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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
camping for more of your tantalizing stories
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Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
An opening has already been made bro, seize it!! Can't wait for the beach episode!!
" Life is what happens when you're too busy making other plans." - John Lennon " All that is needed for Evil to succeed is, that decent human beings do NOTHING. " - Edmund Burke |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
By the time we arrived at the chalet, Costa Sands to be exact, it was already past midnight. Charmaine parked at the public car park outside as she did not want to pay the parking fee to park inside Costa Sands itself. The public car park was dark, but not deserted, probably as it was a weekend after all, and both families and lovers had booked chalets to celebrate whatever they were celebrating.
When we reached the unit, a duplex, the bbq was almost over, and most of Charmaine's were chilling around the outside, drinking and smoking. I did not realise that so many of them smoked, but at least they were of legal age unlike me. I decided not to be friendly and hung around on the walkway a few units away while she went to exchange pleasantries with her classmates. I tried to eavesdrop on their conversation. C: Hi all. How's the bbq? Guy 1: Wah, Char, new boyfriend ah? Girl 1: Why never intro? Girl 2: He looks familiar... Guy 2: He's a junior right? From dunno which sport... Guy 1: Ya, I think so? Girl 2: Oh. That guy ah? Eh Char, I heard he's not a good guy leh. How come you go out with him? I think my so-called reputation preceded me. I was bemused that someone actually bothered to spread such rumours about me. C: He's not my boyfriend. Just a friend. And he's ok la. You people shouldn't believe everything other people say. I caught Girl 1 eyeing me. Girl 2 whispered into Charmaine's ear, and they both giggled. Girl 1 got curious and joined their private conversation, which I presumed was probably about my privates. They continued giggling. One of the guys came over with a beer and offered it to me. He looked relatively high from the alcohol. I spotted dozens of crushed beer cans all over the place. Guy: Hey bro, why so anti-social? Join us man... I took the beer from him. The can was not cold. I hated warm beer but I took it anyway in an attempt to be social. Me: Thanks. Another guy came up to me. Guy 2: Wah bro, how you managed to hook Charmaine? Some of us try since last year she always reject... Me: She's not my girlfriend la. Just friends. Guy 1: Must be cos he so fit la. We cannot compare. Wah, see his big muscles! I hoped his comment was not meant in a homosexual context, either that or he as really drunk. Me: Erm, thanks. Guy 2: Wah, didn't know she like this kind of guys. I must go gym also... Guy 1: Ya lor, she so small sized, sure kena crushed by him. I tried hard not to laugh at these two drunk fools. Thankfully, Charmaine came to my rescue, beer in hand. C: Stop teasing him la. He's here as my friend. Me: Er, you're drinking too? How're you going to drive later? C: We stay until tomorrow? Will you stay with me? Me: Huh. What are we going to do? C: They want to find some haunted house or some haunted tower or something. Me: Right. Crazy. C: They also want to play truth or dare... Me: Huh. I hate such games. C: Play only la. It'll be fun! And I'll get to find out more about you... Me: Er. Ok. Anything you say. But I thought you not close to your classmates? C: Yeah. But nevermind la. I've got you here with me. I shrugged. Me: Whatever. There better not be anything stupid. I seriously hated such games and I had no clue why I even agreed to join them. Maybe I was doing it subconsciously to make Charmaine happy. But, whatever it was, I decided that I had better make myself more high before playing. I finished the disgusting warm beer in a few gulps and went in search of another one, preferably cold. I found a couple more in the fridge and downed those as well. By my fourth can, I felt like I was going to be sick, but I ignored it and joined them upstairs. The beds had been pushed to the side and the pull-out mattresses were on the floor. I joined them as they sat in a circle, and settled down next to Charmaine. She nudged me and whispered in my ear. C: How much did you drink? Me: A bit. C: Can play or not? Me: Can la. There was a bottle in middle and one of the girls was in charge of spinning it. There were three other girls and three guys playing, making it a total of eight of us. As I watched the bottle spin, I hoped it would not land on me. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Awesome story-telling. I'm subscribing to this thread!
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
At this point of time, I cannot remember the names of the girls or guys we were playing truth or dare with. So I shall just call them G1, G2, G3, B1, B2 and B3.
