Tao and may is used if the 2 person is very close, like good fren, then u used.
If not closed, u used these words, it is very impolite.....
So between 2 stranger, it is always polite to call the other ANH or CHI even he/she is a bit younger than u
Originally Posted by Carrot007
Like that one ah, then can use tao & mày or not har? Vietnamese language very hard to learn hor. I looking for teacher to teach me... preferably named Thao.
If the teacher can teach u skill then it will be a blessing, if not, she take /suck away all your precious skill (or money) then u will be sorry....
Originally Posted by vlover
Me also ley.. the teacher 'Thao' can teach us tieng viet plus some other skills to improve our stamina, hip muscles, breathing techniques and creativity..
i can pass the kangtao to you. i never followup
the day i know her, she just arrive 10 days.. still got plenty of time
i can point to you if we cheong again.
Aiyo so good brudder where to find.......so touched....
I do it the conventional way.. I take the escalator up to the arrival side, choose what ever taxi you want.. be it Malinh or Vinasun and they will be happy to serve you with the meter, cos they no need to queue ma.. This sly move is introduced by Bro Carrot007, which I have been using ever since my 2nd trip to HCM..
This move also got problem liao, got security guards on top making sure the taxi dun pick up passengers at the departure halls
Last week I wave and wave at departure hall no taxi wana stop even tho all empty, finally I fed up just walk up to one that just dropped the passenger and just got in without asking
you need to be 'fast hand fast leg' the moment you see the cab else the guard will not allow the cab to pick up passenger. I was stopped once in March and then I positioned myself away from the guard and made a quick hop...
The taxi driver have to pay a "toll" to the security guard after you get in forcefully you know.....
Serious? Wa lau, so strict meh? Walk to domestic side to take ah? The last time I went, once I reached the departure side, saw a taxi and went in already.. didnt noticed anyone stopping me ley..
Ok.. I shall try that this time round and will update the rest if this method still works..
I already tried last week, unless you dun fcuk care & forcefully get in, the taxi driver have to give tips to that bladdy security guard, thats why none of them want to stop....
you guys (Carrot007, KangTuo & mikemike) given so many suggestions on how to up my gal.. in the end I just dropped her at staircase... no courage to do it at staircase lah... keeps arouse me at back of taxi...
haizz... 苦命
Wah so sexciting ah???? Must bug you for the story liao....
Okay maybe I should have been more specific, it is actually more work for us more work for the moderator really doesn't bother us a single bit...
I rather be sharing and chatting in the same thread instead of having to search all over when I want to talk about a specific subject
Cheerios....SS08 ^_^
Strange take. You wouldn't be searching at all -- you would be looking at a short list of the subjects all there on one page. Seeing those topics in one glance is far easier than clicking and scrolling through pages of individual posts about all kinds of subjects randomly mixed up together. It's not more work, it's far less.
That link I posted here earlier of the other forum, I get the feeling you didn't click it and take a look. The format is so obviously superior to what we have here. So much easier to use. It's more logical and sensible, and the forum itself is more interesting. There's more depth and substance. There's far more info and the info's easier to find. It's just plain better.
What we have here is a forum that's been transformed into a semi-private chat room.