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Old 13-02-2012, 09:17 PM
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Re: Malaysia Cup/ League

LionsXII hit by National Service snub

LionsXII's Malaysian Super League (MSL) season has suffered a setback as the Ministry of Defence (Mindef) & the Singapore Police Force (SPF) r unwilling 2 grant players who r Full-Time National Serviceman leave.

Coach V Sundramoorthy missed the likes of vice-captain Hariss Harun, Shakir Hamzah, Yasir Hanapi & Raihan Rahman 4 their pre-match training 4 the match against Selangor last Wednesday due 2 National Service (NS) commitments.

It will be the same situation 4 the LionsXII as they prepare 4 their upcoming trip 2 Perak on Tuesday evening, reported The New Paper.

Only 15 players will be leaving 4 Ipoh on Monday morning, with Hariss, Yasir, Shakir, Safuwan Bahrudin, Khairul Nizam all held back by NS duties.

The LionsXII players hv reportedly been making use of their own annual leave 4 away games since the beginning of the MSL campaign & it will remain tat way 4 the rest of the season.

And Hariss is concerned whether he would hv enough leave 2 cover the season. He told TNP: "Our annual leave wouldn't be enough 2 last 4 the entire season, but there's nothing we can do abt it."

Tis has been 1 of the major talking points among the local football fraternity, who r puzzled & disappointed @ the lack of support by the 2 government bodies.

Exceptional servicemen-athletes in the SAF Sportsmen Scheme & the corresponding programme 4 SPF r given a certain number of full-pay unrecorded leave on top of their allotment of annual leave 2 represent the country in major international competitions.

Servicemen-athletes not inducted in the scheme may apply 4 time off — with the endorsement of their respective national sports associations & the Singapore Sports Council (SSC).

But according 2 SPF, & Mindef spokeman Colonel Desmond Tan, the MSL is not recognized as a major international competition.

He was quoted by TNP, as saying: "Where exigencies of service permits & subject 2 the merits of each case, Mindef allows national sportsmen, who r supported by the SSC, Full-Pay Unrecorded Leave (FPUL) 2 represent Singapore in selected major international competitions.

"The MSL is a football league & not an international competition. Mindef does not grant FPUL 4 participation in the MSL."

According 2 TNP, Mindef has rejected a season's worth of leave applications by the Football Association of Singapore (FAS) 4 players affected by NS b4 the season started.

Dave Law, a Business Development manager who follows local football, told Yahoo! Singapore tat authorities should start putting in2 action wat they promised & accused National Service 4 stunting the growth of our athletes.

"1 hand we r talking abt supporting local sports. On the other hand we r killing them off," he lamented.

"National Service is singlehandedly responsible 4 the sporting death of many aspiring potential medal winners."

While some r disappointed by the lack of support fr the NS bodies, there r others who give their backing 2 Mindef & SPF.

Yahoo! Singapore Facebook reader Muhd Khalis Rifhan said: "Lets be fair 2 Mindef.. LionsXII is not Singapore national team. So tis ruling make sense.

"LionsXII is a club & shld be treated like 1 & not be accorded status like a national team."
Old 14-02-2012, 11:34 AM
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Perak win Singapore
Old 14-02-2012, 11:52 AM
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Re: Malaysia Cup/ League

Gosh! They played really well during the last home game..i think the best i have ever seen after weeks of playing together.....

Now we got issues...we have sporean born n bred yet cant play cos of n.s

Yeah life is unfair but how are we going to progress in the future....
Old 14-02-2012, 08:50 PM
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Re: Malaysia Cup/ League

Lions will kena Berak 2-0 bt Perak
KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3
Old 14-02-2012, 09:01 PM
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Re: Malaysia Cup/ League

Give our footballers a break

7 games into the Malaysian Super League (MSL) season, & the score reads: LionsXII 0 National Service 1.

On Monday, when coach V. Sundramoorthy led his team 2 Ipoh 4 a league match against Perak on Tuesday evening, only 15 players were on the plane with him. Others such as vice-captain Hariss Harun & promising centre-back Safuwan Bahrudin joined their teammates only the next day due 2 National Service (NS) commitments.

Past media reports had stated tat these players were rationing their 14-day annual leave so as 2 last thru the entire season.

