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Petain Romps Cheapo Fucks but it feels the same when you cum

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Old 05-12-2013, 03:45 AM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

hey peeps.. is the S list still around? tired of having crap FL girls... thot of going back to petain where it all started for me.
I'm a Sampler!
Bonked at Petain, Rowell, Desker & Geylang (house + street walker), chat up girls at duxton. Along with fun at Pearl & Fortune Centre! And Now JB spa.
That's the kind of person I am, will try everything once.

I seldom login, PM if you need to find me.

Old 06-12-2013, 07:51 AM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

This was last updated so long ago. Anyone care to update this?

Originally Posted by austin69 View Post
Updates with permission from Bro boysg kor kor, originator of this valuable list.

Last updated: 07 JUNE 2013 - with permission from Bro boysg kor kor and Bro fornicator by: austin69


Latest updates:

* Total of WLs listed todate = 138 *

Operating Hours:

Approximately: 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Please take note that:

- every house got it's own different operating hours; and
- most of the WLs start work between 1:00 - 8:00pm.

Best time to go (recommended): weekdays, Monday to Friday between 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. before the evening crowd comes in.

Weekends and Public Holidays are peak days and is usually crowded, this is self explanatory. So try to avoid if possible. Unless you have prior booking.

How to get there:

By MRT: Farrer Park Station
By Bus: Kindly refer to map below. Please "Click" the image to enlarge, (thank you Bro song).

For more information on how to get there: Click here.

Houses IN full operation: 02,04,10,12,14,16,20,22,24,26 (10)
Houses OUT of operation: 01,03,05,06,07,08,09,11,15,17,18,28,30 (13)


OL = On Leave - mandatory, 1 month
LDW = Last Day Working - before 1 month leave
RTW = Return To Work - after 1 month leave

GL = Geylang
KS = Keong Saik
PT = Petain

H# = House number (Houses IN full operation: 02,04,10,12,14,16,20,22,24, and 26)
R# = Room number - not necessarily in sequence or in numerical order, so be careful with this.
(2F) = 2nd Floor/Level (Houses with 2nd Floor/Level: -NA- since only odd numbered houses have, but now all closed.)

AILF = Aunty I Like To Fuck = 41 - 50 yrs. old
CAT = Category (Price)
GILF = Grandma I Like To Fuck = 51 yrs.old and above
GND = Girl-Next-Door
MILF = Mothers I Like To Fuck = 30 - 40 yrs. old
PTV = PT Veteran
SYT = Sweet Young Thing = 18 - 29 yrs. old
SBF = SammyBoy Forum
WL = Working Lady

For more acronyms: Click here.

Thanks and full credits to Bro enigmahomme!

Additional Information:

Duration of sessions is approximately 20 minutes per session. CAT20/30 may be less (15 minutes?)

Condoms, tissue paper are provided!


Thank you to Bro boysg kor kor, originator of this valuable list.
Thank you to Bro fornicator for PSL updates.
Thank you to Bro Ah_Hia for suggesting the inclusion of Acronyms and location map.
Thank you to Bro peanut123 for the information on Operating Hours.
Thank you to Bro jacky43 and Bro song for the detailed map.

Petain S-List (PSL)

H02 R01 - ? CAT? GILF
H02 R02 - Maggie CAT50 MILF GOOD
H02 R03 - Sally CAT50 MILF GOOD
H02 R05 - Mun Mun CAT50 MILF GOOD
H02 R06 - ? CAT? AILF
H02 R07 - ? CAT30 AILF
H02 R09 - Hong Hong CAT30 AILF GOOD
H02 R10 - ? CAT 30 AILF MALAY
H02 R11 - Mei Qi CAT20 AILF
H02 R12 - Bobo CAT50 AILF
H02 R13 - ? CAT20 AILF MALAY
H02 R14 - ? CAT? AILF
H02 R15 - Ting Ting CAT50 MILF MEATY GOOD
H02 R16 - Michelle CAT50 SYT GOOD

