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Old 03-09-2018, 03:14 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Nice update, thanks bro!
Old 03-09-2018, 03:39 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

It was like a dream come true. Nothing but euphoria struck me as I could feel her tongue touch my tip. But even then, I could tell that she was merely doing it just because she was being forced to. That was no good. She was barely putting in any effort into actually pleasuring me. She was merely doing it for the purpose of showing the others that she was 'tasting' me, that was all. There was a slight tinge of disappointment but fortunately enough, Uncle Maxwell came to the rescue again.

" Come on now Kat, put your heart into it. This is probably Sam's first time you know. Wouldn't want to put a bad impression wouldn't it? " Uncle Maxwell laughed.

He then elaborated on one of his 'friends' having erectile dysfunction because he kept having the impression that his cock wasn't big enough because his first partner wasn't that keen on playing with him, further guilt-tripping her. Sounds like a bullshit story to me. He then continued, " You wouldn't want to ruin Sam's first time like that right? "

Auntie Kat then peered up at me with those eyes again. I peered down at her, acting all pitiful and shit like that. I wouldn't be dumb enough to admit that this was far from my first time especially all the blowjobs Alicia have given me. It seems that she bought the story as she then apologized once more. " I'm sorry, Samuel. That your first time have to be with an old woman like me. If you want to leave, just leave. Let them have the photo"

I almost feel bad for doing this to her especially hearing the fact that she was willing to not 'scar' my first time in exchange for the photo that she so desperately wanted to destroy. Talk about being a mature woman. But I knew I had to play my cards right now as it was just one more push to freedom. I then told her,

" Please don't say that Auntie Kat. "

" You still have to work, otherwise how else are you going to feed yourself and Jack? I'm grateful to you for letting me stay at your house and taking care of me so this much is nothing. "

I nearly vomited from pulling out those cheesy overused drama lines out of my ass. But I knew I had to do it. I continued, " Umm.. if you don't mind me being honest, I really think you're a very attractive woman.. So please don't call yourself an old woman. If my first time could be with you, there would be nothing better. "

Oh god. Have you ever had one of those moments you think back and wanted to go kill yourself for uttering or doing something stupid? That was how I felt spilling that line out. Talk about embarrassing but it seemed to work on Auntie Kat as she bought my sweet talk as she was stunned for a moment. Her face became a little more crimson as she lowered her head. It seems that she became embarrassed as well. The situation was pretty absurd if you think about it, given the number of people in the room and our positions. But eventually, she caved in.

" Please don't tell Jack alright? I will try my best so that your first time will be good. " she then told me and made me promise.

She then started stroking my cock to get it hard as she then placed her lips on the tip of my cock. I could feel it, she wasn't just doing it for the sake of showing the others now. OH BOY.
Old 03-09-2018, 06:50 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Very nice story, support!!
Old 03-09-2018, 09:18 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Pulling back my foreskin with her slender fingers, she then wrapped her soft delicate lips on my cock. I could feel her tongue circling around my cock glans in earnest, licking whatever precum that was escaping out almost like a kid licking on a lollipop. Jesus did it feel extremely good. Her skills was nothing that I have ever experienced before and up until this day, I still think that she's one of the best if not the best despite having frequented GL, ML and FL. It must be all those experience with strangers was coming into play as I couldn't help but sigh in pleasure from her mouth. Now I understood why some of the guys cummed during foreplay. I have always thought that they were fucking quick shots but upon experiencing this, I finally realized it.

Her eyes peered up at me as if to gauge my reaction. As though this was just the tip of the iceberg for her, she then started bobbing her head back and forth, swallowing my entire shaft into her mouth as she ran her tongue all over it like a snake coiling onto a steel pole. I have never felt anything like it as my hips couldn't help but buckle slightly at the sensation. Well, at least it helped contribute to the lie that I 'was' a virgin. But there's was another lingering thought that remained in my head. I wondered how I tasted like? Because of earlier's disturbance, I didn't exactly have the chance to shower and I only quickly washed up after the session with Deborah. I wonder if Auntie Kat could taste the residue of our love-making from earlier. Well, I certainly hope not.

Perhaps due to me having cummed earlier which I was extremely thankful for otherwise I think I would have shot it inside of her mouth there and then, I was able to withstand her techniques at least for a little while longer. The sight of her on her knees, pleasuring me was nothing short of a marvelous painting. I could see every detail that I had pictured in my brain. Her brown nipples were sticking out of her shapely small mounds as her entire body bobbed back and forth, seeking to give the utmost pleasure to whichever lucky guy she was with. God damn it. If I was Uncle D, I will keep her for myself. Why would you want to share such a gem with others? Furthermore, I'm sure she's EXTREMELY PISSED with him. It wouldn't come off as a surprise if she immediately breaks up with him the moment we reach Singapore.

