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Old 22-09-2008, 11:53 AM
elvix elvix is offline
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Honest FRs ?

Originally Posted by elvix View Post
First like to thank bro for arranging the session.. but was rather unsatisfied for the bonk

Arranged for 12am bonk.. once reach.. was greeted by quite a petite size angel... looks innocent & cute , was thinkin " tonight would be a good night" told her i dun need the bathtub but would like shower instead. I asked bro if she did AJ .. bro answered yes. but when i arrived, she told me the bro yesterday had her first AJ " wonder which bro here" so she have been having bowel problems since.

However i think theres a miscommunication, she ended up asking me to shower myself. Once on bed, no bbbj like what i saw in the FRs, about 1 min of cat bath , capped me & bj.. kinda sian 1/2 ... blowed for about 1 min asked if i'm ready... well was kinda tired so decided to just get 1 shot 1st. Bonk was overall not bad with firm boobs and nice sound systems. Released 1st shot 15 mins.

Next is the nightmare, asked me to shower myself then told me she need to shit... say whole day nv shit liao alot of shit inside. Told me to lie on the bed & wait for her... 10mins later she came out say " cannot come out, all still inside" i was like, " what the hell u want me to do? dig it out for you?"

Was kinda pissed but still her innocent looks made me stay for the 2nd shot. She offered a head massage, but while massaging , keep asking me how come she cannot shit. I told her to get some medication from the nearby shopping center, she tell me she gt no money. Not sure if its a hint for tips but i didnt bother. Massage half-way, she asked me to get up cause she need to go shit again. Wasted another 10 mins. Got fed-up, say got work then dressed up & left without the 2nd shot. Even before i left, she tells me she need to shit again .

face: 7/10 - abit different from photos but still look good
boobs: 7/10 - not big not small but firm & handful
fj : 8/10 - accomdating & willing to do diff positions
bbbj: nil
bj : 4/10 - totally no feeling
frenching : didnt try.. had an ucler
fingering : 5/10 - was stopped by her halfway i think due to her stomache
catbath : 4/10
rtf : ? gota think twice.

just hope that bro here will make sure the girls are well enough to take a job before arranging them for a slot .... feels bad typing this FRs cause might make trance lose some customers, but still we're paying for a service.

I left an honest FR for a bonk i encountered with trance last night, but got zap as it was a negative comment.

not sure who zapped my poitns since he gt no balls to leave his nick... but well... left a comment "don spoil trance's business", so i guess i'm not suppose to give an honest FR of what i encountered ?

My point is if you dont want ur girls to be out of business, at least make sure their service is good. Firstly in my FR, i did mention about the good & bad points about her, not just coming out of nowhere to make up a story to spoil her business.

Under that bro, i have encountered very fantastic bonks & very very bad bonks also, just that recently the last 3 bookings i had, just so happened to be bad , * the previous one made me leave when its only 1 hr & the previous 1 only allowed 1 shot*

If giving an honest FR will get my points zapped. i think from now onwards i shall lie in every FR to make the girls sound like their damn good so other samsters will be fooled.

I assume this post will get my points zapped & deducted once more again... but just wanting to let other samsters know...
Old 22-09-2008, 12:04 PM
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UZUMAKI_N has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: Honest FRs ?

EIther is she too naive or she think too deep but this kind of things is rather common issue for chiongster sometimes we just have to be mindful loh cos previously i was zapped 3 time when i left my first few Fr cos they think i was either a supporter or clone and therefore didnt think much of my Fr but no need to zapped also....(i also heard of cases OKT sabo crap but dunno its real anot)
i also hate those action will up ur points bro jus continue sharing without sharing no OKT can survive as what they have is only pics to show with no Fr ppl are also too scared to try if some continue to stop ppl from sharing sooner or later this forum will die and OKT will too if it reaches a extend where noone dare try the girl as no Fr written.
How alot samaster work here is waiting for Fr to come before they decide to bonk without Fr how?Maybe they rather try GL stock cos at least can see live.
Old 22-09-2008, 03:45 PM
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Re: Honest FRs ?