H02 = 15

H04 R04 - Wendy CAT30
H04 R05 - ? CAT? AILF
H04 R06 - ? CAT20 AILF PTV
H04 R08 - Siew Mun CAT?
H04 R09 - Annie CAT20 AILF PTV SOP
H04 R10A - ? CAT? MALAY
H04 R11 - Honey CAT30 AILF

H04 =8

H10 R01 - Mun Mun CAT30 AILF
H10 R01A - Jolene CAT50 SYT "DEAD FISH"
H10 R02 - An An CAT50 MILF GOOD
H10 R03 - Eileen CAT30 AILF
H10 R04 - Da S CAT50 SYT GOOD
H10 R05 - ? CAT? AILF
H10 R06 - Irene CAT50 MILF GOOD
H10 R09 - Susan CAT30 GILF
H10 R11 - Judy CAT50 MILF GOOD
H10 R12 - Kiko CAT50 SYT GOOD
H10 R13 - Anna CAT30 AILF PTV GOOD

H10 = 12

H12 R01A - May CAT50 MILF SOP
H12 R03 - ? CAT? AILF
H12 R04 - Selene CAT30 AILF
H12 R05 - Kelly CAT40 AILF PTV GOOD
H12 R06 - Fong Yee CAT50 AILF GOOD
H12 R07 - ? CAT30 AILF
H12 R08 - Janet CAT50 AILF GOOD
H12 R09 - ? CAT? AILF
H12 R10 - ? CAT40 AILF
H12 R11 - Helen CAT30 AILF
H12 R13 -? CAT? AILF
H12 R15 - Joey CAT50 SYT GOOD

H12 = 14

H14 R02 - Yuki CAT30 MILF
H14 R03 - Mei Ling CAT30 AILF
H14 R05 - Poh Yi CAT30 MILF PTV GOOD
H14 R06 - ? CAT? LADYBOY
H14 R07 - Zhen Zhen CAT30 AILF PTV
H14 R10 - Sophia CAT30 AILF PTV SOP
H14 R11 - Candy CAT50 MILF GOOD
H14 R12 - Yem-Yen CAT50 MILF
H14 R13 - Catherine CAT30 AILF GOOD
H14 R14 - Nancy/Laura CAT50 AILF PTV

H14 = 13

H16 R01 - ? CAT? AILF
H16 R02 - ? CAT30 AILF
H16 R03 - Rose CAT50 AILF GOOD
H16 R04 - Ivy CAT50 MILF GOOD
H16 R05 - ? CAT? GILF
H16 R06 - Nancy CAT40 AILF
H16 R07 - Yvonne CAT40 MILF PTV "ATTITUDE"
H16 R08 - Ida/Rose CAT30 AILF
H16 R10 - Ada CAT50 MILF GOOD
H16 R11 - Pat CAT40 MILF GOOD
H16 R12 - Jennifer CAT50 MILF GOOD
H16 R13 - Vivi CAT50 MILF GOOD
H16 R14 - JC CAT50 MILF
H16 R15 - Amy CAT50 MILF GOOD
H16 R16 - Carol CAT50 MILF SOP

H16 = 17

H20 R01 - Linda CAT20 AILF
H20 R02 - ? CAT? AILF
H20 R03 - ? CAT? AILF
H20 R05 - ? CAT? AILF
H20 R06 - Peng Peng CAT20 AILF
H20 R08 - Ana CAT20 AILF
H20 R09 - ? CAT? AILF
H20 R09A - ? CAT? AILF
H20 R12 - ? CAT? AILF
H20 R13 - Kyoko CAT30 AILF
H20 R20 - Sai Li CAT20 AILF
H20 R28 - ? CAT? AILF
H20 R168 - Mei Bo CAT30 GILF

