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Old 20-02-2013, 03:22 PM
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Talking Re: My Secret Life....

Originally Posted by fictionman View Post
Found this online...Happi reading!!!!
Just got my UOB Cashplus atm card!!!!....Will use my virgin withdrawal on a sextifying experience...Huat ah!!!!!!!
Old 20-02-2013, 06:23 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Huat Huat !

think Fwahhhhh Fwaaahhhh F$%K ahhhhhh hehehehe

You're targeting 4 more adventures @ the place of Li@rs ?
Exchange with +10 pointers and above only. Thanks.

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Old 04-03-2013, 02:23 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Well, my fantasy wz my uncle's maid is over wzout anything happening!!!

She has been sent home coz she's getting lazier by the day...Sigh...B4 she went back, me & my wife visited my uncle...I just wat to hv one last glance at her..boy does she look delicious...When i saw her goin into the kitchen i quickly made my way in also...Damm...She was squattin down to take sthing fm the drawer & her butt crack was visible to my naked eyes!!!...Fcuk!!!...I pretend to ask her if need any help & she turn ard & said "it's ok"...

Oh man!!!...If only i could pull down her shorts right there at tt moment...Surely the "doggie instinct" would appear...But suddenly my nephew walk into de kitchen...God dammit...The maid slowly stand up aft getting the things fm de drawer...I ask her going back Indonesia is it...She said yes...Can see tt she's abit sad to be leaving Spore...

Well...All "good" things must cum to an end...This so call fantasy of mine fcuking my uncle's maid will 4ever be a fantasy only...The only memory i had of her is a few pics of her & her undies & purple bra!!!...& also the image of her butt crack!!!...

She has flew back aldy...& yday nite a crazy idea came into my "sick mind"...Y dont I employ her as my maid!!!!!....Then im sure i will be able to "fulfill" my destiny wz her!!!!!
Old 04-03-2013, 11:47 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Theres always a first time for everything. One great thing will slowly lead to another. Then you will know how Great life is. Carry on your stories bro.. i have already pitched my tent. Haha
Old 06-03-2013, 09:48 AM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Originally Posted by taetae888 View Post
Theres always a first time for everything. One great thing will slowly lead to another. Then you will know how Great life is. Carry on your stories bro.. i have already pitched my tent. Haha
Well bro...Yday nite i casually pitch de idea of hiring my uncle's x-maid to my wifey..Wzout hesitation she shot down de idea...Sigh...She said why hire a maid tt is lazy!!!...Her xcuse was she's too young to endure hardship...!!!

Then i casually say she just need to clean our house & no small kid or old folks to take care...Easy 4 her...But finally she said the real "reason"...She said the maid is young & not bad looking...She afraid "sthing" might happen if she wrks for us...I was like "huh"!!!...Hearing stories of maids & their sir having hanky panky is enuff to scare her into hiring her...Of coz i counter her claims but didnt really pursue de matter further..If i do, she surely would suspect "my lust" for the maid...Better dont play fire wz fire...

I guess tts de end of my anti-climax "affair" wz de maid...
Old 06-03-2013, 11:30 AM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Originally Posted by fictionman View Post
You're welcome bro...

Nowadays same as you fear of raids is the factor I am semi retired fm eating out...Disease also fear but when the urge is so great last time just go ahead without thinkin of the consequences...Sad huh...

In my honest opinion, in order to stop eating out is to stop coming into sammyboy here...Till the day I manage to do tt, I will forever be fighting my inner demons...But for now I just take it day by day...

Imagine how Peter North could hv contributed to the falling birth rate here wz his heavy loads....Awesome!!!
Sometime is the Vitamin M. At least $160 to $170 to HC per visit......gone in 45min.....sigh
Old 06-03-2013, 12:17 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

this kind of hourly rate is very expensive really hehehe
Exchange with +10 pointers and above only. Thanks.

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Old 06-03-2013, 01:43 PM
alexch alexch is offline
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Re: My Secret Life....

