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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 27-06-2012, 06:55 PM
xrage xrage is offline
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Thumbs up East Coast Convenient Massage Place

Hi all,

I noticed this place some time ago, and finally went to try it. I searched for a thread on this, but none dedicated to this, so I'm starting one. There could be a few references to this joint, but I'm not sure. First time starting thread, so if anything incorrect, Mod pls advise. Here goes my FR:

Though it's in a convenient location, the entrance is plain as anything. V easy to miss if you're not looking for it. Stairs and open space upstairs is clean enough. Some nice furniture. There was a slight fragrance too.

A meaty but busty milf greeted me and I thought wah lau, dun want already. Then another MILF came out, a bit baba type, but still ok. I thought older should have some skill, not the piano type. I wanted a good massage. They were suspicious, said this place sell medicine. Then I borak say my friend told me here got massage. I told them don't worry, i'm not AV. Then they said ok. Honestly, I wasn't sure, bcos they are not really good lookers, the second one ok lah, mai hiam buay pai. OK, on.

Room standard, clean towels. The bed was comfortable with nice head-hole. (It's funny, how that hole sounds. ) Stripped, laid and she started. Shortly after, the suspicion was all gone. chatted, told me how she just woke up from sleep, no wonder she like a bit dazed and cold earlier.

Her massage was pretty good, like I hoped. Pressed the right points and a good combination of presses and rubs. Earlier I told her to concentrate on my back and she did. Asked if pressure good or not. Massaged from different parts of the bed to get the right points. You know some others do all from the same place, I wonder how can they reach and do with the right pressure. She however went all over. She even climbed behind me, had 1 leg between my legs and rubbed my back from top to bottom. When she did that, her leg rubbed and pressed my ass. That was a little different. Song ah.

Ding Dong, another customer is here. She went out. Oh ya, the thing I wasn't too enthusiastic about was she went in and out a few times, at beginning of our session. No big deal though. Turns out, that customer is her regular, she's busy, so ask if he can come back in 1 hr. She came back in and asked, "Swai ge, can my friend do for you instead?" I tot that even more baba one that I saw, eee.. dowan... I asked why? can she do? She immediately said ok ok, she can do, no problem. Went out and told the other bro. Probably he's in here too? When she came back in, I told her, if she has regular, she must be not bad, and so I want to try also. She smiled. Continue.

Then she went to my legs and kneaded them well. Went up and down my legs. How do I describe this next one.... to loosen my muscles on my thigh, she used both palms and side-swiped in opposite directions from above knee to top of my thigh. A little pain, but after a while, it feels nice. PLUS extra feeling of brushing my balls when she reached the top. Again, something different.

She then returned to my lower back and pressed my kidney parts and butt, and sometimes kneaded my butt in circles, curved and ended near my balls. Of course, nice.... Once all that done, she began to paint / finger scratch my body and finally painted my ass crack and tickled bottom of my balls. Then I know ho say liao, this place sure got special. I don't normally get hard easily, but she did that and pressed the acupoints on both sides of the scrotum and after a while, I got hard lying face down, cork pressed by body. It's been a while since that happened. Normally, I may not get hard after I turned over.

Then asked me to turn over. I thought this is where she asked my the GQ, but no, she asked me if the air-con is too cold. Thoughtful. Sometimes it's the masseuse's attitude that makes or breaks a good massage session. No problem I said. act strong, but it was a bit cold. a bit only. She continued to massage my shoulder, my chest and started to rub them and started to paint and scratch. Bcos by now, my little bro already went back to sleep. Then she pointed to him and ask if here need to massage? Ahh... I thought, finally. Asked price. HJ, $50. I said I want BM, said price different. It's $80. Got it down to $70.

She went to lock the door, and started to undress, and take off bra. Boobs looked quite big, compared to when she was clothed. My auto-roaming also began. Nice and firm, not saggy. My turn to massage her nice bouncy, round boobs. I'm a boob lover. The whole time I wanted to know if they were bought, but I could feel any silicon or see any scar at the bottom, so I concluded it's real. (not like Alice, from TP, I'm sure hers were bought. If bros read my other FR, you will know.) Wah... at this age (she's about early-mid 40s, youngest also late 30s) still so firm, really not bad. Only thing she has some bah around her waist, but that's expected for her age. I think hers is still smaller than the other one outside, but she had more pleasant looks.

I laid down and she climbed on top of me and rubbed her boobs on my body and of course more on my bro. This went on for a while and he was enjoying. Then I told her to get up and got her to squat against the wall while I fucked her boobs. After a while, she asked if this was tiring for me. A little, so she suggested she lie down. Not bad, I thought, because other places they are so afraid of AV they will not lie down or undress. I mounted her and went to her top base. This is our third position!! Told her to squeeze her boobs and I started to fuck her boobs again. This is by far the best position! I told her it's good and she squeezed even more and used her thumbs to bar my bro so he is always squeezed to the chest. Really really siong ah! This really increased sensation and siongness. I pumped and pumped and couldn't last too longer in this position and finally shot my load onto her chest, below her chin. Wah.... The feeling of release is always good, you guys know that. But I just came yesterday, and so army not too much, and it was the way I released this time that added to the sensation. If she was younger and prettier, than I would have came faster. So on hindsight, it was good she wasn't.