I will not go int details describing the guys. Let's just say they were normal, not to tall or short, fat or thin, and go by the assumption that they were all heterosexual. They were dressed in berms and Thailand singlets. The girls were a different story. G1 was tall and skinny, with short hair, and looked relatively butch. She wore a back-less halter-neck top and I did not see a bra. However, her chest was as flat as an airport runway, although her nipples were poking through the thin material of her top, and the sight of her skinny legs in FBT shorts kind of turned me off. G2 was shorter, hair in a pony tail, average sized boobs, but she had huge thighs with visible cellulite, and she was wearing FBT shorts too. G3 was by far the prettiest of the lot, she made Charmaine look like a plain Jane. She had the Victoria Beckham kind of hairstyle, and had a pouty, arrogant look. Her reasonable sized chest was spilling out of the low-cut, or was it loose necked spaghetti top she was wearing, offering a nice view of her cleavage. Her legs were slim and toned, and were nicely proportioned to the rest of her body. And yes, she was wearing FBT shorts as well. Charmaine, in her dress, and me in my T-shirt and jeans, looked totally out of place. The bottle stopped spinning and ended up pointing at B2. Arrogant girl was somehow appointed the game master. G3: Truth or dare? B2: Er. If I don't like the truth question can I choose the dare instead and vice versa? G3: No. It won't be fun otherwise. Me: Who decides the questions or dares? G3: Hmm. I never thought of that. Let's go in a circle then. Guys will ask the girls and girls, the guys. Me: Ok. G3: So truth or dare? B2: Truth. G3 turned to the butch and asked her for a question. G1: How often do you masturbate and who do you think off when you do it? With that question, I realised the direction that this game was taking. These teenagers were either high or drunk, and the game was turning sexual. I looked at Charmaine who shifted uncomfortably. She shrugged. I hoped I did not have to perform a homosexual act as a dare. B2: Few times a week. I usually watch jap porn. Favourite is Sakura Sakurada. The grouped laughed. Ms. Arrogant spun the bottle again. It landed on herself. G3: Damn. Truth. B1 asked the question. B1: Do you have a boyfriend? If no, do any one of us stand a chance? G3: No to both. She spun the bottle again. It landed on Charmaine. C: Truth. B2: Are you sleeping with this guy? He pointed at me. Charmaine blushed. Or maybe it was the alcohol. C: No! That would soon change, I thought to myself, and laughed inwardly. The bottle was spun. It landed on G3 again. G3: This sucks. Truth. Me: Hey. This is boring. Maybe we should alternate between truth and dares. G3: Fine. Whatever. B3: French kiss G1! The juveniles started cheering as though they had never watched lesbian porn before. I expected G3 to protest but she readily went up to G1 and planted her lips on hers. B2: Show us some tongue! B1: Yeah. They happily obliged. I was impressed. JC kids do know how to have fun. B3: Grab her tits! The butch slid her hands under arrogant girl's spaghetti top and squeezed. She moaned. I looked at Charmaine again who was clearly uncomfortable. The two girls stopped kissing. G3: Satisfied? The three idiots simply sat there quietly, open-mouthed, and in awe of the lesbian kissing scene they just witness. To be truthful, I found it a little sick. Not that I was homophobic or anything, but watching lesbians on porn and in real life were two entirely different things. She spun the bottle again, and it landed on me. I cursed inwardly. Me: Dare. Cellulite girl decided on my dare. G2: Take off your clothes and remain in your underwear for the rest of the game. I looked at Charmaine. She gave me a blank look. I wondered where this was going. It did not really matter to me, I was comfortable with my body, and did not really have much qualms about showing off, but the sexual nature of the game was a little worrying. I felt Cellulite girl and Ms. Arrogant visually raping me as I removed my t-shirt and jeans. Butch paid no attention to me obviously, and I hoped that the guys were straight. Charmaine looked really embarrassed. I sat there in my boxers. Ms. Arrogant seemed to forget that she had to spin the bottle. Me: Hello? I'm done. The bottle was spun again, and it landed on Charmaine. She had to do a dare. B3 had a devious look in his eyes. B3: Perform a strip tease for us. Charmaine was shocked. She literally screamed at him. C: NO! B2: Come on. It's just for fun... B1: Yeah. Show us your tits! I had a funny feeling that they were doing this to her on purpose. Charmaine burst into tears. She got up and tried to leave but was blocked by B3, who appeared a little drunk. B3: Hey. You agreed to play the game. Now play by the rules! I looked at the other three girls. They did not seem to be bothered. B3 tugged at Charmaine's dress, managing to pull one strap off her shoulder. Charmaine screamed and slapped him, which made him angry. He pulled the other strap down, exposing her bra. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
I had enough.