Originally Posted by elvix View Post
I left an honest FR for a bonk i encountered with trance last night, but got zap as it was a negative comment.

I assume this post will get my points zapped & deducted once more again... but just wanting to let other samsters know...
Bro, just give your honest FR and don't worry about being deducted. There will be bros who'll appreciate your truthfulness and up you too. Tomorrow, I'll up you.

Writing a fake FR to enhance the FL's biz is not right.

Remember, we write FR not to gather points but give other bros here an diea of what we had so that they can make their own choice taking into consideration the FRs.

Old 22-09-2008, 03:58 PM
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Re: Honest FRs ?

i agree with wad bro Midnightiger said, every bro have their rights to give an honest fr for the gals they tried. I myself kenna tricked by fake frs be4 so i strongly urge bros to give honest fr... So far Midnightiger have been giving the most accurate frs, maybe u can take it as a reference... dun be borther by the zapping so much, u'll get the points back... cheers
Old 22-09-2008, 04:37 PM
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Re: Honest FRs ?

I appreciate your honest FR.. up u 5
Old 22-09-2008, 05:31 PM
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Wink Re: Honest FRs ?

Please continue to give honest feedback!!!
Sharing FRs to enhance each other's experience has always been the spirit.
To me, I take it as a feedback, where I can faster reflect to the girl! and make her realise what is wrong and what must be improved asap. that's why I like customers who reply me after session straightaway, and telling me what's good, no good. The no good points, I straightaway can tell my girls, and so they will not commit a 2nd fault. Imagine if the customer keep quiet, and tell me only after the girl left, just to claim discount? What could I help anymore further to enhance???

Ratings is subjective. That's why a few of my customers, whenever they write FR, i always encourage them to state their strict ratings and the meaning. Like Midnightiger, Dark9, etc... Their rating system more strict. But does not mean when they rate a girl, 6-7, 8, means bad? In fact, it means superb in their sense! just that they more stingy on points. Their 6,7,8 might be a 8,9,10 in other customer's expectation!

I gain my customers trust.... then they will return to me. and take my recommendation regardless of anything. Customer's feedback help me improve my biz and my girl's biz. Even girls with faults, I can turn them to a powerhouse. Its the feedback, and the girl's attitude.

FRs are never forced, nor fake.
FRs are just encouraged, to share and help spread the goodness of the girls, esp in this pool of wide big market.
My system of posting FRs, to gain sperm points, in is an appreciation and encouragement, not a privilege. Even bad FRs, I give sperms points. Any FR is good publicity, be it good or bad.

Eventually, its up to customers, who they should trust, who they should write for, and why should they write. For points? for sperms? for sharing?

I am perplexed at how serious customers are taking a reference to FRs... Remember the disclaimer: One man's meat is another man's poison? I rather all customers trust the OKT for their stocks. I will never want to bring in a lousy service/attitude girl, to spoil my reputation. In fact, if 3 complaints surface out of 10, my girl automatically say goodbye to SG... that's how tough girls have to serve customers here... But its' part of competition.

Enough said. Let the FRs decides.
I am out of the scene but I will still be here to TCSS with my supporters/friends.
Thanks for the greatest support ever. Wish everyone success, good luck and good health.
Hoping to hit 1000 pt target.

Hope to have everyone's support inside here
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Old 23-09-2008, 10:36 AM
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Re: Honest FRs ?

Originally Posted by beauthaiful View Post
Please continue to give honest feedback!!!

Ratings is subjective. That's why a few of my customers, whenever they write FR, i always encourage them to state their strict ratings and the meaning. Like Midnightiger, Dark9, etc... Their rating system more strict. But does not mean when they rate a girl, 6-7, 8, means bad? In fact, it means superb in their sense! just that they more stingy on points. Their 6,7,8 might be a 8,9,10 in other customer's expectation!
LOL! What a way to describe! No bro, I'm not stingy lah. Not strict too. I'm just giving the ratings which I feel is realistic.

