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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 18-01-2004, 09:26 PM
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haha whats with the sunglasses???
Old 19-01-2004, 12:21 AM
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Review Update

Verified True Copy !!!

Nationality: claimed to be PRC , but ascent gave her away, either local or Malaysian! *True! Must be local or malaysian, way she talk like local ah lian, do even have China accent*

age : early to mid 20s *Refuse to review, should be early 20s*

look : 6/10 *Typical Orchard Lian*

boob: A + to B *Max B only*

body : abt 165 *True*

massage: 2/10 *Like one of the brother mentioned, playing Piano. Keeps repeating massage at the same area. Additional "pinching massage" which I had only experinced from her.*

Hj: 5/10 SOP *Limited roaming services, always try to position herself at funny angle that I hand cant reach.

damage : $38 (1 hr)+ $30 *Kept negotiating for me to pay more, GST increase blar blar blar, but I told her I only pay $30 only.

Still wonder why she is rated as Ang Pai, probably due to her age! Nothing great about her services anyway. Did not encounter the sunglass experience, I wonder why also?
Old 19-01-2004, 06:58 PM
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Re: Review Update

Originally posted by Doctor
Verified True Copy !!!

Nationality: claimed to be PRC , but ascent gave her away, either local or Malaysian! *True! Must be local or malaysian, way she talk like local ah lian, do even have China accent*

age : early to mid 20s *Refuse to review, should be early 20s*

look : 6/10 *Typical Orchard Lian*

boob: A + to B *Max B only*

body : abt 165 *True*

massage: 2/10 *Like one of the brother mentioned, playing Piano. Keeps repeating massage at the same area. Additional "pinching massage" which I had only experinced from her.*

Hj: 5/10 SOP *Limited roaming services, always try to position herself at funny angle that I hand cant reach.

damage : $38 (1 hr)+ $30 *Kept negotiating for me to pay more, GST increase blar blar blar, but I told her I only pay $30 only.

Still wonder why she is rated as Ang Pai, probably due to her age! Nothing great about her services anyway. Did not encounter the sunglass experience, I wonder why also?

Yo... u know why?? What do u think if that shop business are not doing well and so they create an "ang pai" OUT TO ATTRACT CUSTOMER!!! their tactics are simple: HIT and Run... They just wana earn your money in the first place and they knew that u wont go back anymore cos lousy service and true colour are out already. For first timer there too bad lor...
Yo... this afternoon just walk past fortune ctn and at one traffic light, there is a discent look guy ask me where is fortune ctn? He is holding some files and books i think and wonder fortune ctn got school meh??? hehe//may be another SAMSTER from sammyboy heading toward another mission....haha cos my instinct tell me this way.... that he may hav read and update FR on this tread......
Old 19-01-2004, 11:00 PM
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decent looking guy may be going into bugis rather than tui nas.
Old 19-01-2004, 11:14 PM
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Originally posted by forex
decent looking guy may be going into bugis rather than tui nas.
Yo...hope so too...
Gstringgal Aka GS
Detour @ SG Viets Outpost

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Old 19-01-2004, 11:37 PM
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Re: Re: Review Update

Thought I am the only unlucky guy at Yu Mei. More than 1 month after my posting, lady boss still using same tactic of using angpai to jio business !
One other thing abt hj session forgot to mention. She kept complaining her nipples got black and elongated due to many bro squeezing , groping, blah blah. After a while she actually threaten to stop hj if roaming not stopped. Like play hide & seek. The moment you roam, she stop the hj. Hj start the moment roaming stopped. No choice but to let her finish the job and get out.

Never ask her abt the sunglasses, but guess she closed to rest her eyes while doing hj.
Old 18-02-2004, 01:50 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Review Update

When to fortune the othe day n found the "flower shop" at second floor gone liao. Place now undergoing reno looks like a coffee shop. So thats 1 less in fortune.
Seems like PPC has the most tui na now.
Old 18-02-2004, 01:53 AM
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When to fortune the other day n found "flower shop" on 2nd floor gone. Place doing renovation n looks like its a coffee shop.
Well looks like PPC has the most tui na now. Fortune n Fu lu Shou all mostly gone.
Old 18-02-2004, 09:45 AM
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Originally posted by Arcon
When to fortune the other day n found "flower shop" on 2nd floor gone. Place doing renovation n looks like its a coffee shop.
Well looks like PPC has the most tui na now. Fortune n Fu lu Shou all mostly gone.
ON my way to BHC yesterday, I toured 3rd level and found that there are at least 3 foot refelexology outlets. The gals are waiting within their outlets, while I passing by they asked me for massage. Most of them are in their 30s, local and PRC gals.

No luck at BHC, the gals I want are not available and I do not want to try those not on my list b'cos I had few bad experiences.
Finally, I made my way to GLH for a short thrill.

