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Old 10-07-2015, 12:22 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
At instar . Just finished the noodles. Can someone tell me where is the exact location of this bai long noodle at penuin wet market pls. I want to FR a 3 way "fight" for the fun of it . MoMo , instar, and bailong. Will try bailong tmr morning.
If you know where is Penuin Wet market. (if you dont then i will have to draw a map for you)

Walk outside the Penuin Wet Market building itself,those that type of market sells fresh raw meats,fresh vegetables etc and you will see the Bai Long word in Chinese.You cant miss it if you are at the wet market building. Or if you drive,circle the wet market building and keep a look out for this (it may sometime be block by bigger cars in parking lots outside the wet market) :

Please note Bai Long Wan Tan Mee opens in the morning and closes quite early at noon. So i advise you to reach before 12pm indo time.

I am sure you also wont want to miss out the Wan Tan Mee near Meximo Pub and Bei Long at A2 Food court too,hehehe...other than just looking at Momo,Instar,Bai Long...hehehe...


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Old 10-07-2015, 12:26 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Hi , would like to chk if anyone been planet holiday KTV ? I know price booking is 500k but how if we request 1 bonk , how much is market rate . Or only book 500k with overnight 1.5 m . I know the kTV have a queen bed each room .
Old 10-07-2015, 01:47 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

I think this question might be posted before but i can't seems to find any reply. Can some bros here kindly enlighten me if you know any place in batam that does prostate massage?

"Prostate massage is also used for sexual stimulation, often in order to reach orgasm. The prostate is sometimes referred to as the "male G-spot". Some men can achieve orgasm solely through stimulation of the prostate gland, such as prostate massage or receptive anal intercourse, and men who report the sensation of prostate stimulation often give descriptions similar to females' accounts of G-spot stimulation. Prostate stimulation can produce stronger and more powerful orgasms than solely penile stimulation."
Time in Paradise is up. Looking forward to the next trip soon.
Old 10-07-2015, 02:41 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by DDAMn View Post
Any bro tried da vienna boutique hotel junior suite & executive suite before what the different can share?how's the ac & wifi?thanks..
Room is a little bigger and toilet has a bigger bath tub,hehehe...sorry,i am just reading a catalogue from the web site.Also,the price is about S$10 difference and i would have taken the bigger room.

Originally Posted by firelkf View Post
Better than getting TOTALLY nothing from the trip right?
cost alittle more, but get the desired result still worth it la......
I have always believe that if a Batam trip is no good,the next trip will be better. But if next trip is good,then be prepare for a not-so-good one on the next next one,hehehe....sorry,i superstitious...hehehe...thats just my Batam curse and blessing theory.A personal beliefs. And if continuous 2 - 3 trips also no good,then i just assume Batam no longer is suitable for me.

Originally Posted by MiG27 View Post
I will take some pics if I end up in either of these 3 hotels.
Hehehe...whenever someone post hotel pics,i would really like to see something not shown from the hotel's website. Sorry,thats just my habit,hehehe.. (i know,i know...i am greedy again...hehehe)

Taking photos in Hotel room reminds me of my time in Formosa,my personal in-room "Safe Deposit Box",and the glass of water from the Gideon Hotel room tap that look sperm-like,hehehe...

Originally Posted by Black Page View Post
About working girls, instead, I think I pay Price B.
I respect your gentlemanly style,displaying a more humanly approach towards your in-room girl friend/s and not exploiting them.

Chancing upon your older online FRs which was archive 4 to 5 years ago in ISG and reading from there on ,i believe you think you pay Price B.

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Old 10-07-2015, 04:02 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by Soi6 View Post
If I may share my POV..amongst Asians Japs and Koreans pay most. Next is sinkie..Malaysian and Phillipinos in general pay less than sinkie.
Thank you for sharing.

In Asia, i believe most Sillyporean do pay more than most of their other Asian counterpart.There are already plenty of evidence in most of the threads in this International section that says so (even in this Batam thread). But what surprise me was you mentioned that Koreans paid most or perhaps as much as the Japanese cos in the local (sillypore) night scene like KTVs ,Night Clubs etc,the Koreans as i was told were one of the stingiest.

Why did Malaysians and the Pinoys (I believe Chinese Indonesians too) generally pay lesser is something worth looking into (for me).