I mean, 5/10 is average score mah.. it means you just pass. So 6/10 is considered above average and 7/10 considered good. So sometimes I can't understand why some bros feel that 7/10 is average.

I've seen ratings of 9 or 10/10 for looks for example. I know one man's meat is another man's poison but let's face it, we can't be that far off right? (/10 is near perfect and 10/10 is perfect. So if an FL's look is rated 10/10, that would mean her looks is in the same class as models or actresses!!!

Of if her BBBJ is rated 10/10, it will mean no one else can beat her, only can equal her. Is there any logic to that?

So as not to have confusion, I do descriptive FRs now lah... so that bros can decide for themselves. If it is a bad or poor service, I'll describe it as such.

Old 23-09-2008, 11:07 AM
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Re: Honest FRs ?


this forum ppl is like tat 1 la.....
u zap me, i zap him n he zap u.....
knn... where got finish.....

see open abit la....
just tell the ture ok leaw la....
hor la... now i up u, then u up me back ok
5points from me to la......

Originally Posted by elvix View Post
I left an honest FR for a bonk i encountered with trance last night, but got zap as it was a negative comment.

I assume this post will get my points zapped & deducted once more again... but just wanting to let other samsters know...
my contribution : squirt-waterfall

A very BIG THANKS for those bros that ups & supported me.
pls.... pls........ leave to nick n i'll return my appreciation sooners.....
Old 23-09-2008, 06:29 PM
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Re: Honest FRs ?

Hi All...

While I do not know Bro Beauthaiful (some will say he is a fellow competitor)...I do agree that we as Stable Owners will not knowingly bring gals with bad or lousy attitudes...

It will only destroy any effort on our part to be a credible group...we want members to return to us as 80% of most business are from regulars.....people who have tried and know that we are honest and aim to provide a honest service....and not taking fellow brother for a ride!

Like wise at Lollipop, we also tell our gals that if we get constant complains about them....they can pack up their little cans of lollipop and say "Hello Bangkok".

While some other stable owners may not agree with our views, I will also encourage cheongsters to give true FRs...according to their conscience....but taking that in mind, I will also ask brothers....while writing ur constructive...."the old saying man;'s meat...another man's poison"...

However, if the same gal get several bad FRs...then obviously this gal is WRONG!!! But I would say...dun base a gal's performance on just one Bro's FR....there are always 2 sides to a coin....lets also be fair to the gal and see wat happens...if he gets more bad FRs...then Bros can easily know that its not a case of sabo...but a HONEST REVIEW OF THE GAL....then its up to us OKT to do the necessary!

SO in gist I am saying:

a. Pls do continue to provide true and honest FRs...but pls be constructive.....not personal...

b. However, do not base a gal's performance just on 1 bad FR....give iut time...

c. If she cotinues to get bad FRs...then a responsible OKT will do wat is necessary...

I think many Bros will agree?


Old 24-09-2008, 10:27 AM
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Re: Honest FRs ?

thanks bros for upping

I totally agree with beautifulthai & lollipop

Like i mentioned in my FR, i did say about whats good & whats bad... not just everything bad, on the context of spoiling her reputation / business. Just feel that samsters are all out to have fun. Some with financial restriction that prevents them from bonking regularly so every bonk / booking counts for them.. probably some can planned for 2 bonks a month etc etc... so they have to rely on truthful FRs to make the decision.

Well like i said in the FR, the girl might not be feeling well that day or might not have chemistry with me , so maybe other bros will have an enjoyable time with her instead..

Old 24-09-2008, 01:46 PM
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Re: Honest FRs ?

Originally Posted by elvix View Post
I left an honest FR for a bonk i encountered with trance last night, but got zap as it was a negative comment.

