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Old 09-05-2013, 03:43 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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My Brother and Sister in law

I met Gillian during an IT show back in 2005.

I was quite happy that I got a sweet looking girl standing by my side for my dull job and needless to say, I made my move. She was shy, not very chatty but I could see the sparkle in her eyes whenever I made a corny remark that made her laugh.

Gillian was not the prettiest of the lot, neither is she wearing a short skirt with brands endorsements like some of the models, Gillian was just in a plain T-shirt and Jeans.

Her hair was just healthy and black, while the models hair were all nicely done with sparkles and dyes, I felt Gillian stood out among the rest with her natural black hair.

She had a natural glow on her cheeks and her eye lashes were naturally long without using any extension.

My friends went all out during the IT weekend, chatting with the models while I’m contented with just a bit of teasing and joking around with Gillian.

We kept in contact after that weekend through Friendster and multiply.

Before I knew it, Gillian and I were dating even though she was preparing for her final year in NUS.

I knew her parents objected to her being in a relationship from our conversations so I made sure she was always back in front of her doorstep in Jurong 30 minutes before her curfew.

Her parents were strict with her and she hardly gets to stay out late even though she’s turning 22.

10pm was the time when the carriage changed into a pumpkin for Gillian. Which meant the 15 minutes walk from Jurong East MRT had to start at 9.15pm every evening we dated.

I knew being on time meant a lot to Gillian and her family so most of the meals and dating happened in the western side of Singapore.

Being late was never an option.

I was never invited in for a drink even though I could feel a pair of eyes tracking our every move whenever we are near the estate.

Her dad has a habit of perching by the window, staring at the pathway which led to her block every evening without fail. I came to know much later that he loved the natural breeze on his face as he enjoy his single malt.

And I always wondered how much natural breeze can you get at the 4th storey.

There was no goodnight kiss for me and Gilliang, no making out at the staircase, no grabbing of her bums.
We just held hands, whenever I send her back.

Getting caught in a compromising position was again… not an option.

Her house gate was always opened when the lift opened, probably her dad trying to tell me he’s keeping an eye on me.

If only he knew his daughter’s legs were always open whenever she was at my place, if it was not her legs, then it was her mouth.

Despite the various strict rules and bull shit, Gillian and I still managed to continue our relationship.

Thankfully, Gillian did rather well for her finals and her parents were quite happy with her results. Her curfew was extended to 11pm the moment she found a job 1 month after graduation.

Part of her first paycheck was spent on a hotel room where we made out like sex starved bunnies, she felt bad it was always me paying for the rooms when we were dating.

As I walked through the entrance of Mandarin Oriental, I can’t help but felt a little weird, we usually used the back and discreet entrance of hotels either in kovan or Balastier.

As I came amidst fits of spasm and groans that evening, it dawned on me for the first time the difference in spending power between us.

June 2006

I was feeling a little nervous as I walked towards the old dim sum restaurant that Saturday morning. I’ve been to the red star a few times but that morning was a little different.

It was the first time I’m meeting my girlfriend’s parents and family so I was feeling a bit jittery. After dating for more than a year, Gillian’s parents finally brought up the topic of meeting me for breakfast.

Their breakfast timing , 7am.

Who in the world meets their daughter’s bf for breakfast ?

I knew it was not just a matter of having tea and dim sum, knowing her dad, there’s bound to be some hidden tests and crap. I recalled the times when she told me about the route and trials her sister’s boyfriend had to take to be accepted and I felt a shiver down my spine.

I made sure I got on the first train that left my place in Bedok and did a transfer to get to Chinatown. I was ridiculously early, reaching the restaurant at 6.20am even after taking a dump in the toilet.

The staircase outside the restaurant was empty with exception of me and another guy who was leaning against the wall, trying to catch a few more winks.

I hung around the staircase and dropped Gillian a text saying I’m already there. I got a reply almost immediately saying that they are on their way too.

At 6.55am , I watched her dad’s car reverse into the lot near where I was standing.

As the doors opened, I adjusted my top, checked my bearing and watched the family exited the car.