Originally Posted by Soi6 View Post
Thats the reason when I abroad I masquerade as a Malaysian nationality. It applies in Jakarta, HCM, Cambodia, Bangkok/Danok/Hadyai, Angeles City. In general 20/30% cheaper than sinkie.

This just based on my experience.
Am not a frequent oversea monger. And due to my nature of work,i can only travel to some certain place for a short term. But what i was looking for in most of my travels was to try to adapt to its culture and to be able physically dwell within their community. I rarely buy things from shopping mall when i am in China,i buy most of my things from their wholesale mall,hehehe...which usually cost more than 70% less compare with the same thing seen in most of its shopping center.

Reason/s why the pinoys and Malaysians are paying lesser? Perhaps it could be due to them having a closer proximity on their community and culture ;and it comes with experience as well. Which could also mean they are able to gain faster and better experience in those places you mentioned as compare to other countries. Eg,a Malaysian of any race travelling to Batam are likely to gain more experience (and/or learn more) as compare to a Sillyporean Chinese,not just becos they share the nearly same spoken and written language.

Originally Posted by Soi6 View Post
Now bro Nono is taikor in Batam..shld expand your wings to Jakarta. Expenses wise I would say Jakarta is worth every rupiah for cheongsters. The choices available compared to Batam is incomparable.
Thank you for your advise. I am still far from really knowing Batam the way i wish to and even much much further away on Batam knowledge as compare to most senior bros in this thread.(Wings i have,but not enough to spread yet) I am using this thread more as a tool to share my experience, as if it is like a diary and at times using this thread to take down some research notes on what i plan to do if i were to go Batam AGAIN (which i usually do). I also learn by collecting information (aka steal them,hehehe..) before any of my trips too.

Eg,if i plan to go to Indo Rasa Massage in my next Batam trip which i havent been to in my last,i will do some research on that place,type the necessary info i found down into this thread and bookmarked it so i can easily reference back when i start planning my itinerary. And during the physical trip,i can simply cross reference all this info i found since i have already bookmarked them into one single post of my itinerary.

I guess.thats just part of my travelling habit you see...and not becos i know Batam very well,hehehe...i cant even speak Malay or Bahasa Indo. Like i always say in this thread,when it comes to talking i may sound like i know-it-all,hehehe...but when it comes to actually doing the real thing,i often have the heart but minus some

Yea,as for Jakarta,i have been reading a lot about it from other sites like Jakarta 100 bars,the Jakarta Info Thread in this forum etc. I am also following some parts of the HCM thread and the Balai thread too. I am 100% agreeable that Jakarta definitely has much much more to offer as compare to Batam. The thing is,what i am looking for in Batam ,Jakarta will have the similar (or if not better and more),but i still prefer things simple.Having said all these, i will still head to Jakarta one day,but likely not before i head to HCM 1st,hehehe....

Side notes : One of the best thing about the Batam group trips is i get to know many REAL LIFE good people, with nearly everyone sharing their respective mongering experience not just on Batam alone but in other parts of the globe and it happens that 2 trips ago,i got to know a good bro whom i believe has considerable experience on HCM and hearing him talk about his HCM trips really makes me

Sorry for the long-winded reply,hehehe....

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Old 10-07-2015, 04:23 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Anyone would like to go there and choing together between 20 july - 26 july?
Old 10-07-2015, 04:33 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
I think this question might be posted before but i can't seems to find any reply. Can some bros here kindly enlighten me if you know any place in batam that does prostate massage?

"Prostate massage is also used for sexual stimulation, often in order to reach orgasm. The prostate is sometimes referred to as the "male G-spot". Some men can achieve orgasm solely through stimulation of the prostate gland, such as prostate massage or receptive anal intercourse, and men who report the sensation of prostate stimulation often give descriptions similar to females' accounts of G-spot stimulation. Prostate stimulation can produce stronger and more powerful orgasms than solely penile stimulation."

Not that I know of either. In batam.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 10-07-2015, 05:07 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by bluez177 View Post
If you are picking up girls from a Joint almost all the hotels will allow them but getting the girls from the massage centers to the hotel for massaging is a different thing. Since I was in Utama Hotel I went to couple of Massage places near Keyza and asked them to send the girls to the room for massage but they(massage center) were asking 500k extra for that service. From the old posts, I can infer Indo Rasa, Linda does not ask you to pay any exorbitant fee for sending the girls to the room for the massage (except for the additional 50k fee). I was also concern about the proximity of the hotel and the massage centers within which they can service.