H20 = 13

H22 R07 - ? CAT? AILF
H22 R08 - Aida CAT40 MILF PTV SOP
H22 R09 - Xiao Wei CAT30 MILF GOOD
H22 R10 - ? CAT? AILF
H22 R11 - ? CAT? ALF
H22 R15 - ? CAT? AILF
H22 R16 - ? CAT? AILF
H22 R17 - ? CAT? AILF
H22 R18 - Mei Na CAT30
H22 R19 - Nikki CAT50 SYT GOOD
H22 R20 - Michelle CAT50 SYT GOOD
H22 R21 - Xue Er CAT50 MILF GOOD
H22 R22 - Stella CAT30 AILF

H22 = 13

H24 R03 - Ah Fen CAT20 GILF
H24 R05 - Annie/Xiao Li CAT20 GILF PTV
H24 R08 - ? CAT20 GILF
H24 R09 - Lilian CAT20 GILF PTV
H24 R10 - Jessy CAT20 MILF PTV
H24 R11 - Lily CAT20 AILF
H24 R12 - Ai Li CAT50 AILF
H24 R14 - Cloud CAT30 GILF PTV GOOD
H24 R15 - Lily CAT30 MILF SOP
H24 R16 - ? CAT? AILF
H24 R17 - Shirley CAT20 AILF
H24 R18 - Angie CAT30 AILF
H24 R19 - Mong Peng/Peggy CAT20 AILF GOOD
H24 R28 - Xiao Tian CAT50 SYT GOOD
H24 R33 - Lai Lai CAT50 AILF GOOD

H24 = 16

H26 R03 - Jenny CAT40 MILF
H26 R04 - Miki CAT50 SYT "ATTITUDE"
H26 R06 - Queenie CAT50 MILF
H26 R07 - Joyce CAT50 MILF GOOD
H26 R08 - ? CAT?
H26 R09 - ? CAT?
H26 R10 - Carol CAT50 MILF SOP
H26 R11 - Xiao Rong CAT20 GILF
H26 R13 - Joanne CAT30 Chinese AILF
H26 R14 - Pauline CAT30 Chinese AILF
H26 R15 - ? CAT?
H26 R16 - ? CAT?
H26 R17 - Jacqueline CAT50 MILF SOP
H26 R18 - Cookie CAT50 SYT GOOD

H26 = 17

Total WLs listed = 138

I thank you!
Old 06-12-2013, 12:03 PM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

for most parts, this list still stands ..
Old 06-12-2013, 09:43 PM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Hi bros, anyone know if Cookie for H26R18 is same as H7 last time? I there yesterday and remember Cookie best looking in PT. But saw yeaterday !!!!!!!! unless she put on alot of weight
Old 07-12-2013, 01:21 AM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Updates with permission from Bro boysg kor kor, originator of this valuable list.

Last updated: 07 DECEMBER 2013 - with permission from Bro boysg kor kor and Bro fornicator by: austin69


Latest updates:

* Total of WLs listed todate = 138 *

Operating Hours:

Approximately: 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Please take note that:

- every house got it's own different operating hours; and
- most of the WLs start work between 1:00 - 8:00pm.

Best time to go (recommended): weekdays, Monday to Friday between 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. before the evening crowd comes in and most of the WLs are still working!

Weekends and Public Holidays are peak days and is usually crowded, this is self explanatory. So try to avoid if possible. Unless you have prior booking.

How to get there:

By MRT: Farrer Park Station
By Bus: Kindly refer to map below. Please "Click" the image to enlarge, (thank you Bro song).

For more information on how to get there: Click here.

Houses IN full operation: 02,04,10,12,14,16,20,22,24,26 (10)
Houses OUT of operation: 01,03,05,06,07,08,09,11,15,17,18,28,30 (13)


OL = On Leave - mandatory, 1 month
LDW = Last Day Working - before 1 month leave
RTW = Return To Work - after 1 month leave

GL = Geylang
KS = Keong Saik
PT = Petain

H# = House number (Houses IN FULL operation: 02,04,10,12,14,16,20,22,24, and 26)
R# = Room number - not necessarily in sequence or in numerical order, so be careful with this.
(2F) = 2nd Floor/Level (Houses with 2nd Floor/Level: -NA- since only odd numbered houses have, but now all closed.)

