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Old 13-05-2014, 06:24 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by RotiPrata Man View Post
Just came back from a 6 nights trip Basically I enjoy myself with my friends although no ktv or sauna because I'm not a sauna person as well. Went to disco for 5 nights bonked 5 gals in total And paid for 1x 2. Simple FR below.

Edited for length

For the whole 7 days and 6 nights I never see any GA at my room except at the disco once. All of us also keep forgetting to register our gals at the hotel reception. Think every night to drunk to remember. Maybe I stay in a very "off" hotel which is not in town so even the lobby is empty most of the time that's Why We don't feel the need to register. Anyway thats my personal experience so don't quote me. Hee.
Excellent FR. Seem like the KTVs' are still in limbo! At least we the GA are not harassing tourist. Something to be optimistic of
胖胖俱乐部 - 度假国王
Old 13-05-2014, 07:40 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by RotiPrata Man View Post
Bro I'm near! And I'm not handsome. I just spend more time to sian the gals until they treat me as "friend".
Not treating u as sugar daddy meh
Old 13-05-2014, 09:16 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by uhoo View Post
bro! power la... they never take money from u... bcos they nv see u offer them money or u offer them but they refuse?

Your KC game good sia! please write a bit how to KC u u pro .... can learn 10% i happy man liao....
If the gal claimed that she is a non working gal then you give $$ means you 侮辱 her right? So if she follow u back means she wants to..not for your $$. Unless they ask from me if not won't offer them $$.

All these wechat gals I just spend effort talk to them everyday.. even is that few mins. Keep in contact. Nothing special.
Old 13-05-2014, 09:18 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by uhoo View Post
what is the dmg of the gals?
Mine was 1500 but the last day I gave her 1000. My friend got a 1200 gal also not bad.
Old 13-05-2014, 09:18 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Lastest update:

First of all, Yihao change their license to "family KTV"
No Mummy department at all.
You bring your own gals.. any problem... it's your problem.

There will be a second check this coming week on the KTV, those will pass and be graded... those with bad grading.. will expect check every other week.

Only a handful of KTV will be open.... Yihao, Ouya, Mayflower, Miraton and a couple of star hotel.

All other KTV open will not having mummy dept for now... but some ktv may employ more PR gals.

May 18? depend on who is willing to be the first one.

Follow are hearsay...
Ouya 20th May,
Yihao, anytime AFTER 18.
Miraton, after 21th May
Mayflower... no idea
Old 13-05-2014, 10:38 PM
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Siawlang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Originally Posted by TonyCheong View Post
Your comment is unsubstantiated. According to my sources no Hotel owned KTVs in Changping are announcing they're re-opening any time soon.
Was in changping for 4 nights all hotel ktv closed. Tried to contact mummy and mummy now working shenzhen. Shenzhen ktv open with meimei. Pzl operating with checking by kong an. Pickup girls from street is easy. Hotel no checking so safe to bring your ex girl or new street girl.. Anyway be more careful open eyes dont only dream cheebye.
Old 13-05-2014, 11:42 PM
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Re: 18 May 2014

Originally Posted by wan25w View Post
My hearsay is the mummy will be Marketing/Customer Service Manager and the MM will carry name tag as "Beer Promoter".

Actually that what is happening in HZ, the MM carry name tag with photo and the beer company logo.

Quite accurate... this is what I heard from the mm too...
Why you zap me but no balls leave name?

Returned favours to all bros who up me. Who hasn't, pls remind me!

I believe in sharing for all!

I maybe greedy but is 400 a reachable target?

Local Hotties
Old 13-05-2014, 11:44 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by RotiPrata Man View Post
If the gal claimed that she is a non working gal then you give $$ means you 侮辱 her right? So if she follow u back means she wants to..not for your $$. Unless they ask from me if not won't offer them $$.

All these wechat gals I just spend effort talk to them everyday.. even is that few mins. Keep in contact. Nothing special.
Become yr KC LOR.
Old 14-05-2014, 12:51 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by RotiPrata Man View Post
Just came back from a 6 nights trip Basically I enjoy myself with my friends although no ktv or sauna because I'm not a sauna person as well. Went to disco for 5 nights bonked 5 gals in total And paid for 1x 2. Simple FR below.

Day 1
Engaged a mommy which I know to intro gals to me and my 2 other friends. Selected 3 gals and proceed to Music Dragon for ktv session until 12am. Total bill about 500 rmb for the 3 of us.Dirt cheap!

Day 2
Went 18 disco around 9.30pm. Selected 2 gals for my 2 friends from the same mommy while i meet my wechat gal whom i been talking to for 2 months. She was a ex YH gal, now never work liao cos got 2 GZ rich dumbass bao her. Lol. Anyway she came 18 to look for me. Drink until about 1am and follow me back to my hotel to collect the chocolates which she asked me to buy. Once back to room the rest is history. After 1 round she say she need to go back to take care of her dog. Around 3+ she left. Never take money from me.

