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Old 27-10-2005, 06:42 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Bangkok Master
Like that must really get GMM Grammy or RS to quickly tie him up with a contract, maybe u can be quit your job and be his manager. THE NEXT THAI IDOL.....Jun Gigoloporn
haha i also want! But he won't pick up my mobile!
Originally Posted by Bangkok Master
This is the "BIGGEST HOLE" 大洞 statment I had ever heard since staying in Thailand!
Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
A little background of myself,for those who are interested,the rest can ignore hor.I sign on airforce when i was younger.I broke the bond after 2yrs and paid a LD of 58k Sing on my own.Using the money i earned thru other means.I was onli 20 back then.when i resumed my NS since my liability is not over,I could own a nokia 8850 which was the second batch during the festive occassion,which costs S$1388.I was in my NS and my pay was onli 300.I did not bade my eyelid when i did that.Reason why i can sit back now,searching for someone who truly will sticks to me,not when i have money or what.i said,i had investments and stuffs that can easily let me start something in bkk,pay a house,and a car and live comfortably.Perhaps that is why i am taking things quite easy now.Not worried that i be losing to my peers.
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hahaha don't fall into the hole! He made alot more AMAZING statements... when i free, i'll point it out 1 by 1. hahaha

ok, off work already.. go for a swim first. hehehe
Old 27-10-2005, 07:27 PM
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Re: Advise please

weather so nice in bkk and yet u guys can suan him! relax lah..
Old 27-10-2005, 07:32 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Bangkok Master
Like that must really get GMM Grammy or RS to quickly tie him up with a contract, maybe u can be quit your job and be his manager. THE NEXT THAI IDOL.....Jun Gigoloporn

This is the "BIGGEST HOLE" 大洞 statment I had ever heard since staying in Thailand!
no thai idol.. its acadamy fantasia.. season 2 just ended..maybe he can join season 3 next year..
Old 27-10-2005, 07:36 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Garage1
no thai idol.. its acadamy fantasia.. season 2 just ended..maybe he can join season 3 next year..
Wah, machiam like those US reality show leh, but this time location is in LOS ---> Amazing Tirak Race in LOS
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Old 27-10-2005, 07:44 PM
imkaa imkaa is offline
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by bollocksman

look more like SHREK!.

Ohh Great ONe, i submit my humble Self to learn from thou..please advise.
What you on about bro you are a movie star - Blockbuster somemore...SHREK 1 and 2!

I think too many bro here given too much attention to this thread which started out seeking for advice but become more like a self indulge propaganda of one acomplishment...and some off a woman...and free to bonk and including bonking her friend somemore ...what goes round come around....the day of reckoning may come sooner than later.

This is all very entertaining but help the rot to way to stop the rot is to stop given any attention and it will slowly rot away.

my 2 cent worth!
Old 27-10-2005, 09:32 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by siamcutey
I thought thailand all incoming calls are free?

Reason being that I am not too aquainted with him till we need to sort things out or chat on the phone.who knows he will once again slur vulgarities or call names.I do not see anyone here sorting out their diferences outside the forum.Correct me if i am wrong.Perhaps people here are being too serious in postings after all.

Anything want to talk can pm or post here mah,no need to call to settle things one.Unless the person have something which is inconvenient to say here,but more easy to speak on the phone.Protraying the good image here mah.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 27-10-2005, 09:36 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Adam's Family
knn, that guy know you dulan SC, so pm you trying to spread rumors and get your support. how come that guy never pm me huh?
I never dulan SC or anyone here.This is a forum mah.I joined long time ago.But i never post anything since i was not interested in participating in the TCSS everyday.Only recently i started posting,also aware that it will welcome criticisms as well as whatever people wishes to say.I still posted anyway.Forum is forum mah.Real world is outside.No point getting upset with things in a forum one.SC deducted 4points to me,i also never go kpkb or deduct his points hor...

