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Old 31-05-2023, 11:28 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Sorry all, apologies for the late update. Had some matters to attend to in the morning.

Here is today's story


gog: OH!!!

My eyes opened wide, mouth was open in shock of the revelation Penny just told me. Well, I shouldn't, afterall she's Christian, she should be... though I've known some aren't.

gog: It's perfectly normal, I mean, I won't think you're that kind of Christian girl also. Keeping it for marriage is normal for us. I'm one too.

P(enny): You don't have girlfriends?

gog: Hey... I'm not that un-handsome but I respect ladies, I also want to make sure my first time is with a girl I truly like.

Note: I used the word 'like', I didn't say 'love' I remember all these because I am always careful with my words.

gog: I'm sure your boyfriend does too.

P: Well.. he can be pressurizing some times but I don't believe in that, so he usually gives up trying... I also believe it should be somebody I trust and really like.

gog: You should, you're a very nice girl, don't give up, like I said, I think you're good, that's why I... erm...

Penny leaned towards my arm and puts her head on on my shoulders.

P: I think you're a nice guy... very sweet. I just wasn't ready just now.

I can feel something bumping from the side of my arm, it's definitely her tits.

gog: I respect you of course. But...I'm just attracted I guess.

P: But I have a boyfriend...

gog: Well, if he doesn't know...

P: ...

Penny buried her head deeper downwards in my arm. I take that as acceptance.
Old 31-05-2023, 02:05 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

come on gog... write abit longer lah..... really potong stim like that
Old 31-05-2023, 03:11 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by bowlofsoup View Post
come on gog... write abit longer lah..... really potong stim like that , 'GOG' length of writing is slightly longer than past few updates....good god for that...I am appreciating of this 'longer' length of posting....thank you hor...!
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Old 31-05-2023, 06:21 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by Phython1 View Post , 'GOG' length of writing is slightly longer than past few updates....good god for that...I am appreciating of this 'longer' length of posting....thank you hor...!
Longer and harder...for us
My stories. Are they real or not? U decide lor. Anyway doesn't matter much cos I am reliving them...

How I got myself with an ex-colleague...

I did not know that side of my sis-in-law...
Old 31-05-2023, 06:22 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post

P: But I have a boyfriend...

gog: Well, if he doesn't know...

P: ...

Penny buried her head deeper downwards in my arm. I take that as acceptance.
P has a boyfriend, if she don't say and gog don't say they do notti thing should be fine, cheers!
Old 31-05-2023, 06:25 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Old 01-06-2023, 09:54 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by bowlofsoup View Post
come on gog... write abit longer lah..... really potong stim like that
I already penned to Day 3 holiday liao, the morning.

Some excerpt from that:

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J: Sorry... been a while, it's so long since we made love, I'm simply overwhelmed by it.

It's the re-reading and vetting, making sure I didn't leave out any flow of events that takes time. I've already missed out the portion on the loan passing to Penny, chatting etc. I don't want to miss out anything else along the way.

I don't really want to blue-balls but the vetting takes a fair bit of time. I'm honestly still missing something from now till day 3, I'm trying to recall as I post the updates. If nothing missing, then I'll post longer.

Originally Posted by Phython1 View Post , 'GOG' length of writing is slightly longer than past few updates....good god for that...I am appreciating of this 'longer' length of posting....thank you hor...!
Bro, hard to recall, don't want to miss out parts, have to re-read make sure it flows, sometimes miss liao but never affect the flow is ok, but certain ones if missed, hard to add back cos the flow already there, but yet critical to put down.

Originally Posted by Anonyabc View Post
Longer and harder...for us
Eh bro... I don't swing that way... YET. LOL!

Originally Posted by diputs1269 View Post
P has a boyfriend, if she don't say and gog don't say they do notti thing should be fine, cheers!
What?!?! Simi! I got say that meh?

Originally Posted by rickyiou View Post
Thank you! Cumming liao!
Old 01-06-2023, 09:56 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Goooooooooooooooooood Thurs! End of the week ahead, sorry for the late posting, caught up with work lately, been slacking too much :|

Happy reading!!!!

Will try to get more vetting & proof-reading done over the LWE!


gog: Can I ... kiss you?

Penny nodded her head softly without looking at me. This is it. Bad move'll see later why.

Tilted her chin up and kissed her on the lips. Again, I must stress, she's not a good kisser, she doesn't move much with her mouth, she is like waiting for your mouth to do all the work. Kissing is a two person thing. Sigh, she's really got a lot to learn.

Laid her back towards the sofa's backing, not down yet, and leaned on her, kissing her lips.

gog: You don't like it?

P(enny): I'm... just nervous. I've never done this before.

This? Wait. She's referring to 'what' as 'this'? Is she saying I can go ALL THE WAY?

gog: Relax, move your mouth with mine, you're the 3rd girl I kiss also, we can learn together.

Fuck off guys, fuck off! Get off my back!!! LOL!!! Saying she's the first is going to be false... 2nd is too impossible... 3rd is safe. Hahahahah.

She kissed better subsequently, more participanting, although her hands were nervous so she let them by her side on the couch, palms facing down.

gog: I'm going to just touch you a bit, okay?

P: I ...

gog: Shhh.

I reached my hand to her shoulders, softly moving along her shoulders while I shifted my mouth to her neck area and kissed gently. Penny tilted her head sideways, to allow my mouth access and slowly... I shifted my hand down towards her bra cup, following the bra strap outline from her t-shirt.

Penny's breathing became irregular and fast paced.

Softly, I placed my palm on her shirt, over her bra, rubbing slowly, Penny still laid there hands nervous and not touching me at all. Just enjoying the moment I guess.

Naughtily, I placed another hand down to her jeans and unbuttoned the top, the other hand multi-tasking, pulling up her shirt to just below her bra's band.

P: Mmm... no..

They were soft objections from Penny, but she didn't physically push me away, simply mouthing those words without physical action is just telling me 'fuck me'.

gog: You are... so... sexy...

Complimented her, made her feel good, letting her know, I'm interested in her (body).

gog: Remove my shirt.

I knelt over her thighs and propped myself up, sounds familiar? It's like Janice all over again, lucky, I'm a virgin. I don't know all these

Penny brought both palms together in a prayer position and hesitated.
Old 01-06-2023, 10:19 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Nice, a pre-Europe f**k, increase the fun being in europe with 3 women, all f**kable.
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Old 01-06-2023, 10:54 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Double -posted.
Old 01-06-2023, 11:57 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Hahaha she prayed that you won't bully her or pray coz she's about to sin?
Old 01-06-2023, 03:49 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice


Like this sure cause a lot of BLUE BALLS.

If no update this afternoon, then more BLUE BALLS bros

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
Penny brought both palms together in a prayer position and hesitated.
Old 01-06-2023, 10:22 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post

Penny brought both palms together in a prayer position and hesitated.

Penny prayed that gog will be gentle to her, cheers!
Old 01-06-2023, 10:40 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

gog: OH!!!
Old 01-06-2023, 10:42 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

come on gog... write abit longer lah..... really potong stim like that
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