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Old 06-01-2010, 08:57 PM
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Re: Fallen angel

What a nicely written story. Do continue.
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull - lots of it.
Old 07-01-2010, 06:56 PM
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Re: Fallen angel

Originally Posted by kavez View Post
Very very nice! Keep it coming!
Originally Posted by blacki3licious View Post
What a nicely written story. Do continue.
Thanks bros,

Will start working on book 2 soon.

Old 09-01-2010, 04:33 PM
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Re: Fallen angel



update soon da ge ~
愛一个人 , 要了解 ,也要开解 ; 要道歉,也要道谢 ;
要认错 ,也要改错 ; 要體貼 ,也要體谅 ; 是接受 ,而不是忍受 ;
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是为对方默默祈求 ,而不是向對方诸多要求 ; 可以浪漫 ,但不要浪费 ;
可以隨時牽手 ,但不要隨便分手 ,如果你都做到了,即使你不再愛一個人 ,
也只有懷念 ,而不會懷恨 。

Old 11-01-2010, 01:54 AM
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Re: Fallen angel

nicely written,but why do i have a feeling that this story is written by a girl?????
Old 11-01-2010, 03:38 AM
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Re: Fallen angel

lol maybe is really writen by a girls.
Old 11-01-2010, 08:44 AM
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Re: Fallen angel

Originally Posted by damnyou198816 View Post
nicely written,but why do i have a feeling that this story is written by a girl?????
hahaha bro... perhaps is the many years I have had observing and analysing people. Helps you think a little like the opposite sex. Glad you liked it.

Old 18-01-2010, 08:05 PM
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Dark Angel, the Return of the Fallen Angel

Hey guys,

I've been aways doing my projects and have just finished so Angel is back... still finding inspirations to make her a better nymphomaniac... hahahha The beginning is more intro and background, so bear with me....


Dark Angel
Chapter 1

The sun had barely risen and the morning dew hung like nectar at the tips of the lush green leaves. The early morning mist lit up as the beams of the car’s headlights cut through them like a knife through butter. The silent hum of the engine purred as the car pull smoothly into the allocated parking lot.

“HOD Science” was the label on the lot. Angel smiled to herself, things were going great for her; her secret double life was unknown to the faculty and she even managed to get a promotion when the previous HOD retired.

It was January 4th 2010 and the start of a new academic year. Angel felt good about this year. In fact, she was looking forward to being able to spend less time in the tutorials. The fact that she now had a private office was a bonus. She wondered if Aaron had a fantasy about that….

She smiled and shook the vivid images from her head as she stepped out of her car. It was the first day of school and she wanted to make a good impression, so she was all dressed up smartly in a light grey tailored suit and a pastel pink blouse under to give a little feminine touch. Her hair was tied up in a loose bun with the shorter fringe in front framing her face. Her makeup was light but immaculate and the ensemble was completed with a pair of 3” pumps from Jimmy Choo.

She stood beside her car and surveyed the scene in front of her; 2nd year students bustled around as they tried to get to the quadrangle before the bell sounded for assembly. Hugs and laughs were heard as friendships renewed; you’d think that these teenagers had been away from each other for years when it was probably only weeks or even days.

She opened the back door and bent forward with her legs straight as she reached for her briefcase. She heard a series of gasps behind her and she turned her head while still in that pose. A group of young men stood staring with gaping mouths at her perfectly round bottom, standing proud as her skirt pulled taut from the tension of her position. She knew there wouldn’t be a visible panty line as she was wearing a thin g-string. Her posture had caused her skirt to ride higher and the tops of her stockings were exposed together with a little of her white firm creamy thighs.

She straightened up and turned to stare at the mortley crew and they blushed. “ermmm, Good m… mor… morning, Miss K… Kang.” They muttered under their breaths and scurried away.

Angel was both bemused and appalled by the scene that just took place. These students should have a little more respect…. And yet….. Something tingled underneath that cool exterior. The look on their faces, of awe and lust…. The look that drove her inner demon made her inside swirl, her juices started to flow and she had to compose herself before she could make her way up to the school office.

As she walked, her juicy mons started to press against one another within the tiny confines of her g-strings forcing them to exert and release pressure on her inflamed clitoris. It was torturous climbing the stairs to her office and she heaved a sigh of relief when she finally closed the door behind her, hoping to calm her over-excited hormones down. She hadn’t even taken her first class or meeting for the new year and she was already panting and was on the verge of jumping the next male member she sees to satiate this maddening urge that was growing. Before she could begin to calm her nerves, the bell rang and she had to go down for assembly.
Old 18-01-2010, 09:17 PM
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Dark Angel: The Return of the Fallen Angel

Chapter 2

The first day of school was filled with meeting after meeting; meetings with the principal and the other HODs as he shared his ‘vision’ and ‘mission’ for the school for the year, followed by departmental meetings to share those ‘visions’ and missions’ to her staff members. Discussions on how they could improve things from the way it used to be and getting to know some new staff members who had just joined the school.

