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Old 01-04-2003, 11:55 AM
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Rita's Fr Collection

FR on Xin Xin

2 weeks ago I went down to Lorong 28 House 31B the one with the two auntie OKTs, sat down for a while
conversed in my very broken mandarin asked For Yan Er but she was not available. Then
tried to ask for the ang pais mentioned in this forum but it seems they were all unavailable.So the auntie
reccomended Xin Xin, and i just said ok whatever. 20 Minutes later she showed up , at first look not very
pretty have a square face with a bit of freckles, went up to the room undressed. She was very friendly
and acamodating, gave me a troughout body wash then washed my cock from behind as she kneel down and pressed
her breast against my bums. After wards proceed to the bed, we frenched for a while while she caressed my cock then
she told me to lie on my back, and licked my back as she got down to lick my a* i declined. Then afterwards she
she took out her hot tea and gave me a hot BBBJ. then she told me to stand up and she slid underneat my legs
and gave me a bbbj with me standing and she lying down. After the BBBJ she stood up and beginning to tease my
cock and said in english "Big redcock yeah, you want my pussy? ". Then i couldn't take the teasing anymore and just
grabbed her throw her down the sack and proceeded with missionary after putting cap first ofcourse. Then from missionary
she got up and sat on my lap with my dickstill inside and hugged me so we are in cradle position hugging and frenching while she continues
pumping. After a while she was getting tired, so we changed to doggy and i banged her really hard for about 5 mins before i cummed.
Afterwards head for the shower chit chat a little and she gave me her contact number.

Face: 6.5
Height: 165 ?
Boobs: i'm not sure but its fake
FJ: 8.5/10
BBBJ: 9/10
Attitude: 9/10

Fr on MG
Last sunday i went down to the house with the two auntie okts again, i like it there very quiet and it seems i'm the only one around.
Just as i entered i saw a girl coming in tall gorgeous but apparently she already had someone waiting for her upstairs. I asked
the auntie she said she's a 100 dollar girl beautifull only but service no good. But she really was pretty tough a bit old but i like
them that way. So i called for xin xin, can't reach her hp and the okt said her house not open today. They recoomended me some
girls she made a few carls but failed i think. Until at last she called MG, so 10 mins later MG showed up. A bit short buxom
plain chubby face but okt assured me that her service very good. So i went up with her once inside the room i frenched
while undressing her. Then proceeded to the shower. after the shower there were no towels available she then sprint out NAKED
across to another room to get a set of towel. then came back giggling like a little kid.
Anyway proceded with the catbath this girl can really suck and her boobs are nice and bouncy She then proceeded to BBBJ me
i almost cummed during the BBBJ and she offered me a second one. I said ok. After a 30 second rest proceeded to secondround
with me licking her nipples and playing with her pussy. Then entered missionary and then doggy but still cannot cum after quite some time.
Finally i take out my cock and begin to jack off in front of her and cummed in her breast.

Face: 6
Height 160
Boobs: er i can't really tell C i think
FJ: 8/10
BBBJ: 8/10
Attitude: 8/10

Ok I've been a lurker for a long time here and just wanted to contribute something, and by the way brother have anyone ever
tried a 100/80$ girl by the name of Carol ? She's the gorgeous babe i saw i asked for her but the auntie okt discouraged me from it.
Any Comments on her ? She's tall 175 over i think, black curly hair and a very defined face. maybe a little bit old late 20s.
Old 01-04-2003, 01:38 PM
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kent32 deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
hi bro Rita

you shld try Carol lorong 18 from what you have described about her.

sexy body and good service
Old 01-04-2003, 01:56 PM
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Re: Rita's Fr Collection

Originally posted by RitaVanHorn
FR on Xin Xin

Face: 6.5
Height: 165 ?
Boobs: i'm not sure but its fake
FJ: 8.5/10
BBBJ: 9/10
Attitude: 9/10

Fr on MG

Face: 6
Height 160
Boobs: er i can't really tell C i think
FJ: 8/10
BBBJ: 8/10
Attitude: 8/10

Ok I've been a lurker for a long time here and just wanted to contribute something.
Well done bro. Good FRs on the 2 gals. Really appreciate your effort.

Old 02-04-2003, 07:39 AM
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Surprising that 31B is quiet.... normally it should be housing at least 3-4 customers... hmmm....

