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Serious Xijinping's Warplanes all Replacing own made Engines with Performance Breakth
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Phase by phase and model by model, PLA's warplanes will begin to use own Chinese jet engine models, after their engine industries' recent fountaining eruptions of engineering breakthrough. This is not any unexpected surprise at all, but is a scheduled and planed progress that began many years ago, with huge investments and commitment of resources and resolve. All that are happening right now is the apparently sudden arrival of results from the huge volume of R&D which poured out from the end of their pipeline of development cycle. Their huge scale of works and investment were kept very low profile and secretive during the past years. Now we are seeing models of engines for military and civilian planes as well as gas turbine engines for naval warships and hovercrafts. 歼-20 engine performance will exceed existing F-22 engines (F119 which were developed from 1980s), 歼-31 engines will exceed F-35 engines in performance, and their reliability durability (operating hours before overhaul) exceeded Russian engines by 2X, not only out performed Russian engines. The current replacement include 涡扇20 for 运20, as seen in the wing stress test rig photo below that tests 运20 airframe for supporting the higher G-forces from the new powerful engines to replace existing Russian engines. http://www.sohu.com/a/155768427_6776...ndex_milnews_4 涡扇20量产,各项测试试验全面启动,运20真的要全面换装国产芯了 2017-07-09 21:42 近日,媒体发布图片显示,又有一架运-20静力试验机试验顺利进行。行业常规知识可知,大型客机和大型运输机原型机静力试验,全面检验解 构强度和 飞机安全性能指标与可靠性等,这是全面量产的前奏,也是换装新型发动机进行重大改进的显著信号 。 通过图片对比可以发现,这款试验运20与搭载俄制D-30系列发动机版运-20的有很大不同,结构经过强化设计且延伸得更长,形状接近矩形而非之前的三角形,使得挂架最前方 也很粗大 ,另外挂架与发动机连接侧有更大的弧度。这些都是为了换装直径更大、动力更强劲的发动机。 报道称,在充分技术准备的基础上,中国完成了国内首次大涵道比涡扇发动机风扇叶片动应力测量试 飞,填补了国 内试飞领域的技术空白,掌握了发动机风扇叶片动应力测量试飞技术,目前涡扇20已经进入关键的 “设计定型阶 段”,接近设计定型。中乌合资建造的涡扇20发动机产已经建好,大规模量产根本不是问题。 公开资料可知,涡扇-20是一款 综合性能明显优于D-30KP-2发动机的大涵道比发动机。运-20换装涡扇-20之后,其航程和载荷将会大幅提升。涡扇-20的最大起飞推力达到15吨左右,这个指标已经接近美国C-17运输机的发动机的17吨,可以说已经能够给运20提供足够的动力,这也为运20改装为预警机、 轰炸机提 供了技术基础。 这次运20完成系列试验全面换装国产发动机可谓具有革命性意义。前期由于发动机问题,运20一 直不能进行大 规模量产,满足国内大型运输机需求都有困难别说是出口了。可是一旦成功换装国产发动机,那么运 20大规模量 产根本没有问题,也能够满足国际市场的大量需求了。国际市场需求扩大对于运20的进一步成熟与 发展也是一个 难得的正向激励。 国家取得的巨大进步都是每个劳动者创造的财富,我们真的应该感谢科学家们、感谢工程师们感谢技 术工人们、感 谢农民、感谢农民工、感谢所有的劳动者。但那些投机分子 却不断蚕食着劳动人民的劳动成果,比如炒房者把房价炒高等于把劳动者辛苦一生的付出直接拿走了 ,比如恶意炒 作赚取关注的明星,他们利用恶炒获得了自己的利益,却伤害了道德底线、影响了年轻人价格观、败 坏了社会风气 。我们要团结起来打击投机,孤立劳动,只要我们精诚团结,祖国绝对会越来越好。 Further development are in progress and it is just a matter of time, we can see more new engine models and better performance, putting Roll Royce GE Pratt Whitney behind in a matter of time. Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com. |
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