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Old 17-07-2009, 11:50 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Hi All,

Just came back from HCM. To update, SBF was banned by Vietnam authority. I cannot loq in while I was there last week.
Old 18-07-2009, 10:34 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by fcukger View Post
buy reaper drinks??? we are friends for 15yrs +++... must i??? reaper??? must i buy u drinks or u buy me drinks??? will call u when i landed HCM on 21st july...
sure, you already have my vn number. If I dont answer, sms me where you staying, will meet up in the evening.
Old 18-07-2009, 10:35 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by sensuous_les View Post
Hi All,

Just came back from HCM. To update, SBF was banned by Vietnam authority. I cannot loq in while I was there last week.
If it is banned, than what waa i surfing last week??
Old 18-07-2009, 11:58 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by sensuous_les View Post
Hi All,

Just came back from HCM. To update, SBF was banned by Vietnam authority. I cannot loq in while I was there last week.
You have to fight the tendency to make presumptions in moments like that. Sometimes these websites can be inaccessible and there's no way to be sure what the reason is. Could be an overload on SBF's end, for example. It could be the cables between VN and SG are overloaded and you can't get through. It could be that the internet in your particular area is too busy. Or it could be what you said, but if you think about it, it wouldn't make much sense for them to shut it down for only a few hours and then turn it back on, right?
Old 18-07-2009, 12:07 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by sensuous_les View Post

Just came back from HCM. To update, SBF was banned by Vietnam authority. I cannot loq in while I was there last week.
Working fine....
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 18-07-2009, 12:09 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

U a vietnamese too? hope u can guide along
Originally Posted by trong View Post
I didn't know there are so many viet lovers here. Got to do my read up now
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Old 18-07-2009, 03:59 PM
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Wink Re: Vietnam - HCM

Did i hear Nobody by the Wondergirls...hahaha! eat too much egg liao..did u have ECA after that..hihihi

Originally Posted by Thom07 View Post
Can sms me your email when you're back? Not sure if your email remains the same. Intending to send you the "Nobody" which you had mentioned on that Friday. Anyone else, just also "submit" your emails to my phone. Can?

Damn!!! Too much eggs just now. Flowing out through my nostrils already. Mafia should eat more as he is very much in need.
Old 18-07-2009, 04:54 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

now our bro KT found a rare tree after last nite drinking session that he is head-over-heels with her accent...
Old 18-07-2009, 05:53 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by mikemike View Post
Did i hear Nobody by the Wondergirls...hahaha!...
i need Thom di di to send me the song again. Last friday forget to save it.

Originally Posted by Zaryl View Post
now our bro KT found a rare tree after last nite drinking session that he is head-over-heels with her accent...
what a nice posting...
but not head over heels lah.

Tonight how?
Old 18-07-2009, 06:07 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

This is a round up of the Hello Darling bars down in the Hai Ba Trung / Le Thanh Ton area. (reposting this with some updates for 2009) I tried to do a little stars rating (***) for each.


Thien Loc, 23 Hai Ba Trung. Corner bar, billiard table. A few girls. Very dark bar, which translates to the girls usually being willing to get quite frisky in the dark corners of the place. **

35 Hai Ba Trung. Small with just a few girls, usually average to slightly above quality. A balcony level with a pool table where you can get to know the girl better. **

49 Hai Ba Trung. Fairly large bar, long and narrow with a back room, which has a 2nd pool table and where things can be quite cozy. Girls are usually more plentiful and in general a bit cuter than at 35. **

51 Hai Ba Trung. A bit smaller than 49. Better than average selection and quality (more so than 49, imo). This one seems to get new girls more often than most, and the occassional gorgeous one. They also have 2 pool tables, one in back and another on balcony level. ***

91 Hai Ba Trung. This bar is the biggest and has the most girls, and they tend to be prettiest in general, also younger, taller. It is the one bar where things tend to be least cozy, but if your preference is looks over service, this is the one to visit. ****

Saigon NY -- Small bar near the corner of Dong Du and Hai Ba Trung, actually off HBT street. It's very friendly there, and girls are slightly below average in general. They're less pushy and usually more human than most of the bars though -- some girls wear ao dais. There is a pool table upstairs. **

Cali(?) bar -- across the street from Saigon NY is this place formerly (recently reopened--maybe with new name) on Mac Thi Buoi. Small and avg girls, from what I could see. *


29 Dong Khoi is on the last block before the Majestic Hotel. It has 2 levels and lots of girls, but in terms of looks they're usually nothing special. It is the one bar of all of them that offers the most in terms of customer service. There are couches upstairs and also a little private room in the back. **1/2

49 Dong Khoi is a depressing little bar way in the back and upstairs after walking down a long hallway. The girls are really not very pretty in this one. " " (0 stars)


Thien Loc, corner of Hai Ba Truong and Mac Thi Buoi. Dark interior in this one and the girls tend to be more attentive to customer service. The darkness helps. **


Smiley Bar -- Thai Van Lung street at intersection of Cao Ba Quat (where Vasco's used to be). Big bar, selection is slightly below average. Upstairs they have rooms with pool tables. Things get much more entertaining upstairs. **

Up Thai Van Lung, after you cross Le Thanh Ton, there are 2 more bars.