I wasn't sure how long she was at it for but eventually, Henry had to be a party pooper and stopped us. God damn it. I thought you were a nice guy. " There there, enough already. We just asked you to taste him and not suck him off until he cums. "

" Seems like you got a little carried away huh? " Uncle Maxwell chirped happily with a brilliant smile on his face. " So how was it? "

" It's very hard and slightly salty. There, is that good enough? " Auntie Kat then stood back up.

" More than ever. Let's continue our game then. " Uncle Maxwell then grinned before looking at me. " I'm sorry Sam, guess you would have to hold off ejaculating for now. "

I glanced down at my cock. It was glistening with Auntie Kat's saliva and dripping with precum. I hope this isn't a dream otherwise I would be really sad. I then glanced back up and accidentally made eye contact with Auntie Kat. Both of us then shyly looked away from each other like a shy couple. She was the first one to break the silence,

" Umm.. I hope it wasn't too bad.. "

I then replied her. " No. It felt really good.. "

" I see.. that's good to know.. " she then shyly replied before walking back to the table.

The night is still young! I have never been so glad to come to this place.
Old 04-09-2018, 07:36 AM
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Thumbs up Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Any exhibits to share, waiting for more.
Old 04-09-2018, 11:32 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Support bro SamLoMo for a great story.
Old 04-09-2018, 11:41 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Nice story, camping here
Old 04-09-2018, 11:51 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Awesome story, hope to read more.
Old 04-09-2018, 11:55 AM
XanaduMuse XanaduMuse is offline
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

TS effort very commendable.
Old 04-09-2018, 03:36 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Very juicy update …. more please, thanks!!
Old 04-09-2018, 05:46 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Unfortunately for Auntie Kat, she lost the next round as well. Coincidentally, I was the one who won. She then rolled a dare as she hung her head. Come to think of it, her previous truth was much more of a dare more than a truth. It seems that the rules were pretty flexible since Uncle Maxwell was manipulating it. She then looked up and stared at me, waiting for my decision.

" Umm.. Sorry Auntie Kat. Could you take off your shorts? " I then asked her. That was probably the most merciful thing that I could ask her to do now. She then heaved a sigh and took off her shorts. In that instant, I took out my camera from my seat and took a photo.

-insert ExhibitS-

Perhaps I have been spoiled with the sexy bikini she had worn this morning but truth be told, her underwear was sort of underwhelming compared to the feast that all of us got in the swimming pool. It wasn't even a thong but just a regular light blue panties. Man, I wished that Uncle D could have done a better job at clearing out her wardrobe, leaving only the sexy stuff behind. But oh well. I wasn't sure what I was exactly expecting since I did spy on her change earlier so I should already have known. She then walked back to her seat without much of a ceremony. I could still see Harry eyeing her down from the corner of his eyes. Looks like he's low key enjoying this as well huh?

You would think a woman at her age especially after giving birth would at least be a little chubby but I couldn't really see it apart from the little baby fats around her pale colored waist which made it look cuter. Her breasts were far from sagging, but then again, they were small to begin with so I don't think they can sag, correct me if I'm wrong. Furthermore, she has always expressed herself as single (despite fucking around) so I wouldn't be surprised if there were guys out there that were actually secretly eyeing her. Perhaps Harry was one of them. At least that was the vibe that he was giving off as he looked at her.

As I was surveying him, I quickly realize that things have already turned very south over at his side. Seated on the resort chair was Mark who had his full on erection inside of Auntie Maxwell who straddled over him in a reverse cowgirl position. That was not all as Mark pumped in and out of her without a care in the world. Auntie Maxwell's left hand was stroking Uncle D's cock while her lips were enveloping Harry's cock. She was literally satisfying 3 guys at the same time as she bounced up and down off of Mark's cock. Despite that, Harry's attention wasn't really at the one servicing him but Auntie Kat instead. Her muffled moans and sighs easily became the background music for the entire room as I could see Auntie Kat stealing glances over there as well.

Was she curious about what was progressing over there? Or was she worried about Uncle D or perhaps Harry? I don't know but unfortunately for her, they say that the 3rd time is always the charm but not today. She lost once again and as though the gods were watching over us, she rolled a dare. And the winner was none other than Uncle Maxwell. He then flashed a brilliant smile as he walked over to the table and took out a bottle of what seemed to be lube before going over to Auntie Kat who looked like a terrified kitten.

" W-what are you going to do? " she asked.

" Stand up. " Uncle Maxwell then ordered.
Old 04-09-2018, 05:53 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Hi bro can share exhibits S.
Old 04-09-2018, 07:18 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Nice update TS, love to see ExhibitS too
Old 04-09-2018, 11:09 PM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

Nice story, bro. Finished all in one day. Could i request for all exhibit photos? Thank you very much
Old 05-09-2018, 12:04 AM
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Re: My Best Friend's Mom, Kat

awesome... support support
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