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Old 26-10-2009, 06:24 PM
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To all bros.. just for reading pleasure.. I dun write this...


如果一个男人真的爱你... ...
如果一个男人真的爱你,他的手机会为你24小时开机,在你最需要他的时候可以随时找到他,因为他爱你,所以 会时时担心你。。。。
如果一个男人爱你,他会很自豪的告诉他的朋友与家人你是他最爱的女人,当然并不是时时挂在嘴上,而是用一种 行动去告诉别人,你是他最爱的女人!因为有了你他觉得很骄傲,无论你是不是真的很优秀。。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他会把除了工作之外的很多时间都给你,当然会偶尔和朋友去聚会,因为他想时时刻刻都 看见你。。。。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他会毫不吝啬的给你物质上的付出(我并不是说所有的女孩子都应该物质化,这种付出是 他心甘情愿的)因为他觉得他所有辛苦的努力就是为了让你过上很幸福的生活,他爱你,不想让你过的那么艰苦。 。。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他绝对不会骂你,在你很任性的时候任你发泄,当你任性过去的时候,会很委屈的说:“ 老婆,我又作错什么了?你可以告诉我,我一定改,千万不要生气,那样会把身体气坏的”
如果一个男人真的爱你,你会发现你和他在一起后,不经意间发现你总有很多穿不完的衣服,而此时你会发现他的 裤子上有个小洞洞,他会很解嘲的说:“现在不是流行乞丐服吗?再说男人要有内涵,穿那么好干什么?”呵呵, 因为他总是看见漂亮的东西就买给你。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他就不在乎陪你逛街会浪费他多少出去自由的机会,因为他甘愿失去那种所 谓的自由。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,无论你们在一起多久,都会陪你一起爬山,看海,看星星,看日落,因为他知道你渴望这 样的浪漫。。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他绝对不会嚷嚷着叫你去减肥,但是这个时候你自己一定要去健康减肥,因为苗条的女人 确实可以叫人赏心悦目。因为你的健康是他最关心的。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他不会留恋与网络与别的小妹眉甜言蜜语,因为对你他都有说不完的爱,哪有那心思和别 人废话。。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他不会还和前女友很密切联系,虽说分手了还是朋友,在她困难的时候可以去帮助她,但 是不会超过朋友的底线。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他在每天很辛苦的工作回到家的时候,会抱着你说“老婆,我回来了”他爱你,他绝对不 会把不快乐带给你!
如果一个男人真的爱你,他绝对不会忍心背叛你,无论出于什么样的动机。。因为在他眼里,你是最美的。。即便 你不是
如果一个男人真的爱你,他会在你故意说要离开的时候,撒娇的不和你分开,而在你真的想离开的时候,就会放你 走,即便他真的不愿意放手。因为他爱你,只希望你幸福。。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他不会陪这所谓的客户去做所谓的应酬,(很多男人把找小姐说是谈生意需要)他宁可不 要这个业务,世界上又不是只有这个业务。。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他绝对不会一次次把你推向那冰冷的手术台,更不会让你一个人孤孤单单的去走向那冰冷 的世界,,,他会郑重的说:“把我们的宝贝生下来吧!”
如果一个男人真的爱你。。。。。。。。。。那么,那么,那么,,,请你珍惜好他,好好爱他,为他改掉所有的 小姐脾气,好好的心疼他,理解他,鼓励他,支持他!
^^ 一天为魔 ^^ 终身为魔 ^^

Old 26-10-2009, 06:28 PM
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Re: 如果一个男人真的爱你

Originally Posted by K9696 View Post
To all bros.. just for reading pleasure.. I dun write this...
Yeah, I know. It was surely written by a girl who has got nothing to do at home becos her man is out there doing anything but following these theories.
Old 29-10-2009, 02:56 PM
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Re: 如果一个男人真的爱你

Originally Posted by colins View Post
Yeah, I know. It was surely written by a girl who has got nothing to do at home becos her man is out there doing anything but following these theories.
Agreed. Sounds more like an Ode to a Love Slave than anything else to me.
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Beware clones...
Old 31-10-2009, 01:08 PM
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Re: 如果一个男人真的爱你

agreed totally... !!!

sounds selfish to me, and it is abit extreme. perhaps, for female forumers, read as a guidance, but have to treat this as the extreme. do not do to you guy, otherwise, you will lose all.
Everything has a beginning has an end.

