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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 30-08-2013, 11:46 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by Kindred View Post
Glad I found this thread. Only pinay bars I've been in are at OT, and that was when I first came to Singapore and realised how expensive it was :P Since then I much prefer local HFJ but I do miss them. Actually I do sometimes go to Rendezvous at OT to play pool and have a laugh with the girls since LDs are only $30, but not amazing quality. Being Ang Moh I always feel like I'm being ripped off at OT.

If there are other fun pinay pubs with cheap LDs then please list a few
Depends on if you are willing to 'travel'. The east side is pretty good. LDs start at 2 points ($20). Plenty of Ang Mohs frequent the places I go to. They are treated the same, no discrimination (2 tier pricing) as the places depend on regulars.
Old 31-08-2013, 05:10 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by Langchai View Post
Depends on if you are willing to 'travel'. The east side is pretty good. LDs start at 2 points ($20). Plenty of Ang Mohs frequent the places I go to. They are treated the same, no discrimination (2 tier pricing) as the places depend on regulars.
bro, kindly share locations. can use pm. upz you. thanks.
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Old 01-09-2013, 02:37 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by Langchai View Post
Depends on if you are willing to 'travel'. The east side is pretty good. LDs start at 2 points ($20). Plenty of Ang Mohs frequent the places I go to. They are treated the same, no discrimination (2 tier pricing) as the places depend on regulars.
actually, to Kindred, 30$ seems normal, with cost of living going up

I somehow don't feel like more than 20 for LD .. LP has some bar doing LD at 20

Well, still 20 or 30 is much cheaper than the forced 50$ drinks at BMD bars .. and they are all gone in a second ..

Rendezvous is not a bad place .. as I do go there at time, as I do go to Baliba, to totally ignore the girls and enjoy the drink
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Old 01-09-2013, 02:59 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by etsys View Post

Rendezvous is not a bad place .. as I do go there at time ...
Bro where is Rendezvous ? Izit the one opposite the SGH ?

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Old 01-09-2013, 04:56 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by divedeeper View Post
This sucks! Apparently the girls are being held also? That is according to a pinay I met there last fall, kept in contact with email.
They are being held on special pass in Spore pending completion of investigation which from my experience usually range from 4-12 mths before they can go bck.

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
KNowing pinays, it is normally a case of they sacrificing themselves to save their boss or introducer, who incidentally almost always turns up to be some close relative .. They rather die than point finger ..
yes ur rite. as usual, a few I spoke 'old birds' who have been here 6-7 times did deny their involvement and also denied knowing the boss did such things.

Originally Posted by Kindred View Post
Glad I found this thread. Only pinay bars I've been in are at OT, and that was when I first came to Singapore and realised how expensive it was :P Since then I much prefer local HFJ but I do miss them. Actually I do sometimes go to Rendezvous at OT to play pool and have a laugh with the girls since LDs are only $30, but not amazing quality. Being Ang Moh I always feel like I'm being ripped off at OT.

If there are other fun pinay pubs with cheap LDs then please list a few
where is this Rendevous in OT? Maybe a bit rusty in the scene, but for past 1 year or so, haven't came across such named bar in OT. Other location, Yes, but not in OT.
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Old 01-09-2013, 04:59 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

I happen to know where some of the gerls from OP are working and the style of play will most likely be the same.

Regret that I will only share with the bros that I personally know, communicated with before and whom have valid past sharing posts. This place shall be kept at high discretion by myself.

Do take note that the expenses will be same as those incurred when u cheong with these gerls at the previous bar. so.. not trying to be untactful but think this place will be liken by those bros who use to cheong OP outlets as I understand some bros prefer the laid back kinda bars.

Can PM me for details. U guys know who u are..
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Last edited by limborock; 01-09-2013 at 05:21 PM.
Old 02-09-2013, 08:31 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

20 for LD. You guys are being con. Do u guys see how small the glass is ?
Old 02-09-2013, 01:26 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
where is this Rendevous in OT? Maybe a bit rusty in the scene, but for past 1 year or so, haven't came across such named bar in OT. Other location, Yes, but not in OT.
Rendezvous is not a hanky panky bar, maybe that's why it's not so popular, vs .. the New Peyton, Blue Banana, Moonshine and to lesser extent, Passion ..
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Old 02-09-2013, 02:47 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by Langchai View Post
Depends on if you are willing to 'travel'. The east side is pretty good. LDs start at 2 points ($20). Plenty of Ang Mohs frequent the places I go to. They are treated the same, no discrimination (2 tier pricing) as the places depend on regulars.
Hi Langchai, can you PM or advise the names of the places in the east?

