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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 23-05-2004, 08:45 PM
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Thumbs up Club Eden

Hi Bros....Heard there is a new branch opening at Boat Quay by the name of 'CLub Eden'. Very Nice decoration and cosy place with total around 8 rooms.Selection of gers ranging from mostly PRC and local chinese. Normally a botttle at 'Xin Tian Di' will cost you ard 338 SGD Nett but a bottle there costs you ard 298 SGD nett.You can look for Mummy Viona when you are going there cos she is a very nice mummy who always try to give her best for her customers....

This is definitely a good place worthy trying...
Old 23-05-2004, 09:53 PM
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Re: Club Eden

is this viona previously from xtd??
Old 23-05-2004, 09:54 PM
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Re: Club Eden

might to show the address, thanks
Old 23-05-2004, 10:04 PM
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Re: Club Eden

so open already or samsters got soft launch?
Old 24-05-2004, 12:23 AM's Avatar is offline
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Re: Club Eden

Originally Posted by forex
so open already or samsters got soft launch?
pls put us on the invited guest list...
Old 24-05-2004, 12:50 AM
doremifasola doremifasola is offline
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Re: Club Eden

any bros going pls pm me. would like to join very much.
Old 25-05-2004, 09:45 PM
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Re: Club Eden

Originally Posted by eternity
is this viona previously from xtd??

Yes..she is from XTD.
Old 07-06-2004, 10:16 PM
buayKan! buayKan! is offline
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Re: Club Eden

ok guys...

after lurking here for so many years, i thot perhaps it is time for me to do a FR.

Last friday, after work, decide to visit this new joint near my office with some friends... was actually intending to just have a quiet drink.

so anyway, was brought into a room by the waitress, and then the mummy came. my friend called her before we came. The JD came... and shortly the gals came... like i said, i was intending to have a quiet night, so i rejected the gal.... after about 20 minutes, the mummy came and ask me for a favour. She has this PRC gal who doesn't belong to the club. Told me something about them paying cover to come and work here...dunno what. SO anyway, she told me to let her sit with me and give her $20 bucks to cover her for the cover charge to get in.... i said ok..

This gal came in, average height... knee length skirt, with high heel sandles. She told me her name is Ah Ai, from HeBei... we sat down and chatted for a while.... i put my hand round her waist... nice and slim. her look is not bad lah. It would have been a 7/10 for me. Anyway, after a few drinks, i got a bit tipsy.. and started roaming her body... started with trying to stick my hand into her skirt to play with her g-string. then putting my hand into the sleeve hold to grab her breast. She was also getting a bit drink. She sat on my legs and started looking at me in a seductive way, singing "Guang Tao Zhi Lian" with me! At certain part of the song, we started frenching.... then i know, i am hooked already!

so i just grab her and french, with my tongue exploring hers. both my hands went underneath to grab her ass! her figure is not bad actually... quite good, except for a bit of breast. I mean her breast is only a bit but good enough for me lah. Anyway, no action lah. I don't like this group of people to know that i fuck gals outside, coz they know my wife too. Words may get around.

Anyway, after the session, my friend paid up, so don't ask me how much. i tipped her $50 bucks, but she asked if i could give her more, as she only sat with me the whole night. So i gave her another $50. The place was already closing, she hold me hand and started walking out. Nearing the door, i pull my hand away, I work around the area.. the last thing i want is to see someone i know!

We parted at the door, i ask her where she stay, she told me near hong lim FC. i was deciding if i should give her a lift, but decided against it for the above mentioned reason. My car is parked pretty far away.

Anyway, i pick up my car, and was on my way back, i saw her standing outside OCBC center. i stop and ask if she was ok. She told me she is trying to grab a cab, as she is too tipsy to walk home. i told her to get in and i will drop her off. So, anyway, we drove abit, and decided to go eat supper instead. Stupidly i told her we can try lagoon... but alas, when we got there, everything was close... feeling tired, we just sat in the car and chat a bit... i hands was on her thighs.... slowly roaming upwards.... we started frenching again.... and one thing led to another, we started having sex! While i was happy, my heart was kinda pain.... you see... i perspire like pig.. and the car is only 1 month old!!! but it is a MPV, so we literally tried every possible positions! overall i must say its a damn good session!!!!

after that i sent her home... she ask if i want to spend the night at her place. i decided against it...but told her i will walk her up..... when i reach her house.. she just turn around and start kissing me again... we slowly move into her room and on the bed... there we go again...

I woke up at about 5am.... she ask me why i woke up so early, told her i need to go home, shower and change for work in the morning. I paid her $400 bucks (which is all i have with me then) and left the house......

Overall, good night out. A bit costly, but come to think of it, it is pretty well worth the money. Sorry guys for the long story.... my first FR.... if you guys like it.. i will try more.. but i don't chiong so often.. so will not have as many as some of the brothers here...
Old 07-06-2004, 10:34 PM
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Re: Club Eden

Originally Posted by buayKan!
ok guys...

after lurking here for so many years, i thot perhaps it is time for me to do a FR.

Last friday, after work, decide to visit this new joint near my office with some friends... was actually intending to just have a quiet drink.

so anyway, was brought into a room by the waitress, and then the mummy came. my friend called her before we came. The JD came... and shortly the gals came... like i said, i was intending to have a quiet night, so i rejected the gal.... after about 20 minutes, the mummy came and ask me for a favour. She has this PRC gal who doesn't belong to the club. Told me something about them paying cover to come and work here...dunno what. SO anyway, she told me to let her sit with me and give her $20 bucks to cover her for the cover charge to get in.... i said ok..

