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Old 19-07-2007, 03:05 AM
raymond_ralim raymond_ralim is offline
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Smile Re: China student as mistress

why waste our HARD earn $$ on them let them cheat us $$ n bring sillypore $$ back to china to become another millionair. Do sit back n think of this do we get TRUE love from them. Is very sad to see a family broken up by china mei mei. There is a saying from china women 'if we don't cheat sillypore men's $$ what are we here for' THE ABOVE IS JUST WHAT I HEARD N SEE IF I HAVE OFTEN ANYONE 'SORRY'
Old 25-07-2007, 03:55 PM
DiabloX DiabloX is offline
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Re: China student as mistress

Just to share some of my experiences in china, i'm in my 30's, losing hair and balding, average looking, no car no house, can't sing can't dance, working in china and outstationed in the major cities most of the time. haven't been pro-active in looking for lovers cos i admit i've a low sex drive due to stress at work and other problems. however, in one year, i've had 32 prc ladies, from 16yo students, OLs, 19yo virgin (now ex-virgin) daughters of local billionaires, local celebrities, air-stewardesses, to 40+ yo doctors, etc. i've hardly encountered a situation where they'd even ask money from me, most of the time i just pay for the meals and that's enough. i do admit that i have GDRS (gold digger radar service) installed, and steer away from those. no sense in wasting hard-earned cash on women, whether in china or anywhere else for the matter. most of the prc ladies i've encountered are decent, sophisticated, hungry for eligible males, and totally amoral. i've observed many fellow singaporeans in china, and one thing i can say is, 90% of the time they treat prc women LIKE SHIT. we singaporeans would go around bragging how high our salaries are, how these girls should grovel at our feet and beg for our cocks, and how much more well educated and exposed we are compared to them. obviously these s'poreans have never encountered ladies with more cash than they'd ever smell in their entire lives, even after collecting CPF. maybe our attitude comes from NSF days of smoking at the drain and tcss about screwing big breasted DXOs in the storeroom, but my point is, it's time to reflect and look at ourselves as well. treat the ladies with respect and sincerity, it'd then be easy to get all that u desire. just some simple statistics: there are 1.3 billion ppl in china, just take half as female, that's 650 million. take 1% as drop dead gorgeous and completely angelic, and u have 6.5 million objects of fantasy. that's more than the population of SG.

Old 26-07-2007, 01:35 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

DiabloX Bro...

well said, thanks... is very educational..... will take note.
Another another simple man.
Old 26-07-2007, 02:20 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Bro DiaBlox, I like what you said about treating others with respect.
Wine, Woman and Song my hobby ! Haha !
Old 26-07-2007, 02:45 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

I think he means be Gentleman , not respect.... they dun deserve any respect, but we must have our standard, gentleman, cannot be rude....

I think so...............
Another another simple man.
Old 26-07-2007, 10:17 AM
DiabloX DiabloX is offline
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Re: China student as mistress

Hmm i think we should be gentlemen, and treat those who ought to be respected, with respect. I haven't had any bad experiences with women after money, but i've friends who have suffered badly at the hands of gold-diggers. On the flip side of the previous post, I take a very poor view of ladies who take us guys for granted, expect us to treat them like royalty, without any effort on their part. Another thing i've observed about PRC ladies, is that their mindset and mentality changes once they step out of china, cos their market value increases immeasurably. Those who are considered fair or average, suddenly become beauties when they go to HK, SG, IND, etc. It's now very common for village girls to flood to cities like Shenzhen which is close to HK, to work for a few months, then return to their villages to continue life as "virtuous virgins". Haha the ratio of girls to guys in Shenzhen is 7:1. China men typically do not treat their girls well, so once the girls leave china, and suddenly men compete and splurge to gain their attention and sexual favours, their characters tend to change. They also see how they can use their bodies to gain a better standard of living, once back in China. The society in China now is relatively amoral, getting closer and closer to Japanese standards. Most girls are willing to sleep with you for fun or companionship; most won't try to squeeze u dry, but if u portray yourself as a rich carrot ready to be chopped .. then why not? Recently i met the CEO of a media company, who studied in SG in the late 90's. She told me how even taxi drivers would offer her money for sex, or call guys on the spot to proposition her, once they knew she was from China. Guys in bars or on the streets would educate her on their "status", how great they were, and why she should be their mistresses or sex partners. She's no angel, and i'm sure she screwed some of these guys, but her thinking was: These men are so desperate and low, so why not f**k them and make good use of them? I'm no angel either, but i try my best to listen and establish a basis of mutual respect with ladies. And reap what i sow

Old 26-07-2007, 10:55 AM
DiabloX DiabloX is offline
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Re: China student as mistress