She smiled and cleaned me up. Went out to throw the tissues away. This is the other small thing this place don't have warm towels or wet tissues. Small matter. Came back in and continued to massage me because there is still time. I saw her looking at the clock and I knew her regular customer returned waiting in the other room. So I told her don't worry, go attend to him. She was so grateful, anyway 5min left. Said next time will massage me longer. Gave me water, dressed up, paid up. She wanted to exchange numbers and so I can call her to book appointments. I said no need. I don't want to have my number float around, who knows what will happen. Anyway, she was happy and I left happy too.

This's the strange thing, I heard earlier the entrance fee is $48 per hour, but she charged me $40 only. Maybe I heard wrong, or she charged me lesser. Either way, that's good. So I help her, she help me.

Good for bros who want a good massage and a happy ending. Not for bros who are looking for SYTs. Good joint to go to. If you like my FR, please up me with your points. I'd appreciate it much. What goes around comes around. I have too little points to up others. Dammit.

I know some bros don't believe in points to protect from AV, but that is what we have to work on. So for bros who want the location, I'd be happy to share with those with 30 or more points only. Hope you understand. Or a good place to share with other fellow bros here. I'd also look forward to see other FR. Contribute and join in the joy of sharing!

Looks: 6.5/10 (MILF, to each his own)
Boobs: 8/10 (I found out 80C. Equal to 32C from conversion. Correct or not ah?)
HJ: Never tried. $50
BM: 8/10 (Good attitude). $70
BJ: Don't do
FJ: Don't do
Entrance: $40 or 48
Total Damage: $110

Happy Cheonging!
Please leave ur Nick so i can reciprocate. If I dont pm me. Thx!

Looking for chat and lunch buddies. ladies pls. I'd like to have a little casual banter over chat, lunch or tea if you are available in the daytime. pm me. I don't bite.
Old 27-06-2012, 10:00 PM
gladknowingu gladknowingu is offline
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Re: East Coast Convenient Massage Place

I stay in east coast .... share ctc pl. Thx
Old 27-06-2012, 10:20 PM
vpkum vpkum is offline
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Re: East Coast Convenient Massage Place

Bro, can pm location and contact. Thanks.
Old 27-06-2012, 11:28 PM
bedokMassage bedokMassage is offline
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Re: East Coast Convenient Massage Place

if its is a health ctr i am sure already many ppl go there.
tis report may not help her, kena caught finished.
report should be brief , minus those..
Old 27-06-2012, 11:30 PM
Movanpick Movanpick is offline
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Re: East Coast Convenient Massage Place

bro plz pm me addr.. tks will pm back with contact..
Old 28-06-2012, 12:13 AM
longhorse longhorse is offline
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Re: East Coast Convenient Massage Place

Hi bro,
Ctc please.
Old 29-06-2012, 12:19 AM
joybb joybb is offline
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Re: East Coast Convenient Massage Place

hi bro ts, can pls share ctc?
Old 29-06-2012, 01:00 AM
Ek1982 Ek1982 is offline
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Re: East Coast Convenient Massage Place

Bro...mind share add??
Old 29-06-2012, 01:33 PM
xrage xrage is offline
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Re: East Coast Convenient Massage Place

HI all,

Thank you for those who shared your valuable points! Appreciate it!

I've just sent out to all bros with more than 30 points.

For those who don't have enough, so sorry but I should abide by the rules I set. We need to be discreet. Hope you understand.

Meanwhile, happy cheonging!
Please leave ur Nick so i can reciprocate. If I dont pm me. Thx!

Looking for chat and lunch buddies. ladies pls. I'd like to have a little casual banter over chat, lunch or tea if you are available in the daytime. pm me. I don't bite.
Old 01-07-2012, 06:14 PM
nokia611o nokia611o is offline
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Re: East Coast Convenient Massage Place

east side is convenient ,thai budget massage 50 dlr, 90min,
at sim ave, pm me, with spacious bed room
thk ts for borrowing this thread.
Old 02-07-2012, 06:47 PM
gordon88 gordon88 is offline
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Re: East Coast Convenient Massage Place

hi bro. can share contact?
Old 04-07-2012, 12:02 PM
xrage xrage is offline
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Re: East Coast Convenient Massage Place

Sent out ctc to next set of bro with enough points. I should abide by my own rules. Hope you understand the need to be discreet. Unless you have posted FR somewhere or some proof you are not AV. Thanks!
Please leave ur Nick so i can reciprocate. If I dont pm me. Thx!

Looking for chat and lunch buddies. ladies pls. I'd like to have a little casual banter over chat, lunch or tea if you are available in the daytime. pm me. I don't bite.
Old 04-07-2012, 12:22 PM
xrage xrage is offline
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Re: East Coast Convenient Massage Place

Hope to see your FRs soon. Many bros ask but no FR. Share your experiences, bros.

If you like my FR or get good service, pls up me. Thanks!
Please leave ur Nick so i can reciprocate. If I dont pm me. Thx!

Looking for chat and lunch buddies. ladies pls. I'd like to have a little casual banter over chat, lunch or tea if you are available in the daytime. pm me. I don't bite.
Old 05-07-2012, 07:50 PM
Robert68 Robert68 is offline
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Re: East Coast Convenient Massage Place


can share ctc?

Old 05-07-2012, 11:00 PM
Shah Ryan Shah Ryan is offline
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Re: East Coast Convenient Massage Place

bro cn pm me the location detail?
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