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Old 19-05-2008, 10:54 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by khwt8888 View Post
Contact this OL who was working and make arrangement to meet her during lunch time. Pick her up at the location she specified at the appointment time. She directed me to go to a nearby multi-storey carpark in Chinatown. Just continued to drive up & up the MCP till the level that is almost vacant.
Find a suitable lot to park and settle down for actions.
It seems this MSCP is a favorite for our bros here. Got to check it out 1 day.
Old 22-05-2008, 10:59 AM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

My 3rd to 6th experience coming soon !!!!
Old 22-05-2008, 05:09 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

places where ive done.
taxis(bj, fingering..)
pasir ris park mangrove huts (full course)
ecp water breakers (full course)
sentosa on the beach under the stars(full course)
seletar reservoir (full course)
punggol the deserted forested area..(full course)
lido cinemas (bj)

hmm there are more..i cant recall..will surely add here...
Old 22-05-2008, 06:59 PM
BolehTahan BolehTahan is offline
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by khwt8888 View Post
My 3rd to 6th experience coming soon !!!!
Hmmm...I kinda think that doing it in the back of an enclosed van in a quiet MSCP, somemore with WLs "S" and "J" do not quite count as fucking in public area leh...

Off-topic, but did you actually rtf "S"?
Old 24-05-2008, 11:42 AM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by BolehTahan View Post
Hmmm...I kinda think that doing it in the back of an enclosed van in a quiet MSCP, somemore with WLs "S" and "J" do not quite count as fucking in public area leh...

Off-topic, but did you actually rtf "S"?

To each his own.
One man's meat is another man poison.

Bro, pardon me.
I am not as brave as you and this is the start of me.
Bear in mind, I am doing it in broard daylight in a public place where there are human traffic flow and not in the dead quiet night, how you expect to step out of the vehicle !!! ???

Me is not a commando.... and most certainly I don't want to be famous overnight by having my face publish on papers.
Old 24-05-2008, 06:53 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by khwt8888 View Post
To each his own.
One man's meat is another man poison.

Bro, pardon me.
I am not as brave as you and this is the start of me.
Bear in mind, I am doing it in broard daylight in a public place where there are human traffic flow and not in the dead quiet night, how you expect to step out of the vehicle !!! ???

Me is not a commando.... and most certainly I don't want to be famous overnight by having my face publish on papers.
Bro, you have my support, keep it up. It is still a form of public sex and removes the monotamy of the bedroom. Please do keep public sex alive and hope to read more experiences from you soon. Up your points
Old 25-05-2008, 05:40 PM
happyfivestars happyfivestars is offline
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Many years ago when I was still in the army, I had this semi-ah lian gf with C cups boobies. She luvs to go cheong Sparks at Taka so obviously I got dragged along willingly lah since she always gives me tidbits after that hee hee.

Anyway on a couple of occasions i was so horny when i met her at Taka and she ALWAYS noticed it. Din help much since she always raba me with her neh when she meet me to tease me haha. On these few occasions she was horny too so end up we went to this typically unused emergency staircase and she will up her skirt/dress and off we go like rabbits. Once she was so aroused we din go Sparks but ended up in a hotel for a night of romp.

Also did her a few times at the staircase near her flat cos parents at home and she was horny. Damn scared the father will come out or some neighbours will walk pass.

Just a kuku incident to share hope bros dun mind, make me look stupid also lah haha. Once her family went Malaysia and she stayed back cos of work. Anyway that night we went cheong and she asked me to stay over at her house cos she said she "itchy" need me to scratch. Of course must fullfill my bf duties lah, guard duty also must ditch in this situation haha. So end up filled the house with her moans and I swear from 3+am screwed till 7+ thereabouts. Fell asleep for a few hours then went to kitchen to get a drink. VOILA!!! Her parents having breakfast in the kitchen!!! SIAO LIAOZ lucky wearing my boxers else chow gengz! Father gave me a funny look and actually invited me to join them for breakfast!!! KNN how to eat, hurry up wake her up and the 2 of us rushed out. Heheh lucky for me no after effects from the parents, just that new year ang pows got bigger hahah.

Lesson learnt, screw in hotel unless u are damn sure the parents are already on the bloody plane or already checked into some hotel a hundred miles away FIRST!!!

Think about her I also steam liaoz...
Old 25-05-2008, 06:04 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by happyfivestars View Post
Many years ago when I was still in the army, I had this semi-ah lian gf with C cups boobies. She luvs to go cheong Sparks at Taka so obviously I got dragged along willingly lah since she always gives me tidbits after that hee hee.