Rumours huh??like that that person jialat loh...if he does that and spread lies,he would have lost his reputation in this forum to me liao...
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 27-10-2005, 09:41 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Mr.romance
I am new to bkk lah...maybe u will like to show me ard & intro some thaigirls to me....
haha,if u meant to be sarcastic,then i have no real stuff to say to u loh...u know urself "how new" are u mah.If u wishes to TCSS with them,go ahead but i cannot intro any girls to u anyway.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 27-10-2005, 09:52 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by meatlover
If like that how come he dun give his gal 20K Baht every month, then no need to work in bar liao mah
I starting to understand how meaningless all this discussion can get.If sincere bros here want to discuss about the stuff,if u people are here just trying to make me look ugly or whatever,go ahead too...Anyway it only cycles ard the very same people here.A handful of perhaps 10 people??There are so many other thousands bros WHO CANT BE BOTHERED WITH THE TIRAKSHIP,that shows how concerned u people are about here.

Personally i admire free,ST1099 and others who had been here longer than me,debating the very same issue over and over again.I do not know their agenda but I admire their persistence talking to a grp of people who already had their mind made up,that they "cant accept" the postings of those i named,yet they come here everyday and face all that.

meatlover,instead of asking why do i not give her 20k now and stopped work altogether,please go thru the postings then if u are really keen to understand the situation,then perhaps u get the whole idea,if not u will just be like the rest,coming here everyday talking the same stuff everyday.

Of course in future i see all this postings,i would appreciate that those with really jaidee heart will come forward with possible and workable solutions to my stay in bkk.Instead of joking here and there.Of course there is no stopping u.I will perhaps attend to those who really interested in offering advices.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 27-10-2005, 10:12 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by singrakthai
As for why he don't wanna provide 20k baht (S$800+) for his girl to stop her from working in a agogo bar..... well, i think untill now he didn't give a direct simple answer yet too... so go figure by urself lor. When u got the answer please help explain. I curious.
Very funny hor,i also read ur posts with interest.Hahaa...

U say i contradict,then i ask u then...Did u ever say all that i had done is achievable??I just like to know loh.I think many bros who follow silently and not posting would like to know the answer too.Perhaps they are eager to pack up their bags and do as u said possible.I never once encouraged or said anything to spur them on. Please tell everyone here whether all that is achievable.then why is it now everyone here thinks its not achievable??Or is it i am not understanding what the rest are implying??Kindly put in simple words what are u guys getting at??Buey song or not believe,or even jealous as someone said elsewhere.No point everyday talk joke here.I treat everyone as someone adult,not kids during holidays come here TCSS.

In case everyone forgets,the initial thread was started back then.Many said she just toying my feelings,once the day i am dry and out...she will not stay with me. So me eager to know if she's the one who will do the same,I pack up my bag and go.6months down the road,she has shown me and the rest differently.Initially people here will putting her down,say she just like the rest.6months down the road,the arrow is pointed at me,i can helped but laffing when i realise what's in this forum.People here are just plain bored [just like me] come here to find someone to suan and arrow down.I was just merely following my gut feeling and the rest "indicating" that she will run me when i "shown" myself broke.Now the very same bros here are looking up on her and looking down on me cos i make that very step to verify the situation if it was just like what u all said.

For ur info,i booked my ticket back then for my this trip to bkk at 2am in the morning.My flight was 7plus am in the morning.I came with onli a bagful of clothes,and some cash.She was not aware that i brought cash with me.I told her i was in a total wreck and broke.Sidelines and stuff even if i want to bring over to bkk takes time.I need someone from spore who is trusthworthy to accept bets and winnings and bank into my account too.All this needs days to prepare and stuff to take care.We are talking of 1k bet per match,plus toto illegalised betting.I need confirmation that the person will be trustworthy.We are not talking about a few bucks betting here.So there is no way i can substain my sidelines in such a rush trip here.My parents will not even aware that i going for a long trip let alone my friends.