This gal came in, average height... knee length skirt, with high heel sandles. She told me her name is Ah Ai, from HeBei... we sat down and chatted for a while.... i put my hand round her waist... nice and slim. her look is not bad lah. It would have been a 7/10 for me. Anyway, after a few drinks, i got a bit tipsy.. and started roaming her body... started with trying to stick my hand into her skirt to play with her g-string. then putting my hand into the sleeve hold to grab her breast. She was also getting a bit drink. She sat on my legs and started looking at me in a seductive way, singing "Guang Tao Zhi Lian" with me! At certain part of the song, we started frenching.... then i know, i am hooked already!

so i just grab her and french, with my tongue exploring hers. both my hands went underneath to grab her ass! her figure is not bad actually... quite good, except for a bit of breast. I mean her breast is only a bit but good enough for me lah. Anyway, no action lah. I don't like this group of people to know that i fuck gals outside, coz they know my wife too. Words may get around.

Anyway, after the session, my friend paid up, so don't ask me how much. i tipped her $50 bucks, but she asked if i could give her more, as she only sat with me the whole night. So i gave her another $50. The place was already closing, she hold me hand and started walking out. Nearing the door, i pull my hand away, I work around the area.. the last thing i want is to see someone i know!

We parted at the door, i ask her where she stay, she told me near hong lim FC. i was deciding if i should give her a lift, but decided against it for the above mentioned reason. My car is parked pretty far away.

Anyway, i pick up my car, and was on my way back, i saw her standing outside OCBC center. i stop and ask if she was ok. She told me she is trying to grab a cab, as she is too tipsy to walk home. i told her to get in and i will drop her off. So, anyway, we drove abit, and decided to go eat supper instead. Stupidly i told her we can try lagoon... but alas, when we got there, everything was close... feeling tired, we just sat in the car and chat a bit... i hands was on her thighs.... slowly roaming upwards.... we started frenching again.... and one thing led to another, we started having sex! While i was happy, my heart was kinda pain.... you see... i perspire like pig.. and the car is only 1 month old!!! but it is a MPV, so we literally tried every possible positions! overall i must say its a damn good session!!!!

after that i sent her home... she ask if i want to spend the night at her place. i decided against it...but told her i will walk her up..... when i reach her house.. she just turn around and start kissing me again... we slowly move into her room and on the bed... there we go again...

I woke up at about 5am.... she ask me why i woke up so early, told her i need to go home, shower and change for work in the morning. I paid her $400 bucks (which is all i have with me then) and left the house......

Overall, good night out. A bit costly, but come to think of it, it is pretty well worth the money. Sorry guys for the long story.... my first FR.... if you guys like it.. i will try more.. but i don't chiong so often.. so will not have as many as some of the brothers here...
Oh, God. You pay her so much. She must be laughing all the way after you have left. But I guess if you really like her attitute and can click with her, then it will be worth the $400. Maybe you are rich. To me, $400 can cheong a few times.

Old 07-06-2004, 10:37 PM
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Re: Club Eden

Well, Like i say, i don't chiong much... perhaps i spoilt the market... i really dunno. But I enjoyed the session... so i pay lor... money can earn back mah.... the lousy thing is i keyed her number into my phone... and accidently erase it byt mistake!

if any brother visit that place and get to sit with her.. can get her number and PM me? Thanks in Advance
Old 07-06-2004, 10:40 PM
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Re: Club Eden

Originally Posted by buayKan!
Well, Like i say, i don't chiong much... perhaps i spoilt the market... i really dunno. But I enjoyed the session... so i pay lor... money can earn back mah.... the lousy thing is i keyed her number into my phone... and accidently erase it byt mistake!

if any brother visit that place and get to sit with her.. can get her number and PM me? Thanks in Advance
Well, since she stay with you overnight and you like her attitute so much, then I think perhaps it is worth the money. Most importantly is that you are happy and enjoy yourself that night.
Old 08-06-2004, 03:06 AM
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Re: Club Eden

As long as you enjoy the session then i think its all rite.
Although its not veri economical.
nevertheless an excellent fr.
Guess we got a new place to go now.
Old 08-06-2004, 07:58 AM
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Re: Club Eden

Yup as long as ur happy wif the services, u can giv as much as u want.....
maybe we should organise a trip down there for a look
Old 08-06-2004, 11:40 AM
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Re: Club Eden

Originally Posted by buayKan!
Well, Like i say, i don't chiong much... perhaps i spoilt the market... i really dunno. But I enjoyed the session... so i pay lor... money can earn back mah.... the lousy thing is i keyed her number into my phone... and accidently erase it byt mistake!

if any brother visit that place and get to sit with her.. can get her number and PM me? Thanks in Advance
Wah! Bro, in total S$500. Got money also don spend like that mah. She will definatly ask for S$400 next time when any brother here ask her for that special service. Sighz...... PRC index going higher liao.
Old 08-06-2004, 12:04 PM
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Re: Club Eden

Originally Posted by buayKan!
ok guys...

Overall, good night out. A bit costly, but come to think of it, it is pretty well worth the money. Sorry guys for the long story.... my first FR.... if you guys like it.. i will try more.. but i don't chiong so often.. so will not have as many as some of the brothers here...
At this rate you tip her, unlike many PRCs, she will not have to bunk in with her counterparts in a room

Anyway, what is her name there and under which mummy?
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