I saw Gillian gave me a wink and a smile before talking to her mum. Another girl which I recognized as her elder sister followed closely. I’ve only seen pictures of her and that was the first time I saw her sister in person despite a one year relationship with Gillian.

The sisters shared the same smile and dimples and they are the same height. I knew from Gillan they shared the same shoes, clothes, even bra size.

Sometimes I wondered if the sisters moaned the same way, if their love juice is equally sweet, if they like the same position and do they look the same when they cum.

Her dad was up front and I extended my hand first, introducing myself to him.
I shook her Dad’s hand and we exchanged greetings.

I greeted her mum and shook her hand too.

Her sister smiled at me and spoke.

Sylvia : Hi James, heard a lot about you.

I shook her hand too and I could smell the fresh morning shampoo coming from her hair that is still a little damp.

Gillian followed closely behind and I could smell the same fresh morning fragrant from her as well.

I saw the guy who was trying to catch a few extra winks in the middle of the staircase now up on his feet and he waved at us.

He did not shake hands with anyone but he waved and said hi.

I saw Sylvia went forward for a hug and introduced the guy to me.
Sylvia : James, meet my fiancé, Joe.

Our eyes met and I shook hands with Joe.

As the family went into the restaurant, Joe hung back a little, chatting with me. A little bit of intro here and there, pleasant greetings and stuff.

As the staff led us to the table, Joe spoke to me in a hush voice.

Joe : Bro, how ? Worse than interview right ? haha

James : Eh ok la, quite stressful and weird eh. Haha.

Joe : don’t worry, it’ll pass.

I did not have much appetite but I forced myself to eat a little. Gillian’s dad steered and controlled most of the conversations around the table.

I am not stupid, the way he structured and organized his words, multiple hints were dropped my way regarding his expectations for his daughters’ partner.
He is good at digging information subtly, forming his sentences in a way that coaxes information out from the other party.

I went with the flow and answered as casually as I could.

Although I felt the stress, I can’t help but concede that Gillian’s dad is a smooth talker.

1 hour into breakfast, I felt the worse is over as we sipped our tea, the ‘interview’ giving way to lighter topics like the new casinos and IRs the country will be having.


We got the bill and left the place together.

I felt my heart lighten considerably once we parted ways with Gillian’s parents.

We headed over to my place and by 11.30am, my testicles lightened considerably too.

September 2006

Since that first meetup with her family, I hung out more and more with Sylvia and Joe. I did not know why but I was rather comfortable with them. They were easy going, funny and they’re rather generous with their spending.

I don’t want to sound cheap but sometimes I’m quite happy they settled the bill.

I always insisted we split the bill whenever we eat out, but Sylvia and Joe refused to have any of it. I don’t earn much with my diploma but still I’m not someone who sponge off others. There are times I felt a little uncomfortable as they frequent restaurants that are quite expensive.

I don’t think I can suka suka afford $30 pasta or $40 steaks.

It was with much effort I managed to steer their taste buds towards hawker fare.

And thankfully, they did not fight for the bill at the hawker centre as they left the ordering to me and I always manage to pay upfront upon ordering.
I brought them all over the island, trying out different hawker food that were cheap and good and they loved it.

July 2007

During one particular ‘Hawker food tour’ , we embarked on a new chapter and we expanded the boundaries of our common topic.
For Me and Joe that is.

Joe and I have hit it off well since we met, we’re both from the typical neighbourhood schools that’s not exactly known for producing elites. He’s 3 years my senior and I felt like he’s the brother I never had. We had a lot of common topics but there was one topic that would be more common than the others.

Old 09-05-2013, 03:48 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

I remembered it was a Saturday evening and we were having Tze char at the coffee shop opposite Punggol Park after a jog. The girls went to the car to get some stuff, leaving Joe and me finishing up the leftovers.

I was cutting up what was left of the yam ring when Joe suddenly brought up the subject.

Joe : Eh James. Ask you something.

James : Yeah ?

Joe : How is Gillian …. Ermm.. how should I put it… when you all are intimate ?

I was a little taken aback at that question and instinctively I looked around, checking for the girls.

James : You meant what ? Like sex ?

Joe laughed and he looked around the coffee shop too before adding.

Joe : What else can it be ? haha.