AILF = Aunty I Like To Fuck = 41 - 50 yrs. old
CAT = Category (Price)
GILF = Grandma I Like To Fuck = 51 yrs.old and above
GND = Girl-Next-Door
MILF = Mothers I Like To Fuck = 30 - 40 yrs. old
PTV = PT Veteran
SYT = Sweet Young Thing = 18 - 29 yrs. old
SBF = SammyBoy Forum
WL = Working Lady

For more acronyms: Click here.

Thanks and full credits to Bro enigmahomme!

Additional Information:

Duration of sessions is approximately 20 minutes per session. CAT20/30 may be less (15 minutes?)

Condoms, tissue paper are provided!


Thank you to Bro boysg kor kor, originator of this valuable list.
Thank you to Bro fornicator for PSL updates.
Thank you to Bro Ah_Hia for suggesting the inclusion of Acronyms and location map.
Thank you to Bro peanut123 for the information on Operating Hours.
Thank you to Bro jacky43 and Bro song for the detailed map.

Petain S-List (PSL)

H02 R02 - Maggie CAT50 MILF GOOD
H02 R03 - Sally CAT50 MILF GOOD
H02 R05 - Mun Mun CAT50 MILF GOOD
H02 R06 - ? CAT? AILF
H02 R07 - ? CAT30 AILF
H02 R09 - Hong Hong CAT30 AILF GOOD
H02 R10 - ? CAT 30 AILF MALAY
H02 R11 - Mei Qi CAT20 AILF
H02 R12 - Bobo CAT50 AILF
H02 R13 - ? CAT20 AILF MALAY
H02 R14 - ? CAT? AILF
H02 R15 - Ting Ting CAT50 MILF MEATY GOOD
H02 R16 - Michelle CAT50 SYT GOOD

H02 = 16

H04 R04 - Wendy CAT30
H04 R05 - ? CAT? AILF
H04 R06 - ? CAT20 AILF PTV
H04 R08 - Siew Mun CAT?
H04 R09 - Annie CAT20 AILF PTV SOP
H04 R10A - ? CAT? MALAY
H04 R11 - Honey CAT30 AILF

H04 =8

H10 R01 - Mun Mun CAT30 AILF
H10 R01A - Jolene CAT50 SYT "DEAD FISH"
H10 R02 - An An CAT50 MILF GOOD
H10 R03 - Eileen CAT30 AILF
H10 R04 - Da S CAT50 SYT GOOD
H10 R05 - ? CAT? AILF
H10 R06 - Irene CAT50 MILF GOOD
H10 R09 - Susan CAT30 GILF
H10 R11 - Judy CAT50 MILF GOOD
H10 R12 - Kiko CAT50 SYT GOOD
H10 R13 - Anna CAT30 AILF PTV GOOD

H10 = 12

H12 R01A - May CAT50 MILF SOP
H12 R03 - ? CAT? AILF
H12 R04 - Selene CAT30 AILF
H12 R05 - Kelly CAT40 AILF PTV GOOD
H12 R06 - Fong Yee CAT50 AILF GOOD
H12 R07 - ? CAT30 AILF
H12 R08 - Janet CAT50 AILF GOOD
H12 R09 - ? CAT? AILF
H12 R10 - ? CAT40 AILF
H12 R11 - Helen CAT30 AILF
H12 R13 -? CAT? AILF
H12 R15 - Joey CAT50 SYT GOOD

H12 = 14

H14 R02 - Yuki CAT30 MILF
H14 R03 - Mei Ling CAT30 AILF
H14 R05 - Poh Yi CAT30 MILF PTV GOOD
H14 R06 - ? CAT? LADYBOY
H14 R07 - Zhen Zhen CAT30 AILF PTV
H14 R10 - Sophia CAT30 AILF PTV SOP
H14 R11 - Candy CAT50 MILF GOOD
H14 R12 - Yen-Yen CAT50 MILF
H14 R13 - Catherine CAT30 AILF GOOD
H14 R14 - Nancy/Laura CAT50 AILF PTV

