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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 19-10-2006, 03:32 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by sunzi
Once they have decided to go into this line, mentally they are prepared to be upz for the sake of money. Most important upz liao must know how to let go. don't hold on to it
Ah, the wisdom of Sun Zi... haha try telling it to Prince? As for the next post on wat goes around comes around... I can only say... I LIKE THINGS that are round round!!! (.)(.) lol
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Old 19-10-2006, 05:38 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Purgatory
Sigh... Based on the expriences at TH yesterday... think now I noe who's the kinkiest of them all... *points OP* like dat also can hijack!!!!
bo bian..guess i am fated to suffer in this manner,maybe previous life his gals all kana hjack by me so this time round revenge lor.
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Old 19-10-2006, 05:54 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Shuang_Jie_Gun
,maybe previous life his gals all kana hjack by me so this time round revenge lor.

Hmmmm, then why u hijack my gers till I need to change taste???
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 19-10-2006, 06:23 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by naemlo
Hmmmm, then why u hijack my gers till I need to change taste???
i didnt hijack urs all,i took the leftovers u left for me nia~
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Old 19-10-2006, 06:27 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
Pai Seh Pai Seh to President SJG...

Ytd..I planned the whole trip to go down and see her one.... should have known your taste and mine are similar. so when Sunzi said u got urself a SYT.. I very scared and called her and as I entered the room... her hp rings and ...oops....

3rd RED card from President SJG liaoz...

But I think President SJG oso would not want her if he knew this oso another of my er... "antique" cars..rite ??
ya lor,last nite u most "xin fu" liao.
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Old 19-10-2006, 06:28 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Ahh_Boi

the 2nd gal suits u better lah, cos both of u is

眼睛哥哥 和 眼睛妹妹 嘛
well said well said!!
~~claps claps claps~~
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Old 19-10-2006, 06:33 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Purgatory
Ah, the wisdom of Sun Zi... haha try telling it to Prince? As for the next post on wat goes around comes around... I can only say... I LIKE THINGS that are round round!!! (.)(.) lol
i knw liao,no need tell me bro.i am just playing along.kekeke..if i go haywire u guys will be here to direct me to the right path de tio boh?
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Old 19-10-2006, 07:54 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

wa... so many thgs happen,

im not around to see...haiz... better la, get away from all the guy politics and concentrate on the current gals
Rolly of the past
Old 19-10-2006, 08:05 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

mj anyone?

(oops, too desperate)
Rolly of the past
Old 19-10-2006, 11:11 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Ahh_Boi
Huh??? Lidat i how??? cham liao!! i Super Newbie ler leh!!!!


I will newbie leh... I join after u de leh....
si ar... lol..

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Old 19-10-2006, 11:16 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

any outings soon? can i join in i newbie.
Old 19-10-2006, 11:36 PM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
CONFIRM CHOP STAMP... SF taste is different from us !! Jus ask ahh_boi !!

Originally Posted by Ahh_Boi
I confirm!!!!!

WOW, talk bad about my lao da isit?

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Old 20-10-2006, 01:31 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Shuang_Jie_Gun
i knw liao,no need tell me bro.i am just playing along.kekeke..if i go haywire u guys will be here to direct me to the right path de tio boh?
This remind me.....

Not that i disapproved of jacking as they are afterall here to earn money, But at least please give some face to the cheong buddies hor.

There's so many trees out there, not need to be so desparate de rite?? Wait cheong kakis become enemies then not good liaozz....

Seen and heard a few cases, Gals are sometimes errrrr.... a bit sensitive issue lai de...... like someone told me kekekeke

So CEO of Hijack Club can i suggest putting it in as one small rule heehee


人在新加坡, 心在常平

Old 20-10-2006, 09:02 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by Ahh_Boi
This remind me.....

Not that i disapproved of jacking as they are afterall here to earn money, But at least please give some face to the cheong buddies hor.

There's so many trees out there, not need to be so desparate de rite?? Wait cheong kakis become enemies then not good liaozz....

Seen and heard a few cases, Gals are sometimes errrrr.... a bit sensitive issue lai de...... like someone told me kekekeke

So CEO of Hijack Club can i suggest putting it in as one small rule heehee
Dunno if I'd get flame... but this point already said b4 liao mah... Girls are girls buddies are buddies... esp these gals... nicely put it... they are working ladies... put it not so nicely.... ... so no point getting all worked up on them rite? cheong muz cheong smart... dun keep let the small head make decisions... KC or not after F U, she'd jus wash up and F someone else mah... rite? jus my 2 cents
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Old 20-10-2006, 09:03 AM
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Re: Bs Ktv

Originally Posted by rolly
mj anyone?

(oops, too desperate)
eh... I also despo wor... rem to jio hor... U got my number rite?
对的时间遇见错的人,是一种遗憾。错的时间遇到对的人,更是一种伤感。我在茫茫人海中,遇到让我倾心的你, 对或者错,仿佛已不再重要了。。。。
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