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Old 30-08-2012, 09:32 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by mebirdie View Post
This place not suitable for CK like you.
Later you will kpkb.

Forgot abt bringing him there.
Else you will never sleep peacefully. He will curse and swear.
I agree 1000% with u!

Not only kpkb.. He will fxxk u left right centre.. Then kpkb why u ask him to go visit small long gang place..

Better avoid at all cost..

Knn.. Ask also kana fxxk.. Dun ask also knn fxxk.. Better go ur self quietly.. Heehee
Old 30-08-2012, 03:53 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by mc2000 View Post
Hi bros

Anyone in cp now? We have 3 guys until sat.
Sat you guys still going ktv?

Having my same weekly routine at cp
Old 30-08-2012, 05:00 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by 香香很烦 View Post
In Cp-amazon, yes. We strip our gals. But not to the extend of sucking another bros mms nipples. Knn, unless we kena potong Jalan.
Enough said, back to my desk to work Liao.
3M you seen it ah, tio caught lering our charbor u have to pay liao
Luvs the kway and their chup
Old 30-08-2012, 08:42 PM
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Re: Events In CP

How about bringing me?

All forgot abt me ..

Originally Posted by mebirdie View Post
This place not suitable for CK like you.
Later you will kpkb.

Forgot abt bringing him there.
Else you will never sleep peacefully. He will curse and swear.
Old 30-08-2012, 11:03 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
You better jio your good friend paulo to go as well.
Later he suan you back why you boh jio him?

You got the WeiXin or QQ for your Mayflower KTV girl with the "Nuclear Warheads" or not?

i changed new phone dun have his number, for that Mayflower gal
i only have her number as i promised that i will meet her again during
my coming trip.

Old 30-08-2012, 11:09 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by exsadavid View Post
Hi Bro,

I am might be taking Silkair this time round but unfortunately
if I am taking it, I will be coming back last week of Nov. The
timing looks good for the flight. May just try unless I am going
to GZ 1st than I will go by Tiger liao

well, hope to meet up with u during my coming trip

Old 30-08-2012, 11:21 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by TigerGuy View Post
well, hope to meet up with u during my coming trip

Hi Bro,

I thought you are going early Nov? If so I would not be able
to meet you liao
Old 31-08-2012, 12:06 AM
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Re: Events In CP

when will u be there ?

Old 31-08-2012, 12:44 AM
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How to control costs at a KTV

Hope that I don't come off as if I "Know-it-all" as I KNOW that most of your are experienced KTV goers and most probably do NOT need my suggestions - and I offer this list basically for those who are NOT that familiar.

I also certainly do not want give the impression that I'm a cheap-skate but one of the things that always galls me when out KTV'ing is how the various managers/mommies etc,( and they've even got "professional drinkers") are always there to jack up the bill/cost to us. I don't mind spending money, but I really hate being made a sucker of by anyone.

Anyway, the Yanda seems to be moderating these days, and it may be a great time to start to set some rules with the DJ/mommie/manager - and I would suggest that you do so PRIOR to actually starting the night - to make sure that you do not get a nasty surprise at the end of the evening.

Anyway, herewith some of the things that you may want to establish before partying:

- What exactly is the price of the particular liquor to be consumed AND mixers.

- Is there going to be 10 or 15% "Service charge" to be added to bill

- What discounts from the total bill WILL be calculated - i.e. Pay in HK$ same amount as RMB, or 15% off on bills paid RMB. (FH used to do this to attract HKG clients)

- Any speciall offers like B.O.G.O. or B2G1 etc and for which particular brand of drinks, or "special Packages" where they will throw in things like a free room night or Short term room, or a package including certain number of beer and snack etc. CP KTV's often offer these "Special packages" when business is slow (mostly via Hong Kong publications/web sites etc) - and I'd imagine that with the recent Yanda, things are perhaps not all that busy yet. But you do need to ACTUALLY ASK as they for sure are NOT going to tell you about these special deals when you are already at the KTV!

- What are the 'freebies' to be given by the DJ, by the mommie/manager - free food, liquor?

- Price of the "mandatory consumables" (i.e. fruit platter, nuts, dried foods etc that's automatically placed in the room at the start of the evening)

- Are the gals REALLY obliged by management to consume certain item/drinks? And if so, what are these and how much do they cost?

- One person MUST sign off on any orders for whatever item (more than one guy have the right to order and you'll end up being over-provisioned)

- NO outsiders, mommies, managers, friends of sitting gals coming into room uninvited and partaking of your liquor - giving us face supposedly (total B.S. - The whole purpose of this is to rack up the bar bill; some KTV's even have "professional drinkers - whose ONLY duty is to go in rooms and drink drink and drink!!)

- No "vendors" of dolls, food, pop-corn, cigarettes etc coming into our room to peddle their wares - with the sitting Gals in cahoot - to pad the bill.

- How much exactly is the "minimum charge" for the particular KTV room you're going to occupy, and if such amount applies ONLY to liquor or also food ordered etc.

- Timely reminders as to the amount of the bill already racked up - i.e. when minimum surpassed, every RMB 300 thereafter etc. (The DJ in most KTV's should be able to pull up the amount already racked up on the KTV system/computer on demand)

- NO half empty glasses/bottles cleared and dumped.

- All empty containers saved for inspection/counting at end of nite.

