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Old 21-08-2006, 10:09 AM
Deluxe8 Deluxe8 is offline
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Re: Share My Collections To all Bros

Originally Posted by johnhotday
bro, ur pita is fake
Fake ...73 didn't say is real or fake but he just wanted to show his is ok man...but don't sell fake la if you know is fake ...very bad karma if you know is fake yet still selling... so partial cansfood haha
Old 22-08-2006, 06:07 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

hmmm... after reading on this topic. I am impressed by the vast knowledge and passion shared among prak collectors and has thus prompted me to share a real life experience though not those exciting kind. SO hope brothers here can bear with me for a while. Dunno how to begin with and well this is how it goes:

I was having this Exercise Rolling Thunder during Oct-Nov 2000 with my unit and has befriended some local Thais from both the civilian sectors namely those "mobile canteen" type who sell food for the exercise troops and also the RTA(Royal Thai Army) guys. During the 3 weeks long exercise, I had bonded a great relationship with this particular mobile canteen guy whom I shall refer him as "P". P is an honest elderly man who is into his late 60s driving a pickup with his elderly wife selling simple food and are both great persons to chat with.

Ok to cut straight to the point, during the last day of my exercise, P called me aside amidst his business and passed me a statue of what I later learnt it as "Somdej" as brothers here refered to. He said something like he is giving me as a parting gift out of good gesture. However there is something different about this "Somdej" as compared to what I seen in some of the posts by brothers here. Now, this "Somdej" has only 3 "cushions" (sorry didn't know the exact word for it, so pardon me) and a buffalo liked animal below the "cushions". The reason why I said its different is because those that I seen here or from other wearer is that their "Somdej" is either sitting on "cushions" of different levels. Behind it is some thai words which I can't read but later got to know from a particular shop owner in the Jurong area which I shall cover later. P also taught me some Thai verses which he said I should chant over it thrice everyday before I put it on which I did initially for quite a few years until I "gave" it away to a fellow serviceman who is also interested in collecting "Prak".

Now i seek fellow brothers' opinions in the following queries:

1. Has any brother here came across an identical statue or similar? If yes, mind shed some light on this?

2. Is it okay for me to pass it to others despite this being a good-willed gift from friend, P?

3. After I passed it to my friend which I already did, is it okay for me to take back? Or at least request to take a pic of it so as I can post here? Any advise?

Sorry for the long-windedness as I really feel the urge to sound it out today at this time after reading this thread. Hope brothers here don't mind.

Thank you for your kind understanding.
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Old 22-08-2006, 12:10 PM
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Re: Share My Collections To all Bros

Originally Posted by Deluxe8
Fake ...73 didn't say is real or fake but he just wanted to show his collection..
Hi Bro,

Thanks for your clarify to others bros.

To Forgive & Forget,Live & Let Live...Be Happy All The Way...

Thanks to those Bros has upped my points pls kindly post something. Thanks!

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Old 22-08-2006, 01:19 PM
Deluxe8 Deluxe8 is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by TheGreatOne
hmmm... after reading on this topic. I am impressed by the vast knowledge and passion shared among prak collectors and has thus prompted me to share a real life experience though not those exciting kind. SO hope brothers here can bear with me for a while. Dunno how to begin with and well this is how it goes:

Thank you for your kind understanding.
I felt you too know some basic of thai amulets or Praks in Thai-term, actual fact is common to present amulets to friend as a kind gestures in Thailand, where else locally maybe only those thai buddhists will only learn and know how to appreciate, in this case your friend as a collector. Well, since you had given away that Phra Somdej, I don't think is approperiate to get it back but no harm getting a pictures or two. whatever given is not yours anymore btw you did it out of good will even after know it identity and maybe certain good market value so don't dwell over it....Is a kind of merits to give amulets OUT OF GOOD WILL ...really believe will can back something else..

You should ask your friend, maybe long ago he had already have that answer to your praks
Old 22-08-2006, 01:21 PM
Deluxe8 Deluxe8 is offline
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Re: Share My Collections To all Bros

Originally Posted by Devil73
Hi Bro,

Thanks for your clarify to others bros.
Mai "Kay khee" (dialect) Mr. E**C
Old 22-08-2006, 01:56 PM
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Re: Share My Collections To all Bros

Originally Posted by Devil73
Hi Bro,
Thanks for your clarify to others bros.
Bro, when u free to come out see look see look each other amulets?
岳父女婿说: 娶我女儿快一年了,还未怀孕,难道你没看我给你的XXX片?
女婿说: 我有看。。也照着做!

岳父道: 说说看你怎样做?

女婿道: 高潮时就拔出来射在她脸上。。。

Old 22-08-2006, 06:44 PM
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Re: Share My Collections To all Bros

Originally Posted by Clit_LickeR
Bro, when u free to come out see look see look each other amulets?

Hi Bro,

Zun bo? Now u very busy even tcss also go back so early....

To Forgive & Forget,Live & Let Live...Be Happy All The Way...

Thanks to those Bros has upped my points pls kindly post something. Thanks!