H14 = 13

H16 R01 - ? CAT? AILF
H16 R02 - ? CAT30 AILF
H16 R03 - Rose CAT50 AILF GOOD
H16 R05 - ? CAT? GILF
H16 R06 - Nancy CAT40 AILF
H16 R07 - Yvonne CAT40 MILF PTV "ATTITUDE"
H16 R08 - Ida/Rose CAT30 AILF
H16 R10 - Ada CAT50 MILF GOOD
H16 R11 - Pat CAT40 MILF GOOD
H16 R12 - Jennifer CAT50 MILF GOOD
H16 R13 - Vivi CAT50 MILF GOOD
H16 R14 - JC CAT50 MILF
H16 R15 - Amy CAT50 MILF GOOD
H16 R16 - Carol CAT50 MILF SOP

H16 = 16

H20 R01 - Linda CAT20 AILF
H20 R02 - ? CAT? AILF
H20 R03 - ? CAT? AILF
H20 R05 - ? CAT? AILF
H20 R06 - Peng Peng CAT20 AILF
H20 R08 - Ana CAT20 AILF
H20 R09 - ? CAT? AILF
H20 R09A - ? CAT? AILF
H20 R12 - ? CAT? AILF
H20 R13 - Kyoko CAT30 AILF
H20 R20 - Sai Li CAT20 AILF
H20 R28 - ? CAT? AILF
H20 R168 - Mei Bo CAT30 GILF

H20 = 13

H22 R07 - ? CAT? AILF
H22 R08 - Aida CAT40 MILF PTV SOP
H22 R09 - Xiao Wei CAT30 MILF GOOD
H22 R10 - ? CAT? AILF
H22 R11 - ? CAT? ALF
H22 R15 - ? CAT? AILF
H22 R16 - ? CAT? AILF
H22 R17 - ? CAT? AILF
H22 R18 - Mei Na CAT30
H22 R19 - Nikki CAT50 SYT GOOD
H22 R20 - Michelle CAT50 SYT GOOD
H22 R21 - Xue Er CAT50 MILF GOOD
H22 R22 - Stella CAT30 AILF

H22 = 13

H24 R03 - Ah Fen CAT20 GILF
H24 R05 - Annie/Xiao Li CAT20 GILF PTV
H24 R08 - ? CAT20 GILF
H24 R09 - Lilian CAT20 GILF PTV
H24 R10 - Jessy CAT20 MILF PTV
H24 R11 - Lily CAT20 AILF
H24 R12 - Ai Li CAT50 AILF
H24 R14 - Cloud CAT30 GILF PTV GOOD
H24 R15 - Lily CAT30 MILF SOP
H24 R16 - ? CAT? AILF
H24 R17 - Shirley CAT20 AILF
H24 R18 - Angie CAT30 AILF
H24 R19 - Mong Peng/Peggy CAT20 AILF GOOD
H24 R28 - Xiao Tian CAT50 SYT GOOD
H24 R33 - Lai Lai CAT50 AILF GOOD

H24 = 16

H26 R03 - Jenny CAT40 MILF
H26 R04 - Miki CAT50 SYT "ATTITUDE"
H26 R06 - Queenie CAT50 MILF
H26 R07 - Joyce CAT50 MILF GOOD
H26 R08 - ? CAT?
H26 R09 - ? CAT?
H26 R10 - Carol CAT50 MILF SOP
H26 R11 - Xiao Rong CAT20 GILF
H26 R13 - Joanne CAT30 Chinese AILF
H26 R14 - Pauline CAT30 Chinese AILF
H26 R15 - ? CAT?
H26 R16 - ? CAT?
H26 R17 - Jacqueline CAT50 MILF SOP
H26 R18 - Cookie CAT50 SYT GOOD

H26 = 17

Total WLs listed = 138

I thank you!
Lick PussY TEAM aka LPT
Old 08-12-2013, 08:49 AM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Cookie got put on weight meh? I didnt go for her lately but saw her while I was at the doors of chris. She is still good what. Still long slim snowy legs with lovely calves..