It was also revealed in The New Paper yesterday tat the Ministry of Defence (Mindef) has rejected a season's worth leave applications by the Football Association of Singapore (FAS) b4 the season kicked off last month.

In the same report, Mindef spokesman Colonel Desmond Tan said tat players in the MSL will not be accorded the Full-Pay Unrecorded Leave (FPUL) tat is given 2 national athletes chosen 2 represent the country in "selected major international competitions", under its SAF Sportsmen Scheme.

The reason? Because the MSL is a domestic football league & as such, is not regarded as an international competition.

When Yahoo! Singapore spoke 2 Sundram @ a training session @ Jalan Besar Stadium last week, the frustration over the situation was palpable on his face.

"We just hv 2 make do with the situation. All I can say is tat come match-days, we will hv 11 players competing on the pitch," he said in a voice laced with resignation.

When contacted, FAS President Zainudin Nordin said: "Like any other football club around the world, we agree tat it will be ideal if all our players can train & play together on a daily basis."

His next comments were telling, however: "Nevertheless, it is only realistic 2 acknowledge tat there will always be constraints & challenges facing any football team, & we simply hv 2 cope with these challenges, including injuries, suspensions & other commitments such as National Service, & perform 2 the fullest & best of our abilities.

While his attitude 2 tis thorny issue is laudable, 1 can't help but feel tat more should be done 2 help the players involved.

As an FAS source reveals, the likes of Hariss & Safuwan hv 2 endure a daily routine tat goes something like tis: report 4 NS duties in the morning, attend football training around 6pm in the evening aft booking out of camp. By the time training ends, it is usually well past 9pm & the poor sod then has 2 rush home 2 ensure he reaches his camp on time the next morning.

Tis is no way we shld treat our best footballers, most of whom r in their early 20s - a time when proper rest & recuperation r needed 2 ensure they don't suffer a burnout, or worse, a premature end 2 their budding careers.

Tis situation is not unique 2 football. Over in the swimming pool where 16-year-old Joseph Schooling has been making waves aft waves, NS is like a looming dark cloud tat threatens 2 derail his descent 2 the pinnacle of competitive sport.

As the Sunday Times reported, his parents r hoping 2 defer their son's full time NS enlistment until the 2016 Olympics.

Whether their request - & the swimming fraternity's hope & wish - will be granted is still any1's guess.

Again, tis seems 2 be a case of NS being an obstacle 2 sporting excellence.

While I m not suggesting tat Singapore should take the cue fr South Korea, where elite sportsmen r sometimes exempted fr serving in the military, a change in directive fr Mindef's top brass is needed.

Understandably, Singapore's defence is top priority. But 2 truly be a nation of diverse talents, perhaps more leeway should be given 2 deserving athletes.

The MSL may not be an international tournament, but as Zainudin correctly pointed out, the players will undoubtedly benefit fr the exposure.

So grant the players the time they need 2 train & travel.

Tat, in the wider scheme of things, can only be beneficial 2 the progress of our national football team.

And if they eventually bring honours of the senior Lions team, surely tat should be counted as them doing a service 2 our nation 2.

In fact, when asked why the FAS had chosen players whom they knew would be affected by NS 4 the LionsXII squad, Zainudin added: "Tis is in line with our 2-fold objective: 2 further enhance our youth development programmes & 2 participate competitively in the 3 competitions.

But there may be hope yet.

On the same day tat the LionsXII departed 4 Ipoh with a depleted squad, Acting Minister 4 Community Development, Youth & Sports Chan Chun Sing revealed in a briefing 2 announce its Vision 2030 sports blueprint tat Mindef is currently conducting a review of the SAF Sportsmen Scheme.

While no details were announced, 1 can only hope tat the footballers' lot improve aft the changes.

And tat would surely be music 2 Sundram's ears.

Not every1 can don the national colours.
Only the handful of deserving lot can enjoy these.
How 2 grow with all these obstacles.
How 2 grow when everything follow the book.
Old 14-02-2012, 09:05 PM
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Re: Malaysia Cup/ League

Local fans react over LionsXII NS snub

Local football fans Yahoo! Singapore spoke 2 hv voiced their opinion on the recent National Service-LionsXII saga.

It was reported in The New Paper tat only 15 players travelled 2 Ipoh on Monday 4 their Malaysian Super League (MSL) match against Perak on Tuesday evening, with Hariss Harun, Yasir Hanapi, Shakir Hamzah, Safuwan Bahrudin & Khairul Nizam only able 2 join up with the squad the match day itself due 2 NS commitments.

