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Old 26-04-2012, 08:16 PM
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Does all sbf guy behave this way?

hmm i wonder does all the guys in sbf behave like this way, like a .... is there's a word to describe him? hmmm i think i should not reply anymore pm, being polite is not a good deal in my humble opinion.

wan to have sex in ur sexy semi-transparent/lacy babydoll lingerie nightie dress with no bra n panty on ur bed now? dim or off lights do in ur room when your parents are sleeping already. ( anytime after 11pm-12am ) i pay u $900 cash for 1 shot sex now. i will also give u the full amount of $900 cash first b4 i fuck u in ur room, cash on hand upfront payment, wan?
i wan to fuck you with my big thick long dick n make u cum 3 times! wan to experience an orgasm with lots of hot sweet cum on ur face n mouth and in ur pussy? just keep quiet or moan softly into my ear can liao.
discreet no strings attached sex baby. 100% discretion. between us only, u dun say, nobody will know also. fuck n forget.

hmm even thou im not interested but just let u know that other ppl have outbid your price. but i like the word fuck and forget. hahah

NEVER say ppl have outbid my price UNLESS you have personally done it and received the money. if it is just words alone, then it doesn't mean shit. $900 cash for 1 shot is a more realistic and believable offer than say $1500-$2000 or more.
if something is too good to be true, it usually is. but there are rare instances, so who knows?
action speaks louder than words. everyone can say anything in the internet. who knows if the guy might change his mind or reject or cheat u or pay u less in the end or fuck n run after sex?

I'm apologise if you feel offened in any ways that i have no intention of it.

girl's thinking are weird that's all. girls always like to assume and think things are "fixed" = meaning that once u say something, it cannot be changed.
just don't say people pay/offer higher price or salary or allowance UNLESS u have actually gotten or received the money, that's what i'm trying to say.
if somebody gave u an online offer of say $10,000 for 1 shot. are u only going to accept starting bids of $10K onwards? no right? internet is full of bullshit sometimes. you need to think about offers based on market rate or a "realistic amount".
people talk a lot of bullshit online, remember that! everybody can say it is easy to earn $20K a month salary in a company. but when u really try to find a job in real-life, you will be lucky if u can even get $2-4K TAKE HOME PAY easily. If you are unlucky, u can't even find a job.

Chill no need text a wall of damage for me to read. when you say girl i assume you are say your sister if you have any, your female friends or colleague and including your mom. Even a previous msg apologize was not enough what else you looking for then? By tell you that price outbid i gotta have all these teaching bullshit from you?
Let the matter rest, if you really that upset then go hunt for next one.
If you wanna find one, fucking give a respect to a lady. call yourself a man.

Lmao. you are one fatso. i don't even want to pay u $9 dollars. i think you are just free fuck for guys = slut.
i don't have to hunt. plenty of girls coming to sbf forum. $900 will easily get me one next time, perhaps a girl who is slimmer, fresher and cleaner than u too.

I dunwan even wanna reply your PM, since you are so proud of it i shall post this out for everyone. If saying im fatso then why would u wanna try to offer me a deal, clearly you are try to hit anyone in here with your big fuck $900.
yes i give free fuck to guys that is my boyfriend, and your so call girlfriend charges you cause you paid them *yawn

hahah you dont hunt then dun text sbf girl on this, whats your problem now.
slimmer, fresher and cleaner is what u imgaine but in real life who know what u got.

am i the only one that kana this? so far all sbf bro/sis v good to me esp. now im sick everyone asking me see doctor.

My previous thread write until very jialet must get treated this way meh?
How it all started :

Last edited by QueeniePeh; 26-04-2012 at 08:43 PM.
Old 26-04-2012, 08:23 PM
Kamzee Kamzee is offline
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Cheer up, not all guys are like this
Old 26-04-2012, 08:37 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Originally Posted by QueeniePeh View Post
hmm i wonder does all the guys in sbf behave like this way, like a .... is there's a word to describe him? hmmm i think i should not reply anymore pm, being polite is not a good deal in my humble opinion.
he belongs to those what chinese say, 'say grape sour when they cant get to eat.....'
not interested in exchange points.
Old 26-04-2012, 08:45 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Originally Posted by ahhboy View Post
guess u are damn suay sis.
Originally Posted by grey82 View Post
he belongs to those what chinese say, 'say grape sour when they cant get to eat.....'
very v disappointed lei, somemore i apologise if i say anything offened him, he still send nasty email back =(
Old 26-04-2012, 08:57 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

NO worries , alot of weirdos in the internet world. Who knows, he could be the next face on the TNP.
Old 26-04-2012, 09:12 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Next time, pretend to agree and play along. Ask him for a handphone number before exposing him. I'm sure we make his life bitter or turn him into a mummy (egyptian mummy).
I don't exchange points. So no point adding me hoping I will up you back. No need to pm me about points too.
Old 26-04-2012, 09:19 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Plenty of asshole out there. Dont waste ur time on them......
Old 26-04-2012, 09:23 PM
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Hi there sista

Honestly, there's simply too many varied ppl of diff inclination & school of thought hence just shrug it off as another life experience-just chill & I know it's easier said then done as am not the recipient hence .......
Old 26-04-2012, 09:24 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

why no one contact me even though i am a high sex drive woman and in need of more men?
4/7/12: Cleared my inbox. Can send me message again.

Ran with hot pink FBT shorts, inner netting removed, can feel so many eyes ogling at my long fleshy legs.

Selective lady who is nymphomaniac and like to wear sexy when clubbing. Message/Add me as contact to club together.
Old 26-04-2012, 09:29 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

just chill, dun bother about him.
Old 26-04-2012, 09:34 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

yesh sis, dont waste time on him. you just suay tio this kind of guy...afterall words dont hurt ya..dont put it to heart.
Old 26-04-2012, 09:34 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

like wad bro grey82 said. he just being sore about you not accepting the 900 deal.
who knows. he himself might be another fatso hiding behind the com!
he's just a waste of time. im sure you deserve better. =)
Old 26-04-2012, 09:56 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

$900 .. For a quickie seem on the high side, yet outbided. Different legion for me I assume. But back to that fella, u remind me of a character in American Pie, The Shermintor.

Dear Mr.Sexminator, I'm wondering where all your self-confidence comes from.
From berating a lady behind your monitor screen? And by the way, can you smell fat people behind your screen? Please possible, might smelling and guess my dick size?
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Old 26-04-2012, 09:59 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Sis, maybe your stories too powderful for him to handle that's y he is using his kuku bird to think... ( 走火入魔Liao). Just take it as a Bo ho sey guy that need to seek your attention ba..
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Old 26-04-2012, 10:01 PM
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Re: Does all sbf guy behave this way?

Actually what is your intent? Just ignore...
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