Daniel Goh was a new Biology teacher, newly graduated from NUS with a Masters. He was a tall, fit gentleman, good-looking in a studious kind of way. She imagined him teaching the details of reproduction and the gushing response he would get from the female students. He was dressed smartly but his clothes did nothing to hide the lean physique hidden behind the fabric.

Natalie Teoh was a younger graduate, gaining her 2nd upper Honours from Cambridge, not an easy feat. At 22, she was fresh-faced and enthusiastic. She was dressed in a light floral dress and had hardly any make up on. The beauty of youth, her flawless skin was radiant and her face was bright even without the help of cosmetics. Her body was nubile but not voluptuous. Her slight curves were feminine but not blatantly sexy. Her 32B breasts rested on a svelte 20” waist before blossoming out to her ample 33” hips. To some, she could even be considered skinny.

As Angel sent them off after the discussions came to an end, she started to wonder how these two would fit into her nocturnal circle. She quickly pushed the thoughts from her mind, not good to get the two mixed up…. Her professional integrity had to be maintained if she wanted to continue to flourish in the job. She had worked so hard for so many years to throw it all away over some physical satisfaction.

She started packing her things away and didn’t realise how very tired she was. It was already 7pm and she had been bustling the whole day that she didn’t seem to have really gotten much done. She didn’t feel much up to partying tonight but she’d already promised Kat and Yvette that they would do a girls only night.

Angel threw some folders into her bag and started out of her office when there was a knock on the door. She stopped dead in her tracks wondering “Who could that be at this time?”

She opened the door to see Daniel standing outside. “Daniel? What are you doing here?” she asked.

“Sorry, Ms Kang…. I forgot to tell you that I may be late tomorrow… ummm I’ll definitely try not to… is just….” Daniel started.

Angel cocked her head to one side waiting for the explanation that didn’t seem to be coming… “Why? It’s only the second day of school.”

“Sorry Ms Kang…. It’s actually my wedding this weekend, and my friends want to do a series of stag nights for me starting with tonight…. They want to bring me to this place called Helipad and hopefully hook some girls, or so they say. I’m not really into that but can’t help it; I just hope they won’t get out of hand. I will definitely try to make it to school on time. But… just in case… “

“Ok, Daniel… I didn’t know you were getting married…. Congratulations… Well I hope you can find a way to make it in on time. It wouldn’t reflect very well to be absent on your second day on the job…. We’ll see how things go.” Angel said.

As she watched him walk away, Angel picked up her phone and pressed on her speed dial.

“Hey Yvette, I was thinking of checking out Helipad tonight…. I hear it’s pretty happening.”
Old 18-01-2010, 09:45 PM
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Re: Fallen angel

TS, welc back. good to see u here again. interesting! here to learn...
**pm me for 2nd/3rd round

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Old 18-01-2010, 09:48 PM
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Re: Fallen angel

Originally Posted by simple2kee View Post
TS, welc back. good to see u here again. interesting! here to learn...
hahaha kinda hard to get the machinery going again... no momentum.... happy to be back and writing again....

As for learning English, i not that good lah.... just expressing from the soul... hahahhahah

thanks again for the support

Old 19-01-2010, 11:01 AM
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Re: Fallen angel

Chapter 3

The music boomed and the crowd was high as the rhythmic beats numbed the brain into a hypnotic trance. Bodies moved and ground to the beat as they let go of their daily work stress and let the bass line intoxicate them and release them, albeit temporarily, from their dreaded, insignificant lives.

The doors swung open and everything seemed to freeze as 3 figures cut through the smoky doorway and stood at the entrance to survey the surroundings. The guys standing near the entrance literally went silent with mouths gaping as the three ladies strolled in while the women gasped as they admired with envy the confidence and the daring of these three women.

Angel headed the pack dressed in a white micro-mini dress with a wide collar that slid down one shoulder; the hemline was barely 2” below her ass cheek. With every sashay, the fabric swung and gave a little peek-a-boo of her exposed bottom that wasn’t constrained by the lacy undergarment beneath; her braless breasts jiggled with every step she took and her nipples standing proudly pushed through the thin fabric. Under a certain angle of light, some of the guys swore that they could see her dark areolas clear as day. A Black thigh-high pair of leather books completed the vampy look.