What are the other massage centers near the Nagoya Hill area that allow girls to come for in-room massage without any exorbitant fee ?
King massage.
Old 10-07-2015, 05:31 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by mighty_mouse View Post
Camping for Bro nono1973's itinerary.

Hope the timing is right for me to join and learn.
Coming soon when it is ready,bro.

Most likely before Hari Raya Puasa next week.

Originally Posted by firelkf View Post
I realized it too.... But didn't have much choices around, so went up to have a look.
Have to say this SYT cewek REALLY catches my eyes.... Small, Petit, moderate boobs (small la), Totally my type.... LOL
Until now still floating in my mind leh..... Think I kena Batam KongTao liao... LoL
No worries on this one,at least you know what you are looking for and didnt allow small head to over-run big head. Thumbs up for being cool!

Originally Posted by firelkf View Post
Hahaha.... Newbie duno mah.....
It's like SongKran in LOS, alot ppl cannot find, but I know where to look....
Used to be quit active in the Hatyai thread last time, similar but humbled by your contributions here.
Same here ,having no knowledge of Hatyai if you throw me in the middle of it,i am likely to perform worse off than you are in Batam when it comes to looking for a decent Who knows i may end up the one kena

Originally Posted by firelkf View Post
He nice guy la..... See we both bro like at the limits below liao... The feeling very pek chek, need to let it all out (didi)... LOL
At least he felt responsible for not being able to find you guys each a girl,hehehe...its the point of situation that is to be blame,not you nor the driver.

Originally Posted by firelkf View Post
I wouldn't say my expectations are high la...
Cos' cannot compare in terms of foxy looks to the Tiruks la....
SYT, small petit size, with or w/o boobs, average looks I ok le...
SYT,small petite with smaller sized or bigger sized boobs with GND look sure will have...but no boobs girl confirm Batam wont have,cos till now i cannot find,hehehe....

Sorry,just pulling your leg here.

Originally Posted by firelkf View Post
Will be looking forward to your itinerary bro~
Hopefully time permits me to request for your training trip seats. LoL
Do feel free to PM me an intro of yourself when my itinerary are out next week,likely before Hari Raya.

My itinerary will come with date of my travel so that those bros who previously PMed me and was ask to PM me again after my itinerary are out can PM me again and upon my reply to them,they will also have some time allowance to apply leaves to be away from their work.

I will need to clear more space for my inbox now to accommodate the incoming PMs (if not it keeps showing me i left 91% in my inbox) and shall start writing out my itinerary in the coming weekend.


PS : Most bros who can fit into my trip's dates, above 18+ of age should have no problem joining me unless my slots are full ,their age gap is really too far from other bros joining in (eg.bro age 18 vs bro age 60) or they cannot agree to my trip's terms and conditions.

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Old 10-07-2015, 06:13 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
I think this question might be posted before but i can't seems to find any reply. Can some bros here kindly enlighten me if you know any place in batam that does prostate massage?

"Prostate massage is also used for sexual stimulation, often in order to reach orgasm. The prostate is sometimes referred to as the "male G-spot". Some men can achieve orgasm solely through stimulation of the prostate gland, such as prostate massage or receptive anal intercourse, and men who report the sensation of prostate stimulation often give descriptions similar to females' accounts of G-spot stimulation. Prostate stimulation can produce stronger and more powerful orgasms than solely penile stimulation."
If he/she poke his/her finger into your asshole to reach and massage the prostate, you still want meh ???
Old 10-07-2015, 08:01 PM
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Originally Posted by KohOnly21 View Post
I think this question might be posted before but i can't seems to find any reply. Can some bros here kindly enlighten me if you know any place in batam that does prostate massage?

"Prostate massage is also used for sexual stimulation, often in order to reach orgasm. The prostate is sometimes referred to as the "male G-spot". Some men can achieve orgasm solely through stimulation of the prostate gland, such as prostate massage or receptive anal intercourse, and men who report the sensation of prostate stimulation often give descriptions similar to females' accounts of G-spot stimulation. Prostate stimulation can produce stronger and more powerful orgasms than solely penile stimulation."
I've not got this in Batam before. But, in Bangkok. Akane Fashion Massage, the branch at Chitlom. If you choose the package with scrubbing, the girl will do this for you while during the shower where they scrub and wash you like a corpse. LOL... Must try experience...Do note... Akane has 2 branches. One at Chitlom, one at Soi 33 Sukhumvit (I think, just Google). I've got it at the Chitlom branch.
Old 10-07-2015, 09:20 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

INSTAR Mie Pangsit

Operating Hours : 6am - 3pm, 7 days a week except every 28th of the month

Conclusion : As John and others mentioned - Value for money! Go for it. Hearty meal (be it breakfast or lunch). His chilli-belachan version can be greasy for some. So tell him - less oily. (That's what he said!)