Charmaine was crouched on the floor, hands desperately trying to cover her chest as the bastard tried to remove her dress. His two friends were cheering and egging him on. The 3 girls did nothing to help Charmaine, and seemed more interested in watching her get forcefully stripped. Drunk or not, this was too much. B3 had started to grope Charmaine. She made no attempt to fight him off, and was sobbing uncontrollably. He tugged at her bra and somehow it snapped, letting her breasts go free. The two other guys, who were obviously enjoying the show, saw me approaching B3. They stood up too. I grabbed the asshole by his shoulders and spun him around. Me: That's enough. The weakling threw a punch which connected with my left ribcage. It was not supposed to hurt, as I assumed that I had enough meat protecting my organs. But it hurt like hell and I was momentarily winded. I shoved him aside and bent down to attend to Charmaine. There were scratches on her arms, shoulders and chest. Tears were still streaming down her cheeks as she cowered in the corner, hugging her knees to her chest, trying to preserve what ever modesty she had left. I grabbed her cardigan and passed it to her, thinking she would cover herself up. But the shock of the event was too much for her and she dropped the cardigan. B3 approached again, flanked by B1 and B2. B3: You fucking spoiler! You got a problem with me? Oh yeah. This was good. A JC Two guy, 18 years old was trying to act like a gangster. B2: Yeah you fucking junior. I bet you would do the same thing. The three of them approached us. I stood up and turned around, fists clenched in case they wanted to fight. Charmaine snapped out of her shock and grabbed my wrist. I looked at her. She shook her head. C: He knows karate. Me: Big deal. I turned back to the three guys. Charmaine came to her senses and managed to pull up her dress, and put on her cardigan. The three bitches were still doing nothing, but simply watching to see what was going to happen. Me: You guys are bastards. How can you do this? B3: We do what we like. Who are you to tell us what to do? Me: I'm her friend. B2: You better watch out. I know people from ang soon tong and sa la gao. They tried to intimidate me by throwing out some gang names. Me: So? You think you very big fuck ah? They came closer. Truthfully, I was a little afraid, having no martial arts background. I could only rely on brute strength to defend myself if we came to blows. And it was three on one. B2: You wait. I call my friends. Me: Call la! I call my friends also. 995. See who more powerful. B1: No need call la. He's only one person. B3: Get the fuck out of here. Or else. Me: Or else what? B3: You fight us. Or we take your girl. Now that was something I could not stand. Cowardice. I never expected such behaviour from JC guys, expecting them to be the studious, goody-two-shoes type. Charmaine tugged at my wrist again. C: Don't. Let's just go. I ignored her. It was not that I was itching for a fight, but these assholes needed to be taught a lesson. Me: Come on you cowards. The other girls suddenly seemed to wake up, and Cellulite and Butch went over to Charmaine to see if she was ok. They pulled her aside and spoke to her. Arrogant still seemed unperturbed by the situation, but at least she gave Charmaine some tissues to dry her eyes. I was at a severe disadvantage, being half-naked, and facing three idiots, one of who was supposedly a karate exponent. I wondered how I was going to win this. Seriously, it was alcohol and testosterone, and most likely, male ego that dominated the scene. B3: You'll fight us one-on-one. I decided to pretend for awhile that I was my favourite WWE superstar. Me: Just bring it. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
nice story. camping here. .
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
B3 approached me cautiously with a standard martial arts stance. My ribs were still stinging from the punch earlier. I had totally underestimated the power of karate as I assumed that these martial arts were mainly for self-defence. Now I really wished I had signed up for Taekwondo or something, or maybe even wushu.