- And if you're really particular, to outline what are the charges for things like tissues - for YES, definitely tissues are routinely charged - so - make sure you/your gals don't spill drinks - and insist that the DJ also have towels to clean up the table (free??)

- How many DJ's REALLY required for each room and exact price for @DJ - and if there's gonna be "cleaning charges" tacked on or not. (such cleaning charge is USUALLY only requested by a DJ who you're sweet on or who you want to take out with you - that instead of you waiting for her to clean up the room, you will graciously give her the RMB 50 - 100 to give to a cleaning lady to do it)

- And last, if you've unopened bottles left at end of evening - do get a "storage card" for use the next time you come back (within 1 month usually) and if you're leaving CP soon - then leave these cards with one of your friends who's still going to be there!! "Orphaned left-over bottles" are what the DJ's use to "Treat" their regular clients - that's how common an occurrence it is for guys to leave leftover bottles without getting a storage card.

But of course the above only covers the KTV bill - whilst the bigger expense would be the Gal costs; but that is a whole separate discussion ain't it? LOL!!


Last edited by SEAJ; 31-08-2012 at 12:58 AM.
Old 31-08-2012, 01:11 AM
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Re: How to control costs at a KTV

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post

- No "vendors" of dolls, food, pop-corn, cigarettes etc coming into our room to peddle their wares - with the sitting Gals in cahoot - to pad the bill.


Power lah bro ... great info ... upzz for u ...

hahaha Btw speaking of doll vendor ... was at yihao during my last trip ... my good bro's mm kept pestering him to buy her a doll despite the doll vendor already left ... my good bro soften and gave her rmb 200 .. mm took money and claim going out to look for vendor to buy ...

after awhile mm came back... my bro asked where is the doll .. she say "kept" inside her locker liao ... hahahah totally bullshit
Bros, who've upped my points , pls pm me and I will definately up yours too Huat ah !!!!
Old 31-08-2012, 06:36 AM
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Re: How to control costs at a KTV

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post


- NO outsiders, mommies, managers, friends of sitting gals coming into room uninvited and partaking of your liquor - giving us face supposedly (total B.S. - The whole purpose of this is to rack up the bar bill; some KTV's even have "professional drinkers - whose ONLY duty is to go in rooms and drink drink and drink!!)

- No "vendors" of dolls, food, pop-corn, cigarettes etc coming into our room to peddle their wares - with the sitting Gals in cahoot - to pad the bill.

These two i raised both hands to support! Those CCB 'Professional Drinkers" usually come and waste your drinks by playing dice with the bro. Tiu!They can easily down half bottle or more in a short span! As for the 'Doll" vendor, they are my biggest enemy in the KTV! KNN, we paid 1k or more for the gal already and somemore we got to pay extra 1-200 for a stupid cheapo teddy bear which cost 30dollar or more to produce to impress the gal. 买你妹啊!I usually instruct the DJ to put up a signage at the door that none of these nonsenses come into the room!
Old 31-08-2012, 08:26 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by TigerGuy View Post
when will u be there ?

Hi Bro,

Tentatively I will be there on either 28th or 29th Nov. I will
drop a message here again as most do & see if yourself or
anybody here will be there.

Cheers bro
Old 31-08-2012, 08:47 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by exsadavid View Post
Hi Bro,

Tentatively I will be there on either 28th or 29th Nov. I will
drop a message here again as most do & see if yourself or
anybody here will be there.

Cheers bro

might be too late, but we can meet up in Singapore
whenever u r free for coffee

Old 31-08-2012, 09:02 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by SEAJ View Post
Hope that I don't come off as if I "Know-it-all" as I KNOW that most of your are experienced KTV goers and most probably do NOT need my suggestions - and I offer this list basically for those who are NOT that familiar.
me also like to add this ...

There r only FAKE chivas liquors in CP KTV ...

Originally Posted by sex crusader View Post
These two i raised both hands to support! Those CCB 'Professional Drinkers" usually come and waste your drinks by playing dice with the bro. Tiu!They can easily down half bottle or more in a short span! As for the 'Doll" vendor, they are my biggest enemy in the KTV! KNN, we paid 1k or more for the gal already and somemore we got to pay extra 1-200 for a stupid cheapo teddy bear which cost 30dollar or more to produce to impress the gal. 买你妹啊!I usually instruct the DJ to put up a signage at the door that none of these nonsenses come into the room!
totally support ... those CCB managers always come in and pretend like they know us very well and waste our drinks ...
in 818 party ... there was this CCB YH manager who turn up the volume of the sound system and started singing that sound like someone "concert" here ...
immediately i don give face and turn off the sound system ...
if it's not 818 and taikor FGG face .... i'll fxxx that manager upside down and kick him out of the room ...
Old 31-08-2012, 09:18 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
me also like to add this ...

There r only FAKE chivas liquors in CP KTV ...

totally support ... those CCB managers always come in and pretend like they know us very well and waste our drinks ...
in 818 party ... there was this CCB YH manager who turn up the volume of the sound system and started singing that sound like someone "concert" here ...
immediately i don give face and turn off the sound system ...
if it's not 818 and taikor FGG face .... i'll fxxx that manager upside down and kick him out of the room ...
hahaha...I know who you are talking about....he thinks he can make you happy by singing you a song and thats the 1st time I hear any manager sings in a ktv....really shines on the wrong shoes...kekeke!
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
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