disarmed each other, dropping the knives onto the floor. Hibiki tried to go for his knife but Owen was waiting for him to make that mistake. Owen managed to kick Hibiki away and he came for me. He struck at my face with his palm but I blocked it twice in a row with my raised arm. Owen swung his elbow at my cheek and I lowered myself and did the same to his stomach. His elbow connected with a picture on the wall while I landed a hit on his hard stomach. The framed picture of Yiling beside her angry car splintered into pieces under Owen’s elbow as I knocked Owen back into engagement with Hibiki who just recovered. Owen is fast, if you asked me to repeat what I just did earlier, I might not be able to do it again. It was purely a mix of instinct and luck. Hibiki and Owen tussled and their bodies removed the side mirror off the Z4. Owen went for Hibiki’s legs and tripped him but Hibiki brought him down together. I went forward to kick Owen in his face but he orientated his body fast enough to kick my balancing foot in the ankle. I fell forward and took an elbow to my nose as Owen and Hibiki bounced back up from the ground. I got up and tightened my arm by my side to spring it forward at Owen’s kidney after I saw him kneed Hibiki in his face and sending him into the windscreen of the Z4. Owen hammered my punch downwards with both forearms before spinning and punching me with a back hand fist so hard that I felt disorientated for a couple of seconds. Hibiki : arGHH!!! Hibiki jumped in with his leg extended to go for a kick but Owen backed away, causing him to miss by a wide margin. Owen threw a punch but Hibiki caught it, he swung Owen arm and all onto the hood of the Z4. The car bonnet took 2 large dents as Owen avoided Hibiki’s fist and kicked him away. I shook my head a couple of times to clear my vision and I grabbed one of the knives from the floor. Owen caught my stab and twisted the weapon out of my right hand, before he could snap my joints, my left hand grabbed his wrist and twist in the opposite direction. Owen headbutted me on my ear and as I let go, hammered me on my bloodied shoulder from the earlier injury. Hibiki came in and caught Owen on his jaw but Owen returned the favour with his knee to Hibiki’s side. I grabbed one of the knives and so did the both of them. Owen was slightly faster and he threw one at Hibiki to distract him before rolling forward to grab the other. Instead of going for Hibiki, Owen came at me instead. He came at me with no warning and I managed to parry away one of his knife but the other opened up a wound from my right shoulder all the way to the base of my neck. Jackson : arGHHH!!.. I dropped my knife and Hibiki came slicing back in the nick of time to separate Owen from me. I clutched my bleeding wound and staggered backwards while Hibiki retrieved his 2nd knife and slid himself in between us. Owen : another inch further and you would be drowning in your own blood by now…. hahaha… Hibiki : get out of here…. I’ll handle him… Owen : Oh… really… ? hahah… Owen wiped perspiration from above his lips and adopted a lower fighting stance like a boxer about to strike. Instead of gloves, the 2 knives he was holding danced back and forth within a small radius from his body like the arms of a praying mantis waiting to strike. Hibiki relaxed his stance and held one knife up in front of him while keeping the other behind as his eyes levelled on Owen, ready to response to his next move. Owen : always have a backup plan Hibiki… hahah.. what did I teach you….. you really think I came just for this vault…. ? hhahah … The 2 of them engaged each other in a flurry of moves, stabs and kicks as I applied pressure onto my wound. I backed away and the burn of my split skin fucking hurts. Hibiki landed a knee on Owen but took a hard punch in his chest as the 2 of them separated. Owen : now that all of you are here… ahhaha… my men are hitting Little India…..haha… who’s left to defend that place… ? hahah Hibiki : arghhhh!!! I could hardly see what was going on as they disappeared from my line of sight for a bit before emerging. Hibiki put 3 long scratch on the body of the Maserati as Owen ducked and avoided the attack. I heard a series of hard cracks as the side windows of the super cars in the garage took on a series of spiderweb cracks. Owen got up on the hood of the Maserati and taunted for Hibiki to get up. Hibiki did not fall for his taunt and he backed away just as Owen flew towards him with his knee like a spring loaded jack in the box. Hibiki blocked it with his arms and just before Owen regained his foothold, swiped and knocked him off his feet. Owen immediately rolled away and got up on his feet while keeping his body crouched near the ground like a Ninja surveying the battlefield. Owen : I came here so as to draw you guys away from the vault in Little