I figured that the only way to not get hurt was to hurt him first. However, he probably knew all the counter-moves and where my weak spots were. All the muscles in the world was not going to help me. Charmaine was at the side pleading for me to stop and not get involved with this. Cellulite and Butch also realised the gravity of the situation and I heard them making phonecalls, probably to their other classmates who were somewhere nearby. Arrogant had disappeared from the room. B3 threw the first kick which I unsuccessfully blocked. It caught me at the exact same area that he had punched. I thought I felt something crack. He came at me again with another kick aimed at my stomach. Maybe the alcohol was getting to him and he was getting slower. Even though his kick connected, I somehow managed to grab his leg. Before he could react, I rugby tackled him to the ground, and managed to pin one of his hands to his side. I forced the forearm of my other hand onto his throat, trying to cut off his air supply. He started struggling, his free hand grabbing desperately at my face. So much for being skilled at karate. I released him when I saw his eyeballs roll back, showing the whites. His loser friends rushed to his side after I got off. I put on my jeans and t-shirt and went to Charmaine. Me: Get your stuff. Let's go. Cellulite and Butch stood there shell-shocked. Just as I was about to open the door, someone charged at me from behind, pushing me into the door. I managed the use my arms to soften the impact. Charmaine also managed to jump aside in the nick of time. It was gangster wannabe, B2. He used some unknown fighting style which utilised his fists, knees and feet to rain uncoordinated blows on me. Probably street-fighting style. I wondered if he kept wooden sticks or maybe a parang somewhere. His attack was relatively useless, seeing as he had not much strength and poor form. The only time it hurt was when he hit the left side of my body. I was pretty sure I cracked a few ribs. I grabbed him by his neck and considered a chokeslam, but decided I probably could not lift him, and did not really want to hurt him. I shoved him aside and tried to open the door. This time, B1 came at me. I was seriously getting pissed off. B3 was still on the ground catching his breath. B2 decided not to carry on. But here was ultimate dumbass B1. Despite his friends having given up, he still decided to fight. Was having Charmaine that big a deal to them? I mean seriously, she was not that pretty, did not have a killer body, and probably would not want to have anything with them. Or was it some underlying factor that caused them to want to hurt her? Still, I would not have forgiven myself if I had let anything happen to Charmaine, the worst case scenario being a gang-rape by these losers. I held up my hand. Me: Stop. This has gone too far. The idiot ignored my warning and continued his advancement. I ran through a few WWE moves in my head before settling on a clothesline. He ran straight into it and dropped like a fly, his head hitting the floor with considerable force. It was a bad idea anyway, as the force of him running into me affected my ribcage. I felt short of breath. With the three idiots in random positions on the floor, I grabbed Charmaine by the arm and dragged her out of the room. We hurried down the stairs, followed by Cellulite and Butch. Arrogant was downstairs. There was a huge guy smoking at the door downstairs. He was a Year Two thrower in Track and Field named Nick, and apparently was Charmaine's classmate. N: What the hell is going on? C: Nothing. We're leaving. N: Stop. Enigma, tell me what happened. Me: You have idiots in your class. Nick looked at the bruises on Charmaine and the scratches on my face. N: Charmaine, what did they do? She did not reply but started crying again. Arrogant girl started talking. G3: Truth or dare gone wrong. They asked her to strip and she didn't want to so B3 did it himself. N: What??! The three idiots came down the stairs, apparently still intent on picking a fight. Charmaine hid behind me. Nick approached them and slapped the Karate Kid across his head. N: WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU GUYS THINK YOU ARE DOING? They kept quiet. Apparently Nick was some sort of influential person in their class. Furthermore, he was much bigger than me, and probably stronger too, and they realised it was a good idea not to mess with him. N: I should call the police. C: Please don't! I don't want any more trouble. N: Charmaine is our classmate and you dare to do such things to her? B3: She might have enjoyed it... Charmaine stared at him with a look that could cut glass. Me: Hey you dickhead, I dare you to say that again! He spat at me, and we almost squared off again but Nick stood between us. Arrogant girl spoke again. G3: If Enigma didn't step in, we all might have been er, taken advantage of. G2: They did have a lot to drink. N: Shit. He turned to Charmaine. N: I'm sorry this had to happen. This was supposed to be a fun gathering. Do you want to report this? C: No. N: You better apologise. Or I'll call the police. Me: I don't think a simple apology will suffice. Karate Kid got in my face again. B3: You piece of shit! Don't tell me you wouldn't do the same in this situation. Me: Do what? Rape her? Sorry. I'm not like you lowlifes. I turned to Charmaine. Me: You'd be willing to accept an apology? C: Yes. I decided to leave it at that. Maybe she really was so benevolent and forgiving. I would ask her later. I turned to Karate Kid. Me: Apologise and we'll leave. He looked as though he wanted to beat the shit out of me but Nick grabbed is shoulder around the trapezius area and squeezed. B3: FUCK! Sorry. Me: What? B3: I said I'm sorry! C: Ok. Let's go. Charmaine tugged at my t-shirt and literally dragged me out of the chalet. I did not know where she intended to go but I followed her anyway. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Keep up the good work!!! Waiting for more.