Kat flanked her on the right in a black halter dress that ended mid thigh. The back was cut low almost to the small of her back confirming that she too was braless. The plunging neckline showed her cleavage to the max as guys tried to take a peek from the side to see if they could get a closer look at those glorious mounds. Her 3” stilettos made her slender legs seem to stretch forever.

Yvette flanked Angel’s other side dressed in a white tube top that barely contained her bosoms. Her bare midriff showing off her new belly ring and a tight leather hipster showed off all her curves to the max. She turned up the tease factor as she sucked seductively on a Chuppa-Chup.

The ladies worked the room as Angel tried to spot the stag party. As luck would have it, the cheers and taunts of the testosterone driven ritual brought them straight to where she wanted to be.

Daniel was, at that point in time, being coerced into doing a “blow job” cocktail. He looked embarrassed to be where he was licking the whip cream off the leg and thigh of the young lady as the crowd cheered on. He did his best at getting to the shot as quickly as he could with the minimum of physical contacts. When he was done, the air was filled with cheers and jeers as half the trail of cream still lined the girl’s upper thigh. Daniel turned a bright red and it wasn’t all from the alcohol.

Angel turned to the girls and grinned “Stag night…. I believe that’s the groom.” She nodded toward Daniel. “Shall we have some fun, girls?”

The girls approached the group and started mingling with some of the guys standing at the fringe of the group and as more guys noticed them, they started gathering around the three girls and they started chatting.

Soon, the guys in their lust-driven, alcohol-intoxicated state started revealing more information to them. It turned out that Daniel was still a virgin. They had wanted to bring him to a KTV to have some hostesses can their hands on his virginity but he had vehemently refused. After much coaxing and encouragement, he finally gave in to going to a disco instead for drinks. They had gotten a couple of escorts but Daniel was too shy to talk to them and the escorts were happily drinking away and counting the cash they would be earning while doing nothing.

The girls thought about it and asked the one of the guys if they really wanted Daniel to lose his virginity. The guys started getting excited and Angel told them to get a nice suite in one of the nearby hotels and the girls would take care of the rest.

“A suite???” one of the guys said in exasperation. “That’s gonna be fucking expensive!”

“Honey, you need a place that can house such a big group of gorgeous hunks and a standard hotel room ain’t gonna be enough….. or….. we could just take the groom and you guys can just use your imagination….” Yvette started.

“No!!!!” came the reply in unison.
Old 19-01-2010, 11:18 AM
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Re: Fallen angel

Originally Posted by damnyou198816 View Post
nicely written,but why do i have a feeling that this story is written by a girl?????
Originally Posted by angels.delicacy View Post
lol maybe is really writen by a girls.
Hmmm i've been getting questions on why, as a guy, I'm writing from a girl's perspective.... Just to clarify... I'm actually writing as a narrative without using a particular gender bias.... It just so happens that the main character happens to be a girl.

I guess when most of us guys read this, we can somewhat recognise the kind of fantasy dream girl we have in that she may not be drop dead gorgeous but she is good-looking, vampy, sexually open and yet is independent as a person in life and finances. (Perfection doesn;t exist, i know... that's why it's a fantasy)

then again, I believe that even for our female members, there will be a bit of Angel in them and there's just that little part of them that wants to break out of the conservative conformistic shell that is society and be free, but fear of being looked down upon and being ostracize usually keeps them in check (who says only guys fantasize about bad girls?)

More importantly, Some have asked if I am writing from experience.... the answer is no.... I am not Aaron and neither do I know a person like Angel. The entire story is 100% fiction with inspirations drawn from observations and other people's experiences.

As always, my aim is to entertain... so i really hope you, the reader, have had a good time reading the story and will continue to enjoy the adventures of Angel. You can always send me suggestions on what you would like to see Angel get up to.... if it goes with the story, it may just find its way in (Just like avle09's suggestion for Aaron and Yvette gave book 1 the perfect twist)

As usual, have fun and cheers

Old 19-01-2010, 12:09 PM
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Re: Fallen angel

Good story camping here for moe
Old 19-01-2010, 02:46 PM
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Re: Fallen angel

One of the best in SBF so far i have read, cont bro, good one. Thanks.
Old 19-01-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: Fallen angel

Originally Posted by kain78 View Post
Good story camping here for moe
Originally Posted by cabayasi View Post
One of the best in SBF so far i have read, cont bro, good one. Thanks.
Thanks for the support bros.... much appreciated

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