Originally Posted by fictionman View Post
A few days ago, I had sex with my wife after about 2 months since our last sexxion...I think the 2 months gap shouldn't come as a surprise for a married couple of 14 years..... Our sexxion the last few years has lost it's magic...Gone was the fore play before the sexxion...Now it's just she suck...Mine hard...Doggie style...Wham bam...Cum...& that's it!!!...She seems to enjoy it more then me bcoz after not being penetrated for 2 months, the feeling of my cock in her sends her into ecstasy...Serious!!...But for me, the feeling was nice but not overly great...

But what prompted me to initiate the sexxion is not my lust to have sex with my own wife of 14 years....Rather it was seeing another woman which makes me steam!!!...And what makes it more "sickening" is that I don't know this person at all...But I have seen this gal for the past 1 year!!...I will see her everytime I go to buy my dinner near my house...I would steal glances at her but I have never tried to strike up a conversation with her...She's a Tiger beer promoter...Seeing her walking around table to table serving guys was enough of a thrill for me...Why might you ask why I haven't strike up a conversation with her??...Well...2 reasons...I'm not a heavy drinker for one...Somehow when I drink alot, rashes will appear...But not that serious...Also I don't have cloze kakis to drink with near my estate...Would seems akward to sit there drinking alone thruout the night...The rest of the drinking community there are in groups...2nd reason is what's the point in starting a conversation??!!...What do I hope to achieve by doing it??...Get her in bed??... Have a meaningful relationship???..

I might be cheating behind my wife with WLs...Having sex with total strangers met in MPs or FLs...Yes sex...It's just sex...Just sex & that's it...No feelings involved...But I won't cheat behind my wife with another woman with feelings involved...I might sound like a total asshole...Some might say cheating is CHEATING!!!...Sex with other woman is the cardinal sin in a marriage...I don't dispute this...I still love my wife dearly...I still treat her as the only woman for me...I see myself growing old with my wife...I hope to see my son throwing his square hat in the sky at the end of his university life with my wife...Yes I'm happy with my life with my wife...But one aspect of our marriage which has lost it's kick is our sex life...I'm sure married guys can relate to me...

That's why I have sex with WLs to satisfy my sexual needs...Yes...I'm a selfish bastard...Can't help it...Back to the Tiger beer promoter...She's been working there for almost a year...Did notice her all the while but it's just that...But recently, she has changed her uniform from white color to a one piece yellow/blue uniform...When my eyes was cast on her in her new uniform, my heart skip a beat...I can see her curves...Only now I notice her breast as the new uniform did her justice..Man I was in awe... My cock suddenly has life in it...How I wish I could bang her right there right away...But since I'm a total stranger to her, there's no chance of it...I'm not saying she's easy going with guys...She's just wrking to earn her pay by pouring beer..

So with the memory of her still fresh in my dirty ole mind, I kiss my wife while she's was watching TV on our bed...Without her sucking my cock, it has risen like a phoenix by itself!!!...All bcoz of the Tiger beer promoter...I lick my wife's pussy which I haven't been doing for god knows how long...Licking her clit & at the same time fingering her...She was wet in no time..Couldn't control my animal instinct anymore...I thrust her with my harden cock missionary style...Made her cum...Then I turn her over for our customary doggie position...My cock was in & out of her now wet pussy sometimes fast sometimes slow...But then suddenly my harden cock slowly begin to lose it's stiffness...

All this while my cock was in my wife's pussy...She had cum again...I know she had!!...Can feel the wetness...And she was jerking all over...But how cum my cock has "lost interest" in the middle of thrusting???...She felt it too...She said in her out of breath tone..."Make it hard again..It felt so good"....I was also at a lost...Limping cock still in my wife's pussy...It's still manage to be in her pussy...Barely...If I try to thrust her I know my cock will slide out of her pussy...From my view, I can see her back..Her curves are not what it used to be before giving birth...Waistline has been added over the years...Maybe that's why my cock has become "unattracted" to her pussy...I don't know!!!...