The first one is called just "3" now. Small bar, selection usually below average. " "

On Thai Van Lung near the corner of Le Thanh Ton, at the top of the "hill" is a bar that is now called Chot Nho. Selection and quality here is usually below average. Pool table and sofas in back. *

Coco Bar on Thi Sach street, one over from Thai Van Lung. Between a couple of Japanese bars. Seems very average, smaller place. *


Quan Nho is a very small bar with just a few girls. Sofas upstairs to spend time with your girl. **

Bin Bin is next, just across the alley. This bar has second most and second prettiest after 91. Quality of the girls here is quite good, sometimes excellent. It has an upstairs for further entertainment. ***

Tia To is a few doors up LTT street. Small bar but with a few floors of Japanese tables (sit on floor) or else one with 2 billiard tables and stools. **1/2

I'd say the best of these bars (in terms of likelihood of finding a stunning girl) includes #49, #51 and #91 on HBT, and also Bin Bin on LTT. Middle tier would be the Smiley bar, Tia To, Quan Nho, Thien Loc on HBT and maybe Saigon NY. The rest are in the lower tier. They're usually disappointing with the very occassional surprise. 29 can sometimes make up for its shortcomings in other ways, but these days would probably have to go in the bottom tier in terms of looks. The bars on Thai Van Lung, I wouldn't even bother with at this point. They're not even trying to get a good selection of girls in those places. One thing I'll say, the bars that don't get as many hot girls tend to be the wildest ones, and they do occasionally get hot girls. So you strike it lucky when that happens. One of the hottest girls at 91 used to work at Cali for example. It's always worth taking a peek in to see what they have.

These places are great if you want to just go out by yourself and hope to hook up with a girl you can be sure is ready to go, without distractions. Can have fun there or else more fun at your hotel. Different degrees of fun allowed at the different bars. Some actually let you go as far as you want, right there. You can also visit these places with a group, and you can get a private room in many.

About prices, I always get beer in these places, and if so the price is 30,000 for the beer (sometimes 25,000 in some) and 50,000 for the 'lady drink'. (exception: Quan Nho charges more for their drinks than the rest) She'll keep asking for more when she finishes one, that's standard. To take a girl out, you have to buy her X number of drinks first, which can be just put on the bill even if they aren't actually drank. Girls tend to ask for 1M for ST these days, but can usually be bargained down. If they try to charge more for drinks, tell them you were just here last week and paid just 50,000 for lady drinks or whatever. Usually bartender will try to play it safe and back down to the real price. I've heard of that happening, hasn't happened to me. Strangely, these places might attempt to charge Asian customers more for some reason. I think due to getting lots of Japanese and/or businessmen on expense accounts.

If you go to a place and disagree with my assessment, remember that the quality varies. What's a great bar one day can decline quickly. Also, if you get there late or right after a big group of customers has arrived together, the pickings may be pretty depleted. Everything fluctuates.

Any questions, PM me.
Old 18-07-2009, 06:21 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
i need Thom di di to send me the song again. Last friday forget to save it.
I have the song. can bluetooth to you.

Originally Posted by KangTuo View Post
what a nice posting...
but not head over heels lah.

Tonight how?
you got mobilise VK?
Old 18-07-2009, 06:21 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

This morning woke up early around 7am and went to eat dim sum at Cat Thuong Restaurant, Tran Hung Dao P6 Q5. Reasonable price with big portion. Also can listen to live singers singing cantonese, mandarin and vietnamese old songs.
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Old 18-07-2009, 06:26 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by Hurricane88 View Post
This morning woke up early around 7am and went to eat dim sum at Cat Thuong Restaurant, Tran Hung Dao P6 Q5. Reasonable price with big portion. Also can listen to live singers singing cantonese, mandarin and vietnamese old songs.
so early the singers sing? by the way what is the unit number of this place?
Old 18-07-2009, 06:44 PM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by Zaryl View Post
so early the singers sing? by the way what is the unit number of this place?
No unit number...This is a whole won't missed as you pass by...all taxi should know the place...yes the singers sing because meant for morning patrons who go there for dim sum...
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Old 19-07-2009, 12:03 AM
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Re: Vietnam - HCM

Originally Posted by Reaper View Post
If it is banned, than what waa i surfing last week??
I dunno. Maybe is banned from the hotel host adminstrator. I stayed in Sanouva hotel, and hook up the internet through their wireless network. Besides SBF, other sites related to "SEX" were also banned.
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