But the lure of chris is too great to resist against cookie charm. I admit I didnt pay much notce
Old 08-12-2013, 11:45 AM
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Wink Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

I have a suggestion to the creator of this website. Set up a NPP that is e-kiosk outside the alleys. I pretty much feel this generation of new customers, those English educated in this sense. The authority could collect information and better engage the people at PT.

Normally the customers in this sense, to make it more exciting payment of bills and, the people in enforcement. Managing laws and orders keeping crime under checks, because not many Johns looked into the CCTVs.

Morale of this, locals call the shots not leaving all this to the operators. Many who are from across the causeway. We have to move on.
Old 08-12-2013, 02:52 PM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Originally Posted by jacky43 View Post
I have a suggestion to the creator of this website. Set up a NPP that is e-kiosk outside the alleys. I pretty much feel this generation of new customers, those English educated in this sense. The authority could collect information and better engage the people at PT.

Normally the customers in this sense, to make it more exciting payment of bills and, the people in enforcement. Managing laws and orders keeping crime under checks, because not many Johns looked into the CCTVs.

Morale of this, locals call the shots not leaving all this to the operators. Many who are from across the causeway. We have to move on.
yup....i see cctvs being set up almost everywhere.....but who is monitoring???
I'm Cerberus, guardian of the portal to the death realm.

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Old 08-12-2013, 02:53 PM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Originally Posted by jaywalk View Post
Cookie got put on weight meh? I didnt go for her lately but saw her while I was at the doors of chris. She is still good what. Still long slim snowy legs with lovely calves..

But the lure of chris is too great to resist against cookie charm. I admit I didnt pay much notce
great memories with cookie....she was my first PT bang.

havent been going down for quite some time.
the one i really wanted to try is Chris....but i guess chances are slim.
coz i worked normal hours.
I'm Cerberus, guardian of the portal to the death realm.

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Old 08-12-2013, 04:54 PM
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Wink Year end closing

It is raining outside as I am writing, Christmas around the corner with year end it gets sentimental. Time for refection as well as passing memories.

I, believe the late Nelson Mandela would have agreed, we have not live in 2013 in vain. It is thru forgiveness that separate human with the animals. An interesting year for me I am referring to girls of PT, and as usual time to walk thru the hall of fames.

To the girls who had left us, breaking hearts no doubt and we have to move on. I know I am pissing all current girls with this, still we shall remember the fallen ones.

H4 Maggie (she moved on)
H7 Jac/ Sugar/ Super & Kathy
H10 Rina/ Kathy & Ah Hua (probably)
H11 May (probably) & Carol (RIP)
H12 Inter/ MJ & Christie (we miss her HJ)
H14 Violet (moved over to JB Ocean) & Li Wen
H16 Yo Yo (R4 handover to Ivy) & Michelle (handover to ex H11 Rose)
H22 Sally (we missed her red blub) & Coco (she is with the angels)
H24 Diamond (to catch a falling one) & Amy
Old 25-12-2013, 07:34 PM
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Re: Year end closing

Originally Posted by jacky43 View Post
It is raining outside as I am writing, Christmas around the corner with year end it gets sentimental. Time for refection as well as passing memories.

I, believe the late Nelson Mandela would have agreed, we have not live in 2013 in vain. It is thru forgiveness that separate human with the animals. An interesting year for me I am referring to girls of PT, and as usual time to walk thru the hall of fames.

To the girls who had left us, breaking hearts no doubt and we have to move on. I know I am pissing all current girls with this, still we shall remember the fallen ones.