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Old 23-08-2006, 12:25 PM
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Re: Share My Collections To all Bros

Originally Posted by Devil73
Hi Bro,

Zun bo? Now u very busy even tcss also go back so early....
Bo Bian...
CO liak me liak till i cannot breath...
岳父女婿说: 娶我女儿快一年了,还未怀孕,难道你没看我给你的XXX片?
女婿说: 我有看。。也照着做!

岳父道: 说说看你怎样做?

女婿道: 高潮时就拔出来射在她脸上。。。

Old 23-08-2006, 07:46 PM
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Re: Share My Collections To all Bros

Originally Posted by Clit_LickeR
Bo Bian...
CO liak me liak till i cannot breath...
hahahaha.....u sure play until don't know go back home ur CO liak u then u complain huh? hahahahaha.....

To Forgive & Forget,Live & Let Live...Be Happy All The Way...

Thanks to those Bros has upped my points pls kindly post something. Thanks!

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Old 26-08-2006, 05:25 PM
inbed007 inbed007 is offline
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Red face Re: Thai Amulets...


Any bro out there got knowledge about this amulet?

I have read some sites about it. If I were to get this, do i need to offer food, candy, and milk everyday to it? How can I differentiate the real one from fake one?

I m new to this kinda stuff.
Old 28-08-2006, 03:15 AM
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Re: Thai Amulets...

to all my brudders or sisters here in this threads, firstly i have read from page one to the last pages and i realised that many brudders and sisters are strong believer and devotees of buddhism. based on all of your who mentioned those monks and buddha, i have come to an analysis and conclusion.
1) in buddhism, nothing is evil. it is the person who think evil and have evil thoughts then whatever you pray will turn evil because the methods you pray will go to the evil side.
2) in buddhism, the teachings is kind and ask you to be good in your heart by helping. in helping more, you will get back more.
3) i am a buddhism since young till now and future will always be one. i personally think that if you are a businessman, you will pray to buddha like san ka cai, sivari or parakit. these 3 will be enough.
4) as for real or not, i sincerely urge all brudders and sisters to take a trip to temples and ask the monek to do chanting and give to you.
5) for good buddha, i can say all are good. just because nowadays people go into too much of commerical trading and selling of buddha statue thus it has make some of those who are not so powerful. but in the whole, those who are in commercial trading still undergo monk chanting before selling.
6) i think for me i am doing well and i only pray to buddha whenever i pass by a temple and pray for my business and health.
7) in buddhism teaching, we come to this world with nothing and we will leave the world with nothing. all are fated and destined. so we should try to make everyday a worthwhile one.
8) for me personally, i make it a must to do donation and do charities every month. it is a form of buddhism teaching too. look at the supreme buddha before he seek enlightenments, what did he do? he sacrifices too much for human beings.
9) therefore, i think for those who know less about status you can go to the temple any temple and ask the monk to help you on what you want. whether for work or for personal or maybe for personal health and family.
10) lastly, health is the most important thing for us. with wealth and no health. it is useless. once in a while you can go for some astrology and some card reading to get some advices. but that does not mean you will be obessed in it. listen those that say correct about yourself and take it as a simple advices. dont get indulge in it as it will do you no good.

this is how i did until now. say no evil, hear no evil, think no evil and do no evil. respect the buddha statue you are wearing and praying too. and believe in what the buddha can do for you. pray too many buddha in temples but for personal wear maximum 3 will do. too much you cannot handle and once you cannot handle and take care of. it means you do not give the due respect and you will not get the maximum blessed. buddha only one....that sit in your heart.
Old 28-08-2006, 10:32 AM
Deluxe8 Deluxe8 is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Originally Posted by inbed007

I have read some sites about it. If I were to get this, do i need to offer food, candy, and milk everyday to it? How can I differentiate the real one from fake one?

I m new to this kinda stuff.
hey, I not spoiling someone' sales but this artifacts...does it looks real or so call Jalan to you? Not saying there isn't real black magic but where got sell on net wan la....please !!! The real thing is beyond believe!! BTW this is not KumanThong..candy, yakult, sweets and remote control car don't work on this guy!! If you wanna get spirituals, get yourself a KMT...
Old 31-08-2006, 06:54 PM
edack edack is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

as i add on bro guidance ..

for all the theories u hv known ,its still back to basics to

b good
Old 09-09-2006, 04:26 AM
sickcunt sickcunt is offline
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Wink Re: Thai Amulets...


Tks for the links. Although some links were not avail but still v good.
Indeed it was helpful to me.

Would u know a good place in BKK to do Sangyant?(Thai religious Tattoo)
If so, how to tell monk what design or reason sort for?

Pls advise.

Old 11-09-2006, 06:10 PM
cubeslover cubeslover is offline
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Re: Thai Amulets...

Hi all, im not really an expert in amulets. Thus need your help to check whether any bros here can identify this Khun Peng whether is it authentic. Bought it a few years back in Fu Lu Shou.

Thanks for your great help
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