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Old 28-08-2023, 05:24 PM
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Re: Anyone knows the process for WL to re-enter singapore?

Originally Posted by Triple_H View Post
Hmm. So how she can return to normal love life again, maybe like quit for few years?
One must understand the background of most of this Thai WLs.

The job that they can find, is really hard labourous work. Eg. Harvesting tea leaves in tea plantation for 12-14hrs with 6-7hrs under the hot sun and earn THB$200-400/day (~SGD$8-$16). Can you imagine doing that everyday for a few years? I think I cannot even tahan for 1 month!

Coming to SG and work as WL is 12hrs seating there most of the time and for most houses, maybe have 6-10 customers/day. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that it is easy job to suck the dick of any man and let them penetrate them that walk thru the door. But in terms of the physical strength usage, it is lesser.

I don't think they will take long to get back to normal life as long as got enough money.
"Do it today, have fun!!"

Typical guy in Geylang.
Old 28-08-2023, 05:48 PM
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Re: Anyone knows the process for WL to re-enter singapore?

Originally Posted by Penofthewest View Post
Yeah, there was a WL in one of the PRC houses who had a customer buy 5 or more hours everyday so that she doesn’t need to service other men and she has RTC in the last month with his financial support. It is pretty pathetic because she actually secretly still serviced other customers behind his back. For that amount, I think it is probably better to go and bao a KL influencer.
Ok. The rule of the thumb is that we don't use $$ to get love. But we spend $$ on the one who love us.

Last time, I got a regular at L20H36, she will do cosplay etc. Got customer buy whole day for her but customer is not even there and she continues to selectively do customer who she wants.

Frankly, in this time and age, monogamy is more of a concept that religion use to propagate the belief system. In reality, it is not practical. Most people live till about 80yo and only have sex with one person?
"Do it today, have fun!!"

Typical guy in Geylang.
Old 28-08-2023, 05:53 PM
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Re: Anyone knows the process for WL to re-enter singapore?

Originally Posted by lonelyfish View Post
This is relationship built on $, once he can't offer it anymore, she will probably dispose of him. I'll not spend this kind of thing on a girl especially a WL, even though I know some of the WL who really want to get over with this quick and return back to normal life.

After spending time in GL with the WLs, I feel that they are there just to temporary fix my deprives. Excellent gfe WLs can satisfy me for quite awhile, but it still doesn't last long enough or feel better than from a ML with developed feelings.
The feeling that we all want is :
Knowing somebody who we love is loving us back. Knowing that somebody is thinking of us, while we are thinking of them.

WL or ML, what matters is the feelings that 2 person have for each other.
"Do it today, have fun!!"

Typical guy in Geylang.
Old 28-08-2023, 05:56 PM
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Re: Anyone knows the process for WL to re-enter singapore?

Originally Posted by unfit View Post
most of us can't resist the temptation of pussy

thus small head overruled

especially at home

impossible for OC to give us such services

my 2ml worth
The pussy must have with a nice face and body mah. If not, then not shiok liao.

Yes. That's why I say that concept of "Marriage" kind of makes women got lazy in a relationship.

We always hear of men say that sex before marriage solid solid but got married liao, then CMI liao.
"Do it today, have fun!!"

Typical guy in Geylang.
Old 28-08-2023, 06:23 PM
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Talking Re: Anyone knows the process for WL to re-enter singapore?

Originally Posted by bradpitt968 View Post
The pussy must have with a nice face and body mah. If not, then not shiok liao.

Yes. That's why I say that concept of "Marriage" kind of makes women got lazy in a relationship.

We always hear of men say that sex before marriage solid solid but got married liao, then CMI liao.
Especially wife busy with kids will normally relax on husband... then we have to go outside
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Old 26-10-2023, 11:30 PM
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Re: Anyone knows the process for WL to re-enter singapore?

Originally Posted by lucyemelda88 View Post
Hi bros,

Intending to bring back one of my favourites in geylang. Anyone knows the process of applying or sponsor visa for re-entry? Appreciate your info.
Any update? Did you succeeded?
"Do it today, have fun!!"

Typical guy in Geylang.
Old 28-01-2024, 10:19 AM
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Re: Anyone knows the process for WL to re-enter singapore?

Hi bros. Reviving this thread because I'm also a lovesick fool. Any updates or news on how to bring exWL back to Singapore?

I am trying to ask her to work a "normal" job in JB with my $$ support for the next 2 years then bring her back in, but she has a kid still in vietnam also. Is it feasible to ask her to bring her kid to Singapore with her if we end up marrying? She can speak english but the kid didn't really learn yet

Or should I prepare to relocate to vietnam haha
Old 28-01-2024, 01:40 PM
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Re: Anyone knows the process for WL to re-enter singapore?

Originally Posted by Fish22 View Post
Hi bros. Reviving this thread because I'm also a lovesick fool. Any updates or news on how to bring exWL back to Singapore?

I am trying to ask her to work a "normal" job in JB with my $$ support for the next 2 years then bring her back in, but she has a kid still in vietnam also. Is it feasible to ask her to bring her kid to Singapore with her if we end up marrying? She can speak english but the kid didn't really learn yet

Or should I prepare to relocate to vietnam haha
better to find another girl and move on?
Old 28-01-2024, 01:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Fish22 View Post
Hi bros. Reviving this thread because I'm also a lovesick fool. Any updates or news on how to bring exWL back to Singapore?