india… ahhaha… that’s where the real treasures are…. Haha…. Twice as big… … but on normal days…. Impregnable… Owen’s next strike was read by Hibiki and it was a failed attempt, causing him to suffer a quick elbow to his chin. Owen spat out a mouthful of blood and sniffed. Hibiki : You think we would ever leave that place unguarded….. Are you sure you still have men left in Little India now…. ? Owen’s expression twitched as the first glimmer of doubt flashed across his face. The 2 of them fought again and when they broke apart, Hibiki added. Hibiki : James is waiting for them…. With all his men…. And you know how fucking trigger happy they are…. Owen : Impossible…. They are in Malaysia hitting a decoy camp… haahaha… nice try…. Hibiki : Do you really believe that…. ? Owen : arghhh!! Both Owen and Hibiki landed a strike on each other of the arm. Hibiki’s wound seemed to be more serious as he dropped 1 of his weapon whereas Owen still gripped onto his. I could see Hibiki’s left hand limp by his side as he raised the other knife up horizontally against the floor. Hibiki : what you saw on TV….. was just a massive PR campaign by the Prime Minister….. the fight and raids on screen were pre-recorded…. Owen : Impossible !! the camps were hit this evening…. Hibiki : hahaha…..there is another team hitting the decoy camp….. supported by the Malaysian Military…. Owen struck again and I could see Hibiki going on the defensive given that he only has the use of one hand left. Hibiki : why don’t you check on your men in little India…. And see how many of them are left…. Hahaha… Owen landed a series of kicks and Hibiki did his best to block him. Owen : arGHH!!! Arghh!!! I crawled over to the fire extinguisher and pulled out the safety pin. Directing the nozzle at Owen, I let loose a cloud of carbon dioxide that filled the entire garage. Barely seconds later I felt a foot in the middle of my chest that knocked the air out of my lungs. I fell backwards and rolled of the bonnet of the Lamborghini |
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Hibiki took the opportunity to strike and he landed a good blow on Owen, stabbing him on the side of his ribs before being punched away.
Owen staggered backwards as he held his knife up. Hibiki : give it up… it’s over…. Owen : hahaha…. No it’s not…. arghhhh Gun shots rang out from the exterior and Owen started to smile. Owen : Always have a backup plan… His smile was short lived when those gun shots was immediately followed by that of a higher calibre weapon. The rapid thud and report of assault rifles and machine guns. Then I heard the growl and barks of dogs. Hibiki : you’re right…. Always have a backup plan…. Owen pulled out a walkie talkie from his back and spoke into it. He spoke again but there was no reply. The electronic shutters of the garage door started to vibrate before rising and I heard another gunshot. This time much closer. The fully risen shutters revealed the new guest that just arrived. I saw 2 dogs shot past the garage out of sight before the cries of a man in agony reached my ear. As soon as the cries registered, he was silenced, probably permanently. Ron stood outside, flanked by his personal guards including the tattooed men with their dogs. Owen looked outside before looking at Hibiki. Owen : Impossible…. Ron : you fell for it Owen….you fell for it…. Looking at how confident Ron was as he lit a cigarette, it dawned on me this was a trap all along. Ron already knew Owen is coming for the vault. I never knew there were 2 vaults until Owen revealed it earlier but Ron knew. He knew Owen would come for them but the problem is which one. The one at Little India, or the one in Bukit Timah. Ron : I knew you were waiting for the right moment to strike…. And rather than wait…. I thought…. Why not we create the perfect moment for you…. Owen seemed calm and composed as he kept his knife in front of him. Ron : create the illusion that there is a major operation going on…. One that will take up most of our resources……and in the middle of a long holiday… I knew you won’t be able to resist that….. Ron looked at Owen and asked him to drop his weapon. Ron : Give it up….Owen….. Where is Chan ?? …. All this ends tonight…. We win…. Owen laughed. Owen : hahhaha…. No you did not win… hahaha…. You did not win….. Ron looked around before confirming his observations. Ron : I just checked….i’m pretty sure we won…. Owen : You thought you won in 2013….but you merely delayed the attack….. hahah….. and as for today…………you did not win…… You merely brought up the schedule of the inevitable…. Hahah….. Owen looked at each of us in the eye as before touching his wound by his side. The dogs growled but remained by Ron’s side. Ron : it’s over Owen…. Put it down… Owen smiled at Ron. His predecessor. Owen : I remember my training Ron…… you trained me too well….. Ron : Owen …. sTOP!!.... Owen : I will rather die on my feet……… than live on my knees…. Owen suddenly turned the pointed end of his knife towards himself. Hibiki : NO!! The dogs reacted first but not before Owen plunged the knife into his own throat. I felt my heart skip a beat as I watch him muster up enough strength to twist the knife in his throat before collapsing onto the floor. I felt the lump in my throat and an overwhelming sense of relief wash over me as I leaned against the wall of the garage. The dogs sniffed and lost interest in Owen’s body and I felt my body getting heavier and heavier. Everyone was quiet and Ron was the first one to speak. Ron : As do we all……. As do we all…… ……………………………………………………………… Someone came to attend to my wounds, and he said I need to go to a hospital. While I waited to be wheeled into the ambulance, I overheard Ron and Hibiki talk to each other. Ron : We got Edward and Fernando …… only Chan is left now…. Hibiki : do you believe him…. ? Ron : the inevitable…. ? …. Ron smirked. Ron : let them come…. …………………………………………………… I was conscious throughout the ride to the hospital and upon arrival, I could hear Hong screaming in pain somewhere nearby. At least I know he’s alive. Cindy was there too in the cubicle next to me. I needed a minor surgery and after I felt the needle go inside my veins, I drifted off into darkness. I had a good sleep, it was one that is long overdue. When I woke, Candy was by the side of my bed. She had a laptop and was tapping away furiously on her phone. Jackson : Hey….. Candy : You’re awake… are you ok… ? Jackson : I need to pee… Candy : if you need me to hold your Pee pee…. Please don’t be shy to ask…. So you don’t piss all over yourself…. Jackson : My cock is fine… thank you for asking…. I relieved myself with much difficulty even with Candy’s help before settling back down into the bed. And no, she didn’t touch my dick, I can hold my own pee pee. Jackson : is everyone ok…. How is Hong and Cindy… ? Candy : Both are ok… Cindy lost 2 fingers but they managed to reattached them….. Hong lost a lot of blood….. and he was very agitated when he came in…. Jackson : Where is he now… ? Candy : In the ward… he’s beat up bad but he’ll live… he’s a badass… I smiled and Candy told me Kamal was here earlier but went back to the castle to take care of things. Candy : What happened last night…. ? Jackson : I don’t know how to begin…. Candy : hahah… then tell me how did it end…. … did we win… ? I smiled and sighed. Jackson : for now I think…..…. for now….. ………………………………………………………………………………… 4 months later. ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 1st June 2018 Friday 2.30pm I sat at the café across the buildings at the central business district. As I sipped my coffee, I looked at my watch. Hong chewed on a cube of ice noisily as he dumped all the syrup into his ice tea. Hong : Do you believe this….in the middle of the day…. ? I know we have a schedule to meet but…. In the middle of the day…. hahaha… ? Jackson : whatever it takes bro…… whatever it takes….. 2.40pm Several buildings in the business district plunged into darkness and I could see people coming out into the streets. Hong and I got up and we started to walk towards our car. This would be explained off to the public as a power outage. Only a few would know that it was a cleansing operation for something big that is going to happen in a few days. Within that 30 minutes of outage and chaos, Hibiki and his men would be able to do what they need to do to those who deserve it. As we pulled into the expressway, Hong shook his head. Hong : Can you believe this…… Trump and Kim…. Coming to our country…. In a matter of days….. madness…. Jackson : It’s a day for the history books for sure….. Hong : if only Boss is here to see this…. Jackson : She knows….. I’m sure she knows… she’s always watching…. Hong leaned back and put on his shades as we went back to the castle. I moved into the castle but I stayed in a guest room beside Yiling’s. It’s not as opulent and grand but I don’t care. We’re rebuilding the castle, rebuilding the farmhouse and making some changes to the estate. The garden is ruined, and I don’t have time to work on it. I decided it’s time to hire more help. Cindy has a cousin that was just released from prison. He was an accountant in one of the big 4 firms until he knocked someone down while driving under the influence of alcohol. The person survived but lost the use of his legs. It was not his first driving offence and he already had his license suspended. He fucked up real bad. Cindy : He learnt his lesson…. And he’ll be useful…. I give you my word…. Jackson : What’s his name… ? Cindy : Edmund… he can start anytime…. I will take responsibility if he mess up…..he’s afraid of me…. |
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Jackson : Everyone is afraid of you Cindy….