Players who r Full-time NS servicemen (NSF) hv been utilizing their annual leave 4 away fixtures tis season & it has been revealed tat the Ministry of Defence (Mindef) has rejected a season's worth of leave applications by the Football Association of Singapore (FAS) b4 the season started.

Mindef spokesman Colonel Desmond Tan has made it clear in his TNP quote tat the LionsXII players will not be excused fr their NS duties.

"Where exigencies of service permits & subject 2 the merits of each case, Mindef allows national sportsmen, who r supported by the SSC, Full-Pay Unrecorded Leave (FPUL) 2 represent Singapore in selected major international competitions," he said.

"The MSL is a football league & not an international competition. Mindef does not grant FPUL 4 participation in the MSL."

Tis has sparked a big debate among the local football fraternity.

Dave Law, a Business Development manager, told Yahoo! Singapore tat authorities should start putting in2 action wat they promised & blamed National Service 4 stunting the growth of our athletes.

He lamented: "1 hand we r talking abt supporting local sports. On the other hand we r killing them off.

"National Service is singlehandedly responsible 4 the sporting death of many aspiring potential medal winners."

Justin Mark Roy, a follower of local football, believes playing 4 the country - albeit not in an international competition - is a form of national service itself.

"Playing 4 your country is a service, be it in any sport," he declared.

"If NS continues 2 be a restriction 2 our talents, then our field of sports, arts & sciences will all suffer."

While some r disappointed by the lack of support from the NS bodies, there r others who understand & back Mindef's decision against granting leave 2 the LionsXII players.

Yahoo! Singapore Facebook reader Muhd Khalis Rifhan said: "Lets be fair 2 Mindef. LionsXII is not the Singapore national team. So tis ruling make sense.

"LionsXII is a club & should be treated like 1 & not be accorded status like a national team."

Yahoo! Singapore reader WP added: "Good decision by Mindef & SPF. Don't waste time & resources on sports where we cannot excel. Singapore football is nothing but rubbish."
Old 15-02-2012, 02:23 AM
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Re: Malaysia Cup/ League

Fixtures in FEB 2012

Kuala Lumpur FA 0-1 Kedah FA
Terengganu FA 1-1 PKNS FC
Sabah FA 0-0 Kelantan FA
Johor FC 1-1 Felda United
Negeri Sembilan FA 2-1 PBDKT T-Team
Perak FA 2-1 Sarawak FA
Selangor FA 1-1 Singapore LIONSXII

Kuala Lumpur FA 0-2 Johor FC
PBDKT T-Team 2-0 Perak FA
Singapore LIONSXII 3-1 Negeri Sembilan FA
Sarawak FA 2-1 Felda United
Kedah FA 2-2 Sabah FA
PKNS FC 2-0 Selangor FA
Kelantan FA 2-1 Terengganu FA

Felda United 0-3 PBDKT T-Team
Terengganu FA 1-1 Kedah FA
Sabah FA 2-0 Kuala Lumpur FA
Johor FC 1-2 Sarawak FA
Negeri Sembilan FA 1-1 PKNS FC
Perak FA 1-2 Singapore LIONSXII
Selangor FA 2-1 Kelantan FA

Latest Table Standings
01. Kelantan FA P8 W5 D2 L1 GF14 GA6 GD+8 Pts=17
02. Perak FA P8 W5 D0 L3 GF9 GA8 GD+1 Pts=15
03. Terengganu FA P8 W4 D2 L2 GF10 GA6 GD+4 Pts=14
04. Singapore LIONSXII P8 W4 D2 L2 GF10 GA7 GD+3 Pts=14
05. PBDKT T-Team P8 W4 D1 L3 GF14 GA6 GD+8 Pts=13
06. Negeri Sembilan FA P8 W3 D3 L2 GF12 GA11 GD+1 Pts=12
07. Selangor FA P8 W3 D3 L2 GF8 GA8 GD0 Pts=12
08. Sarawak FA P8 W3 D2 L3 GF10 GA9 GD+1 Pts=11
09. Johor FC P8 W3 D1 L4 GF10 GA10 GD0 Pts=10
10. Sabah FA P8 W2 D4 L2 GF8 GA8 GD0 Pts=10
11. PKNS FC P8 W1 D6 L1 GF9 GA8 GD+1 Pts=9
12. Felda United P8 W2 D1 L5 GF6 GA12 GD-6 Pts=7
13. Kedah FA P8 W1 D4 L3 GF5 GA12 GD-7 Pts=7
14. Kuala Lumpur FA P8 W0 D1 L7 GF2 GA16 GD-14 Pts=1
Old 15-02-2012, 02:24 AM
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Re: Malaysia Cup/ League

