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Old 10-07-2010, 05:37 PM
cocknloaded cocknloaded is offline
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My Sexperience working in a male host club

Hi to all dear samsters, after reading so many of the stories here, i have finally decided to share my sexperience working in a male host club. Stories are 90% true to protect the identity of all parties involved. Working in this line has made me bang alot kinds of women, from many different occupations and background.. Hope you enjoy my first story here and do give pointers as to how to make it more steamy! Posting intervals of each chapter will be judging from response..

How I started..
It was in November 2008, I had just ORD from the army and was just basically ilding around taking a break. I am a hardcore chiongster and thus every night i would go out with my kakis for drinks.. One fine day, my friend Stan called me.. This was the call that changed my life..

Stan : eh dude where are you? You free tonight?

Me : ya im home now.. Why?

Stan : oh there's this new lounge im helping out at the moment, they're having a party tonight and my boss is asking me to jio more guys down to drink and help her mingle around with the guests, you interested? Just come dressed up wearing smart yeah?

Me : ok lor. Sms me the address i'll see you there..

So i headed down to the place, FUCK! WHERE GOT PARTY! The whole place was like a ghost town! Then stan explained to me that the place is actually a male host club which just opened. On reaction..

Me : knn! You ask me come here to be a duck ah cb!

Stan : aiya u always go out drink then spend money, might as well come here drink and talk cock sing song with people, got money take and got women to touch, not shiok meh?

Thinking through about what stan just told me, quite true la.. Since im there anyway just try one night la then see how.. So I was introduced to thr lady boss whom i would call her Jessy, she's quite young, quite pretty, a 7.5 - 8 on the looks department i would say.. Knew from her that there would be a couple of her friends heading over later on.. Just then, the door opened..

Woman : hi is this the host club that was on the papers the other day?

Stan : oh yes do come in and have a seat!

There were a total of 5 women in the group, aging about early to mid 30s.. The club had about ten boys working there at that time, including some guys from korea and usa.. So basically it was like nightclub style.. Jessy would part time as the mamasan and bring us over to the room to sit with the customers.

So we headed to the room and i was picked by the group.. Haha quite shiok leh win the ang moh guys and korea guy.. Introduced ourselves and i was sitting with Gwen, who was the female commando who chionged into our club earlier on..

Chapter two... How alcohol can change women..
Old 11-07-2010, 10:05 AM
YangonCome YangonCome is offline
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Re: My Sexperience working in a male host club

Interesting sexperience and something different......camping for more.....thanks bro.
Old 11-07-2010, 10:28 AM
joew2005 joew2005 is offline
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Re: My Sexperience working in a male host club

ha ha ha ..... times hv changed ..... women k also go out look 4 men's company(PAID).
it's more conservative on tis tiny red dot.
elsewhere tis type of scene has alrdy been around 4 many many yrs.
Old 11-07-2010, 04:57 PM
cocknloaded cocknloaded is offline
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Re: My Sexperience working in a male host club

[B][B]Good afternoon fellow samsters! Thanks to the brothers who upped my pts.. Shall do my best to write my sexperience down as these incidents happened a few yrs back..

Chapter 2 - How women change after alcohol

So there we were, with 5 women in the room with us.. They were quite hardcore drinkers i think, few bottles of martell and champagne lined the table.. Was drinking and chatting to Gwen, found out that she has her own business and that they were out to check out the place as one of her friends, whom I should call Alice just got dumped by her ang moh bf.. So thats why they didnt pick the ang moh boy just now.. Lol..

Was drinking till about 2am and i must say all of us were pretty high by that time, Stan was teasing his customer endlessly while I was singing on and on.. Wanna know why? Alice was loaded! Nearly every song that I sang, she gave me a $50 tip! One of the other boys in the room, Kane was working for the first day there as well.. He was busy serving this petite size girl, Linda.

Suddenly, Gwen threw a question out of the blue, whoever dared to do a striptease in the room leaving only his underwear intact, she will tip the guy $300! Stan, ever the man slut, began dancing without even any groovy music.. He went to do a lap dance on Alice and Linda respectively.. Just then i was drinking with Gwen and I must say by that time all the ladies hands were all over us.. Gwen came forward and whispered to my ear..

Gwen : how much would it cost, to see you dance one on one to me, and spend the night with me?

WAH! My first day only and there's someone paying me to bang her? I was in a total loss at that moment, so i took a leaf from the KTV girls experience that i had..

Me : lets not talk about money.. I like you..

I dont know where did the 'i like you' came out from.. But the next thing i knew, i was frenching deeply with her like an animal starved for days. Looking around, a few of the boys were also kissing! Stan had Alice riding on his lap.. It was like they were about to just fuck in the room..

Trying now to attack base two, i used my right hand to caress Gwen's ass.. She has a pretty normal butt.. Slowly and slowly.. My fingers were and the doorstep of her little oyster.. White colour underwear which was already slightly wet.. The music was thumping.. The alcohol running in my blood.. The endorphines in the air I breathe.. What would happen next?

Stay tuned to find out.. Chapter 3 - The gamble which paid off..

Will try to update another chapter today cos quite tedious to type from my phone.. Haha..
Old 11-07-2010, 05:32 PM
cheekydick cheekydick is offline
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Re: My Sexperience working in a male host club

Women also have needs too just like us men. TS good story please keep it up.
Old 11-07-2010, 06:10 PM
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Re: My Sexperience working in a male host club

Now male host is catching up in japan long long ago have liao. Singapore one is previously they got the concept from thailand so many host are thai boys (swing both ways) when 1st started. Now got many other nationalities even Ah Tiongs.