He gave me a jab on my elbow with his .

Joe : How ? Just curious how is it like . The 2 sisters are similar in so many ways.

I thought about the question a while before replying and asking the question I’ve kept in my heart for the longest time

James : She’s ok…. .. ermm.. how’s Sylvia ?

I saw Joe’s smile widen considerably as he nodded his head towards the returning girls.

Joe : We have a lot to talk about bro….

I directed my sight towards the 2 girls coming towards us, so did a few of the other patrons from the coffee shop. Gillian and Sylvia were both in similar black running shorts and a tank top. Grey for Sylvia, white for Gillian.

Their hair was tied up in a similar fashion, a messy bun, and I noticed for the first time Sylvia wore her watch on her right wrist, a similar design to Gillian’s which was worn on the left.

As the girls sat down and crossed their legs, I can’t help but realised that they looked like an mirror image of each other from certain angles.

We chatted for a while longer before getting the bill.

Joe and I hung back and let the girls went ahead, I directed my attention to Sylvia’s bums, watching them move with every step she took.

I traced her contours with my eyes, looking at her thighs and calves, I would be lying if I said I’ve never fantasized about my gf’s sister.

Truth is sometimes I think about Sylvia while fucking Gillian.

There is this air of maturity from Sylvia that seemed to draw me close.

As Joe unlocked his car to allow the girls in, I added softly.

James : Yup, I also think we got a lot to talk about.

We parted ways and Joe dropped me a sms on Sunday evening.

22 July 2007


Joe sms : Lim kopi mai ? Pick you up in 30minutes.

I agreed to meet Joe that evening despite have an early work trip the next morning.

Joe was already waiting when I got to the carpark of my block. I could not remember how the conversation began and the only think that was clear was how awkward the conversation was in the car.

Joe : Ehh. So how ?

James : Ehh. I also donno. A bit weird leh haha

Joe : I think so too. Haha

Only upon ordering our the tarik at Simpang bedok did we open up a bit more.

And the moment the flood gates opened, the water just kept gushing.

I told Joe how I took Gillian for the first time in my room one rainy weekend afternoon and he listened with glee as I described to the best of my ability the positions we ended up in.

Joe reciprocated with his first time with Sylvia in his car in an industrial estate.
We exchanged stories, sex scenes, likes and dislikes the girls have and we were both surprised how similar they were.


It came to a point when we were both dry of words and the awkwardness returned.

James : Eh.. late liao. Let’s call it a night ?

Joe : Alright , let’s go.


As Joe drew up near my block, he spoke something that really churned my stomach and made me felt like peeing in my pants.

Joe : James ar…. As you know … Sylvia and I are getting married in a couple of months.

Joe : I’m thinking we should have a bit of fun. What say you ?

My fingers were already hesitating at the lever to open the car door, but somehow my curiosity made me stay.

He smiled and spoke the words so vile and sick that gave me a sudden erection in his car and corrupted my innocent mind forever.

It gave me sick thoughts, conjured up sick images that sent more blood to my erection. It’s what we would call 变态,yet somehow I felt this sense of anticipation and curiosity.

I nodded my head and replied.

James : On.
Old 09-05-2013, 03:52 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Awesome build up! waiting for continuation!
Fuck the tough times, you'll be a better person after that.

Posts will be mostly syts.

Do up me if you like my posts. Thanks!
Old 09-05-2013, 03:59 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Welcome back bro! Eagerly waiting for another exciting story to unfold!
Old 09-05-2013, 04:19 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Solid start. Nice story line!
Old 09-05-2013, 05:04 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Great start. Suport
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Old 09-05-2013, 05:18 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

always enjoy your stories....camping.
Old 09-05-2013, 05:30 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

My favourite writer in SBF is back!!! Must purposely log in to give support to his thread.

Old 09-05-2013, 05:30 PM
ilikeoldchangke ilikeoldchangke is offline
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

I immediately went to my wardrobe and checked out the stash of Gillian’s clothes. Although she’s not allowed to stay over, she kept a supply of clothes in my room for special occasions.

Occasions such as ‘ chalet with friends’ , ‘ company retreat’ and of course some workout gear since we jog together often.