Anyway on a couple of occasions i was so horny when i met her at Taka and she ALWAYS noticed it. ..
miss the days when sparks is still in business.

so happening.
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Old 26-05-2008, 09:14 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Had done it at a few outside places with wife... The most recent one was last sat nite after watching midnight show @ Cineleisure (Indy 4).

After the movie about 2am, we were making our way back to the MSCP at Cairnhill, wife was getting a bit horny and we decide to do it at the usual place at the carpark which is at one of the top-most corner stairways leading to the roof access. Once there, i managed to convince her to take off her tube dress completely leaving her only in her bra and thongs. We did take a bit longer than usual to finish off since it's quite late and pretty sure no one will intrude on us. Made her suck me off for a while before pumping her in doggie and unloading into her after that.
Old 27-05-2008, 03:49 AM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

thats a good one. Remind me of my younger happening days
Old 27-05-2008, 11:52 AM
HunkyHoo HunkyHoo is offline
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Happy 5 stars, i salute you my bro. You sure can,my MAN. If i were there i think i kena slaughtered liao. keep it up.
Old 28-05-2008, 01:39 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Just to share wif all my recent bonk wif my lover at AMK MSCP next to Caltex. Done her in the car after lunch on one of the weekend. Damn song...
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Old 29-05-2008, 10:29 AM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by happyfivestars View Post
Many years ago when I was still in the army, I had this semi-ah lian gf with C cups boobies. She luvs to go cheong Sparks at Taka so obviously I got dragged along willingly lah since she always gives me tidbits after that hee hee.

Anyway on a couple of occasions i was so horny when i met her at Taka and she ALWAYS noticed it. Din help much since she always raba me with her neh when she meet me to tease me haha. On these few occasions she was horny too so end up we went to this typically unused emergency staircase and she will up her skirt/dress and off we go like rabbits. Once she was so aroused we din go Sparks but ended up in a hotel for a night of romp.

Also did her a few times at the staircase near her flat cos parents at home and she was horny. Damn scared the father will come out or some neighbours will walk pass.

Just a kuku incident to share hope bros dun mind, make me look stupid also lah haha. Once her family went Malaysia and she stayed back cos of work. Anyway that night we went cheong and she asked me to stay over at her house cos she said she "itchy" need me to scratch. Of course must fullfill my bf duties lah, guard duty also must ditch in this situation haha. So end up filled the house with her moans and I swear from 3+am screwed till 7+ thereabouts. Fell asleep for a few hours then went to kitchen to get a drink. VOILA!!! Her parents having breakfast in the kitchen!!! SIAO LIAOZ lucky wearing my boxers else chow gengz! Father gave me a funny look and actually invited me to join them for breakfast!!! KNN how to eat, hurry up wake her up and the 2 of us rushed out. Heheh lucky for me no after effects from the parents, just that new year ang pows got bigger hahah.

Lesson learnt, screw in hotel unless u are damn sure the parents are already on the bloody plane or already checked into some hotel a hundred miles away FIRST!!!

Think about her I also steam liaoz...

Bro Happy5stars.

Very good sexual experience. Do you still keep in contact with your semi-ah lain gf ? U Sure to have more experience to share with us, right ???
Old 01-06-2008, 10:43 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

yesterday nitz ard 945-950pm...wan go mt faber up find no parkin lot hence drive downhil,find a car park lot at e end of e hill..went and park.After parkin,actally wan walk uphil but notice tat a garden nearby and my gal and i decide to stroll in e garden instead.E garden oversee e housing estate and is quiet and got few street lamp..tiz moment horny thought come,we walk up a pathway leadin to e top of e garden,find a bench and i ask my gal 2 take off her t-back as she wearing one-piece dress...she give me a gd blowjob and i finish her in doggy while lookin over the block of flats.Feel damm high cause e feelin of anyone walk past is there.Definately a gd place to bonk cause e air is cooling and susprise no mosquito at all...
Old 01-06-2008, 11:58 PM
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Re: Fucking in the public area

Originally Posted by Wc15 View Post
yesterday nitz ard 945-950pm...... a garden nearby ....oversee e housing estate and is quiet and got few street lamp....
OMG, so that's U and you ger in red/pink dress @ close to 10pm yesterday!

I stay at the block nearest to this garden and is an avid astrologist coz the night sky there is not polluted with stray lights... No prize for guessing what I usually do incidentally...
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