Please lah,now the issue is i give her the money or not.After i give her the money,the very same bros will come say "aiyah she is just like other girls,baiting this guy.Now he is taking care of her just like other bros here."u people forever got something to suan one lah.having said that,u know urself what is ur agenda.Those that really concern about the draggin tirakship in bkk,i see them pm me with sincere advice.Not here talking all that.I make my point saying all that already.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 27-10-2005, 10:23 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by bollocksman
Bro Jun, How about a career as a politician??? good at giving irrelevant answers, and deflecting attention from the real issue, Hmm why dont send your CV to TRT HQ? guess its near Petchburi road (correct me if i am wrong) .

Since after 7 months in BKK, u are the self professed BKK king and ultimate AGG scene cheonsters. Btw We arent interested in your background and self professed finiancial prowess, Though I seemed confused.

U showed us u can Afford S$58K to break your contract, and able to afford expensive phones on a NS allowance ( well you have just implicitly give the impression , u are making good $$$ from sidelines) , but yet cant seem to get a regular income in BKK, or come back to singapore to earn S$ and spend Baht in BKK. I wonder why??
Hmm,what irrelevant answers did i give??Can u point out to me then?I pmed u b4 and if i am not wrong,u are more senior than me rite? I never said i was BKK king,or AGG scene cheongsters hor.Its u people who gave me that title not me.

u wonder why rite??then perhaps let junior here tell u how u shd go about understanding the whole situation.Try reading b4 posting.At least for me,i always read the whole postings or thread,see if anyone else had asked the same questions and the threadstarter had replied already.I do not usually barge in and let my postings flow.This is how often some people are just here to TCSS,so since ur agenda is to TCSS and crack a joke or two,I guess i do not have the obligation to answer those who merely here to make their day a cheerful one rite??

Simple answer,i trust my runners in spore.I do not trust the ones in bkk.And i need someone in spore who is trusthworthy enuff to manage my funds.And please i had a good friend for 5yrs.She was the best friend i had.I trusted her and she ever placed a 2.5k bet with me,in the end she ran off.I need someone who is able to get that kind of trust and above again.In the end,i have to pay my bookie that money.Use ur head lah,if ur downline cheats on u,not paying the bookie,then i lost that connection how m i going to survive in the long run??
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 27-10-2005, 10:41 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by bollocksman
We don't doubt la, we just confused , So we NEED the GREAT explain.

anyway I need an investment guru more, SO i need help from someone who could afford to pay off S$58K, and still afford to buy expensive mobiles on an active income of S$300/- a month, i guess he could make a lot of passive incomes from his sideline ventures.also I don't mind having some WL support my lifestyle where I sleep till 4 PM and play till 6AM, plus get movie star treatment at the GOGO bars, Suk Soi 33 massage place , but Hor i dont look like movie star ,look more like SHREK!.

Ohh Great ONe, i submit my humble Self to learn from thou..please advise.
Can get DNAT to verify whether i did paid up 58k when i broke up the contract when i comes back spore.I have the breaking bond contract with me.

No offence to all bros here,but i like to pass this judgement to most of the bros here.Most of u here were already old,unable to boink girls who are young and pretty in spore.That is why the commercial sex is in for.I read from another place that only the divorced,married with kids farangs who are old,and with their looks unable to look for a young looking girl in their countries,that is why they are in bkk to search for love and boink.Same applies for most samsters here i guess.Most of them are either married,or in their 30s to 40s.No offence lah,soon one day i will be in the same league as u are.If u want to say DO NOT MIND SOMEONE SUPPORTING U,OR WISH IN THE SAME FLIGHT,kindly go check ur IC how old are u now and whether u are capable of dating a younger girl in spore or not. The truth hurts loh,that most come here,were deprived of the same treatment in spore,that is why all come thailand mah.Except a few who are young and ok looking.I belong to that category.So there is no way such a discussion will go thru.10 yrs down the road,i will be same like u all.Complaining a young ass coming here,posting all that,seeing myself having to pay for sex.That is a reality.But at least i understand the difference.I will not suan that young ass since i been thru that stage b4.

