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FL Dome 3 - The World is Your Oyster Freelancers are not subject to the mandatory health checks that are required of registered sex workers that operate in designated red light areas. They operate illegally outside of the system put in place to curb the spread of STDs. Proceed at your own risk.

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Old 21-08-2014, 05:04 PM
matus matus is offline
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Brothers beware to prevent ripped off from Korean Freelance

Hope this will prevent more brothers from being ripped off.

Have a friend who is a supplier for Korea FL.

Asked him why is there such a big difference between Korea Fl pricing from different OKT.

Was told that the price difference is because in the market there are fake Koreans (they are mongolians) who can speak korean.

Best way to confirm their nationality, check their passport but normally they wont show you.

Good 666 and be vigilant.

Old 21-08-2014, 05:06 PM
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Re: Brothers beware to prevent ripped off from Korean Freelance

Originally Posted by deadchief View Post
Yes I fully agree. Once I booked this "Korean" girl and although she does not look Korean, she can speak the language so I believed her. But because she was ugly, I only requested HJ, even then she did not have the HJ skill so I DIY.

When she went to the toilet I saw her notebook which detailed all the transactions. It was written in Mongolian script. From then on I know the truth already, which agent is trustworthy and which is not.

Of course if she had looked pretty it would have been a better experience ...
Solid evidence....
Old 21-08-2014, 11:23 PM
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Re: Brothers beware to prevent ripped off from Korean Freelance

There's a lot of PRCs who stay in Korea now and can speak Korean. They go for plastic surgery and nobody can tell the difference for some of them sometimes
Old 22-08-2014, 04:29 AM
matus matus is offline
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Re: Brothers beware to prevent ripped off from Korean Freelance

What i am refering to now is from the actual scene in SBF korean Fl.
Old 22-08-2014, 10:35 AM
roadster33 roadster33 is offline
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Re: Brothers beware to prevent ripped off from Korean Freelance

Those prc at ktv or Adelphi ask for even more,500-1000
N they r still asking this price.crazy!!
As long this so call Korean got the looks n body who cares if they really Koreans or not.
We make comparisons,if we think worth it then go for it
I go for a few b4 not all,still find worth it compare to those 80-120 prc fl

Local fl r the biggest con,ask for so high n yet looks n body can only compare hair to those 'Koreans'
See their pics also can't stand!

Last edited by roadster33; 22-08-2014 at 02:47 PM.
Old 22-08-2014, 12:05 PM
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Re: Brothers beware to prevent ripped off from Korean Freelance

Good man for sharing!!!
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Old 23-08-2014, 05:48 PM
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Re: Brothers beware to prevent ripped off from Korean Freelance

Originally Posted by matus View Post
Solid evidence....
Solid evidence that YOU are sensation, faces, or sistar!!

I have a friend of a friend of a friend of my uncle's friend who supplies the kopi to the kopitiam here... So what???!!! I dont know what good sex is and need someone to tell me??!!

I go Malaysia, and spend 100 MYR, I get to have any passport in the world. You think we dont know this mah... Your have some lau aunty with korean or Jap passport and then want to charge 350-700?? or I have ICA scanner implanted in my dick?
I am here to say the TRUTH, and nothing but the TRUTH... You may not like to hear what I say and feel free to zap all you want. I have too many points that they are coming out of my a$$ anyway
Old 23-08-2014, 06:15 PM
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Re: Brothers beware to prevent ripped off from Korean Freelance

bro ocbcwhore so you are saying TS is not speaking the truth or? So you are the okt who supplies Korea FL at a lower rate?
Old 24-08-2014, 12:55 AM
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Re: Brothers beware to prevent ripped off from Korean Freelance

Originally Posted by nickbaston View Post
bro ocbcwhore so you are saying TS is not speaking the truth or? So you are the okt who supplies Korea FL at a lower rate?
LOL bro, I wish my job is the supplier for Korean FLs. When I do talk shit is when I have actually tried the girls myself. There are other girls in this shit stable now, but relying on my past experience, I'd defer that they are good for a photoshop fuck only. That means all they are good for is to PCC with your hands for free. Definitely not worth 350 or 700. But I would not say anything unless I have actually tried.

The real deal OKT has been around for 3+ years already. I dont even need to say his name anymore. He is synonymous to good quality girl and money for your bang. If I talk cock, I am sure 100's of bros will come out and say OCBCWHORE is a fuckin clone (well, many already say that LOL).

The agent that I have beef with, I hate it that they kept on advertising their girls for holding a Korean/Jap passport. Yes, I understand some people have fetish for korean/Jap, but the bottom line is, she still need to be a good fuck. If you give me some dry ugly old hag, yet she holds a passport to 1st world country such as USA, Australia, UK, Jap, Korea passport, I would not want to fuck her even if the OKT pays me 350.

