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Old 23-03-2010, 12:16 AM
Noobs Noobs is offline
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Story - Junior College Adventures(reposted)

this was written by someone else long ago...just doing a repost...

Three years training at the National Institute of
Education had done little to prepare May for her new
profession. It was with some trepidation that she
prepared herself, performing all the little morning
rituals that a woman engages in at the start of a day.
It was January the 2nd, the first day of school.

'School', thought May to herself, 'I haven't been in
school since JC!' And now she was going back to her
old JC alma mater.

Needing the extra confidence, May slid on her
favourite pair of red silk panties, topped it off with
a matching lace bra. She had to struggle a little with
the catch of her bra. By the standards of most asians,
May was extremely well endowed, and proud of it! But
it did make buying clothes quite difficult as tops
that fit her chest were often too loose elsewhere and
vice versa. May didn't mind the extra cost of buying
european brands of lingerie, she figured it was more
than amply compensated by the attention she got when
she stepped out of the house. A smart-looking blouse
and skirt completed the ensemble but did little to
hide her voluptuous figure. Bolstered by her
preparations, May felt ready to tackle anything!
Old 23-03-2010, 12:18 AM
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Re: Story - Junior College Adventures(reposted)

"Whoa there! Check those out!"
"I've never seen her before, she must be a new
"Man! I hope she teaches me!"

Chinhan, Xiaowi and Alex could barely control
themselves. As they wolfed down the generous
proportions of this new addition to the school.
Sometimes coming to school early had its plus points!

Oblivious to the attention she was receiving, May
crossed the assembly area and headed to the staff
room. On the way she bumped into a shorter man who had
just at that moment pushed opened the staff room door.
May barely had enough time to react to stop the door
from causing blunt force trauma to her mammaries.

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't see you there."
"It's okay, I was also in a hurry too."
"You're new aren't you?"
"Yes, I'm May. I just graduated from NIE and I'll be
teaching geography."

At her name, the man finally lifted his gaze from her
breasts and looked her in the eye. May was used to men
talking to her chest and in his defence, her chest WAS
pretty much at his eye level. But one look at his
leering face sent "lecher" alarms ringing in May's

"I'm Jason. I'm the AVA technician. I also handle all
the minor electrical wirings and stuff around the
school. If you need any help, in anything, just call
me.I'd be glad to help."

'I just bet you would,' May thought silently to
herself, having already come to the conclusion to keep
as far away from 'Jason' as possible.
Old 23-03-2010, 12:19 AM
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Re: Story - Junior College Adventures(reposted)

Other than that rather unfortunate incident, the rest
of the school day passed much more pleasantly. All the
male students were, of course, smitten and were very
eager to get unto her good side. Volunteers to carry
books and to help out with the OHP equipment and
screen were abundant. Three boys, in particular were
especially delighted. They were none other than
Chinhan, Xiaowi and Alex. These three were already the
envy of their old high school buddies by the sheer
fact that they were in the humanities course, the
traditional bastion of pretty JC chicks. Having Miss
May Wong as their form teacher just seemed an added
injustice. The groans of dismay from the Science
course boys during assembly when it was announced that
May was the new geography teacher was actually audible
from the second storey balcony where the principal
made his assembly announcements from. The only thing
preventing him from coming down hard on the culprits
was the simple fact that it would be impossible to
punish that many students.

The female students were a slightly different story.
Initially a bit non-plussed by being so suddenly
outclassed, they were still too stunned to react. May
knew that given time, they would resort to bitching
and rumour-mongering to tear down her popularity. But
May was no innocent when it came to _that_ game. She
knew how to handle the girls.

Chinhan, Xiaowi and Alex may have been old high school
buddies, but of the three Alex was more infamous.
Already blessed with rugged good looks, Alex had
become the school 'hunk' by virtue of his CCA -
Football. Constant practices on the pitch had made him
very athletic. Lean, yet muscular, Alex was also known
for his abilities off the pitch. Many girls had fallen
under the spell of his glib tongue and had surrendered
their most precious commodity under his gentle and sly
persuasion. Only their shamed knowledge of having been
used prevented them from reporting Alex to the school
administration. At this current time, however, Alex
was 'between girls' or so he liked to put it.
Old 23-03-2010, 12:20 AM
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Re: Story - Junior College Adventures(reposted)

Alex knew that his two friends Chinhan and Xiaowi
'talked the talk' but dared not put action to words.
So while he joined them as they discussed the size of
Miss Wong's breast and her pretty face etc. He made
his own plans. Frankly, he was bored of the younger
girls anyway. Most of them were barely past their
puberty and had not filled out, certainly none of them
were as buxom as Miss Wong. Alex resolved to make Miss
Wong his next target.

That afternoon he made his excuses to Chinhan and
Xiaowe and his other usual hangout friends and stayed
back after the last lesson to attend soccer practice.
Most JC students left immediately after the last bell.
Only the CCA sportsplayers, like Alex, frequently
stayed back. Alex gave football practice only a
minimal amount of attention. He was still thinking of
Miss Wong. Coach scolded him for his lack of
attentiveness on the pitch, but Alex didn't care.
Besides, Coach never really scolded Alex very harshly,
after all, Alex was his star player. By the time
practice had ended and Alex had showered and was
prepared to go home, it was already 7pm. School was
practically deserted as Alex made his way to the back
gate with his school bag.

Leaving by the back gate required Alex to cut through
most of the school grounds. On passing the geography
room Alex happened to notice that the lights were
still on. Curious, thinking that someone had
inadvertantly left the room lights on, Alex detoured
to check the situation out. Finding the door ajar,
Alex peeped in and saw none other than Miss Wong.
Prepared to leave quickly before he was spotted, Alex
made to close the door but Miss Wong voice caught him
before he could complete his action.

"Who's there!"

Sheepishly Alex pushed open the door again and stepped
into the room. Seeing him, May relaxed a little.
Truthfully, she was also a little embarrassed. She had
been drawn into the Geography room by old memories.
Her CCA during JC had been the Humanities Club and she
had spent a lot of time in this room. More
importantly, this room was also where she had gotten
together with Jack. Jack was her boyfriend in JC. They
had met during the orientation programme and had hit
it off instantly. May recognised in Jack a kindred
spirit. Someone who was willing, like her, to take
risks. In fact May and Jack realised instantly that
they shared a common love for excitement and danger.
It was this ilicit thrill seeking that eventually led
them to have sex in the geography room after school
one day. When Alex had stumbled in on her, May had
just been in the process of remember that first time.
She and Jack had crept into the room. Getting the keys
was easy since she was the president of the geography
club and could sign out the keys any time. Duplicating
the keys was just a simple act after that. They had
stayed back in the library pretending to study till
the school was deserted and had then made their way
separately to the room to minimise being caught. Once
together they had quickly locked the room from the
inside. But they knew that anyone walking past might
chance to hear them and besides, the school jaga had a
set of keys and he often made sweeping checks of the
school premises. The danger of being caught not only
didn't stop them, it made them more excited and the
sex had been frantic and urgent. Jack had come at her
from behind. One hand found her breast (which even
back then were bigger than all the other girls) and
the other moving up her JC skirt and quickly dipping
into her panties. Jack knew that this double assault
would drive her crazy and true enough May quickly
surrendered without even token resistance and even
urged him on with her own hands.
Old 23-03-2010, 12:21 AM
halcyon halcyon is offline
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Re: Story - Junior College Adventures(reposted)

Actually this story is quite well-written and deserving of a repost. Thanks bro.
Old 23-03-2010, 07:24 AM
splicer splicer is offline
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Re: Story - Junior College Adventures(reposted)

another good story.
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