Cindy : hahah Jackson : Ok…. Can I trouble you to set it up…. I want to have a chat with him…. 1st July 2018 11am I hired Edmund to help with some of the paper work and he proved to be pretty meticulous in his work. If all goes well, I hope he can take on Aaron’s role. I thought of hiring a secretary to help with trivial stuff but when I floated the idea, Candy chided me. Candy : Why would you need a secretary… just tell me what you need…. Jackson : I don’t want you to be picking up dry cleaning and collecting stuff…. There are more important things for you to do…. Candy : You don’t need a secretary … I’ll do it… oh one more thing…. Are you looking for a gardener…? Jackson : yes… any recommendation…. ? Candy : yeah… my cousin ….. she just ended a contract with a company … and is looking for a job…. Jackson : cool…. Let me talk to him….. Candy : It’s a her….. Jackson : hmmmmm… is she hot… ? Candy threw a file at me and replied no. Candy : No she’s not…. she’s a simple homely girl…. Leave her alone…. And she’s a qualified botanist by the way…. I chuckled as Candy rolled her eyes at me. 1pm I received a call from the Nokia phone. It’s Ron. Ron : Jackson ….. let’s have a chat this afternoon…. I’ll text you the location…. Jackson : What… chat about what… ? Before I could finish my sentence, Ron hung up on me. 1.30pm I adjusted my top against the full height mirror before walking out of the room to see Kamal waiting for me by the stairs. Kamal : It’s in the back of the car … you need me to go with you.. ? Jackson : It’s ok… Ron says to be there alone… Kamal : What do you think he wants… ? Jackson : I don’t know…. maybe he thinks I’m not good enough to manage the castle and just want to put a bullet in my head… Kamal : That’s not funny at all… Jackson : I don’t know bro… he just asked me to meet him there at 3pm….. Kamal : The accounts are in order… he’s getting his money… everyone is being paid…. We’re making more money than ever…… I don’t think there will be a problem…. Jackson : Maybe he just wants to give me a confirmation letter or something…. Or a bonus… ? maybe an award…. Kamal : hahah…. And what good will that do for you … ? I shrugged my shoulder as we walked down the stairs to the garage. Opening up the boot of the restored Maserati, I saw the bag Kamal prepared for me. There’s a body armour and a pistol with additional clips. Kamal : Candy will be following in the car behind you…she will be across the road with 3 of our guys….. Hong will wait at the hotel café with 2 more…. Jackson : ok… thank you… .. Kamal : Any last word…. in case you don’t come back… ? I laughed and just before I shut the car door, I told Kamal to log into my personal laptop. Jackson : Delete the browser history…. And my porn collection…. Kamal : Hahaha.. fuck off…. I put the car into drive and made my way to Tanjong Pagar. Ron wanted to meet at M hotel. I came early because I don’t want to be surprised. It’s a weekend and the streets in the business district are deserted. There’s hardly any cars on the road. Before I even pulled into the carpark ramp, I could see the heavy security presence on site. A telling sign that Ron is already here. Several police vehicle are parked by the main and side roads and a black SUV blocked the entrance towards the ramp. A man approached my vehicle and I wind down my window. He saw me and looked away while gesturing towards his team to remove the barricade. I went up the ramp and I saw more men waiting for me at a parking lot designated for me. They were all armed despite dressed in civilian clothing. I got out of the vehicle and one of them immediately gestured for me to raise my arm. Jackson : Is there a need for this…. ? They did not reply me and the moment the wand they were using started beeping, they gestured for me to remove whatever it was that made the alarm go off. I pulled out a dagger from behind my back and when it beeped again, removed a 2nd one from around my ankle. Jackson : sorry…. habit…. By the time I turned around. I saw the men looking into the trunk at the stuff I have in there and they were talking into their walkie