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Old 15-09-2009, 02:06 AM
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Would you marry a divorcee?


Would appreciate your comments?

I feel that they would be stuck in their past relationships and get emotional.

Also scars from previous marriage that can impact you.

Also if she divorce because she cannot seem to work out things with the guy, wouldn't see divorce again at the slightest problem?
Old 15-09-2009, 03:03 AM
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Re: Would you marry a divorcee?

1stly, a divorcee is also human.
2ndly, there is always another side of a coin....
For all you know, she divorced a husband whos a wife beater, a drunk, a bum and all the filth you can think of.
We can be angels, but sometimes, we do marry a wolf in sheeps skin......
Also, being married before, she will be more careful & experienced in how to be a wife.
After getting to know her for a while, you'll start to see if she was the victim or the cos of her current divorcee status
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Old 15-09-2009, 07:17 AM
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Re: Would you marry a divorcee?

Love overcome all boundaries....eventhough she is a divorcee, doesnt mean tat you wont be de Love of her life...Divorcees, FLs, Whores, WildChilds, eTc, all of them deserves to fall in Love and also be Loved...
Old 15-09-2009, 06:31 PM
oubboss oubboss is offline
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Re: Would you marry a divorcee?

Try to live in together for few years before making any decisions
Old 15-09-2009, 10:20 PM
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Re: Would you marry a divorcee?

Braddah, do you normally buy used cars only? Even if certified preowned Lexus or BMW, still you don't know much about the car's history. You know the engine been used before thats for sure braddah. Could be OK. Who knows. Even new car can be a lemon.
Old 15-09-2009, 11:13 PM
koishowa koishowa is offline
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Re: Would you marry a divorcee?

A divorcee is a woman who was committed and serious about a relationship but things didn't work out.. and she has the courage to back out of a marriage. She didn't sleep around without committing herself and her partner as well.

Many things changed in life... and many mistakes are made. People who thought they were made for one another found that they cannot live together. So what ? Forced themsleves to continue ... or at least try to seek another life ... and attempt to restart their lives ??

If you love someone and she is a divorcee... she deserves more love and care to help her forget her past. If you become another scar in her life, of course, she will not be able to live her past scar... and now another one. So, more of what happens depend on how you and her make it out in life. Sustaining a marriage is not easy... not to mention one which has a partner who failed before. But it can be overcome... however, firstly, you need to overcome your mind set about divorcee first.
Old 15-09-2009, 11:32 PM
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Smile Re: Would you marry a divorcee?

i am ok with Divorcee as long is not "buy one get one free" can already..
if any bro zap my point pls let me know can??
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Old 15-09-2009, 11:36 PM
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Re: Would you marry a divorcee?

think it depends on the reasons for divorce. some due to husbands caught flirting outside and some becos of character difference. afterall its never easy to stay together everyday under one roof as u get to see alot of things u dont get to see during courtship and dating. if u can accept her as who she is then there's no big deal abt her being single or divorced.
Old 15-09-2009, 11:39 PM
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Re: Would you marry a divorcee?

If given a choice, I will say no. However, I don't mind going on dates with a divorcee but if it is taken to a higher level, I will need to reconsider it. If she has a kid in her previous marriage, I will not even pursue in dating her from the start. Life can be tough if one chose to go down this road and having to deal with the fact that your wife would need to see/provide for her kid with another man!..

In my humble opinion, the best outcome would be - divorcee should marry another divorcee.

But again, we never know the future. Perhaps love will overcome all odds..
Old 15-09-2009, 11:39 PM
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Re: Would you marry a divorcee?

I am totally agree with this.........

Originally Posted by Chinapuss View Post
Love overcome all boundaries....eventhough she is a divorcee, doesnt mean tat you wont be de Love of her life...Divorcees, FLs, Whores, WildChilds, eTc, all of them deserves to fall in Love and also be Loved...
Old 16-09-2009, 01:48 PM
oubboss oubboss is offline
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Re: Would you marry a divorcee?

A divorcee had been through alot and will not fully commit 100% to u too .

Best is stay together and understand each other more before committing more .
Old 16-09-2009, 07:35 PM
FromBoy2Man FromBoy2Man is offline
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Re: Would you marry a divorcee?

Why not ask yourself a question, would u marry a single who had been fucked or fucked raw by many bfs or a divorcee who only fucked by her husband all these while? Single mean never sign the paper, divorcee mean sign already n regret later....
Old 17-09-2009, 06:50 PM
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Re: Would you marry a divorcee?

answer according to the thread name( would u marry a divorcee?)

yes i will if true luv is there and all obstacles are cleared, imo nia.
Old 17-09-2009, 09:40 PM
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Re: Would you marry a divorcee?

I believe it boils down to each individual preferences. In fact if the shoes were reverse, would the single lady take on a divorcee guy?
Even if both ppl hv 'clean' past, will the relationship work at all? There is no gerenti how things will turn out in the future, whether good or otherwise. But I can say frm xperience, it takes a lot of hardwork, commitment & understanding frm both parties.
So the 'real' question is 'Are u up for it?'
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Old 18-09-2009, 08:49 AM
jimboy_203 jimboy_203 is offline
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Re: Would you marry a divorcee?

Years back, in my early prime 30's, i fell for a divorcee-- ( at my own will, i think my eye paste sh*T; can't see the real consquences of this kind of relationship) I am the only son of the family. Apart from all the uphills battle within my family. I have to say, th odds overnumbered the pros. A divorcee with child wants a quick fix to her divorce and do not want to be seen as a divorcee. To most men with a pitiful heart will be an easy prey of her. But i think the most important is that she would want a complete family for her and her 1 year old child -- in my case. To all Bros out there, a cautious warning, extra baggage is heavy to carry for both you yourself and her. Carry at your own risk.
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