Singapore LIONSXII Fixtures/Results

10.01.2012 : Singapore LIONSXII 1-2 Kelantan FA (LOST)
14.01.2012 : Kedah FA 0-0 Singapore LIONSXII (DRAW)
17.01.2012 : Singapore LIONSXII 2-1 Kuala Lumpur FA (WIN)
21.01.2012 : Sabah FA 0-1 Singapore LIONSXII (WIN)
28.01.2012 : Singapore LIONSXII 0-1 Terengganu FA (LOST)
08.02.2012 : Selangor FA 1-1 Singapore LIONSXII (DRAW)
11.02.2012 : Singapore LIONSXII 3-1 Negeri Sembilan FA (WIN)
14.02.2012 : Perak FA 1-2 Singapore LIONSXII (WIN)
18.02.2012 : UiTM FC vs Singapore LIONSXII (FAC Round of 32)
06.03.2012 : Singapore LIONSXII vs Felda United
17.03.2012 : Sarawak FA vs Singapore LIONSXII
20.03.2012 : Singapore LIONSXII vs Selangor FA
31.03.2012 : Singapore LIONSXII vs PBDKT T-Team
03.04.2012 : Negeri Sembilan FA vs Singapore LIONSXII
07.04.2012 : Johor FC vs Singapore LIONSXII
10.04.2012 : Singapore LIONSXII vs Perak FA
14.04.2012 : PKNS FC vs Singapore LIONSXII
17.04.2012 : Singapore LIONSXII vs PKNS FC
04.05.2012 : Kelantan FA vs Singapore LIONSXII
08.05.2012 : Felda United vs Singapore LIONSXII
12.05.2012 : Singapore LIONSXII vs Kedah FA
15.05.2012 : Kuala Lumpur FA vs Singapore LIONSXII
22.05.2012 : Singapore LIONSXII vs Sarawak FA
16.06.2012 : Singapore LIONSXII vs Sabah FA
19.06.2012 : Terengganu FA vs Singapore LIONSXII
10.07.2012 : PBDKT T-Team vs Singapore LIONSXII
14.07.2012 : Singapore LIONSXII vs Johor FC
Old 15-02-2012, 02:32 AM
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Re: Malaysia Cup/ League

Shahril double fires LionsXII to Perak win

A double fr LionsXII captain Shahril Ishak helped his side 2 a 2-1 victory over Perak, whose 100% home record in the Malaysian Super League ended on Tuesday evening.

LionsXII were evidently the better team fr the beginning with the home side failing 2 find their footing early on in the game. Sufian Anuar came close 2 giving LionsXII a much deserved early lead, but he scuffed his shot over the bar aft a terrific cross fr Shahril Ishak.

The pace of Sufian Anuar was causing mayhem 4 the Perak defenders, while the midfield battle betw Shahril Ishak & Michal Kubala was proving 2 be intriguing.

Perak then had a shout 4 penalty when Lazar Popovic was brought down inside the penalty box, but the referee waved on 4 play 2 continue, much 2 the dismay of the home fans.

As the game continued, Perak began 2 assert themselves in the match, with Fahrul Razi proving 2 be a real menace down the left flank. However, it was the away side tat opened the scoring in the 35th minute, when Shaiful Esah's cross was headed in2 the path of Shahril Ishak by Sufian Anuar, & the skipper did not disappoint by netting his his 4th goal in 3 matches.

Hariss Harun then smashed in a long-distance scorcher which was dispatched well by Nasril Nourdin, as the score remained until half-time.

Aft the break, Perak marched in2 the pitch with fire in the belly as they began 2 show more initiative on the offensive. Their efforts paid immediate dividends as Perak were awarded a penalty in the 48th minute. Kubala's shot was not cleanly saved by Izwan Mahbud & Popovic was brought down as he went 4 the rebound. Kubala finished-off the penalty in style 2 restore parity 4 the Seladangs. But a lengthy delay preceded the penalty kick aft a laser pointer was used on Izwan.