talkie. Probably bitching to Ron about what I brought along. After they were satisfied that I only have my phone and car keys left with me, they directed me to the lift. I went up to level 9 and when the door opened, I saw the dogs from before walking around the lobby. They wagged their tails and came over to sniff me. I clicked my tongue and patted them on their head and they followed me towards the bar. J Bar. Located in the middle of the business district, it had an alfresco strip that is outdoor. I could see a few guys smoking outside. It’s weird visiting a bar in the middle of a day. No live band, no loud music, instead, a soothing jazz melody played in the background as I stepped in. One of the heavily tattooed man that is always around Ron was sitting by the door drinking a beer and a look from him was all it took to turn the curious dogs away and back to the lift lobby. I entered and the bar is pretty crowded I would say. I’m pretty sure this is not your regular open to public gathering. I saw James and Boon drinking with a few of their men at a sofa. We acknowledged each other with a nod and I saw Ron appearing behind the bar dressed like a bartender. Spreading his arms wide, he looked like he was waiting for me to place my order. A group of men entered just about then, it looked like they just went to the loo together or something. An older gentleman with several others that looked about the same age as me. I heard them call the older man Warrant Soh before joking that he should continue watching his weight and cut back the beer. They settled back to their seats, picking through the nut mix and drinking their beer. I felt the hair on my back stand when I saw at a far corner the unmistakable bulk and size of a giant. The full pint beer mug in his hand looked like a toy. The visible scars on his arms, those massive hands. He must be the butcher. He gave me a nod before turning away. Seated around him were several more of his friends. Some wore a cap, a couple of them wore shades and my eyes met with the only one that looked at me for longer than a second. Those eyes. I know those eyes. Hibiki. He said nothing and I walked over to Ron. Ron : Can I get you a drink Jackson … I took the seat in front of Ron and a lady in hip hugging jeans and tight top served me a dish of mixed nuts, served might be too strong a word after I look at the dish. There’s only half the nuts left and I don’t know if she’s just offering to share . She’s pretty, with a sweet smile. A typical girl next door you would love to know more about. I wouldn’t say she is young, but she is hot with an air of maturity surrounding her. Wife material for sure. Ron : I’ll be careful with those eyes of yours Jackson….. hahah….countless men have died in her hands…. I raised an eyebrow at that comment and wonder if Ron meant i. “ Mummy !! Mummy !!! “ I turned and was surprised to see a little girl running to the hot babe. She scooped the little girl up effortlessly and I watched them whisper something to each other. I could not believe she is a mother. Jackson : are kids allowed in here… ? Ron chuckled but said nothing. The little girl wriggled to get out of her mother’s embrace before heading from table to table with a makeshift container made out of napkins. Like collecting a mixed nut tax from each table, the little girl filled her bowl and went out of the bar. The moment she did, I could see all the dogs crowding excitedly around her as she fed them, laughing as they licked the nuts off her small hands. Ron : what’s your poison Jackson … ? I turned back to face Ron and asked for a whisky. Jackson : Whisky please…. Ron : What kind… ? Jackson : is it on the house… ? Ron : of course…. Jackson : I’ll have the Yamasaki 18 thank you…. Ron nodded and I looked at him open a new bottle of the drink I just chose. Ron : Yiling sat at the same spot where you are sitting now…. when I first spoke with her….. I could not resist looking at the stool I was on. |
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Out of the many stools at the bar, I don’t know what made me chose the one I did.
