Location: Green Line, some stops away from G Area.
Age Estimate: Pre-MILF.
Looks: Above Average, was wearing makeup.
Body: Above Average.
Massage: Average.
Sensual: Below Average.
RTM: Not for me personally, as I value playability highly.
Additional Notes:
- For YMMV context, I'm a slim-built, early 20s Singaporean Chinese male.
- Very vanilla SN + HJ (no zhut, no playing with nipple but can squeeze tits, no kiss).
- Short-term ML.
Go for massage and teasing, I prefer a great body than a beautiful face. Cos during foreplay, great body is the one that give you great enjoyment. Of course, the gal cannot be ugly lah. Lin Lin is good enough.
Hi bro, how's LL's playablility compared to nina? is she fn or sn? TIA!
Hi bro, how's LL's playablility compared to nina? is she fn or sn? TIA!
Their playability is in par. They are good friend, so I think they did a lot of 心得交流来对付我们这种色中猛男. Both are good, but I prefer Lin Lin cos she got a great pair of boobs, damn big and solid. Love to grab them and zhut.
欢场无真爱 this one i dont agree with u ley.. they have 真爱 la.. but its 真爱钱 not 真爱你...
Ha ha, you are right but also wrong. Normally ml wun fall in love with their customers, but if they really do, they will fall very deep. A great cheongster will know how to 用爱将心偷。
Take a look at this movie, Simon Yam is the master. 我的偶像.
Looks familiar, is it she last time got provide nuru?
Started visit her abt 3/4 months back. Never got offered NURU and don't think so as I never seen inflatable bed. She does a mean bbbj and gfe high (ymmv)
Probably, lol. Many street-smart MLs (even normal girls) do that to weed out vulnerable stupid guys. And some guys are bigger stupid simpletons by believing they are the only special one.
Yes, first miss those lovely cahoonas. Woohoo. But I do genuinely miss some of the girls who are naturally good-hearted with fun personalities. I do miss times being with them at the pool late at night, only two of us getting all wet and cuddly. Or wiping each other's sweat off while at the gym. Or having animated conversation while eating durians at roadside stalls. Or doing the obligatory Sentosa tour, especially during the cable car ride across, hehe.... yep lots of mammaries and memories. Life is good.
Yes. Sometimes is the simple things that matters.
Is sad to say some are just plain simps and not what they think who they are.
Started visit her abt 3/4 months back. Never got offered NURU and don't think so as I never seen inflatable bed. She does a mean bbbj and gfe high (ymmv)
Has not visited xiaomi (Inner Mongolian lady) for some months already. Had visited her three times before. During my last visit, she claimed to have a bad fall from the stairs. She had bruises in different parts of the body, including the face and lips. I thought she should not be accepting customers then. She could barely give a simple kiss, so that session was a goner. From her new set of pictures, I am very glad she has put on some weight. Look so much better. Very happy to hear she provides mean bbbj and great gfe! Time for a revisit?
i think she probably said to almost every guy similar things
anyway no longer coming back so no point talking about her though she was quite good a package overall
but ymmv and one man's poison is another man's meat
nowadays those out there don't really have the same vibes sian
Which ML that RTC do you guys still keep in contact with?
Share than we know if the ML really is playing with everyone the same game.
Still keep in contact with Amei and Kiki, at least I know I am not the only she calls 情爱的 hahaha
Their playability is in par. They are good friend, so I think they did a lot of 心得交流来对付我们这种色中猛男. Both are good, but I prefer Lin Lin cos she got a great pair of boobs, damn big and solid. Love to grab them and zhut.
Just had my most recent dose of grabbing, zhutting, motorboating and boob fucking her prized assets. A failsafe for boob lovers like me
"We're not here for a long time, we're here for a good time."
Location: Green Line, some stops away from G Area.
Age Estimate: Pre-MILF.
Looks: Above Average, was wearing makeup.
Body: Above Average.
Massage (with oil): Average.
Sensual: Below Average.
RTM: Not for me personally, as I value playability highly.
Additional Notes:
- For YMMV context, I'm a slim-built, early 20s Singaporean Chinese male.
- Very vanilla SN + HJ (no zhut, no playing with nipple but can squeeze tits, no kiss).
- Short-term ML.
Location: Green Line, some stops away from G Area.
Age Estimate: Pre-MILF.
Looks: Above Average, was wearing makeup.
Body: Above Average.
Massage (with oil): Average.
Sensual: Below Average.
RTM: Not for me personally, as I value playability highly.
Additional Notes:
- For YMMV context, I'm a slim-built, early 20s Singaporean Chinese male.
- Very vanilla SN + HJ (no zhut, no playing with nipple but can squeeze tits, no kiss).
- Short-term ML.
Very concise yet very informative FR bro! Thanks and Upzz!
You have provided very useful take out points to help bros to decide - physically above average, sensual below average, short-term. For me, it's a pass. Better ones out there. Cheers.