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Old 14-05-2010, 01:50 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by tuyet View Post
Much as some of us loathe it, but Lucas was voted Kops Fans' Young Player of the Season..

read Rafa: Lucas deserves it - Liverpool FC
My vote for him too.

Old 14-05-2010, 08:27 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by tuyet View Post
Much as some of us loathe it, but Lucas was voted Kops Fans' Young Player of the Season..

read Rafa: Lucas deserves it - Liverpool FC
ya he got my vote as well.
Old 14-05-2010, 02:12 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Dunno whether its true or just rumours..maybe AA will suffer same fate like bellamy..
read Reds seek to raise £35m from sales - Liverpool FC

And from the sales proceed, Kops are reportedly targetting another 2 argentinians (Ever Banega & Nicolas Peraja and a german Mesut Ozil)..

read Valencia's Ever Banega close to £8.5m Liverpool switch - Liverpool FC

read Liverpool ready move for £8m Bundesliga starlet - Liverpool FC
Old 14-05-2010, 06:06 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Looks like I have to use my money to buy Lucas so that he will not be playing for Liverpool. Should be player woh
Old 14-05-2010, 06:15 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

I got a feeling the owners just to get rid of RB, might just sell off Torres or SG. As he already said all along that he will quit if either one is sold. So by doing so, if RB quits and join Juventus they don't need to pay him out for the balance of his contract.
Old 15-05-2010, 10:50 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Now that the season is over, here are some commentaries which makes interesting reading

Anfield Road Get on with the takeover before we take over

Hicks-Gillett rift at Liverpool ?had roots in differences over Benitez? Sporting Intelligence

Also, it appears that alls not well within Anfield itself

Liverpool Echo - Liverpool FC - Columnists - David Prentice - Are ‘senior sources’ undermining Rafael Benitez at Anfield?

What a mess we're in. Hoping that all will be solved and settled before the start of the new season!! Cheers ...........YNWA
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Old 15-05-2010, 04:36 PM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Frankiestine View Post
I got a feeling the owners just to get rid of RB, might just sell off Torres or SG. As he already said all along that he will quit if either one is sold. So by doing so, if RB quits and join Juventus they don't need to pay him out for the balance of his contract.
Hmm if the owners want to stay long term in the club, then having either Gerrard or Torres leaving the club is a bad idea. If they do so only to get rid of Rafa then I think is very silly.

The setup might not work even if they have a new & good manager since without either 1 of the team's pillar, it is going to be very difficult to challenge for title. Unless the player indicate he has interest in leaving or the club must sell to survive, it is not a nice idea to break up the team just to chase away Rafa.

Anyway I saw recent reports that Rafa is getting distant from Juve. He could very well stay I guess. However, any bid more than 40m will be very tempting to sell, but this lead to the problem of who to bring in. Rafa's judgement and scounting team isn't very reliable.
Old 16-05-2010, 02:45 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

I read somewhere an asian gambling syndicate is making a bid to buy Liverpool. I dun think the Yankees dare to refuse the triads offer.
Old 18-05-2010, 12:36 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

From ShareLiverpoolFC

The 2009 financial statements published last week for the club and its parent companies Kop Football Ltd, and Kop Football (Holdings) Ltd, highlight the precarious financial situation that the club finds itself in as a result of the debt introduced by the present owners. The need for change of ownership and an immediate reduction in the ever increasing levels of debt is absolutely paramount.

Examination of the accounts reveals some key issues that illustrate this point.

Crippling interest payments

The group suffered having to service over £40 million in interest and similar charges in the last financial year (up from £36.5 million in 2008). That equates to 22% of the club’s annual turnover, spent merely on servicing the debt, not repaying the capital. As the main trading company in the group, clearly this group cost has a direct impact on the club.

Over £8 million of this was interest and charges due to the parent company, owned by Hicks & Gillett, for loans it has made to the Holding company.
The group has suffered over £70 million in servicing the debt owed to the banks over the last two years for which accounts are available. Around £45 million pounds has been spent on a stadium that doesn’t yet exist

The high cost of arranging finance under Hicks & Gillett

Closer scrutiny of the “interest payments and similar charges” reveals the high costs of refinancing the short term credit facilities forced upon the present owners. The club’s bank debt at the end of Jul 2009 was £233 million, but it suffered more than £70 million in interest and similar charges over the previous two years.