Ron : How’s life at the castle…. ? Jackson : it’s ok….. do you need more money… ? Ron chuckled and laughed. I could see he found this amusing. I asked him what is this about. Jackson : what do you want… ? you need to look at the accounts… ? our spending patterns….? The people I hire… ? they’re clean… I made sure… Ron shook his head and told me he was not interested in all those as long as the money keep coming in to finance their operation. Ron poured me a finger of the drink and he started talking. Ron : I was Owen’s predecessor….. and when I came back to take over….there was a….. who do I put it…. A sense of distrust…..especially those who don’t know me from the start…. Ron looked over to the group where the Butcher and Hibiki were seated. Ron : Imagine… suddenly being told your boss is gone… and you either work with someone new… or you are out…….. this don’t exactly sit well with some of them……. It takes a special group of men and women to do the things they do…. So… they can be weird in many ways….. Ron explained that Yiling was the one that went out of the way to make sure the transition works out well for all. They trusted her because she was one of them. Not only for the older ones in the group, even newcomers, Yiling made sure they were settled in well. Ron : Fresh recruits…. Their first job….…their accommodation… their needs… their problems…. Yiling was the one that fixed them all…… she was like a mother Hen to them…. Jackson : I don’t want to be a mother hen….. I am willing to take those responsibilities on…. If they want to work with me… Ron : hahah….. they will eventually…they will…. give them some time to get use to you…. I finished my drink and Ron told me that he is comfortable with the way I work having observed me for the past few months. Ron : so far so good….. I don’t have anything to offer you…. You have money…. And I don’t think you are interested in a commendation letter….. Jackson : it’s ok… don’t need…. Ron nodded and told me he asked Yiling a few questions when she started working for him. Ron : The questions… the same ones I asked Yiling…. when she is sitting right where you are right now…. Jackson : what is it.. ? Ron : If your country needs you to risk your life for her…. would you do it… ? Jackson : Yes I would…. Ron : If your country needs you to lie to the ones you love…. Would you do it… ? Jackson : Yes I would… Ron smiled and he refilled my drink. Ron : If your country requires you to take a life… would you do it…. ? Jackson : Yes I would… what is this…. ? a National education survey…. ? Ron : hahahah… I like your sense of humour…. Ron went on to talk about the missing military equipment in Malaysia. Jackson : Yes I’m aware….i’ve been trying to find them using Yiling’s contacts up north…. Ron : you know what was taken… ? Jackson : Yes… much more than the news reported….. Ron : there’s a rouge general across the causeway…. He’s the one facilitating all these…. Jackson : We have our own stuff taken too isn’t it…. Ron smiled and gave me a look as if he acknowledged my source of information. Ron : yes…. How much do you know…. ? Jackson : We have missing jets….. ones we kept offshore…. Ron nodded. Ron : The exact inventory is sketchy…. But it’s enough for Chan to launch a full scale assault on the country….. Jackson : When…. ? Ron : that’s the million dollar question isn’t it….. Ron poured himself a drink and proposed a toast. Our glass touched and I asked him a question that has been on my mind for the longest time. Jackson : Who are ….. you….or rather….. I looked around the bar and finished my question. Jackson : Who are we…. ? Ron gave me a wink before replying. Ron : We’re lions Jackson…. We’re lions…. I laughed. Jackson : so are we the reason everyone can sleep peacefully at night… ? haha Ron : No…. we are the reason why our enemies don’t…. He raised his glass and i raised mine, as we finished the drink, Ron added. Ron : Come…. Let me introduce you to everyone….. ……………………………………………………….. 15th July 2018 Sunday 7pm I parked the car in the garage and went straight to my study. After sending a document Billy asked for, I poured myself a drink and grabbed my cigars. Heading up to the patio above the extension wing, I walked out and felt the cool breeze in my face as I looked at the lights around the estate starting to light up. I lit a cigar and exhaled as I looked at what lies in front of me. The cookhouse lights is on and I could hear the distant laughter of men enjoying their dinner. A pair of guards patrolling the ground waved at me and I returned one. The setting sun turned the skies a sensual shade of pink and orange. I took a sip of my whisky and set the glass down on the railing and I wished Yiling were here. Right about then, something caught my attention. My eyes darted towards the rebuilt farmhouse and I saw a woman looking at me with a rake in hand. She was staring at me and when she realised I saw her, she quickly disappeared into the shadows. I smiled and it reminded me of the first time I laid my eyes on Yiling. I got changed into something casual and made my way to the cookhouse to grab my dinner. I received a bag of abalone and mushrooms from a supplier and I chucked it all into a box to bring it over for the cooks to use. As I passed the farmhouse, the women from earlier called out to me. Woman : hey hey…. Hello….. hello….. I turned and