There is even a forum for the lady chiongster at You can log in be member and get free fucks from them (if you handsome enough maybe get paid too) but warn 1st the ladies in the forums all CMI fugly fat types.

But there are also the lao chios rich sophisticated types that go to male host clubs but due to their background they are very discreet so the ladybarbar forum you cannot find these types unless you are working or frequent such place.

TS please carry on, no wish to hijack your thread just provide some background info
Old 11-07-2010, 08:27 PM
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Re: My Sexperience working in a male host club

Eh sorry bros anybody can help? Why does it say i need the moderator to approve me before my post will appear? Although i joined this forum for some time already but i seldom post.. Anybody can help? Thanks!
Old 12-07-2010, 03:26 AM
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Re: My Sexperience working in a male host club

Bro F-boy, do you know of any similar websites for Malaysia? Sorry to be a bother, just curious , thanks & cheers bro ...............
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Old 12-07-2010, 06:16 AM
cocknloaded cocknloaded is offline
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Re: My Sexperience working in a male host club

First of all, congratulations spain! Viva espana! Talking about spain vs holland, reminded me that there was this dutch taitai that patronised us before.. But thats another story for another day.. Shall continue on gwen now..

Chapter three - the gamble that paid off

Gwen and me were still at it.. At that point of time, i was already fingering her slowly and deeply.. Soft moans could be heard as she hugged me tightly..

Gwen : Ooo umm.. Feels so good.. Ahh.. Are you sure its really your first day here at work?

Me : yea.. For real... But its not my first time trying to please a woman my dear.. And i definitely hope its not the last time with you..

Gwen : you're really such a teaser you know? If my friends weren't around i guess i would just fuck with you on the spot here.. Seriously darling, name me a price, you can see money's not an issue to us you know?

Me : sweet, you know i would just fuck you for free, having you drinking with me tonight, and being like this now, its already priceless..

Gwen : umm.. Ahh.. Ooo.. Fuck me please.. If not i cant sleep tonight..

Just then, the light in the room brightened up! FUCK! Wtf!! It wad my boss jessy..

Jessy (looking shocked at the sight) : oh sorry ladies! We're about to close, any last orders? Perhaps you'll like to book our boys out?

Knn since when did I have a female pimp?

Linda : we'll discuss it and get back to u later.. Thanks.

Gwen : i dont care.. Im booking you out since you're 'for sale'!

Me : eh come on la give me a chance la.. My first day leh.. Still a greenhorn..

All this rejection seem to piss her off a little by now.. I was doing this on purpose, because i knew that she wants me so badly and her office is just nearby the area, so i have plenty of chamces to see her. Screw her once and she might just find other boys next time, at least thats what i feel.. That bunch of girls are all either SPGs or players, which they really proved me right down the road..

Me : ok la i tell you what.. I dont wanna fuck you for the sake of money.. Saves both of us some dignity.. I meet you tomorrow for dinner ok?

Gwen : ermm.. Sounds good.. Since i dont have to work the next day.. But promise me you dont come here to work tomorrow ya? I wanna spend mor time with you..

Thinking to myself.. I think its more like she wants my cock..

Me : okok cool.. Gimme your number.. I'll call you tomorrow..

So we exchanged numbers and the club was about to close.. Got a tip from her, which was about $300 if i remember correctly.. Said our goodbyes and kissed Gwen goodnight beore she boarded the cab.. Stan told me he was sending Alice back.. Like real.. More like he's gonna fuck her..

So the lonely and still horny me went home high and dry, still thinking abt wht happened thru the night.. Just then, my phone beeped..

"darling.. Im still thinking of you.. Guess if i cant have u tonight, i'll have to help myself fall asleep.. Go wonder how yea? *winkz*"

it was Gwen.. Nb teaser..

Me : so u think i can sleep? Dont worry.. Tomorrow i'll be your sleeping pill and spanish fly. *grin* gd nite cock teaser!

Next chapter.. Chapter Four - Seven heaven

sorry bros.. Any suggestions? More sexy parts? Or story telling part abt how i leave a girl high and dry? Thanks..
Old 12-07-2010, 10:46 AM
pary pary is offline
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Re: My Sexperience working in a male host club

TS, with teasers and the story built-up, anything you write will be a damn good read. Keep it up please!
Old 12-07-2010, 11:10 AM
cool.dan cool.dan is offline
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Re: My Sexperience working in a male host club

This is a very interesting story!
Old 12-07-2010, 12:17 PM
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Re: My Sexperience working in a male host club

Very well done! I am camping.
Old 12-07-2010, 12:25 PM
duguwuti duguwuti is offline
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Re: My Sexperience working in a male host club

it will be really great if there is a male host club in local

believe all the sbf samsters will be Q-ing up for e interviews

TS, if u dun mind can introduce me in (pull strings much faster n easier than said) - hahahaha
Old 12-07-2010, 02:03 PM
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Re: My Sexperience working in a male host club

Thanks for your encouraging comments..

Bro duguwuti - all my story actually happen in singapore.. Sorry ah.. To keep my identity secret, i cant intro you all in.. All i can say is.. Go for a walk in interview.. The managers there will definitely help u.. Cheers!

Shall carry on with my story next..
Old 12-07-2010, 02:13 PM
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Re: My Sexperience working in a male host club

Originally Posted by cocknloaded View Post
Thanks for your encouraging comments..

Bro duguwuti - all my story actually happen in singapore.. Sorry ah.. To keep my identity secret, i cant intro you all in.. All i can say is.. Go for a walk in interview.. The managers there will definitely help u.. Cheers!

Shall carry on with my story next..
Nice ... can pm the location for the walk-in interview ?

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