Starting this thread to discuss sex related problems, get advice or suggestions to overcome it.
Ok, here's my problem.
I am very horny most of the time, but just not horny enough to want to make an appointment to get a FL. I was not like this before, prior to this patch of strange disinterest, I was engaging babes left right center, once hitting 10 appts a week. But that was like half a year ago and after the peak, number of appts slowly declined until 3-4 months ago which until now I have not done anything yet, no sex in all this time. almost daily pcc diy but it is the norm even when I was very much engaged in making appts.
I thought abstaining for a while would do the trick but even now, when I see a good intro by someone reliable, I still do not get motivated enough to ask for contacts, horny as I am.
If I get a call from my friends to go ktv, I am faster than a speeding bullet, on. But to outcall any gals, ktv or FL, just so sian. I don't know how long I have to go without to make me feel like wanting enough to do something about it but for the shucks of it, my current situation is really confusing to me.
Would I like to do it ? Yes, very much.
To go and actually do something about it ? Don't know why, can't be bothered, too lazy or something.
That, fellow Bros, is my problem in a nutshell 
Any advice ?
Asking under a new nick, a bit embarassed to ask in my original nick cos of many frs and then now like suffering from male menopause