looked at her, pointing my finger back at me to ask if she is calling to me. Jackson : me… ? She’s young, very youthful looking and sweet as well. Her figure is as shapely as Candy and she has a nice pair of legs to boot. Woman : I’ve been trying to reach my cousin… her name is Candy… do you know her… ? Jackson : yeah I do… Woman : she’s not answering my call…. I’m suppose to meet her boss for an interview since this morning……but she told me he need to head out for something urgent….. Jackson : oh…. Ok…. Woman : I’ve been fucking waiting for that asshole since 10am….what kind of fucker makes a potential employee wait the whole day…. and my stupid cousin is not picking up her phone since 5pm…. How long more do I have to wait…. !! Jackson : Oh… ermmm.. I’m sorry about that… I think there might be a miscommunication somewhere…. Woman : can you get inside the castle… ? they refuse to let me go in…. I think I saw the owner earlier….he’s fucking taking his time drinking and smoking while I wait…. Jackson : errrr…. Give me a minute.. let me call Candy…. After trying twice, I told her that Candy is not picking up either. Jackson : what’s your name…. ? Christina : I’m Christina…. I’m here for the position of the in-house Botanist…. How about you… ? Jackson : Oh I’m Jackson…. I used to be the gardener…. Christina’s eyes lit up and she added. Christina : what… ? really ? … what happened …. I could see there used to be a good garden here…. It has the right foundation… then everything just went to shit…. Why did you stop…. ? I laughed and for a moment, was unsure of what to say. Christina : I know…. you were fired…. Jackson : What… ? Christina : fired by that asshole in the castle…. … and that fucker made you come back to collect your stuff on the same day he is going to hire someone new…. What an asshole…. I looked at the box I was carrying and the casual manner in which I was dressed and I do look like an out of work bum. She shook her head and added that if she didn’t need the money, she wouldn’t have bothered. Christina : I’ve heard rumours and talks about the owner…. Fucking asshole but he pays well…. Sighzzz… if I didn’t need the money… I wouldn’t have come…. She turned to me and asked if I have a job now. Jackson : errrrr……. Christina : give me your number…. When I get the job… I will say I need an assistant…. Who better to work on the garden with me than the former gardener…. ? you didn’t fuck up big time right…. Why were you let go… ? Jackson : errr……. i…. Christina : what… ? what did you do… Jackson : I flashed my cock at the boss and tried to initiate sex…. Christina dropped the phone in her hand as she stared at me with her mouth apart. She exhaled and nodded before patting me on my shoulder. Christina : I don’t judge…. It’s ok… i… I didn’t know the boss is Gay…. And… I have nothing against you Sister….. oh… are you… err… can I call you sister… ? Jackson : yeah yeah.. it’s ok…. Christina looked at the castle and exhaled while shaking her head. Christina : I wonder what he’s like…. Her phone started ringing and she exclaimed it’s her cousin and she picked it up. I saw a breathless frantic Candy stop by the farmhouse as she stared at us and froze while her cousin screamed into the phone Candy looked at her cousin before looking at me as I slowly put a finger to my lip. Christina : is your fucking gay boss ready to interview me…!!! ? I don’t know what the future holds, but no harm having a little fun in the present while I can. …………………………………………………………… The end ………………………………………………………………. |
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
And it's a wrap.
I will go through the thread the next couple of days to answer and reply the questions and comments posted earlier that i have yet to. Please give me some time to go through them. And yes, i modelled Yiling after Jang Man-wol, IU in Hotel Del luna. This is a long piece and after much editing, it is still a little long. The published version already has about 10% of it shaved off, looking back i would want to shave off another 10%. Hope you guys enjoyed the read and this kept you entertained throughout the CB period. Cheers James |
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
fantastic!!! can't wait for new updates TS!!!
Re: The house in Bukit Timah
Thanks James (ilikeoldchangke) for the monumental work. Really appreciate the thought and planning you put into the story. I tried to give you points (not that it means anything) but I had previously given you points and the system won't allow me to give more.
I thought the first half of the story was far more gripping and the story development really good. Not taking anything away but I did feel that the extended fight scenes were a little too long in terms of story development though. I understand that the various characters did unfold nuggets of information in the process but it didn't feel as engaging as the front part of the story. Nevertheless, there was a lot of suspense in the story and, man, I still can't believe you had Yiling killed!!! We were all hoping for some romantic development and it was a pity that there wasn't more development in that area before Yiling got killed off. That might actually have intensified the heartache. Once again, hats off to you for an outstanding effort and a masterful series. Thanks!! |
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