I finally dug out the 3 underwear she had in my room and Joe’s words came back to my mind. I’ve never indulged in the habit of sniffing of masturbating to Gillian’s underwear, what’s the point of doing that when I get to fuck her ?

But when Joe asked if I’m interested in Sylvia’s underwear, I felt this strange sense of emotions creeping up my head.

Both my heads that is.

Gillian’s underwear is simple, nothing fancy, no slutty lace but it ain’t no granny panties as well. They were simple and chic, either boyshorts or bikini cut with seamless edges for all.

I held up one grey boyshorts I particularly liked, I loved the way some of her butt cheeks spill just that teeny bit out when she wore it.

Images of the last fuck after our run came flooding into my mind as I tried to recall the sensation when I came.

I packed the undies away and went to bed, thinking about Joe’s offer to trade the girls underwear.

Truthfully, I have no idea why I wanted Sylvia’s underwear.

But I went to bed thinking of it.

Thinking of how the texture would feel between my fingers, how would it differ from Gillian’s. How would the design be like.

And of course, how would it smell like.

I felt a mix of disgust at my thoughts, although I’m not a holy saint of sorts, but such imagery and ideas never once crossed my mind.

Yes I’m horny and all, but I just wanted to fuck.

And yet just the idea of having Sylvia’s underwear is making me lose precious sleep.

4th August 2007

Joe gave me a wink when the girls were not looking that day when we met up in Chinatown for lunch. Everything was normal, nothing seemed different between Joe and I as we chatted.

Neither one of us made any mention of the private conversations we had a couple of weeks back.


We finally got a private moment when the girls went to the washroom, and Joe asked me how is it.

I told him yes I have a few underwear of Gillian’s at my place and I think I could sneak one out without her knowing.

Joe : Hmm, you mean new one ?

James : What do you meant new one ? as in brand new with tag ? .

Joe sniggered softly and added.
Joe : Don’t be idoit lah, I meant Gillian wear before one or not ?

Joe : As in unwashed one.

Thinking back, I was really an ignorant and innocent boy back then. How could I have not known it’s about exchanging worn undies?

I felt a sudden surge in excitement yet again as my mind churned out new possibilities and scenarios, sending more blood to my manhood.

It’s a sick thought, a sick act, yet the very idea of it is giving me a brain fuck I could not explain with words.

James : erm but how ? Gillian usually washes it after she should then hang up to dry.

Joe : Don’t be cock James, I’m sure you can find a way.

I saw the girls coming towards us from a distance away and I figured there was still time for a couple of sentences.

James : Then Sylvia’s one how ? it’ll be … worn one too ?

Joe rolled his eyes at me and said of course before tapping me to indicate the conversation is over.


We were about to part ways , Joe and Sylvia heading to meet some friends while I’m having some alone time with Gillian before her 11pm curfew.

Right when we were saying our goodbyes, I overheard Sylvia ask her sister what she’s going to be doing the next day. I did not know what was going through my mind but the moment I saw Gillian shrugged her shoulders, words just spurted out from my mouth.

James : Shall we go swim tomorrow ?

I felt 3 pairs of eyes turning towards me and the widened in unison. Although we’ve been hanging out for a while, we’ve never swam together before.

Hell I’ve swam with Gillian only when we got a room in the hotel.

Sylvia : Ermm…. Okay… that’s something new.

Gillian was just giving me a weird look and she commented that it’s quite weird to go swim. There’s hardly going to be any interaction between us all if we do.

I must have seemed a little silly and lost when Joe came to my rescue.

Joe : Tell you guys what.
He paused for effect before adding.

Joe : Let’s head to wild wild wet .

Surprisingly the girls agreed..

When their heads were turned, Joe gave me a wink and I returned a smile.

Right before we parted ways, Joe added a quick whisper.

Joe : Figure out the rest yah .. haha .

I sent Gillian back to her place before I took the long journey back to Bedok. I managed to get a seat and my thoughts started to drift.

I felt as if I was going through puberty again, my mind thinking of things I’ve never thought before. The overall feeling was weird, yet I felt aroused by it.