H4 Maggie (she moved on)
H7 Jac/ Sugar/ Super & Kathy
H10 Rina/ Kathy & Ah Hua (probably)
H11 May (probably) & Carol (RIP)
H12 Inter/ MJ & Christie (we miss her HJ)
H14 Violet (moved over to JB Ocean) & Li Wen
H16 Yo Yo (R4 handover to Ivy) & Michelle (handover to ex H11 Rose)
H22 Sally (we missed her red blub) & Coco (she is with the angels)
H24 Diamond (to catch a falling one) & Amy
Wah! Rina left?
She was my favourite back then, when I cheong PT 3 yrs ago. Since I got a gf (now wife), I nvr head back there.
I have already semi-retired from the cheonging scene. But once in awhile, will go for a "relaxing" bonk.
Follow closely for my FRs, if there's any.
Old 29-12-2013, 12:36 PM
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Wink Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

2013- 20 WLs Petain’s 4D girl’s winners

1 Sunday January 6 (2 price 0903 Yuki)
2 Wednesday January 16 (Starter 1202 Lily)
3 Wednesday January 23 (Starter 0211 Mei Qi & Consolation 0903 Yuki)
4 Wednesday January 30 (Starter 0907 Shan Shan)

5 Wednesday February 6 (Starter 1110 Ah Leng)
6 Sunday February 10, first day of LNY (Consolation 0209 Hongx2)

7 Wednesday March 6 (Starter 1202 Lily)
8 Sunday March 17 (Consolation 1012 Kico)
9 Wednesday March 27 (Starter 1206 Fong Yi)
10 Sunday March 31 (Starter 2610 Carol)

11 Wednesday April 3 (Starter 1204 Selene)

12 Wednesday May 29 (Consolation 1010/ Room’s vacant)

13 Sunday July 28 (Consolation 1603 Rose)

14 Wednesday August 7 (Starter 0203 Sally)
15 Sunday August 25 (Starter 1607 Yvonne)
16 Wednesday August 28 (Starter 1006 Irene)
17 Saturday August 31 (Starter 1006 Irene)

18 Saturday Sep 7 (Starter 1606 Nancy)
19 Sunday Sep 15 (2 price 1410 Sophie)
20 Wednesday Sep 18 (Consolation 1003 Eileen)

21 Wednesday Oct 9 (Starter 1404 Kid)
22 Wednesday Oct 23 (Starter 2601 Chris)

23 Saturday Dec 28 (Consolation 1609 Lynn)


No not yet year end closing, it so happen last eve we have old bird (brown sugar) Lynn coming out in consolation. Who is in H14R06, the first price girl? Could it be the LB from ex H9?

Back at H9 she used to sit outside closing her slim legs, I was tempted all this years but I am not into the dark side. An interesting article in Sunday Times.

Above 55 years old local are into smart phones, the highest % in Asia and it brought a smile on mine face. So we are looking at uncles who may not be aware of us, correct? Should we bring them on board I say YES!

Another nick to PT, locals call it head aches mine next trip I will target such group of man. Welcome to 2014 PT.
Old 29-12-2013, 03:58 PM
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Wink Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Edward Showden new year message for every body, I would format to suit this website.

If the authority wish to collect information, only have to ask no need for spying. We shall play the part in asking, a nick for PT after moving into 2014. Perhaps I cook up a story, Kico won the 2014 Academy awards for most beautifully girl. 2 years in a roll, while hot property liked Cookie Candy H16 Carol and H22 Michelle were walked over.

She is the darling of this website, probably this will ignite misunderstanding at PT. I know is wrong but RLD is built in hatred, not necessary $ because it could never buy Internet.

Old 08-01-2014, 09:14 AM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

I tried searching the threads but cannot find this info...

Any 69 ladies there in PT?
I'm a pussylicker....anyone that can let me luck pussy is a good FL.

Thanks in advance.
Exchange point centre : elth
Old 08-01-2014, 09:53 AM
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Re: Petain S-List (PSL)

Originally Posted by rocketscientist View Post
I tried searching the threads but cannot find this info...

Any 69 ladies there in PT?
I'm a pussylicker....anyone that can let me luck pussy is a good FL.

Thanks in advance.
try fong yi, check her thread
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