These finance and interest charges equate to over 20% of the club’s annual turnover (paid over two years) spent on arrangement fees, charges, consultancy & advice etc. All this cost just so that the owners can effectively renew their loan arrangements.

Unsustainable Debt Levels

The amount of net borrowings increased by £58.8 million in the last accounting year. The amount of debt owed to the banks actually decreased by £27.7 million last year, but the amount of debt owed to the parent company (Hicks & Gillett) increased by £86.5 million.

Interest on the parent company’s loans accrues at 10% APR. Unfortunately for LFC this is approx 5% higher than the interest payable on the bank loans that have been paid down. (Worryingly, a note in the accounts states that none of this interest has yet been paid to the parent company. Is it building up like a time bomb for future cash flow or is it a negotiating tool to ensure the maximum extraction of cash from the club when they finally depart?)

Over the past two years the net level of debt in the company has increased by £107 million (An increase of £51.6 million in 2009 and £55.5 million in 2008). In the same period the company made losses of nearly £100 million.
The company made a net loss before interest and taxation of nearly £21 million in this period (£15.2 million 2009 and £5.7 million 2008)

But these losses increased to nearly £100 million for the period, with the £76.5 million paid in interest and similar charges by the company (£40 million 2009 and £36.5 million in 2008)

Could it be that the increase in debt (£107 million) has largely been taken on to enable the company to continue to pay the interest and charges (£76.5 million) on its existing debt? If so, time must surely be running out on Hicks & Gillett’s business model.

The club cannot afford to continue to suffer the impact of such a large amount of its profit on servicing the debt. Bear in mind that the principal reason that the debt exists in the first place is to reimburse to the present owners their costs of acquiring the club. If the debt had been built up financing a new stadium, or spent on developing the squad to ensure success on and off the pitch, we might expect to see some increased revenue to help meet the interest payments.

Bear in mind also that the record losses posted for 2009, were done so despite the club generating record turnover on the back of enjoying its best ever season in the Premier League. It is unlikely revenues will be as high in this current financial year, or next year for that matter, but it is extremely likely that debt and losses will continue to rise. The need to change the ownership and debt structure has never been greater.

How does this affect our plan?

Up until now, dealing with owners who have been both unrealistic in their valuation of the club and unwilling to deal with a fan owned shareholding partner has resulted in a stalemate. We know that this stalemate has been intensely frustrating.

To press forward without a realistic chance of securing a shareholding in the club would be extremely costly. The costs involved in the collection of the financial pledges of the Share Liverpool FC registrants and the administration of these funds are extremely high. Prohibitively high, when the unwillingness of the owners to deal, means that the possibility of the funds having to be returned unused is too great. However as the situation changes at the club so too does our situation.

In one sense the publication of the accounts merely reinforces what everyone already knew, that the owners need to sell up quickly as they do not have the finances to carry on running the club. However the scale of the debt and the costs of servicing it add urgency to the situation.

We have begun a series of informal conversations and confidential meetings with club officials; with Barclays Capital and investment bankers. We cannot conduct this process ‘in public’ but need to engage with key players and prove our ability to maintain confidentiality. We feel very positive about the situation going forward. The prospect of acquiring some significant fan equity in the Club appears to be sharper and more encouraging than ever before.

Ironically, as the general situation of the Club gets worse, our prospects get better. The Chinese are right to translate the word ‘crisis’ as ‘opportunity’. We can almost tangibly feel the prospect of real engagement moving towards us.

We may very shortly reach the point where we can table a bid. When that happens we need to rely on all of your support, not only in providing the funds to purchase the club, or a significant share thereof, but also in helping this project reach as many Liverpool fans as is physically possible. As things currently stand, ShareLiverpoolFC can only offer shares for sale in UK & Ireland (regulated by the Financial Services Authority in UK), but there are many thousands of Norwegians fans who may wish to take part.


Only by securing a meaningful level of fan ownership of our club can we ensure that the debacle that is currently being played out is never repeated at our football club.

Many thanks.