Hmm i think we should be gentlemen, and treat those who ought to be respected, with respect. I haven't had any bad experiences with women after money, but i've friends who have suffered badly at the hands of gold-diggers. On the flip side of the previous post, I take a very poor view of ladies who take us guys for granted, expect us to treat them like royalty, without any effort on their part. Another thing i've observed about PRC ladies, is that their mindset and mentality changes once they step out of china, cos their market value increases immeasurably. Those who are considered fair or average, suddenly become beauties when they go to HK, SG, IND, etc. It's now very common for village girls to flood to cities like Shenzhen which is close to HK, to work for a few months, then return to their villages to continue life as "virtuous virgins". Haha the ratio of girls to guys in Shenzhen is 7:1. China men typically do not treat their girls well, so once the girls leave china, and suddenly men compete and splurge to gain their attention and sexual favours, their characters tend to change. They also see how they can use their bodies to gain a better standard of living, once back in China. The society in China now is relatively amoral, getting closer and closer to Japanese standards. Most girls are willing to sleep with you for fun or companionship; most won't try to squeeze u dry, but if u portray yourself as a rich carrot ready to be chopped .. then why not? Recently i met the CEO of a media company, who studied in SG in the late 90's. She told me how even taxi drivers would offer her money for sex, or call guys on the spot to proposition her, once they knew she was from China. Guys in bars or on the streets would educate her on their "status", how great they were, and why she should be their mistresses or sex partners. She's no angel, and i'm sure she screwed some of these guys, but her thinking was: These men are so desperate and low, so why not f**k them and make good use of them? I'm no angel either, but i try my best to listen and establish a basis of mutual respect with ladies. And reap what i sow

Old 26-07-2007, 11:10 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by Niceman View Post
I think he means be Gentleman , not respect.... they dun deserve any respect, but we must have our standard, gentleman, cannot be rude....

I think so...............

Paiseh, but some do deserve respect, and u are rite we must be gentleman ....
Old 26-07-2007, 11:20 AM
paisehlah paisehlah is offline
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by DiabloX View Post
i've hardly encountered a situation where they'd even ask money from me, most of the time i just pay for the meals and that's enough.

one thing i can say is, 90% of the time they treat prc women LIKE SHIT.

obviously these s'poreans have never encountered ladies with more cash than they'd ever smell in their entire lives, even after collecting CPF.
Dear Bro DiabloX,
Totally agree with you.
Most PRC are CASH rich........
Thanks for sharing......

Old 26-07-2007, 11:24 AM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by paisehlah View Post
Dear Bro DiabloX,
Totally agree with you.
Most PRC are CASH rich........
Thanks for sharing......

You are rite, I got PRC GF, heard from frens all asking for alot of $ from BF, now she also for pay raise liao .... treat us as Gold Mountain
Old 26-07-2007, 12:15 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by DiabloX View Post
... And reap what i sow

So did you manage to bonk her?
Old 26-07-2007, 01:08 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Seen far too many cases of fellas panicking between bonks and cons. Perhaps we should rightfully ask ourselves what we expect from these girls. If simply for a FB or companionship, then what do we have to offer? If you are already married but happened to hook up with such a gal, then what do you want from such a relationship? Get the best bonk of your life till you get tired of her and you move on to next fresh meat or willing to get commit to her as a potential life partner. Well, she has what you want but what’s installed for her then?

Like your own OC, GF, CO etc, if you are unable to contribute to the relationship in terms of love, care and most importantly money, and then what good are you to her then. Continue for you to graze on her or perhaps time for her to move on to greener pastures. Survival is the issue here; sometimes even the best of pals will fall out at the slightest things, let alone relationship base on sex and money.

Not all are the same, rather than bitching about what happened, perhaps we should proceed with caution. Like most Sing men, we let feelings and emotions to rule rather than logic and common sense. We prefer to believe what we think is right rather than what is right. So move on then, continue to do as your wish but be prepare for the back draft as well.

Old 26-07-2007, 01:10 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Hehe bro, it was all pillow talk she's a very nice lao chio, living alone in a 4 story villa. when i'm in her city, she "lends" me her jaguar xkr convertible to drive around. the other choices are the bmw 760 or the maserati parked in her compound, so i picked the cheapest one.
Old 26-07-2007, 01:13 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Oceaneleven bro, well said!
Old 26-07-2007, 10:49 PM
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Re: China student as mistress

Originally Posted by DiabloX View Post
Hehe bro, it was all pillow talk she's a very nice lao chio, living alone in a 4 story villa.
Really admire you Bro. Down here is SGP, no matter how well we treat our own ladies, we are still treated like shit.
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