BTW, I saw at young man (in the 30s) at the counter and am wondering if he is the boss or partner of BHC. Anyway saw 3 bros waiting there.
Old 26-09-2004, 11:14 PM
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Re: Reflexology at Fortune Ctr

Been a long time sinz Fortune Ctr was discussed. Today went there to reccee after checking out d scene @ Sunshine Plaza (d lor lew lian thread) which there wasnt anyth to report.

Started fr 2nd flr, 1st passed by Hong Hong which 3 decent looking gals were all sitting there waiting for biz. Walked further in, nothing happening ... Miao Show closed, Suo Yi totally not happening.

3rd fl, Tian Si still ard ... onli 1 auntie inside, didnt see any brown sugar today ... walked one round, past a few shops but didnt see any happening gals .. onli a couple of aunties ard.

BUT as i was making my way to 4th lvl, saw a SYT in 1 of d middle row shops. quite pretty n dressed nicely in a low cut black dress, i thk she can qualify to wk in a KTV. charges 38/hr or 25/0.5hr. saw anthr gal in d shop .. quite pretty too but she was wkg. was really tempted to try, heart fluttered when i saw her. but in d end i controlled myslf cos she seems abit arrogant n i heavily sensed she muz b 1 of those who charges exhorbitant prices n give lousy svc. In case bros want to try her, her name is Li Ping (she hesitated, then gave d name). i cant rmbr shop name but it's d one sandwiched beside Jess n anthr TN shop.

Well, no intention to ask any bros to be guinea to try n give FRs. But if u have $$$ n like SYTs, can give this chick a try. Or else juz treat d above as a reference.

My 23rd year of romance with SBF. Semi-retired from chionging scene.

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Old 27-09-2004, 12:21 AM
ah huathuat ah huathuat is offline
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Re: Reflexology at Fortune Ctr

Originally Posted by owen10
Been a long time sinz Fortune Ctr was discussed. Today went there to reccee after checking out d scene @ Sunshine Plaza (d lor lew lian thread) which there wasnt anyth to report.

Started fr 2nd flr, 1st passed by Hong Hong which 3 decent looking gals were all sitting there waiting for biz. Walked further in, nothing happening ... Miao Show closed, Suo Yi totally not happening.

3rd fl, Tian Si still ard ... onli 1 auntie inside, didnt see any brown sugar today ... walked one round, past a few shops but didnt see any happening gals .. onli a couple of aunties ard.

BUT as i was making my way to 4th lvl, saw a SYT in 1 of d middle row shops. quite pretty n dressed nicely in a low cut black dress, i thk she can qualify to wk in a KTV. charges 38/hr or 25/0.5hr. saw anthr gal in d shop .. quite pretty too but she was wkg. was really tempted to try, heart fluttered when i saw her. but in d end i controlled myslf cos she seems abit arrogant n i heavily sensed she muz b 1 of those who charges exhorbitant prices n give lousy svc. In case bros want to try her, her name is Li Ping (she hesitated, then gave d name). i cant rmbr shop name but it's d one sandwiched beside Jess n anthr TN shop.

Well, no intention to ask any bros to be guinea to try n give FRs. But if u have $$$ n like SYTs, can give this chick a try. Or else juz treat d above as a reference.


i think that's wang wang or the one beside it.
Old 27-09-2004, 12:28 AM
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Re: Reflexology at Fortune Ctr

Originally Posted by ah huathuat

i think that's wang wang or the one beside it.
u been there b4 bro? i been to fortune ctr a few times but 1st time i seen d gals.

My 23rd year of romance with SBF. Semi-retired from chionging scene.

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Old 27-09-2004, 12:28 AM
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Re: Reflexology at Fortune Ctr

Originally Posted by ah huathuat

i think that's wang wang or the one beside it.
So far from wat i observe, none of de tn shops there could holds a candle against stronghold - BHC @ level 4 in terms of services and quality of de girls.... If u got more mr yusof ishak dollars to spare, head toward BHC, if not those tn lor...times are hard now too...
Gstringgal Aka GS
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Old 01-10-2004, 11:41 AM
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Re: Reflexology at Fortune Ctr

Originally Posted by owen10
u been there b4 bro? i been to fortune ctr a few times but 1st time i seen d gals.
the ww shop was closed when i walked past yesterday..the other shops around level 3 and one at level 2 h*** h*** the girls i saw cmi. end up makan and left. sienz...
Old 01-10-2004, 01:29 PM
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Re: Reflexology at Fortune Ctr

Originally Posted by sillyboy
the ww shop was closed when i walked past yesterday..the other shops around level 3 and one at level 2 h*** h*** the girls i saw cmi. end up makan and left. sienz...
WW is a very small shop. im not sure how many gals there r but it looks onli enuff for 2 gals to b wkg @ any one time in d 2 small cubicles. i guess if both rooms r occupied they juz lock d door. any bros, pl correct me if im wrong cos i dun frequent fortune ctr regularly. sillyboy, i mentioned tt it was d 1st time i saw d gals (n d shop open) when i was there last Sun. when i was there a few occasions d shop was locked all d time too! u gotta try yr luck ... cheers

My 23rd year of romance with SBF. Semi-retired from chionging scene.

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