Only guy i think who is rather matured in his thinking,is bro moonlight.He is in his mid forties,married and kids.I often hang out with him because he is matured in his thinking and will not come saying all this.He is aware that nothing can be compared.He is already in his forties and even i recommend the girls i had flings with,the treatment will be different.He only tells me,Enjoy it while u still can."And i will politely tell him "I will be paying for sex ten yrs down the road. "

My posts may sound arrogant to some,blunt as it may seems now.But if we are in a forum with the age of mid 20s,slim looking and ok looking,i guess many would agree with me.The age difference is the reason why people aint accepting my stories.Try posting my FRs in perhaps a japanese forum whereby those jap mid 20s youngsters in bkk are manipulating the girls for money and sex,u will see me standing nowhere.I am just posting my FRs in a wrong age group people. Pardon me anyway.I need to voice that out since the truth hurts.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 27-10-2005, 10:50 PM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Bangkok Master
Like that must really get GMM Grammy or RS to quickly tie him up with a contract, maybe u can be quit your job and be his manager. THE NEXT THAI IDOL.....Jun Gigoloporn
I am not that yandao lah,but since so many do not believe hor,perhaps can go soi 33 just to ask if its true.No need to talk so much since ur office is only nearby.

Originally Posted by Bangkok Master
This is the "BIGGEST HOLE" 大洞 statment I had ever heard since staying in Thailand!
hahaa,if i am able to get settled down in bkk that u are,i hope we still be ard to witness that. I cant stay in thailand permanently now because i am the only child in the family.Unlike u,can moved here just like u told me.If not cos of my parents,i would already paid for down for house and car already under my girl's name of cos.Do not forget eventually i sell my house in spore,i still have the amt sufficient to start a business.Are u trying to tell me that is not true??A five room flat in spore in a populated area costs 300k at my place loh.probably fetched 7million baht in ten yrs my cpf while i am in airforce as well as my investments savings.Frankly i do not need to start from scratch or anything.I just abit luckier onli.I did not want to post all that.Just want u to know all that is possible.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 28-10-2005, 12:33 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
U say i contradict,then i ask u then...Did u ever say all that i had done is achievable??I just like to know loh.I think many bros who follow silently and not posting would like to know the answer too.Perhaps they are eager to pack up their bags and do as u said possible.I never once encouraged or said anything to spur them on. Please tell everyone here whether all that is achievable.then why is it now everyone here thinks its not achievable??Or is it i am not understanding what the rest are implying??Kindly put in simple words what are u guys getting at??Buey song or not believe,or even jealous as someone said elsewhere.No point everyday talk joke here.I treat everyone as someone adult,not kids during holidays come here TCSS.
hmmm... ur question is long winded... go one big round... is it ppl living in fantasy world all very long winded? hahaha... I answer ur QUESTION simple and short ok?
Question: Did u ever say all that i had done is achievable??
A:well, didn't YOU achieved it? So it is achievable! See? Simple and short.
Now my question to u..
Q: Are u trying to say ONLY YOU can do these "STUNTS"? My question also simple and short. Can u answer? hahahahaha
Old 28-10-2005, 12:44 AM
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Re: Advise please

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
Very funny hor,i also read ur posts with interest.Hahaa...
Actually I read your replies, I really still laughing now.

You want people to take your bets. You say you trust singapore runners, don't trust bkk runners. But the problem here is whether the singapore runners trust you.And frankly, these days you don't even need a runner. You just need a internet connection. But 1st thing 1st, the bookie must trust you.

If you want say starting you want test her, you already test her liao mah. So now test liao finish, still need to use her money go do Visa Runs?

U formed a family nucleus already in order for you to purchase a HDB flat? Or you above 35 years old?
The house is not yours lah. The house is your parents one. So you sell, you ask them move with you to BKK or sleep roadside?
Better do a simple valuation on your flat first. Then after the sale, have to see how much goes back to your parent's CPF.
Selling a flat getting the cash is not as easy as what you are saying now.

Like u said earlier, the key word here is "investments" savings. The word "investments" don't mean 100% earn.


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