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
wow... dunno what to say after reading...
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
We walked out of the chalet and headed to the access gate that led to the beach only to discover that it was locked, so we left the chalet grounds and headed back to the car.
Charmaine was extremely quiet. I wondered what was going on in her head. We sat in the car with the windows down. But it was still pretty stuffy. I broke the silence. Me: Hey, want to take a walk on the beach? Charmaine did not reply, but she turned the ignition to 'on' and closed the windows. We stepped out of the car and walked in the general direction of the beach. We headed down the footpath, not really having an end in mind. I walked slightly behind her. Her arms were folded against her chest. We must have walked for around half an hour before she strayed off the footpath and onto the beach. I felt the sand enter my loafers and immediately wished that I was wearing slippers. The beach was relatively deserted, except for a couple of tents, probably illegal as I did not recall Pasir Ris beach being a designated campsite. Charmaine headed to a breakwater and we found a relatively flat area to sit on. We both stared out into the open sea, listening to the calming sounds of the waves hitting the rocks. A slight chilly wind was blowing and Charmaine shivered. I contemplated hugging her in case she was cold but decided against it as she had just been physically violated and having a guy touch her might not be the best thing in the world for her state of mind. We sat there for a very long time in silence. Suddenly, she inched closer to me. C: Can you hold me? I'm cold... Me: Ok. I uncrossed my legs and she slid in between them, and rested her head on my left shoulder. I flinched a little due to the dull pain in my ribcage. C: Sorry. Are you ok? Me: Yeah. Don't worry about it. I encircled her with my arms, holding her hands in mine, and placed them on her stomach. I felt the sides of her breasts brushing against my biceps. I tried hard not to get any horny thoughts. I was after all, a new non-virgin, and the slightest contact with females was more than enough to get my manhood stirring. I tried to concentrate on the pain in my ribs instead. We sat there for another extended period of time before she spoke again. C: I'm sorry you had to go through that. Me: I'm fine. How about you? She did not reply. Me: Are you sure you don't want to make a police report? C: Yes. Me: Why? C: It's a long story. Me: I've got time. C: He's my ex. Me: What? C: He loses control when he's drunk. Me: That's no excuse. There were other people in the room. C: He doesn't care. Me: Well, I do. Was he abusive? C: A little. He would threaten to hit me if I didn't give in. Me: Bastard. And you gave in? C: Not all the time. Me: So he hit you? C: Sometimes. Me: And you let him? C: We broke up eventually. I did not expect to be in the same class as him. Me: Tough luck. C: We were ok as friends. Maybe he got jealous... Me: Of? C: You? Me: Why? We aren't together. C: I know. He's like that. Me: Is that why you aren't close to your classmates? C: Part of it. He's been trying to get back together but I kept rejecting him. I avoided him and hung out with Amanda mostly. Me: You never thought of changing class? Or school? C: It was never this bad. Me: So what now? C: I don't know. I can't quit school. Me: I still think you should report him. C: He's still young and immature. Me: So? C: Let's just drop it please? Me: Ok. C: And thank you for standing up for me. Me: It's nothing. C: You're a really nice guy. Me: Thanks. Charmaine turned around and looked into my eyes. I stared back. They say the eyes are the windows to a person's soul. All I saw was a girl in pain. Tears formed at the corner of her eyes but she blinked them away. Then she hugged me. I nearly jumped because of the pain. C: Sorry. I ignored the pain and hugged her back. I do not know what overcame me and I bent down and pressed my lips against hers. She did not push me away but reciprocated, parting her lips. When the tips of our tongues touched it was electrifying. Then I pulled away. Me: Sorry. I don't know why I did that. She did not say anything but hugged me tighter instead, resting her head on my chest. This time I could not take it anymore as her arm was practically at where I assumed by ribs were broken. I loosened her grip. Me: I can't. C: I better send you to the hospital to get that checked out. Me: Ok. We got up and took a slow, long walk back to the car. This time, however, we walked side-by-side, her hand in mine. There was a strange feeling inside my chest that had nothing to do with my ribs. I wondered what it was. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Bro enigma, you're one hell of a writer man!! I was so riveted to the last few posts that I could sense that I was getting kan cheong
" Life is what happens when you're too busy making other plans." - John Lennon " All that is needed for Evil to succeed is, that decent human beings do NOTHING. " - Edmund Burke |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Do keep this thread alive. Thanks. |
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
Camping here.
Re: My attempt at sharing my experiences...
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