Day 3
My friends meet up with another 2 more gals intro by the same mommy. They went 星派对 while I proceed to meet my next wechat target. This gal is 32 years old, a mom of 2 kids but still looking hot. She has a shop at 百花广场 selling clothes I think. Met her for dinner a Japanese restaurant around 6.45pm. After dinner she ask me where to go because she needs to go back home around 11pm to take care of her kids. I suggested Why not buy beers and go back to my room to chit chat, she say ok. So she drove us back to my hotel and after some beers we started kissing and stuffs. God she was super horny and good! Her moves is machiam like pornstar. I was almost breathless! Anyway after were done she drove me to 星派对 to look for my friends.

Day 4
Meet up with another wechat target for dinner. After dinner she went back home and say she will look for me later. Based on experience I doubt I can close this gal. So quickly contacted my other resources to back up for the night. Anyway went 18 again with my friends..they also don't have gals cos wanna take a break. Contacted a ex OY gal who happens to be on her way back to CP from SZ. She came 18 to look for me...halfway the wechat gal also came. My OY gal very auto, straight went to play with my friends. Anyway to cut the story short, the wechat gal went back around 1am and the OY gal follow me back. She left the next day to GZ and never take money from me as well. She just say very happy to see me. Heng ar...

Day 5
Meet up with my gal from my last SZ trip. Went to Cali Red this time (by the way like Cali more than 18 but cannot go becos this gal always there) 1 of my friend repeated a gal from first night while the other wanna try his luck at disco. Got to know this Russian gal who can speak very good Chinese. Nothing much happen so went back hotel with my gal.

Day 6
Meet another wechat gal whom I chat with for 3 months. Look abit different from her pictures so Sian half. No choice but to continue to 星派对 with her cos she booked the room. My friends came to join me later. After ktv We went Cali red for second round. Then another wechat gal whom I also chat for quite sometime text me say saw me. After awhile she appear at my table. Omg she look better in person! Tall, cute and very drunk liao.. lol! So I faster shift my focus to her but she keep telling me she need to go home tonight becos 2 of her friends are staying over. So I know is kinda of hard to get her to my hotel so suggested to send them back after supper. Once reach her place she ask me to go to her room while her friends chit chat at the living room. We started kissing and stuffs and I strip her totally naked liao then her friends came knocking on the door non stop. No choice had to stop, got dressed then went back alone. Although she keep tell me sorry, she will go look for me tomorrow but I know that wun happen. So nevermind next time still got chance to up her.

Day 7
Flight at 11.50pm so still got alot of time. My first day gal text me say she very bored in her pet shop. Ask me what I'm doing. Thinking why not ask her over since her service and attitude super good. So got her to came over to accompany me till 9.30pm.

For the whole 7 days and 6 nights I never see any GA at my room except at the disco once. All of us also keep forgetting to register our gals at the hotel reception. Think every night to drunk to remember. Maybe I stay in a very "off" hotel which is not in town so even the lobby is empty most of the time that's Why We don't feel the need to register. Anyway thats my personal experience so don't quote me. Hee.
Power FR Bro... so long never read something so good liao ... hahahaa too bad i never plant so many wechat seeds....

Originally Posted by Lookingaround2 View Post
Lastest update:

First of all, Yihao change their license to "family KTV"
No Mummy department at all.
You bring your own gals.. any problem... it's your problem.

There will be a second check this coming week on the KTV, those will pass and be graded... those with bad grading.. will expect check every other week.

Only a handful of KTV will be open.... Yihao, Ouya, Mayflower, Miraton and a couple of star hotel.

All other KTV open will not having mummy dept for now... but some ktv may employ more PR gals.

May 18? depend on who is willing to be the first one.

Follow are hearsay...
Ouya 20th May,
Yihao, anytime AFTER 18.
Miraton, after 21th May
Mayflower... no idea
Great info ..

Btw heard from one tour guide some ktvs opening late May ... but low profile and for trusted customers only ... hahaah now to define trusted ... i think more maos means more trusted
Bros, who've upped my points , pls pm me and I will definately up yours too Huat ah !!!!
Old 14-05-2014, 01:44 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by RotiPrata Man View Post
Bro I'm near! And I'm not handsome. I just spend more time to sian the gals until they treat me as "friend".
aiya, you only a baby to me

for those dun know our RPM bro, he's a young tall handsome man specialized in kcing mms ....
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 14-05-2014, 07:47 AM
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Siawlang has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
aiya, you only a baby to me for those dun know our RPM bro, he's a young tall handsome man specialized in kcing mms ....
Pocket have money, today get free tomoro pay treble. China girl speciality. Me 60+ always have this lobang. Hihi
Old 14-05-2014, 09:33 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
aiya, you only a baby to me

for those dun know our RPM bro, he's a young tall handsome man specialized in kcing mms ....
Tai kor... I'm younger than you doesn't mean I'm young hor.. in fact me, SC and 3Dee are of the same age ok
Old 14-05-2014, 09:51 AM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by RotiPrata Man View Post
Tai kor... I'm younger than you doesn't mean I'm young hor.. in fact me, SC and 3Dee are of the same age ok
indeed all 3 of you are handsome young man ....

heard the same thing that some CP ktvs will reopen in the form of family ktvs but with mms secretly provided, will see how that works ....
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 15-05-2014, 09:32 PM
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Re: Events In CP

This thread has also become less active just like the CP today
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Old 15-05-2014, 11:22 PM
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Re: Events In CP

Originally Posted by memorablez View Post
This thread has also become less active just like the CP today
Cos nothing much to update what. Still the same news.
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