The whole event has come to an end, but the end could also be another beginning.
Old 31-10-2009, 03:45 PM
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Re: 如果一个男人真的爱你

Sound fairytale to me.

There are such guys around definetely who can do these, BUT maybe 2% of world's population? Because if all these criteria are followed by 1 guy - he sure is going to be a hell of a guy.....
Old 02-11-2009, 09:28 AM
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Re: 如果一个男人真的爱你

more like a pussy whipped guy! 所谓男人不坏, 女人不爱嘛!
Old 06-11-2009, 09:36 AM
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Re: 如果一个男人真的爱你

It might really be written by a guy too, doing all those things as listed. The only thing I can think of is that despite all those things mentioned, the girl decided to spurn him.
The scholar had graduated, and all that is left is my little red plum.
Old 06-11-2009, 07:00 PM
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Re: 如果一个男人真的爱你

Originally Posted by cablesnwires View Post
It might really be written by a guy too, doing all those things as listed. The only thing I can think of is that despite all those things mentioned, the girl decided to spurn him.
Maybe that's why he went crazy and wrote all these down before exiting the room from the window.

You do thousand and one things and HOPE she does this -
如果一个男人真的爱你。。。。。。。。。。那么,那么,那么,,,请你珍惜好他,好好爱他,为 他改掉所有的 小姐脾气,好好的心疼他,理解他,鼓励他,支持他!

Truth is 99% of the women will just take for granted after you have proven to be so damn bloody devoted to her.
Old 06-11-2009, 07:16 PM
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Re: 如果一个男人真的爱你

Brother K9696, sorry to hijack your thread with an opposite view from another writer. Thank you for letting me to post here. I didn't write this too. Have a great weekend!

如果一个女人真的爱你,她会很自豪的告诉她的朋友与家人你是她最爱的男人,会时时把你挂在嘴上,同时也用一 种行动去告诉别人,你是他最爱的男人!因为有了你她觉得很骄傲,无论你是不是真的很优秀。

如果一个女人真的爱你,她会愿意为你洗衣做饭,安排好你的饮食起居,在你在你去上班之前,会提醒你路上小心 ,下班回来后会做好热饭热菜等着你。

如果一个女人真的爱你,她会记住你的衬衣、外套、长裤、内裤、袜子、鞋子等等的尺寸,在每一次逛街时都留意 有没有适合你的衣物,把她认为你会喜欢的那一件买回来。

如果一个女人真的爱你,她会愿意为了你不断改变和完善自己,不管你是贫穷还是富有,她都会执着的守侯在你的 身边,愿意为你做任何事情。

如果一个女人真的爱你,她会嚷嚷着要去减肥,尽管有时候她并不胖,只因为她只想让你每天都看到一个苗条的、 赏心悦目的她出现在你面前,好象女人的美貌都是为了给她心爱的男人看似的。

如果一个女人真的爱你,她不会留恋在网络里与别的帅哥甜言蜜语,因为她的心里只有你的位置,对你她永远都说 不尽的爱意,别人的话语对于她来说都是废话。

如果一个女人真的爱你,她在每天很辛苦的工作回到家的时候,只想靠在你怀里说“老公,我回来了”,她爱你, 她会把你当成她唯一的依靠!(不是经济上的依靠,而是心灵上的依靠。)

如果一个女人真的爱你,她绝对不会背叛你,无论外界的诱惑有多大,在她眼里,你才是最好的,即 便你不是。

如果一个女人真的爱你,在你故意说要离开的时候,撒娇的不和你分开,而在你真的想离开的时候,就会放你走, 即便她真的不愿意放手。因为她爱你,只希望你幸福。

如果一个女人真的爱你,她会愿意为你生个可爱的宝宝,就算明知道怀孕和生孩子、带孩子都很辛苦,可是她却义 无返顾。



爱情是相互的,只要你爱的女孩子做到以上的30%,那么你就很幸运了;如果做到50%,那快点结婚吧,打灯 笼难找呀;如果做到80%,那么一定是前世就修好的缘了。
Old 06-11-2009, 07:58 PM
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Re: 如果一个男人真的爱你

Add to above:

女人啊女神啊! 请重新燃起我们男人心里希望之火吧!
Old 21-11-2009, 07:39 PM
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Re: 如果一个男人真的爱你

Women n guy will sure see diff thing in their life. thats y have a guy n women version of poems.. hehe
Old 23-11-2009, 04:35 PM
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Re: 如果一个男人真的爱你

If a man really love you ... ...
If a man really loves you, his cell phone for you 24 hours a day, at a time when you needed him most can always find him, because he loves you, so they always worry about you. . . .
If a man loves you, he would be proud to tell his friends and family, you are his favorite woman, of course, not always giving lip service, but use an action to tell others, you are his favorite woman! Thanks to you, and he felt very proud of, whether you are really very good. . .
If a man really loves you, he would have apart from a lot of time outside of work have given you, of course, occasionally with friends to the party, because he wanted to see you at all times. . . . .
If a man really loves you, he would not stingy to give you material to pay (I am not saying that all girls should be materialized, which is his willing to pay) because he felt that all his hard work and is to let you lead a very happy life, he loves you, do not want to let you off so hard. . . .
If a man really loves you, he never yells at you, in your office when you have a very wayward vent, when you self-willed in the past that it will be aggrieved, said: "my wife, I was wrong to make what is it? You can told me that I must change, do not angry, furious, as will the body's "
If a man really loves you, you will find you and with him, after inadvertently find that you always have a lot of clothes to wear endless, but this time you will find that his trousers have Xiaodong Dong, he will be very mockery, saying: "This is not the popular beggars clothes do? say a man should be content, what to wear so good?" Oh, because he always saw the beautiful things she bought for you.
If a man really loves you, he would not care to accompany you to go out shopping how much freedom he would be a waste of an opportunity, because he kind of resigned ourselves to losing the so-called freedom. .
If a man really loves you, no matter how long you have together, will accompany you hike in the hills, watching the sea, the stars, watching the sunset, because he know that you desire such a romantic. . .
If a man really loves you, he would never clamored to ask you to lose weight, but this time you must go to health, lose weight, because the slender woman really can ask us feast for the eyes. Because your health is his most concern.
If a man really loves you, he will not recall with nostalgia and network with other young girl eyebrow sweet, because you have lots to talk about his love, how can those thoughts and others nonsense. . .
If a man really loves you, he will not also and ex-girlfriend is very closely linked, although split up, or friend, in her difficult times can go to help her, but no more than a friend's bottom line. .
If a man really loves you, he was a very hard day's work when the home will be holding you say "my wife when I come back," he loves you, he definitely will not bring you unhappiness!
If a man really loves you, he will work in the early morning time, kiss your eyes to meet to say: Baby, I went to work! "
If a man really loves you, he will never have the heart to betray you, no matter for what kind of motivation. . Because, in his eyes, you are beautiful. . Even if you are not
If a man really loves you, he will say you deliberately want to leave when the fractious and you do not separate, but in a time when you really want to leave, they will let you go, even if he really reluctant to let go. Because he loves you, just want you happy. . .
If a man really loves you, then you will be more important than his career, he would not have been the cause as an excuse escape from you. . .
If a man really loves you, he would not accompany the client to do the so-called the so-called entertainment, (many men to look for Miss is about business needs) that he would rather not have this business in the world are not just the business. . .
If a man really loves you, he definitely would not put you into it again and again the cold operating table, much less of a person you are alone in the cold to go into that world,,,, he would solemnly say: , "gave birth to our baby Come on!"
If a man really loves you, he would love him like a family does, love your family will respect your family and friends
If a man really love you. . . . . . . . . . Well, then, then,,,, you better cherish him, love him well for his Gaidiao all of the Miss temper, be properly pained him, understand him, encourage him and support him!
Hope and wish all the brave pursuit of love, a woman happy! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Love is mutual, and also asked the girls a good side worthy of your love love you boys