I have a feeling that these NANA, JIN, EUN, or whatever Japs probably rejects from sunaku saloons in Jap/Kor. Now they are old and cant hack it anymore in these places with some standard, so they get re-packaged and guess what.... Sillyport. Its like we are some African country taking all the recycled iphone 1 dumped by other countries. How does that make you feel?
I am here to say the TRUTH, and nothing but the TRUTH... You may not like to hear what I say and feel free to zap all you want. I have too many points that they are coming out of my a$$ anyway
Old 24-08-2014, 01:16 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Brothers beware to prevent ripped off from Korean Freelance

Originally Posted by ocbcwhore View Post
LOL bro, I wish my job is the supplier for Korean FLs. When I do talk shit is when I have actually tried the girls myself. There are other girls in this shit stable now, but relying on my past experience, I'd defer that they are good for a photoshop fuck only. That means all they are good for is to PCC with your hands for free. Definitely not worth 350 or 700. But I would not say anything unless I have actually tried.

The real deal OKT has been around for 3+ years already. I dont even need to say his name anymore. He is synonymous to good quality girl and money for your bang. If I talk cock, I am sure 100's of bros will come out and say OCBCWHORE is a fuckin clone (well, many already say that LOL).

The agent that I have beef with, I hate it that they kept on advertising their girls for holding a Korean/Jap passport. Yes, I understand some people have fetish for korean/Jap, but the bottom line is, she still need to be a good fuck. If you give me some dry ugly old hag, yet she holds a passport to 1st world country such as USA, Australia, UK, Jap, Korea passport, I would not want to fuck her even if the OKT pays me 350.

I have a feeling that these NANA, JIN, EUN, or whatever Japs probably rejects from sunaku saloons in Jap/Kor. Now they are old and cant hack it anymore in these places with some standard, so they get re-packaged and guess what.... Sillyport. Its like we are some African country taking all the recycled iphone 1 dumped by other countries. How does that make you feel?
True.. to an extent

Hence ive stopped posting reviews

but 1 man's meat is another man's poison
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Old 24-08-2014, 01:21 AM
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Lightbulb Re: Brothers beware to prevent ripped off from Korean Freelance

Originally Posted by matus View Post

Asked him why is there such a big difference between Korea Fl pricing from different OKT.

Was told that the price difference is because in the market there are fake Koreans (they are mongolians) who can speak korean.

Makes sense.. alot of Koreans live in ex-USSR countries. Many are children of refugees from Korea (mostly). And some of North Koreans who were "migrated" to Russia, when Russia was controlling North Korean
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Old 24-08-2014, 11:43 AM
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Re: Brothers beware to prevent ripped off from Korean Freelance

Agree.... Agree....
Old 24-08-2014, 11:46 PM
BonkerJ BonkerJ is offline
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Re: Brothers beware to prevent ripped off from Korean Freelance

Well... what we want is just a good fuck.... we pay the price for the service but not the nationalities.... I do know there are some so called "Korean-Mongolian" out there but as long as she serve me well... who give a damn... especially at 4 to 5 star hotel at high storey rooms with city view.... cmon.... its all up to individual bonkers what they really looking for ...

I've tried a $160 true jap FL before, (she show me her passport to prove even though I did not ask for it) but service was fuck-up... I was like doing the deed to dead fish...
Old 25-08-2014, 12:58 AM
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Re: Brothers beware to prevent ripped off from Korean Freelance

Originally Posted by BonkerJ View Post
Well... what we want is just a good fuck.... we pay the price for the service but not the nationalities.... I do know there are some so called "Korean-Mongolian" out there but as long as she serve me well... who give a damn... especially at 4 to 5 star hotel at high storey rooms with city view.... cmon.... its all up to individual bonkers what they really looking for ...

I've tried a $160 true jap FL before, (she show me her passport to prove even though I did not ask for it) but service was fuck-up... I was like doing the deed to dead fish...
Exactly bro!!. I have also tried the stable you mentioned, his all star Korean (or whatever), Akxxx. I have no beef with the agent because at 160, lets be realistic here. She probably was Russian because when I entered, she was talking to this blonde big tall Russian chic. Service was ok in a nothing special hotel. The fuck was nothing to write home about. That was the first and last time I used the agent. I got nothing to be angry about because it was kinda expected.... a budget bonk. I am just interested in something a little better. The agent was not trying cheat us like this sensation/sistar/faces bastard.
I am here to say the TRUTH, and nothing but the TRUTH... You may not like to hear what I say and feel free to zap all you want. I have too many points that they are coming out of my a$$ anyway
Old 25-08-2014, 02:17 PM
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Re: Brothers beware to prevent ripped off from Korean Freelance

Originally Posted by BonkerJ View Post
Well... what we want is just a good fuck.... we pay the price for the service but not the nationalities.... I do know there are some so called "Korean-Mongolian" out there but as long as she serve me well... who give a damn... especially at 4 to 5 star hotel at high storey rooms with city view.... cmon.... its all up to individual bonkers what they really looking for ...

I've tried a $160 true jap FL before, (she show me her passport to prove even though I did not ask for it) but service was fuck-up... I was like doing the deed to dead fish...
Couldn't agree more with you bro!
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