Old 02-09-2013, 03:58 PM
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Arrow Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
I happen to know where some of the gerls from OP are working and the style of play will most likely be the same.

Regret that I will only share with the bros that I personally know, communicated with before and whom have valid past sharing posts. This place shall be kept at high discretion by myself.

Do take note that the expenses will be same as those incurred when u cheong with these gerls at the previous bar. so.. not trying to be untactful but think this place will be liken by those bros who use to cheong OP outlets as I understand some bros prefer the laid back kinda bars.

Can PM me for details. U guys know who u are..

Wah bro... Long time no see liao... I can see that u r still very active in the scene... As for me i have stand down for quite some time liao... Only visit pinay pubs once a while... Even so only those chill out karaoke ones...

Seems like the lowest going rate for LDs now is $20..?? I know a few $20 LD joints... Tall glass of beer with ice at $20 still bo hua leh... I frequent this joint that has $20 bottled beer LD... Any bro know any joint with LD going less than $20? Hehee...
I am Osama Bin Laden... and I HATE NEWBIES WHO JUZ ASKIN CONTACTS..!! Do I have to say more..?!?!

To all bros who up me... THANKS...!!! I will up you as soon as I can... (please tell me your latest posting)
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Old 02-09-2013, 04:57 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
Rendezvous is not a hanky panky bar, maybe that's why it's not so popular, vs .. the New Peyton, Blue Banana, Moonshine and to lesser extent, Passion ..
hey bro.. don't say like that leh.. I don't only go to hanky panky bars la.. hahaha.. for me karaoke and atmosphere is important.. of cos good lookers will be a welcomed addition..

Originally Posted by OsamaBinLaden View Post

Wah bro... Long time no see liao... I can see that u r still very active in the scene... As for me i have stand down for quite some time liao... Only visit pinay pubs once a while... Even so only those chill out karaoke ones...

I just usual rounds and not as much compared to previous years. but bcos a fren requested to help him spread the word abt his place, that's y im just helping out via regular and known bros. anyway, this place used to be a diff concept and today will be the first day they changing concept to Filipina gerls.
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Old 02-09-2013, 10:51 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by limborock View Post
where is this Rendevous in OT? Maybe a bit rusty in the scene, but for past 1 year or so, haven't came across such named bar in OT. Other location, Yes, but not in OT.
It's on the 2nd to last floor. If you're coming in from the front and go up the escalators you'd go up two floors and as you get off its directly ahead of you in the corner. It's not a big place. Facing it, to the left is a russian bar I think, and to the right of it is Club Romeo. If you know where Crazy Horse is (top floor) its directly under it.

The girls do get quite mischievous and I've had a few feels at times, but still not really that type of bar. Depends on your chemistry with the girl I think.
Old 03-09-2013, 09:27 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by Kindred View Post
It's on the 2nd to last floor. If you're coming in from the front and go up the escalators you'd go up two floors and as you get off its directly ahead of you in the corner. It's not a big place. Facing it, to the left is a russian bar I think, and to the right of it is Club Romeo. If you know where Crazy Horse is (top floor) its directly under it.
they have a two piece bad, and three dancer .. and it is just next to ION Club (Ion-> *the Russian teeny-meeny joint with girl with attitude 10X that .. )
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Old 03-09-2013, 09:49 AM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Hopefully all pinay lovers are doing well!

Good to see the familiar names still active and going strong.

I have not patronised pinay pubs for a year, have been busy with managing 2 fb. They satisfy me but leave me very drained.
Old 03-09-2013, 02:06 PM
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Re: Pinay Lover's Pub Crawl

Originally Posted by KLGL View Post
Hopefully all pinay lovers are doing well!
What is it about pinays? Since the bars at OP are shut down, I got my pinay fix from visiting FL I found on locanto. What a babe! Amazing body. Amazing GFE.
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