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Old 02-11-2009, 11:38 PM
trytogetit trytogetit is offline
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

thinking to go genting this weekend
can share this gems contact bro?
Old 03-11-2009, 11:17 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Got a mixed experience with this OKT Lee 2 months ago, but overall it was not bad... My 1st FR.

So, just last weekend, I went up and decided to call him again. Asked him specifically to bring a good one as I was afraid to go upstairs to see the girls.

Then 15 mins later, came a girl who's taller than me, average looking but then she started to complain about her okt, the security was so tight downstairs still asked her to come over to my room, etc.

Bathing was SOP, then she started to suck my nipple... I wanted to suck hers but after seeing her nipple got 2 layers and a bit bengkok, I ermm... changed my mind. She asked to go on top. My didi went limp, LOL... coz not much gf feelings, then she tried to wake up my didi and we went missionary and then doggy... with her fake moans all the way. And she was damn loose... GFE went to all time low...

After like 10-15 mins, she kept asking me why so long still haven't come, etc. Until I dulan... wanted to get it over with, asked her to suck me and then cum in 5mins+... No mood... just wanted to cum. At least my RM200 won't be a REAL waste, although it's a waste already.

Anyway... overall, it was a bad experience which I'd want to QUICKLY erase from my mind... I wonder if this will be my last at Genting. All I remember from the experience is... "Still haven't come", "Do you always take this long?"

Name - Xiao Fang
Age - 26
Looks - 6/10
Boobs - 33B (I think... and her right nipple has 2 layers and "bengkok" a bit, been sucked too much?)
Height - 170+ cm
BJ - 4/10 (Lacked suction)
FJ - 2/10 (fake moans all the way and her pussy was damn LOOSE! To the extend that when I took my didi out, fart sounds followed. ta ma de...)
Fingering - N/A (She said no)
No Painting - N/A (I lost my appetite...)
FK - Wanted to get it over with...
GFE - 0.5/10
Damage - RM200 (45 mins)
WIR - NO!!! If yes also... I'll go up and choose the girl, won't be so lazy already...

And I just noticed vaxvms PM me his contact on Sat... aiyo...!!! Didn't check the forum when I was up there...
Old 14-11-2009, 07:10 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Last week went Genting with my buddy .. My 1st FR.

Was horny but Don't have lobang, Happen to see some printed sticker on the toilet door with the OKT Contact. it says : 港,日,韩,美 mei mei 三味(learn from the lady later that it refer to AJ). I went up to my Hotel room (Highland) and decided to call him . Asked him for availiability of girl. He said got one 19 year old taiwanese girl availiable. Damage RM$250/- . But have to go to First World hotel to do the thing.20 min later arrive at the appointed room, knock at the door and was greeted by a nice young looking chinese girl who is shorter than me.Bathing was SOP,not much conversation, chat only few words , from the way she talk suspect she not taiwanese, my hunch is half corrent after some probing ,she confess she half malaysian , half Taiwanese. After the Bath straight bbbj me around 10mins. Cap me and climb above me. Ask her what does the "三味" mean on the flyers. She say it AF, But she don't do it. . After some 5min or so , she want to change position, Pump her missionary for about 10-15min, and start to complain why so long still haven't come, etc. Sian already , pick up the pacing unload in 15-20 min, just to get it over with, after that , she wash hers, i wash mine. Pay her the RM250 , B4 leaving she ask for more tip, quite persistance also. Told me others customer that tip her win big money. Had enought of her bullshit , tell her no spare cash will tip her if strike jackpot , On the way to the Lift , meet another OKT Kent , Got his namecard .The Next day after breakfast my buddy was a bit horny , Ask me to call on his behalf fpr a Jap or Korean or hong kee .
Dailed the No , and Kent answer the phone , Told me he got one 19 year old Taiwanese girl, i reject the ofter after last night experience. Anyway... overall, it was a common experience, nothing to shout about or blame. Whenever whoring, alway hate to hear this word," have u cum yet":," why so long."