YA the tiger beer lady not bad.....too bad she got one stick liao....
Old 06-03-2013, 04:26 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Originally Posted by alexch View Post
YA the tiger beer lady not bad.....too bad she got one stick liao....
Not suprise la she got bf aldy....She practically meet guys everyday in her line.. Mayb her bf also meet during her work...Work harder!!!...Jia You!!!
Old 06-03-2013, 05:01 PM
RPMAN RPMAN is offline
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Some gals will hide their hornyness very well
Old 06-03-2013, 05:18 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Originally Posted by RPMAN View Post
Some gals will hide their hornyness very well
Stimes i see the beer gals putting their hands on the guys shoulder & drink their beers so they can order more hahaha...Stimes i feel like running over & whack the guy & pull the the girl over hahahaha...So drama just like in de movies
Old 12-03-2013, 05:26 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

TS, your wife did a good job shooting you down. Don't get me wrong. But I look at it in a good way. Imagine she said ok. The maid came. How are you going to tahan from doing her? Seeing her once a while is bad... Everyday?? Dangerous. Don't end up with no house to live in and half your fortune gone. Sad, I tell you.
Old 12-03-2013, 09:13 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

Originally Posted by Yardstick View Post
TS, your wife did a good job shooting you down. Don't get me wrong. But I look at it in a good way. Imagine she said ok. The maid came. How are you going to tahan from doing her? Seeing her once a while is bad... Everyday?? Dangerous. Don't end up with no house to live in and half your fortune gone. Sad, I tell you.
I get yr point bro...Yes i want to F**K the maid real bad!!!!...But i knw if i put in any sort of effort to woo her my marriage would be in rocky waters...I was just trying my luck when i ask my wife abt hiring her...Deep down my wife knws wat type of guy i am...She just didnt say it out loud 😄😄...

Im sure some bros out there hv the same predicament as me...But like bro Yardstick says, dont shit in yr own hse!!!!...If really really need to f**k a maid, just loiter ard the void decks or head down to Lucky Plz (pinoys) or City Plaza (indos) on Sundays to try yr LUCK....For me, think i'll stick to MP gals like i always do...Pay,f**k & go home & be a gd husband & father!!!
Old 13-03-2013, 03:54 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

A few days ago, while in office, my cock suddenly hv a "feeling"...A feeling which nowadays is far & between...The feeling down there was like an electricity shock which trigger a response to my brain...I was feeling "xcited"...The situation "worsen" when a colleague fm another dept came over...She was in tight short skirt which did her bodywork justice...From the side view, my "xcitement" level soar to greater heights!!!...

Her perky ass was truly a sight to savour...Man was i horny!!!...Such a delicious ass perky in a way just nice to be ram standing doggie style.. My mind was wild wz sexual fantasies..At tt moment my "xcitement" level was beyond control...Really wanted to shoot off my cum right there...At 1st thought of goin toilet to pcc...Then my lil bro says to my brain.."bro y jack off wz yr right hand...Cum inside a pussy"...I was like WTF??!!!...

Then it dawn upon me that i need to f##k a girl...My colleague was right there in front of me but no way i could pull it off wz her...I knw my own limits...Wifey was too far away...Next best thing??...FL or MP gals...I weight out my options...On one hand was FL option...Look thru various sites for a gd looking ones...Thais,Viets,Indos...Local ones are just too damm expensive...On the other hand meanwhile is MP gals...SYT & canto speakin Msian gals...It was a no brainer...Canto speakers trump over FL!!!!....

Now cum the hardest decisison...Which canto speaker shld i make the "speaker of my parliament"!!!!...Shld i go for ang pai which i hvt try b4 but got rave reviews or go for a gal whom i hv "eaten" b4 & "bonded" well?? So much choices but so little time!!!????....Aft weighin the pros & cons, decided to go for the Msian gal i booked b4...Might not score tt high on the looks dept but scored high marks in gfe dept...

Called up the recep & booked "my girl for lunch"...Oh yes...The force down there was so strong that i apply halfday!!!...This is my 2nd time applyin halfday to go bang a MP girl...The last time was 3 years ago when i booked Vivian (ex BHC)...Once the clock strikes 1pm, zoom out of my office to meet my "lunch partner"...The anticipation i had at that moment is a feeling which i havent had for a long long time...3 mths to be exact...Glad that this feeling of excitement is back...Feel so "young"!!

But what happens next during my "lunch appointment" changed my whole outlook on the MP scene.....
Old 13-03-2013, 04:21 PM
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Re: My Secret Life....

more update update pls ?
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