Akhmal Rizal then came close 2 giving Perak the lead, but his fluffed shot went straight @ the keeper in the 65th minute. Tat missed proved 2 be costly as Shahril Ishak netted his 2nd of the game, aft a brilliant cross fr Saiful Esah, 2 restore the lead 4 LionsXII.

Fr tat moment on, Perak's momentum began 2 falter as Sundramoorthy's men dictated proceedings. Both sides managed 2 foster a few key chances 2wards the end of the game, but the scoreline remained 4 a much deserved LionsXII victory.

LionsXII's latest victory saw them climb 2 4th in the MSL table, 6 points behind leaders Kelantan.

They welcome Kuala Lumpur Felda United FC 2 the Jalan Besar Stadium next on 6 March.
Old 15-02-2012, 08:41 AM
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Re: Malaysia Cup/ League

Great result. Glad to see the team maturing. Our next match is 6th March? That's kind of far away. Wonder why the 3 week break after some weeks of playing 2 matches in a week. Why can't the matches be more evenly spread out?
Old 15-02-2012, 02:55 PM
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Re: Malaysia Cup/ League

OLE !! OLE !! OLE !!

Surprising away victory....Shahril now making all of us eat humble pie......

I think Agu can really go pick coconut liao.....
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Old 15-02-2012, 08:24 PM
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Re: Malaysia Cup/ League

Malaysia FA Cup 2012 kicks off on 17th Feb 2012.
The Singapore LIONSXII shall take on UiTM FC in the Round 1(FAC Round of 32) on 18 Feb 2012.
Old 15-02-2012, 08:49 PM
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Re: Malaysia Cup/ League

Singapore fans react to MSL matchfixing report

Should LionsXII withdraw fr the Malaysian Super League aft the latest match-fixing scandal 2 hit the Malaysian Super League?

That's wat some fans r saying following the latest reports of match-fixing 2 hv hit the league.

A report by The New Paper on Wednesday said tat 3 Malaysian teams r being investigated 4 alleged match-fixing. The news comes slightly more than a month aft Singapore's re-entry 2 the Malaysian football scene aft 17 years.

According 2 the report, the LionsXII is not among the 3 teams under investigation but an investigator fr world governing body Fifa confirmed tat V Sundramoorthy's team had played against some of the suspected teams earlier tis season.

Lions fan Sulaiman Supa'at wrote on Yahoo! Singapore's Facebook wall tat, "Anything tat is dirty will dirty your hands if u touch it. Singapore shld withdraw if the allegations r true. It's not worth our country's reputation & it also takes the shine away fr our players' performances if the results r indeed fixed,"

Another, Mohd Iqbal Hab, agreed & wrote, "Let's leave them alone. We 1 2 watch good soccer."

Business consultant Joshua Tan told Yahoo! Singapore tat as long as the LionsXII r not involved, he said he will continue supporting the team. He also called 4 definite & punitive action if the teams being investigated r found guilty.

"It's only fair 2 dock the points of the guilty teams then. Other than tat, it's no big deal 4 me unless our team is involved. Play hard & clean & people will slowly follow," said Tan.

Another fan Sin Kiang Chua also commented tat, "As long as no LionsXII players or officials r involved , I don't care how many Malaysian clubs r under investigation."

FIFA's match investigator, who goes by the name of John, told TNP tat @ least 1 match involving 1 of the games involving the LionsXII was a "5-star" fix. 5-star is a rating used by FIFA 2 signify tat the match was a "100% fix". In tat game, John added tat "players & officials were involved".

Other games involving the 3 teams r also being investigated but nobody has so far been detained or disciplined.

"Fr now on, every match be monitored by the FAM (Football Association of Malaysia)/Fifa/Asian Football Confederation task force," said John.

The LionsXII r currently 4th in 14-team league aft 8 matches. They beat Perak 2-1 in Ipoh on Tuesday night, with captain Shahril Ishak scoring both goals.

In a strongly-worded statement sent 2 Yahoo! Singapore, the Football Association of Singapore (FAS) said it "carries a 0 tolerance policy when it comes 2 match-fixing".