Name - Didn't ask
Age - 19
Looks - 7.5/10 ( when first saw her from a distance) 6/10 on close up
Boobs - 32B (I think)
Height - 168cm++
BBBJ - 5/10 (Lacked suction)
FJ - 5/10 (fake moans, loose pussy) .
AJ - she said she dont do (Loose asshole when i feel her butt- no virgin ass)
Fingering - No chance
No Painting - No chance
Overall - 6/10
Damage: RM250 + Really turn off the way she ask for tips
GFE - no chemistry
Damage - RM250 (30 mins) althought OKT say RM250/60/1
Old 18-11-2009, 11:32 AM
siapa6969 siapa6969 is offline
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

aiyaa...there international all kind of Big Gun, sure after few hundred rounds, all pussy also loose one.. Especially iranian...indian...they are got $, they pau few days, until girls all dry up...friends, that kind of price, not worth it...go down hills find better stock
Old 01-12-2009, 10:06 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Hi Bros, i m going Genting in 2 weeks time! need good contacts and lobang for this trip! haha havent tried bonking in genting before though i frequent there for short trips. need lobang to cheer me up after breaking up with gf thanks in advance...
Old 10-12-2009, 11:29 AM
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Lightbulb Re: GENTING got fun bor?



call no.


Old 12-12-2009, 04:49 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Going Genting with family next week for few days. Will be free at night after dinner with them.
Can any kind bro please pm me some prc or good okt contact. Many tks
Old 14-12-2009, 11:17 AM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Bro,genting got any HC with special?
Old 15-12-2009, 02:48 PM
choubibu choubibu is offline
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Dear Bros,

Just back from Mr Lim's theme park. Got a number from the Toilet. OKT name Alex. Intro a Taiwan SYT.
Went to Room XXX on Lvl 23. Tower 1. Open door, dammm chio and slutty

Below is my Fr, Bros that want OKT or Girl contact pls PM me.
PLS also up me. As my repo is still damm jialut. Dun really post fr. thats why.


Name: Yu Xuan (smooth skin, fair, long hair, slutty sweaty CFM look)
from Taiwan
Damage: 250 ringgit
AR, BBBJ, Nearly CIM. But dun think allowed.
Frenceing yes.
GFE is great.
Lots of pumping action and sweating.
Allow change position.
FJ: sop, but got lick her all over
Not for Big breast lovers. Only B+
But her skin very smooth.

Yuxuan contact: 012931XXXX
OKT Alex Number: 016927XXXX Can be found on wall in toilet facing Starbucks on LvlT1 first world hotel. The contact is like a faded stamp. There are alot of them, sure can see wan.

Hope above helps.
Old 29-12-2009, 11:34 PM
traxis traxis is offline
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

I don't post often, but seeing all the posts.. I thought I should share some thoughts.

I seldom call when I go up, because CO has a strong and sensitive nose (she can sense when I've showered by the smell of the shampoo or soap).

However, I've had the chance to go up with friends or without CO. Rare, but I've done so.

The first time I called a PRC, it was 300 RM with sloppy service. Called through an OKT.

The 2nd time I went up, I decided to fish instead.

The first one, cost me 200 RM, sweet chick, don't remember her name, but she was good. much better than alot of the FLs I've tried here. BBBJ was awesome as well.

The 2nd one, played hard to get and since I did win abit of money (like 2k plus) I paid her more than usual for overnight, but she was lousy. No BBBJ, not accomodating and lousy.

So the sum it all, all depends on luck lor
Old 16-01-2010, 04:33 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Imagine a cool rainy day and you are feeling horny. What next? You pick up the phone and dial our booking line ( 016-2987778). Shortly after a young and gorgeous chick with a solid body arrive at your doorstep. Feeling excited most men will strip themselves naked eager to screw that tight little pussy. Within 20 minutes it is all game over. What is the hurry ? You are missing out the best part of sex – foreplay. Don't just get a fuckjob, get the ultimate in blowjob . For this you will need our professional blowjob team to take care of you.

kindly visit
Ruby Escort Services
or call booking line at

ruby are an established escort agency located in Kuala Lumpur. they offer a variety of services at the lowest rates in town. There are more than 300 escorts attached with them mainly from Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Philippine and occasionally Russia and Korea.

their service is discreet and only for outcall only. operation hours are from 8.00pm-6.00am (Daily). Give them your email if you want to join their mailing list. For packages and rates kindly visit their website.
Old 07-02-2010, 01:29 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

Just came back from Genting. On the first day after checking into First World Hotel, I unpacked my luggage and bath before heading to the casino. On the way to the casino, at the lobby of first world, I walked past 2 china mei mei. They smiled at me and we exchanged telephone number. Later in the nite, I called one of the girl ...