Went to the stall this morning. Guess I had that focused look on my face (like on a mission) and when I walked past the stall (to go into the coffeeshop) boss saw me and immediately asked me what I like, and I didn't even express I wanted to order from him yet. LOL. Very jovial guy, makes his noodles and sings at the same time (Boss in the photo)

Ordered mee-gia for myself, and mee-pok for my partner.

He insisted to try the chilli (spicy) version instead of non-chilli. OK.

RP 21K per serving

In terms of flavor, MOMO and INSTAR can't be compared - totally different. MOMO's Medan chinese version (no ketchup/chili in the noodles), whilst INSTAR's the indigenous singapore-chinese version (relies on the custom ketchup sauce or chilli-belachan already in the noodle-mix for the flavor). So cannot compare.

Personally I am not a fan of ketchup/chilli sauce already in the noodle, because I won't be able to taste what's in the noodles due to over-powering flavors brought on by the ketchup and even more so by the chili(sambal belachan).

The mee-gia is "Q", but the mee-pok unfortunately is not - it was soft. Either they're of different makes, or, his mee-gia is a best-seller by a big margin as he instinctively knows when to stop cooking the mee-gia to hit that "Q"-spot. Hand-to-God, MOMO's noodles are definitely more "Q" and chompy, and not sticky/clumpy when cold(er).

But for RP21K with 3x fishball, 2x wanton, 1x meatball, mushroom slice, minced meat, char-siew, beansprouts, fish cake slices = I'm not complaining!

But there's one thing though - his chili-sambal contributed too much oil into the noodle - making us feel greasy inside (油膩). We had to order teh-O-gao to kill off that greasy feeling. It was a little sad for us to be honest. Otherwise it would have a complete ending.

Surprising thing was right after the meal, the boss came over to our table (we didn't initiate any communication) and asked us where we're from - and after which I told him about the greasiness (油膩) and that if not for the beansprouts in the noddles, we may not be able to finish our meal. He said "oh.. mmm ok next time, when u come - I will add less oil ". (That said, yet I know - from the noodle's texture - if he does add less oil - the noodles will surely stick/clump together.)

Side-note : The coffeeshop's kopi-susu is, (I know I will sound very condescending), utterly shitty. The milk/carnation milk is poor quality and the coffee is over-bearingly strong. To lactose-intolerant people : be warned - you will sure lao-sai

Next stop - Bai Long Noodles (Thanks Nono for your directions!!)

Dun be late
I won't wait
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Last edited by micmac888; 10-07-2015 at 09:39 PM.
Old 10-07-2015, 10:17 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

I like Otak. Brings back childhood memories. But today's Otak in SG is nothing like the 70-80s. So we decided to go to "one of the best" Otak in Batam. She mentioned "Bolok Ikan". Was intrigued and after I had it - I had to share it here.

Bolok (for short) is steamed version of the grilled Otak. I ordered both grilled and steam versions to be able to make comparison and unbias judgement.

Bolok still tastes like Otak but alot less oily, and is firmer, than the grilled one. This is due to steaming it - as the meat is cooked in steam, the oil naturally oozes out from the meat and drips-off-from/absorbed-by the leave-wraps.



Where we had the Bolok and Otak

We had the Bolok and Otak together with the very traditional authentic no-frills Indo Nasi Lemak (RP7K)


For sharing. ENJOY!
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Old 10-07-2015, 10:53 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Bro micmac888 , thanks a lot for your food review. Do you have the GPS coordinates or the address of the eateries?
Old 10-07-2015, 11:36 PM
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Re: Batam Info Thread

Originally Posted by lurpsexx View Post
Bro micmac888 , thanks a lot for your food review. Do you have the GPS coordinates or the address of the eateries?
Which one? Instar coffee shop? The Instar Mie Pangsit?

Details on the below link if it is :

The 2nd eating place i not too sure yet,looks like its called De Sampan BBQ and Sea Food centre around the Batam Center area to me. (Komplek Ruko Green Land). Sorry,i am not familiar with the place.


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