Originally Posted by K9696 View Post
如果一个男人真的爱你... ...
如果一个男人真的爱你,他的手机会为你24小时开机,在你最需要他的时候可以随时找到他,因为他爱你,所以 会时时担心你。。。。
如果一个男人爱你,他会很自豪的告诉他的朋友与家人你是他最爱的女人,当然并不是时时挂在嘴上,而是用一种 行动去告诉别人,你是他最爱的女人!因为有了你他觉得很骄傲,无论你是不是真的很优秀。。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他会把除了工作之外的很多时间都给你,当然会偶尔和朋友去聚会,因为他想时时刻刻都 看见你。。。。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他会毫不吝啬的给你物质上的付出(我并不是说所有的女孩子都应该物质化,这种付出是 他心甘情愿的)因为他觉得他所有辛苦的努力就是为了让你过上很幸福的生活,他爱你,不想让你过的那么艰苦。 。。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他绝对不会骂你,在你很任性的时候任你发泄,当你任性过去的时候,会很委屈的说:“ 老婆,我又作错什么了?你可以告诉我,我一定改,千万不要生气,那样会把身体气坏的”
如果一个男人真的爱你,你会发现你和他在一起后,不经意间发现你总有很多穿不完的衣服,而此时你会发现他的 裤子上有个小洞洞,他会很解嘲的说:“现在不是流行乞丐服吗?再说男人要有内涵,穿那么好干什么?”呵呵, 因为他总是看见漂亮的东西就买给你。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他就不在乎陪你逛街会浪费他多少出去自由的机会,因为他甘愿失去那种所 谓的自由。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,无论你们在一起多久,都会陪你一起爬山,看海,看星星,看日落,因为他知道你渴望这 样的浪漫。。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他绝对不会嚷嚷着叫你去减肥,但是这个时候你自己一定要去健康减肥,因为苗条的女人 确实可以叫人赏心悦目。因为你的健康是他最关心的。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他不会留恋与网络与别的小妹眉甜言蜜语,因为对你他都有说不完的爱,哪有那心思和别 人废话。。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他不会还和前女友很密切联系,虽说分手了还是朋友,在她困难的时候可以去帮助她,但 是不会超过朋友的底线。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他在每天很辛苦的工作回到家的时候,会抱着你说“老婆,我回来了”他爱你,他绝对不 会把不快乐带给你!
如果一个男人真的爱你,他绝对不会忍心背叛你,无论出于什么样的动机。。因为在他眼里,你是最美的。。即便 你不是
如果一个男人真的爱你,他会在你故意说要离开的时候,撒娇的不和你分开,而在你真的想离开的时候,就会放你 走,即便他真的不愿意放手。因为他爱你,只希望你幸福。。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他不会陪这所谓的客户去做所谓的应酬,(很多男人把找小姐说是谈生意需要)他宁可不 要这个业务,世界上又不是只有这个业务。。。
如果一个男人真的爱你,他绝对不会一次次把你推向那冰冷的手术台,更不会让你一个人孤孤单单的去走向那冰冷 的世界,,,他会郑重的说:“把我们的宝贝生下来吧!”
如果一个男人真的爱你。。。。。。。。。。那么,那么,那么,,,请你珍惜好他,好好爱他,为他改掉所有的 小姐脾气,好好的心疼他,理解他,鼓励他,支持他!
Old 23-11-2009, 04:38 PM
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paulsun paulsun paulsun paulsun paulsun paulsun
Re: 如果一个男人真的爱你

If a woman really loves you, she will be very proud to tell her friends and family, you are her favorite men, will always put your lip, but also in an action to tell others that you are his most love man! Because of that she felt very proud of you, whether you are really very good.

If a woman really loves you, she will be willing to cook and clean for you, arrange for your daily needs, before you before you go to work, will remind you that the road be careful coming back from work after doing a good job waiting for hot meals hot food you.

If a woman really loves you, she will remember your shirts, jackets, trousers, underwear, socks, shoes, and so the size, in every shopping there when they pay attention to the clothing for you, think you would be her liked it a buy it back.

If a woman really loves you, she would be willing to order you to constantly change and improve themselves, whether you are rich and poor, she will be dedicated Shouhou on your side, ready for you to do anything.

If a woman really loves you, she clamored to go to lose weight, even though sometimes she was not fat, just because she just want to let you see a slender every day, the feast for the eyes, she appeared in front of you, as if are aimed at women's beauty to her beloved man looks like the.

If a woman really loves you, she will not be lingering in the network with other handsome guy sweet talk, because her heart is only your position, and for your endless love she'll never say that, someone else's words for her to have nonsense.