It added tat a briefing was conducted 4 players & officials of the LionsXII squad by officials fr the CPIB b4 the start of the MSL season.

FAS president Zainudin Nordin told Yahoo! Singapore tat match-fixing is a problem tat affects football leagues around the world, but said tat : "Wat we can do is 2 prevent our teams & our players fr getting involved in it & we hv constantly reminded them not 2 get into such trouble."

He also declined 2 say whether any LionsXII player has taken a polygraph test, citing confidentiality reasons.

LionsXII coach V. Sundramoorthy was unavailable 4 comment.
Old 16-02-2012, 02:17 AM
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Re: Malaysia Cup/ League

LionsXII’s Firdaus Kasman fined $10,000 for violation of FAS Code of Conduct

The FAS slapped a $10,000 fine on LionsXII midfielder Firdaus Kasman, aft he admitted 2 behaving in a manner tat is "unbecoming" of a FAS ambassador.

The 24-year-old was suspended fr all footballing activities last week aft he was allegedly involved in a theft incident during his belated birthday celebration on 4 February @ Clarke Quay with his fiancé & childhood friend.

The former Tampines Rovers player had recounted being helped 2 the toilet as he felt like vomiting aft consuming some alcohol drinks.

At an internal disciplinary hearing on Tuesday, Firdaus admitted 2 violating clause 1(b) of the FAS code of conduct, which states tat as an ambassador of FAS, he "must avoid putting himself in a situation tat could disparage the image of Singapore, FAS, his club or fellow LionsXII players, coaches or officials".

In addition, he was also found guilty of flouting clause 8(f) which bans players fr consuming alcohol @ all times.

In view of his offences, the Panel, which is chaired by FAS vice president Lim Kia Tong & comprised council member Mohamed Muzammil & FAS deputy secretary secretary P. Sivakumar decided 2 fine Firdaus the sum, which amounted 2 nearly 3 times his monthly salary.

In addition 2 the fine, Firdaus also has 2 conduct talks on the
consequences of breaching the FAS code of conduct 2 the LionsXII, Young Lions & the respective National Football Academy Teams.

When delivering the decision of the panel, Lim, who is also the chairman of the Asian Football Confederation's Disciplinary Committee & a Member of the FIFA Disciplinary Committee, said they were "extremely mindful" of the fact tat Firdaus was so intoxicated tat he required assistance 2 the toilet.

"(It) was a conduct which brings negative publicity, embarrassment or disrepute 2 FAS & has tarnished & disparaged the image of Singapore & FAS," he said, and added: "Firdaus' misconduct should be met with a punishment tat will send a strong deterrent signal 2 him & all like-minded players @ all levels of the game, tat FAS will not tolerate nor condone tis form of misbehaviour as well as other misbehaviours including smoking."

He noted however tat the player was remorseful of his actions & had offered a "sincere & qualified apology 2 the FAS, 2 his coaches, team management, support staff & players of LionsXII, the fans, his family & his loved 1s".

The panel also took into account Firdaus' unblemished disciplinary record prior 2 tis indiscretion.

In his written statement 2 the FAS, LionsXII coach V. Sundramoorthy also described Firdaus as "a disciplined & courteous player" whom he never had any trouble with.

The coach also expressed confidence tat Firdaus will not re-offend & tat he will guide the latter "2 be a better player & a better individual".

Firdaus also openly expressed regret over his actions. "Tis is a heavy punishment, which is nearly 3 months of my salary. However, I hv accepted it. I treasure tis chance & I shall constantly remind myself & the other players of the terms of the code of conduct which we had promised 2 comply when we signed it."

Promising 2 be a model professional in future, Firdaus said his immediate priority is 2 resume training & 2 win back his place in the LionsXII team.

Fans were also willing 2 welcome Firdaus back into the fold. Freelance copywriter Sebastian Fernandez, 38, said wat is most important is tat the player learn fr his mistakes. "Every1 deserves a 2nd chance. So if he is truly repentant, he should still be allowed 2 represent LionsXII."
Old 16-02-2012, 10:32 AM
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Re: Malaysia Cup/ League

Just read the Straits Times. Singapore Versus Negri Sembilan, the match we won 3-1 at Jalan Besar stadium, is highly suspected of being a fixed match. This is really rubbish. I hope this is untrue otherwise I won't want to be paying money to watch a wayang show with kelong results.
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