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Old 04-06-2023, 07:56 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by fwchong View Post
wow liao eh! Bro, you admit in public raping her...better erase this...will go into your records...
Wah lao... no rape la... willing parties. Rape is serious.. but more like she raped me. LOL...

Originally Posted by jaydenlightning View Post
You goddit wrong bro. Blueballs cb gog is the one being raped and being apologised to
Ya ya ya!! You got it!!

Originally Posted by jaydenlightning View Post
It’s gonna go into penny’s records 😂
Maybe she put in notebook how many times I kena rape

Originally Posted by 178noobnoob View Post
Penny’s repent list
-having sex with gog while having a boyfriend.

Oh dear.
Oi... don't make me look like a bad person leh.
Old 04-06-2023, 07:58 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Good sunday!!!

I haven't wrote anything since Thurs. LOL, really slacking.


gog: Nobody's fault, we'll talk about it when we have time, let's not make any hasty talks without thinking through. Let's get to the airport to meet the group first, they are going to kill us.

Penny nodded and just sat quietly at the other side of the taxi from me. I tapped her hand and slowly held it. She had no issues with it, but smiled slightly at me approaching her to hold her hand.

I missed a lot of messages from Janice while I was fucking Penny, dead.

Changi Airport - Before Flight.

J(anice): You are LATE!

Ms Janice was the first to lash out at me. Obviously she's angry I am late and worried that I might miss the flight and... well not get to see me for 2 weeks?

Before I could speak up, Penny defended me.

P(enny): Sorry Janice, my fault, my luggage broke open and had to u-turn to get another from gog's place, delaying the travel time. It's my fault.

Woah... neat... lie. She's, good!

J: It's definitely not you, it must gog, he's very slow and always disturbing people. Poor thing you, come, better get you to check in.

gog: !!?!?! Hey, what about me??!

L(indi): Come let me help you.

Oh fuck.

Janice threw a dagger glance at me when Lindi said that. I'm fucked... really fucked. I mean what can go wrong right? 3 girls that I fucked, in the same flight and holiday??

Penny limped slightly because she's still worried of the injury, she's alright already but doesn't want to put weight on it.

J: Why are you limping?

P: I ... fell just now.

J: Gog!!! Why you never take care of Penny?!

Everybody laughed while I stood there being blamed for practically everything that has happened so far.

Just went to check in for Penny and myself, with Janice nearby. After all's done, we proceed through the departure hall customs. We headed to DFS, while Janice and myself went to get some SK-II stuff and also male fragrance for myself.

Once we're alone.
Old 04-06-2023, 06:39 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

KNN sibeh good story! Go go gog!!
Old 05-06-2023, 08:44 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by AbsoluteMaiHum View Post
KNN sibeh good story! Go go gog!!
Thank you boss, coming liao.
Old 05-06-2023, 08:45 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Good monday, smooth traffic, all the vans and lorries must hog lane 2 doh...


J(anice): Why didn't you return my messages, I was so worried!!

gog: You look at Penny, share one cab with her, so many problems, I where got time to reply you? You know I miss you so much just now? You were with Eric and ignored me.

I pushed the blame back to Janice, throw the guilt at her first, for ignoring me whole of Sunday and not being available for little gog.

J: I've always been yours, why one day also cannot do without me meh?

gog: You are my oxygen, the air that I breathe, without you, how to live on?

With that. Janice's anger turned to a smile, I know she is no longer angry with me. Still, I have to apologize.

gog: Alright la.. I'm sorry okay? I'll buy you the SK-II essence as an apology. But you also cannot blame me alright?

J: Who wants your gift? Hmmph!

Janice sulked and walked away smiling. Well, her SK-II is still in my hands... oh well, small price to pay. Wanted to whisk her away to the disabled toilet, but Changi Airport has too high footfall, better not.

Was going to Q up and saw Penny looking at the SK-II section, she was using a calculator on her phone, pressing and counting. I know this feel, this is penny counting (pun not intended). This is how somebody behaves when they are financially un-strong and yet still have yearns to buy things that they want/like but need to calculate every penny.

I felt sorry for her because I know how this feeling is, not because I fucked her earlier. So I walked over to Penny.

gog: You buying the essence?

P(enny): Uh, oh, hi gog.

Still so formal...I already fucked you.
Old 05-06-2023, 11:37 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Nice that Bro Gog deflowered a virgin and soon travel with 3 ladies whom can f**k anytime, u need viagra for the entire trip!
The Day we are born, we start to die. Life is filled with uncertainties, please live life to the fullest with no regrets.
Old 06-06-2023, 12:32 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

I think bro gog gonna get penny the essence in exchange for more fucks.
Old 06-06-2023, 08:45 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by DTCEPL View Post
Nice that Bro Gog deflowered a virgin and soon travel with 3 ladies whom can f**k anytime, u need viagra for the entire trip!
She deflowered me more like it, I'm a virgin leh.... why you all only concern for Penny, nobody concern for me

So sad....

Originally Posted by 178noobnoob View Post
I think bro gog gonna get penny the essence in exchange for more fucks.
Honestly, no. That was not in my mind. I know how the counting of pennies feel, having to live hand to mouth, and also cycling the credit card bills nicely so that you have enough to eat and spend.

0 savings and everything you need is so expensive. I really know that feel that's why I offered to get it for her. She doesn't need pittance, but I know it's small money for me now that I'm slightly better in handling finances.

Starting out, counties money, ensuring credit card bill doesn't overhit, going for holidays, etc... it's painful.