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Old 18-05-2010, 01:34 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Manchester City Prepare Sensational £80M Package For Liverpool Duo - Report

Manchester City are prepared to use both Emmanuel Adebayor and Stephen Ireland as bait, in an £80 million package to take Steven Gerrard and Fernando Torres to Eastlands.

Manchester City Prepare Sensational £80M Package For Liverpool Duo - Report -

knn sickening news!!!

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Old 18-05-2010, 05:38 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by owen10 View Post
knn sickening news!!! ...
3 players + 40millions for Torres - Seems Roman die die also want FT.

Chelsea ready to make their move for Torres - Transfers - ESPN Soccernet
Old 18-05-2010, 05:47 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

if they ley FT go,then perhaps RB will go as well.
aft which follows by SG,then Mascherano,& then Yossi Benayoun .....
if the yankees r still here,tis club shall 4ever be in debts .....
Old 18-05-2010, 06:16 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by joew2005 View Post
if the yankees r still here,tis club shall 4ever be in debts .....
and all the money will be used to financed their NFL & NHL and probably will not record into the books
Old 18-05-2010, 07:34 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

FINALLY! after days of unsuccessful access to the website.. (ARGGGH!!)

anyway, want to share this with bros..
Liverpool FC's debt: The lies, misinformation and exaggeration exposed | Liverpool-Kop

anyway, i agree with the main idea by the blogger.. the media is really just a tool used by some people for their own personal agenda.. somehow someone out there is really tiring to wreck/damage Liverpool up for their own ambition..

in any case, if the article is true.. then Liverpool FC is NOT in really dire situation financially as put by the media!!! what the hell! LFC has debts to parent company just like Chelsea has debts to Abramovic, no big deal in that. and if what is written is true, the parent company can not force LFC to pay the debts. as a separate entity all together, LFC is pretty much okay (not healthy, but also not dieing)

but the puzzling thing is, why the is not official statement from Liverpool FC on this matters?? why no one from the club came out to mitigate this whole debts situations? they want to be painted in debts so that they can buy players cheaply? or so that they have a good reason to can finally sell Gerrard and/or Torres? whats the PR doing?? why makes us, the fans, worry for the club well being??

and with regards to what people always ask (including myself) what happened to the money from Alonso's deal? well.. come to think of it, maybe RM did not fully pay the 30m, just like Liverpool did not fully pay for Johnson and Aquilani. or it was used to pay Torres's installment?

anyway, i got the feeling lately that somehow, Liverpool is not really a favorite team for the media.. even our own ex-players always come in to "bash" the team.. what the hell! back when SG was played out of his favorite position, there were soo much talk about it.. then came Rafa's frequent "rotation".. then they ridiculed Peter Crouch, who is a hero now?? then they laughed at Robbie Keane's saga.. (we lost 3m on the whole deal in half season, but Tottenham, which bought him back at 16m, ended loaning him out .. no one pointed it out? CCB).. they questioned on the purchase on Aquilani, but they dont ask Sir Alex, why buy Owen Hargreaves at 25m to sit in operations table or 30m on Berbatov.. they question not using Babel, when they did not ask the same thing to Sir Alex, why not using Nani/Anderson so much in their early years in Man U.. sorry, they asked, but not soo much "debate" is going on about it compared to Liverpool's...

anyway, think next season is really crucial for Liverpool.. if we bounced back, this season will be just a nightmare.. if not.. we will go down further.. sigh..
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Old 18-05-2010, 09:54 AM
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Re: Liverpool Fc @ Anfield - Reds Supporters Gatherings

Originally Posted by Xgenre View Post
Interest on the parent company’s loans accrues at 10% APR. Unfortunately for LFC this is approx 5% higher than the interest payable on the bank loans that have been paid down. (Worryingly, a note in the accounts states that none of this interest has yet been paid to the parent company. Is it building up like a time bomb for future cash flow or is it a negotiating tool to ensure the maximum extraction of cash from the club when they finally depart?)
roman abramovic granted chelsea ZERO % interest loan... and eventually write off the debt (same as man city owners)....

but wat did our owners do??!!! charged their own club HIGHER interest??!!

so this is their way of squeezing our club dry....

pls.... somebody pls just take these 2 idoits away...!!!!!
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