I am trying to ask her to work a "normal" job in JB with my $$ support for the next 2 years then bring her back in, but she has a kid still in vietnam also. Is it feasible to ask her to bring her kid to Singapore with her if we end up marrying? She can speak english but the kid didn't really learn yet

Or should I prepare to relocate to vietnam haha
Bro, no offence. You can be love sick but pls don't be a fool. I'm sure others will also say move on. Cheers
Old 28-01-2024, 08:01 PM
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Re: Anyone knows the process for WL to re-enter singapore?

Originally Posted by Fish22 View Post
Hi bros. Reviving this thread because I'm also a lovesick fool. Any updates or news on how to bring exWL back to Singapore?

I am trying to ask her to work a "normal" job in JB with my $$ support for the next 2 years then bring her back in, but she has a kid still in vietnam also. Is it feasible to ask her to bring her kid to Singapore with her if we end up marrying? She can speak english but the kid didn't really learn yet

Or should I prepare to relocate to vietnam haha
It is really up to you. If you are willing to move and she willing to stick with you, why not? If the regulations here don't suit you, you can choose to go to another place.

Btw, you sure you can apply the marriage in VN? <- I'm interested in this point as well but with a ML.
My MVP WLs of GL: ex1669 默默(08/22), ex1820 小雪(10/23).
Thanks to my Viet ML for being with me whenever I needed someone and attending to all my needs with love. You will always be in my memory, wish you the best in the future.
Old 28-01-2024, 10:44 PM
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Re: Anyone knows the process for WL to re-enter singapore?

Originally Posted by Fish22 View Post
Hi bros. Reviving this thread because I'm also a lovesick fool. Any updates or news on how to bring exWL back to Singapore?

I am trying to ask her to work a "normal" job in JB with my $$ support for the next 2 years then bring her back in, but she has a kid still in vietnam also. Is it feasible to ask her to bring her kid to Singapore with her if we end up marrying? She can speak english but the kid didn't really learn yet

Or should I prepare to relocate to vietnam haha
I think its better to relocate yourself to VN den bringing them here.... i can see that you are going to support them, so its better to do it there... you can substain longer.... anyway its not an easy move.... you need to be prepared.... i have went thr this and it really not as easy as you think it is..
Old 28-01-2024, 11:58 PM
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Re: Anyone knows the process for WL to re-enter singapore?

Originally Posted by Fish22 View Post
Hi bros. Reviving this thread because I'm also a lovesick fool. Any updates or news on how to bring exWL back to Singapore?

I am trying to ask her to work a "normal" job in JB with my $$ support for the next 2 years then bring her back in, but she has a kid still in vietnam also. Is it feasible to ask her to bring her kid to Singapore with her if we end up marrying? She can speak english but the kid didn't really learn yet

Or should I prepare to relocate to vietnam haha
ICA ban ex-wl from coming in to sg.
To be safe, just register your marriage in vn first in case she cant come in to sg to ROM. The ROM will still recognize VN marriage cert and convert in ROM.

ICA part is the hardest to get through. The first level is to come into sg first. Must find a way to lift the ban, have to go embassy to do that first. or write to ICA and be sponsor.

2nd level is to get a LTVP. Then 3rd step is PR.

Getting her child is in also another challenge. Schooling will cost more. You have to adopt the kid to be PR to lower your cost...

Lots of challenge ahead of you...
Old 29-01-2024, 01:22 PM
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Re: Anyone knows the process for WL to re-enter singapore?

Originally Posted by mikenade View Post
ICA ban ex-wl from coming in to sg.
To be safe, just register your marriage in vn first in case she cant come in to sg to ROM. The ROM will still recognize VN marriage cert and convert in ROM.

Lots of challenge ahead of you...
Returned - Upz 4 Xchange - AhMin
Old 29-01-2024, 09:34 PM
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Re: Anyone knows the process for WL to re-enter singapore?

Originally Posted by Fish22 View Post
Hi bros. Reviving this thread because I'm also a lovesick fool. Any updates or news on how to bring exWL back to Singapore?

I am trying to ask her to work a "normal" job in JB with my $$ support for the next 2 years then bring her back in, but she has a kid still in vietnam also. Is it feasible to ask her to bring her kid to Singapore with her if we end up marrying? She can speak english but the kid didn't really learn yet

Or should I prepare to relocate to vietnam haha
No joke bro but i can feel for you. I have a viet gf too and though she can come to sillypore, i rather go over to vietnam for sustainability. Living expenses in sillypore is just silly. She was a FL before and till today i am still going through the torment of when will she decide to go back again. They have earned that kind of money, it is hard to go back. As of now I can provide her half of what she earned only so the insecurity will always be there.
Old 29-01-2024, 11:26 PM
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Re: Anyone knows the process for WL to re-enter singapore?

Thanks bros for all the comments. Yes I know it will be hard path ahead but I still want to try. Past relationships fell through for other reasons, this relationship may fail but I still want to give it a shot. At this point nothing can be committed for either side so not much risk, just trying to think and plan ahead for the future

Originally Posted by Rubbaking View Post
No joke bro but i can feel for you. I have a viet gf too and though she can come to sillypore, i rather go over to vietnam for sustainability. Living expenses in sillypore is just silly. She was a FL before and till today i am still going through the torment of when will she decide to go back again. They have earned that kind of money, it is hard to go back. As of now I can provide her half of what she earned only so the insecurity will always be there.
Fight on brother. My girl still undecided on whether she wants to go back to FL work in other countries or whether she wants to let me support her. Hope she decides soon, but yes agree that the insecurity will always be there
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