I see her like that reminds me when I first started working, and a period of time I went jobless, I literally counted coins to see if I had enough to order a packet of mixed veg rice, 1 rice + 2 vege with curry sauce. I know the stall charges $1.80 and I was counting.

A $1.50 old chang kee curry puff vs $1.80 mixed veg rice, it was horrible that kind of comparison & penny counting (again, no pun intended).

Just want to help, not buy her body. I don't believe in paid transactions, I simply just don't like it nor want to do it.
Old 06-06-2023, 08:47 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Good Tues, smooth traffic... stupid hoggers....


P(enny): No... too expensive, my salary is not in yet too.

gog: The sales person told me take 3 bottles can get 20% off. I already have 1 here, why not you take 2 bottles, I'll pay for them first, you can pay me back next month or when your salary arrives.

P: No la... don't spend future money, I still owe you for the trip.

Inside me, I was screaming "SHUT UP!" It's precisely I know the feel of having not enough cash that I'm volunteering to make it easier and less embarassing for you to pay me back later.

gog: My CC bill just reset, it won't come until next month, and I usually pay before the next cycle, that's 2 months to go. You can pay me back slowly, or just pay me together with the tour.

P: Erm...

She's tempted. A good offer, a good deal, and she doesn't have to pay upfront. I'm sure she was thinking of cycling her credit card bill like me. Again, I been through it, so why won't I know?

gog: Aiyah.

I just reached out and took 2 more bottles and a whitening cream and also some other serum, I forgot which. Don't shoot me, I'm not a cosmetics person. I cannot understand how a bathroom can have 20-30 bottles of stuff for a lady.

Walked over to pay and Penny just tagged along behind quietly, shy as usual.

gog: Pack these sepraately please.

I split the essence for Janice aside, along with the whitening cream, the rest, I indicated it's for Penny.

P: I didn't ask for 2 bottles, an..

gog: Learn to accept a gift, and learn to say 'thank you'. Don't always fret on the little details. If you feel I'm being too nice to you, you just be nice to others, pass it along, make the world a better place.

Wow. Where the fuck did that come from? LOL. Sometimes I amaze myself, but that shut Penny up. If I did notice, she was tearing up in her eyes slightly. I think I might have been 'too nice'.

P: Th...tha..nk you.

I passed her the items and then we went to grab a drink as a group. Had a prayer session in public which I always felt uncomfortable, because people are around and looking at us.

Felt something rubbing my legs below the table during the prayer, I opened one eye and I saw a red sneaker with a smooth leg, rubbing my shin casually.

It's not Janice. It's not Penny. It's...
Old 06-06-2023, 08:53 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice


Last time I wrote muffins for Penny.

This time muffins from Li.....?

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
It's not Janice. It's not Penny. It's...
Old 06-06-2023, 08:55 AM
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It's lindi the slut? Haha!

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
Good Tues, smooth traffic... stupid hoggers....


P(enny): No... too expensive, my salary is not in yet too.

gog: The sales person told me take 3 bottles can get 20% off. I already have 1 here, why not you take 2 bottles, I'll pay for them first, you can pay me back next month or when your salary arrives.

P: No la... don't spend future money, I still owe you for the trip.

Inside me, I was screaming "SHUT UP!" It's precisely I know the feel of having not enough cash that I'm volunteering to make it easier and less embarassing for you to pay me back later.

gog: My CC bill just reset, it won't come until next month, and I usually pay before the next cycle, that's 2 months to go. You can pay me back slowly, or just pay me together with the tour.

P: Erm...

She's tempted. A good offer, a good deal, and she doesn't have to pay upfront. I'm sure she was thinking of cycling her credit card bill like me. Again, I been through it, so why won't I know?

gog: Aiyah.

I just reached out and took 2 more bottles and a whitening cream and also some other serum, I forgot which. Don't shoot me, I'm not a cosmetics person. I cannot understand how a bathroom can have 20-30 bottles of stuff for a lady.

Walked over to pay and Penny just tagged along behind quietly, shy as usual.

gog: Pack these sepraately please.

I split the essence for Janice aside, along with the whitening cream, the rest, I indicated it's for Penny.

P: I didn't ask for 2 bottles, an..

gog: Learn to accept a gift, and learn to say 'thank you'. Don't always fret on the little details. If you feel I'm being too nice to you, you just be nice to others, pass it along, make the world a better place.

Wow. Where the fuck did that come from? LOL. Sometimes I amaze myself, but that shut Penny up. If I did notice, she was tearing up in her eyes slightly. I think I might have been 'too nice'.

P: Th...tha..nk you.

I passed her the items and then we went to grab a drink as a group. Had a prayer session in public which I always felt uncomfortable, because people are around and looking at us.

Felt something rubbing my legs below the table during the prayer, I opened one eye and I saw a red sneaker with a smooth leg, rubbing my shin casually.

It's not Janice. It's not Penny. It's...
Old 06-06-2023, 11:54 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by captainofthewin View Post
It's lindi the slut? Haha!
Does seem like it to me too
Old 06-06-2023, 11:55 AM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

Originally Posted by AbsoluteMaiHum View Post
KNN sibeh good story! Go go gog!!
One of the best indeed
Old 06-06-2023, 12:29 PM
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Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
Good Tues, smooth traffic... stupid hoggers....

It's not Janice. It's not Penny. It's...
MILLY ! Lo n behold
Old 06-06-2023, 04:11 PM
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Re: My Boss & Colleague - Janice

You got it!!
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