Name : Xin Yee
Origin : Shanghai
Looks - 7 (above average)
boobs - solid 34 B -
body - average
bj - average
fj - average
Overall - Good Bonk.
Damage : RM400 for the whole nite

Her friend is from Hu Nan and her name is Na Na. Also quite pretty and a bigger bust.
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Old 09-02-2010, 12:52 AM
frankie133 frankie133 is offline
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

This is my 1st FR in here. hope wont disappoint every TaiKo...

Today afternoon felt boring & went to Genting to get some pocket money. haha, luckily won some pocket money. Then feel horny, I went into the toilet & get few numbers which stick on wall & called up, no one pick up my phone, dxmn it... so i planned to leave Genting & back to BB area to cari makan!

when the time i left to car park to take my car, i get a call from okt. He said got many PRCs in Fxrst Wxrld Hotel, then i quickly take lift go up to look look.

The 1st one, i not satisfy with her look, but sound sweet & good boody. I called okt to arrange the 2nd PRC.

The 2nd one, OMG, when she open the door, she speak very gently & greet me to get inside her room. her look cute like around 21yrs old & a bit shy. I like this type of girls.

Then i confirmed with okt, she take out my cloth with touching my didi & balls. Then we go shower together, she clean my whole body with nice touching.

after bath, i lay on bed & wait her to come. then she kiss & touch my titts & didi. later she start BJ with fire & ice session. her tongue really like twist my didi to cum inside. luckily NO. haha...

then she hold my didi to wear UMBRELLA & whack inside her pussy, it's a tight & wet pussy. i like this. she ride wild & moan loud. after few mins riding, i change to normal to fxck her...

after that, changed to doggie style, she looks like enjoy it & moan wild. I looked at her asshxle, it's looks so attractive to me, I asked whther can asshxle Fxck, she say okay but have to add tips, then i'm okay with that.

she apply some lubricant on her asshxle & hold my didi to get inside, OMG, even this is not her 1st time in asshxle, but it still very fresh, shiok & tight. it's like her asshxle sucking my did very hard inside. i ride her like crazy for few mins then i cum. i feel exhausted after i cum.

When the time she take the umbrella out, i can see some blood stick on the Umbrella.

That's my 1st FR in SAMMY...

Name: Forgot
Origin: PRC (Sin Zhen)
Height: about 155cm
Weight: about 45kg++
Looks: 8/10 (Innocent & shy)
Body: Shape-9/10 Skin 9/10 (Good body shape, Skin smooth & white)
Boobs: 8/10 (Firm B cups)
BBBJ: 10/10 (Absolutely Nice - with 1 session of Fire & Ice BJ, make me almost cum)
DATY:yes and she went from dry to well lubricated. Gorgeous pussy lips.
Fingering: Yes & she enjoy it so much.
FJ: 9/10 (Nice plus asshxle FJ)
WIR: Maybe, but willing to pay for others.
Cost: RM220 + 80 extra tips for Asshxle Fxcking

Note: a bit negative for she like rushing, after session, shower & cloth up & asked me leave... (sorry to all taiko if any Taiko feel my FR not so completed)
Old 17-02-2010, 03:09 AM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

how come genting much expensive than other places?
btw, i have a friend who had a bad experience from genting. got raid and kena suap polxce for 1k. take care all bonkers
Old 18-02-2010, 06:23 PM
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Re: GENTING got fun bor?

I will be in Genting again for the whole of next week.
Any bros who has mei mei tel contact (local or PRC), please kindly PM me.
I do not like to go through OKT as you can see all my previous FRs in Genting are all with independent WLs. I prefer this way as I like to TCSS and go for makan with them. Thanks in advance
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