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Old 06-01-2006, 10:36 PM
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Re: Ways to beat okt pricing and timing

Originally Posted by discoverer
Where or what have you been doing all this while in sb?You didn't read of reports of overprice girls or girls that provide bad services.
I know. Of course i know. Overprice, bad services, fake FRs, same gal different names, fake nationality etc etc. Everyone knows. No one voice out.
Is that wat u trying to say ???

I did. I did post, I did voice out. But in a ... way where it is not so direct ...... that will not attract any flaming. By the way, i see your points up very fast ~

This is my thread (Pls read) :
Old 06-01-2006, 10:43 PM
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Re: Ways to beat okt pricing and timing

Hmm this debate still going on???
Old 06-01-2006, 11:17 PM
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Re: Ways to beat okt pricing and timing

Originally Posted by Montbank
I don't think rallying against OKTs is a good issue here.

Why ? They are the ones who bring gals here for those who don't get away to overseas so easily.

150/90/2.. Let's break it down to 75/45/1. Hmmm... reminds me of a certain cat in GL.. Is it that much ? Some even go down to 130/90/2 so it really depends.

And if you think you are paying too much, give that gal a miss. Doing something like that would make it looks like you have a hidden agenda.
Heh heh.......RK sends his regards, thk u better avoid his calls

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Old 06-01-2006, 11:21 PM
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Re: Ways to beat okt pricing and timing

Originally Posted by bhoven
Nicely summed up brudder!

Good OKTs do provide a service. It's whether you want to use them on their T&C. However, when OKTs detract value by poaching a contact provided by samsters here, and then repackaging it at a higher price and limiting the service time that they are not welcome. . It is mere parasiting and not helping cheongsters here one bit....
Its jus my thots out aloud cos its a demand n supply thing.
if there is no demand, y wud any1 1 2 supply?

if u hv the goods i 1 n i m willing 2 pay, both parties transact
if u dun like my goods nor svcs? will u cum back 2 me?

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Old 07-01-2006, 12:35 AM
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Re: Ways to beat okt pricing and timing

Originally Posted by Randi_Candi
if u hv the goods i 1 n i m willing 2 pay, both parties transact
if u dun like my goods nor svcs? will u cum back 2 me?
The problem begin when i die die 1 ur goods but die die not willing 2 pay ur price...Lidat how??

Old 07-01-2006, 01:10 AM
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Re: Ways to beat okt pricing and timing

haizzz....y tis topic keep coming up?i oso c till i'm sianz leh...whether e okt gd or bad,price high or low,let e cheongsters decide whther they wan or not lah....
my motto: always share and respect other samsters and we will enjoy peace.....
waiting for a fl who will make me return from retirement
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don't give up never give up 谁说没有梦想我知道泪水会被释放
Old 07-01-2006, 01:43 AM
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Re: Ways to beat okt pricing and timing

Originally Posted by discoverer
?Come on,i am just looking at this from a consumer point while they are looking at it from a business point,so what the big deal?Or maybe you can try to list out some other hidden reasons for me to start this post.

Ok,if you guys don't like it so much,i shall stop already.Maybe you guys can think about it but just ignore it as another samster ranting his head off here.
Bro, I think you have vented your anger or shown your displease and its time to move on.
There is a saying "Once bitten, Twice shy"....samsters whom have been bitten once will probably not tried the OKT again...and "nature will take its course" are not a saint or God who can save the world, if you really think that some OKT are bad from posts you have read from the forum...why not get some time to compile it and start a thread to indicate which OKT is not doing the business right with relevant quoation or threads posted by samsters. This will be more helpful than debating here endlessly.

Issues like this are similiar to topics like religions...(no offence to anyone)...
Can you asked a Christian to believe in Mohamad or vice versa??? (just an example)

Move on bro.....prove your point by action. Start a thread to compile all the complains raise by bros on OKT they have patronise......"Action Speaks Louder than word"...the new thread itself will speak for you...rather than wasting your time explaining or debating the issue over and over again......

Just my liang mao qian


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Old 07-01-2006, 03:01 AM
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Re: Ways to beat okt pricing and timing

Originally Posted by discoverer
I also know it won't end because everyone have their own opinions too.Maybe you can let Bustlover know that i didn't apply to join your group or try to see your pic link so Don't put words into my mouth.I don't think the pic are that terrific that i need to pcc after seeing the pic.Sorry i couldn't reply there to his post because have agreed to thaiboy request to leave that thread.Hope you can let him know
since u noe then y bother to explain n debute? big boss tell u nt to post, u listen. then we ask u move on n stop all tis, y u still debuting? can i say pls stop all tis. as far as i concern, u cheong liao, see hw issit then u come here give feedback, nt jus hide behind the computer n say tis, say tat. sorie to be rude but like mouth talk, lum par song. good use mah? pls pls, do ur pwn self a favour, do liao then say, dun come here KPKB. frankly, u urself dun even even noe who is who. who is bustlover? i seriously dun noe him. n even i u wan jion my group, im will decline u as i tik my gals nt up to ur standard. cant give u wat u wan. dun wan disappoint u. hahaha
Old 07-01-2006, 10:14 AM
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Re: Ways to beat okt pricing and timing

Originally Posted by poompoom
since u noe then y bother to explain n debute?
Tai Lo dont get so work up, bad for health, work on more income and get better bussiness ahead, Chinese New Year Coming, Lets open our hands and invite our Bro Doggie, Huat Arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Bro Discoverer, move on liao, let go for better seach, better pricing and svc as a Consumer, Stop replying it will never end, Happy Chinese New Year, WISH YOU HAPPY AHEAD AND EARN MORE $$$$$$$ ON YOUR FUTURE BONK.

To all Big Big Bros, OKTs, hope this is the last post of this thread, AV is laughing at us, let move on for better earning money Doggie Year, OKTs heng heng peng peng an an, Big Big Bros Dragon Horse Health, Tio 4D, TOTO, Win Horse and Soccer, GOOD DOGGIE YEAR AHEAD, HUAT ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHH

Old 07-01-2006, 11:33 AM
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Re: Ways to beat okt pricing and timing

Originally Posted by Microsoft
The problem begin when i die die 1 ur goods but die die not willing 2 pay ur price...Lidat how??
then i hv 2 die die ask u go n pcc lor

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Old 18-01-2006, 07:42 AM
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Re: Ways to beat okt pricing and timing

Originally Posted by poompoom
sorie tat i have to reply at tis thread again as earlier on i say i wont reply anymore. i tik bro discoverer u have already voice out ur pts of view. there is no more need to futher debute as tis wont bring to an end. so wat if bros agreed n so wat they dont? bros out there if u happen to read tis....pls dun reply to tis thread anymore if u dun agreed bec it will give chance to bro discoverer to debute again. bros tat agreed wif bro discoverer, pls contiune to post n share ur view.
As a new bird i think that bro discoverer if u think that its too exp then u can find your own way or lobang but maybe by posting u may feel that u will get support from fellow bros. Anyway u are free to post. Human right wat, right?

But big boss poompoom, why are u getting so heat up. Why? bkk shop got no biz or u dint get a gd f...k frm ur whatever. U say that u will not reply earlier but now u reply, it shows that u cannot control yourself. everytime saying ha ha ha. u think it is funny? or are u trying to be funny? go and take care of your shop in thailand la. why bother? got younger bro in singapore but scared when people review the truth.hahaha just a simple thing like that u also cannot control, how u do big biz? we'll see how u go along.hahaha

Oh sorry, new bird should not meddle with others biz. hahahha
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