I assume this post will get my points zapped & deducted once more again... but just wanting to let other samsters know...

It's not always easy to champion the truth bro. Sometimes staying on the side of the truth is more perilous. We are oftentimes faced with more challenges and doubts.

But please always believe the truth will prevail in the end my brother.

You sound like an honest person. You've been discouraged, I offer my little token of encouragement.

Old 24-09-2008, 01:52 PM
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Re: Honest FRs ?

I am a true fan of of true FRs, and I have been writing honest FRs since i joined SBF, ya i got zapped a few times from wierd poeple but i find that overall I get upped more then i got zapped ;D so pls continue with honest FRs!! The deserving gals needs them!!
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Old 24-09-2008, 02:31 PM
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Re: Honest FRs ?

Cyber cowardice is a conundrum for me. It's just a forum, why is there so much fear? Just post what you think or feel. If not what's there to discuss? People feel sick if they see every girl being rated as 9/10. Sooner or later they'll smell a rat and start ignoring certain agents. So in fact the more prudent business men understand the need for negative FRs.

There will always be those who do not leave names when they zap. That's entirely their choice and certainly it reflects negatively on their character. For me whenever I add or zap I'll leave the nick and reason. Basic netiquette.
Old 24-09-2008, 04:59 PM
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Re: Honest FRs ?

Originally Posted by lollipop_eu4ria View Post
Hi All...

SO in gist I am saying:

a. Pls do continue to provide true and honest FRs...but pls be constructive.....not personal...

b. However, do not base a gal's performance just on 1 bad FR....give iut time...

c. If she cotinues to get bad FRs...then a responsible OKT will do wat is necessary...

I think many Bros will agree?


Every FR is personal and subjective, there's no denying it.

Constructive may also "hide" the faults of the FL concerned, something of a half empty or half full so it depends on the bro's feeling at that time.

For example, if a bro feels that the FL should have done catbath around his groin area which she didn't, then he'll say "the FL did not lick any other parts of his groin, only his dick." But a bro not interested in catbath may say "the FL concentrated sucking on his dick" giving readers a different impression.

So fellow bros will post according to their experiences, how they feel in comparison to their expectations and other FLs which they have tried. That should be the way.

As for "giving it time", sometimes it's not possible. I'm sure as OKTs you would have seen threads on FLs which goes to a few pages but only a couple of FRs. The rest are OKTs posts to keep the thread updated and alive. Even joining the Yahoo Groups may not work as the frequency they get deleted is alarming.

The one thing I cannot understand is that fellow bros have all been yearning or requesting for "live pics" but their requests have not been heeded. Is it that difficult to take some live pictures of the FLs on the day of their arrival? And post it together with her studio pics the same night? Can you as an OKT, tells us why you won't put up live pictures of your FLs? I'm sure fellow bros here wants to know.

Tee Vee
Old 24-09-2008, 05:31 PM
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Re: Honest FRs ?

Originally Posted by UZUMAKI_N View Post
l too if it reaches a extend where noone dare try the girl as no Fr written.
How alot samaster work here is waiting for Fr to c.
Originally Posted by Midnightiger View Post
Bro, just give your honest FR and don't worry about being deducted. There will
Originally Posted by satyr365 View Post
It's not always easy to champion the truth bro. Sometimes staying on the side of the truth is more perilous. We
Originally Posted by Megatronzombie View Post
ya i got zapped a few times from wierd poeple but i find that overall I get upped more then i got zapped ;D so pls continue with honest FRs!!
Originally Posted by EtherC View Post
Cyber cowardice is a conundrum for me. It's just a forum, why is there so much fear? Just post what you think or feel. If not what's there to discuss? People feel sick if they see every girl being rated as 9/10.
Originally Posted by thaivisitor View Post
So fellow bros will post according to their experiences, how they feel in comparison to their expectations and other FLs which they have tried. That should be the way.
These ppl are talking sense.

Listen to them. You wont go wrong.
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