Anyway thanks for the alternative n good FR.

31B Neighbour
The Hustler
Old 03-04-2003, 12:23 AM
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Re: Rita's Fr Collection

bro RitaVanHorn, there are 3 Cat 80 Carols in GL ... the one you saw is Sexy Carol ...... from the feedback at HQ she is worth a try.

Originally posted by RitaVanHorn

Ok I've been a lurker for a long time here and just wanted to contribute something, and by the way brother have anyone ever
tried a 100/80$ girl by the name of Carol ? She's the gorgeous babe i saw i asked for her but the auntie okt discouraged me from it.
Any Comments on her ? She's tall 175 over i think, black curly hair and a very defined face. maybe a little bit old late 20s.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 03-04-2003, 02:12 AM
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thanks for the replies bros

And thanks bro cuntking,
I will certainly give her a try next week.
(If no SARS outbreak in GL ofcourse )

And Here's another FR from 2 weeks ago when i
screwed a girl from westerhout house 45 girl 40$
thai girl 88 or is it BB i can't remember (the new girl)

Name: An i think or something,very fair

Just proceeded to the house, OKT said hi, i asked for
the fair pretty young thing sitting in the fish tank
Went into the room, shoewered and proceeded to the bed.
Hmm she really is new service is pretty bad.
But she is quite friendly and makes an effort to oblidge my
request. Later after the session (not much
to talk about) asked for my name
then showed me her little note book, and she pointed to a sketch
of a face in it, saying that it resembles me. keeps touching my nose wierd girl. And then showed me her logbook, seems i
was her 3rd customer for that day.

Face:7/10 (better then some cat 150s)(looks more chinese
then thai)
Service:7.5/10 (should learn english or mandarin)

And Bro's will it be ok for me to post my aaaaaaaaaa FR here
will it cause trouble with AV ?
i bonked a foreign FL last night

Old 03-04-2003, 09:58 AM
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Re: thanks for the replies bros

Originally posted by RitaVanHorn
And thanks bro cuntking,
I will certainly give her a try next week.
(If no SARS outbreak in GL ofcourse )

And Here's another FR from 2 weeks ago when i
screwed a girl from westerhout house 45 girl 40$
thai girl 88 or is it BB i can't remember (the new girl)

Name: An i think or something,very fair

Just proceeded to the house, OKT said hi, i asked for
the fair pretty young thing sitting in the fish tank
Went into the room, shoewered and proceeded to the bed.
Hmm she really is new service is pretty bad.
But she is quite friendly and makes an effort to oblidge my
request. Later after the session (not much
to talk about) asked for my name
then showed me her little note book, and she pointed to a sketch
of a face in it, saying that it resembles me. keeps touching my nose wierd girl. And then showed me her logbook, seems i
was her 3rd customer for that day.

Face:7/10 (better then some cat 150s)(looks more chinese
then thai)
Service:7.5/10 (should learn english or mandarin)

And Bro's will it be ok for me to post my aaaaaaaaaa FR here
will it cause trouble with AV ?
i bonked a foreign FL last night

Bro Rita,

We really appreciate your enthusiasm in writing the FRs. But I guess FL is not supposed to be in this forum. There is another forum which big bro Sam has created for the FLs.

We certainly welcome more FRs on the GL cat40, 80 and 150 gals.

Old 03-04-2003, 10:14 AM
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Re: Re: Rita's Fr Collection

Originally posted by cuntking
bro RitaVanHorn, there are 3 Cat 80 Carols in GL ... the one you saw is Sexy Carol ...... from the feedback at HQ she is worth a try.
To add on, Carol is one of those that looks really good but service may be disappointing. I say may be. I was extrememly disappointed and have met others who were also. Then again, i have met some who said she is OK. Use to be 150 but moved down to 80. Just imagine that her "equipment" is so good and she was moved down to 80. Tells you something.


Old 03-04-2003, 10:19 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Rita's Fr Collection

Originally posted by Jang5556
To add on, Carol is one of those that looks really good but service may be disappointing. I say may be. I was extrememly disappointed and have met others who were also. Then again, i have met some who said she is OK. Use to be 150 but moved down to 80. Just imagine that her "equipment" is so good and she was moved down to 80. Tells you something.


Then wonder why Gucci never move down to 80 huh...? Must be thick skin lah...