If a woman really loves you, she was a very hard day's work at home when I just want to lean your arms, said "My husband and I came back," she loves you, she would you as her only to rely on! (Not economic to rely on, but to rely on the mind.)

If a woman really loves you, she will never betray you, no matter how great the temptation of the outside world in her eyes, you are the best, even if you are not.

If a woman really loves you, that you deliberately want to leave when the fractious and you do not separate, but in a time when you really want to leave, they will let you go, even if she was really reluctant to let go. Because she loves you, just want you happy.

If a woman really loves you, she will be willing for your birth to a cute baby, even if the pregnancy and childbirth knows, kids are difficult, but she did without hesitation.

If a woman really loves you, she will love her like family, love you like family, will respect your family and friends.

Love is mutual, and also hope that the boys love you, well worthy of your love of girls around!

Love is mutual, as long as you love to do more than 30% of the girls, then you is very lucky; if to reach 50%, then quickly married to it, playing lanterns hard to find Yes; If we can do 80%, then the must be repaired previous life on the edge of the fate....
Originally Posted by Ichigo_Kurosaki View Post
Brother K9696, sorry to hijack your thread with an opposite view from another writer. Thank you for letting me to post here. I didn't write this too. Have a great weekend!

如果一个女人真的爱你,她会很自豪的告诉她的朋友与家人你是她最爱的男人,会时时把你挂在嘴上,同时也用一 种行动去告诉别人,你是他最爱的男人!因为有了你她觉得很骄傲,无论你是不是真的很优秀。

如果一个女人真的爱你,她会愿意为你洗衣做饭,安排好你的饮食起居,在你在你去上班之前,会提醒你路上小心 ,下班回来后会做好热饭热菜等着你。

如果一个女人真的爱你,她会记住你的衬衣、外套、长裤、内裤、袜子、鞋子等等的尺寸,在每一次逛街时都留意 有没有适合你的衣物,把她认为你会喜欢的那一件买回来。

如果一个女人真的爱你,她会愿意为了你不断改变和完善自己,不管你是贫穷还是富有,她都会执着的守侯在你的 身边,愿意为你做任何事情。

如果一个女人真的爱你,她会嚷嚷着要去减肥,尽管有时候她并不胖,只因为她只想让你每天都看到一个苗条的、 赏心悦目的她出现在你面前,好象女人的美貌都是为了给她心爱的男人看似的。

如果一个女人真的爱你,她不会留恋在网络里与别的帅哥甜言蜜语,因为她的心里只有你的位置,对你她永远都说 不尽的爱意,别人的话语对于她来说都是废话。

如果一个女人真的爱你,她在每天很辛苦的工作回到家的时候,只想靠在你怀里说“老公,我回来了”,她爱你, 她会把你当成她唯一的依靠!(不是经济上的依靠,而是心灵上的依靠。)

如果一个女人真的爱你,她绝对不会背叛你,无论外界的诱惑有多大,在她眼里,你才是最好的,即 便你不是。

如果一个女人真的爱你,在你故意说要离开的时候,撒娇的不和你分开,而在你真的想离开的时候,就会放你走, 即便她真的不愿意放手。因为她爱你,只希望你幸福。

如果一个女人真的爱你,她会愿意为你生个可爱的宝宝,就算明知道怀孕和生孩子、带孩子都很辛苦,可是她却义 无返顾。



爱情是相互的,只要你爱的女孩子做到以上的30%,那么你就很幸运了;如果做到50%,那快点结婚吧,打灯 笼难找呀;如果做到80%,那么一定是前世就修好的缘了。
Old 23-11-2009, 05:29 PM
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Re: 如果一个男人真的爱你

Originally Posted by Ichigo_Kurosaki View Post
爱情是相互的,只要你爱的女孩子做到以上的30%,那么你就很幸运了;如果做到50%,那快点结婚吧,打灯 笼难找呀;如果做到80%,那么一定是前世就修好的缘了。
Oh shit! Mine is 80%!

But I scared after marriage, the % will drop like Dow Jones on Black Friday.
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Old 23-11-2009, 09:30 PM
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Re: 如果一个男人真的爱你

Originally Posted by Cheonging101 View Post
Oh shit! Mine is 80%!

But I scared after marriage, the % will drop like Dow Jones on Black Friday.
most likely she is not local.
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