5th August 2007


I got to the theme park first as Joe is picking up the sisters. The sun looked bright and cheerful that Sunday morning.


I saw Joe and the girls walking towards me, waving and gesturing to the queue at the ticket booth. I got in line and they joined me barely 30 seconds later.

I did not even bother to look at what Gillian was wearing that day, instead my eyes darted secretly to the bright orange patch that is showing from underneath Sylvia’s white T-shirt.

There was nothing much to be said about the girls bikini. They were afterall, just bikinis.

Sylvia’s in neon orange, and Gillian’s one in neon pink.

I was sure Joe noticed my darting eyes towards Sylvia’s orange, just as sure as I was towards Joe’s looks at Gillian’s pink.

We hung around for a while, trying out the various slides and all before we parted ways and decided on a meeting point in 2 hours time.

1.30 pm
It did not take long for us to grow a little bored of the theme park. We bumped into each other a couple of times as we wandered around the area.

As we were making our way towards the agreed meeting point, something caught my attention.

And in that instance, something clicked in my head.

2.00 pm

As we were showering, Joe asked if I have anything up my sleeves, I told him I’ve got an idea.

I asked about his plans and he just waved a no problem casually.

I came out of the bathroom with my wet broadshorts and trunks in my hand, the water still dripping onto the floor beside me. Joe came up beside me and from the look on his face, he must have figured out what I was up to.

Gillian came out of the bathroom barely a min later, still trying to dry her hair with her towel.

James : Er dear ar, I got no plastic bag for the wet clothes…

My girlfriend took a look and without thinking much, retrieved the bag she had and passed it to me.

I felt my heartbeat increased as I took over the bag with her worn and wet bikini.

I made up an excuse of wringing my clothes dry a little more and headed back into the bathroom. I put my wet clothes into a separate bag and kept both plastic into my backpack.

I came out, giving Joe a look of triumph and satisfaction and of course, a wink.
Joe just smiled and said nothing.

I saw Sylvia came out a moment later and she passed a plastic bag to Joe.
He kept it into his sling bag without a word and off we went for lunch.

We decided to call it a day and send the girls back to Jurong.

The girls slept during the long car ride but I was wide awake, thinking of what’s going to happen next.

Will they ask for their clothes when they leave the car ?

Will they grab another plastic bag from their place to separate the clothes ?

I could hardly breath when we pulled into the girls’ carpark.

Joe was smooth , he hugged Sylvia and said his goodbye, I gave Gillian a hug too. I could feel my heart thumping against my ribcage as I watch the girls head towards the lift lobby, only when the lift door close did I dare to breath.

Joe motioned me into the car and we stopped at Lavender, near his place.
Joe : Bro, relax, you seemed so tensed up…. Buay zai leh you.

James : How to relax ? this is so crazy leh. What if the girls find out ?

He just laughed and shook his head.

Joe popped opened the trunk and there laid all our bags.

We exchanged plastic bags and shook hands.

Joe : Pleasure doing business with you James .

I stared at that damp neon orange in the bag, together with Sylvia’s short broadshorts and towel and replied a little slowly.

James : Pleasure is mine.

I was about to turn and make my way to the train when Joe added.

Joe : Bro... This is not going to be a one off thing yah.. ?

My mind was already wandering off to what will i be doing with Sylvia's worn clothes but i managed a reply.

James : Of course not bro... Of course not...
Old 09-05-2013, 05:35 PM
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Cool Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Swee larh, lai lai cum cum together hor!

Good things can share share, so is good sex.
Second Upz by :
Queue : PeaceKris, waikeekee, S.B.Y.1, owl888, Apollo, SureScore, ceeko, lonebonker, sailsingapore, sgGEM.

My 1000 upz not finished yet. If I missed out anyone, please message me, I will try my best.

Small dick never mind, small mind have no dick.
Old 09-05-2013, 05:35 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

sick.....but nice
Old 09-05-2013, 06:05 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

tent set up liao. beer and chips on standby. welcome back bro ilock!
Old 09-05-2013, 06:06 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Welcome back, Bro.
Old 09-05-2013, 06:33 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

I'm a happy camper...
Old 09-05-2013, 09:01 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Your stories are always good!
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