Old 03-04-2003, 10:40 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Rita's Fr Collection

Originally posted by zyxel01
Then wonder why Gucci never move down to 80 huh...? Must be thick skin lah...

Probably. But then again, I know Gucci has her regulars who keep her busy so maybe no need to move down.


Old 03-04-2003, 02:51 PM
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to bro jang

So you bonked her before bro jang ?
What happened that made u extremely dissapointed ?
does she allow frenching ?
i've heard numerous warning from the OKT already,
but am still curious to what would it be like to bonk that sexy
face and body unless ofcourse the service so bad makes
you feel worse after the bonk.

Old 03-04-2003, 03:09 PM
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Re: to bro jang

Originally posted by RitaVanHorn
So you bonked her before bro jang ?
What happened that made u extremely dissapointed ?
does she allow frenching ?
i've heard numerous warning from the OKT already,
but am still curious to what would it be like to bonk that sexy
face and body unless ofcourse the service so bad makes
you feel worse after the bonk.


Long story really but was not an enjoyable bonk for me in that she wanted to do all the servicing, if any, and I was to lie still like a zombie. Also no frenching and like fucking a piece of meat. But that was for me. Maybe she found me offensive

But I have heard from others that have had her that she was ok.

So maybe she is a mood person. Depends on her mood. Maybe depends on customer.

For me, was such a waste cause she looks really hot. Really hot !!

But if she turns you on physically, why not try ? $80 rather than $150. Maybe she will work for you. Not every girl will work for every guy.


Old 03-04-2003, 10:24 PM
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Originally posted by Jang5556

Long story really but was not an enjoyable bonk for me in that she wanted to do all the servicing, if any, and I was to lie still like a zombie. Also no frenching and like fucking a piece of meat. But that was for me. Maybe she found me offensive

But I have heard from others that have had her that she was ok.

So maybe she is a mood person. Depends on her mood. Maybe depends on customer.

For me, was such a waste cause she looks really hot. Really hot !!

But if she turns you on physically, why not try ? $80 rather than $150. Maybe she will work for you. Not every girl will work for every guy.



tks for the feedback mate...this gal reminds me of vivian(l28)...looks attractive, sexy dressing but very temperamental...think i shall give her a pass & just lust after her whenever i see her midriff & sexy butt!
Old 23-05-2003, 11:29 AM
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FR on Jean


Went down to lorong 28 in my regular house.
Hang around for a while asked for yan er, but she is quite busy.
Yan er seems fairer now then what she used to be. tough
i liked her tanned better. I was offered her gal pal jean
which is quite pretty also. The girl is pretty tall maybe 168 cm ?
fair and her face have rosy cheeks. She looked like a student
to me at least, later found out she is already 25.
Went into the room undressed, her breast is a bit saggy
but she have firm ass. went into the shower frenched a little
then she cleaned my cock.
Got into the bed, and started to french some more, then she
begun to lick me slowly around the crotch before she swallowed
my cock. her BBBj is quite shiok she does deep throat, really
enjoyed it. she took my whole cock and swallowed it inside
into her throat, i was worred i might choke her or something .
after that proceeded the fuck jub she slid my cock under her pussy didn't put it in just rub it around and pretend to ride me.
she said don't worry i won't put in . nice feeling your raw cock
rubbing against a cute girl pussy. Now one of the finer
points about jean is that she has one of the cutest pussy i have ever seen, i began licking it but it was quite bitter with lubricants.
She capped me then we proceeded to missionary. She was hurting a little bit and asked me to go slowly. My cock a bit big she said (heheh that stroked my ego). when i tried to trust deeper she pinched my tigh to slow me down, but i ignored her pinching and just rammed it straight in, she gasped a bit.
that look of pain and extacy turned me on, i frenched her again
while on missionary.
then we proceeded to doggy and finally on 69.
she blowed me for a couple of more minutes before i cummed
in her mouth, she sucked the whoe thing clean, then she got up
and slowly spit out the cum, that was another scenic view
seing cum dripping from the corner of her lips. just than
her phone rang and she answered it with cum still on her mouth
dripping lolz.

overall an enjoyable bonk.

Skinretty smooth
Old 23-05-2003, 11:47 AM
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Re: FR on Jean

Originally posted by RitaVanHorn

overall an enjoyable bonk.

Skinretty smooth
Wow bro, a good FR. Makes me horny.... hehe....

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