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Old 02-10-2005, 03:56 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by singrakthai
*looking at both hands* .... knn...... i jus finished 4 cans of tigers... now trying to finish 2 cans of heineken... i think... tonight cannot make it!

So sad tonight no acitivites....
Go koonzz lah. Go buy those thai cheap whisky, mix with the last 2 cans, drink them finish and make you sleep like a baby.

Me go koonzzz liao. No win no lose., Wasting time


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Old 02-10-2005, 04:05 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Go koonzz lah. Go buy those thai cheap whisky, mix with the last 2 cans, drink them finish and make you sleep like a baby.

Me go koonzzz liao. No win no lose., Wasting time

hehe.. i got a small bottle of Song Sarm (i think its spell this way) in my room... super strong stuff.. i think i leave it for my gf better.... i think age catching up.. abit high after 4 cans of tigers and 1 heni....

Goodnite then... tcss tomorrow then...

Old 02-10-2005, 04:12 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
Singrakthai : Hi there,i tried adding u into my bank transfer,new payee using dbs internet banking on the website,but new rule requires confirmation of adding payee by sending a authorisation code to my initial designated hp no [which is my spore hp no].I lost my hp a couple of months ago.I do not have the new sim card yet.So i cannot transfer the $11 to u. [160+120]=280baht (barcadi breezer and orange) .Perhaps u can pm me ur thai bank acc particulars and i get someone to transfer to u.
KNN this is a fucking joke.
Old 02-10-2005, 09:37 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

hi all .. newbird here.. only go to GL 2 time only hahha.. but got some question to ask leh.. help help la.. lets say i pay for 2 session will i get 1hour of service of once i shot 2time den must go?? coz going to GL on monday.. some reply pls.. thx
Old 02-10-2005, 10:44 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Hey guys this thread is going off topic again! Please settle your disputes via private messages k? Thanks.

Aside from that, I was wondering if anyone here has experience in bringing a Thai WL out for movie? If you did, was a thai foreign film or holllywood blockbuster and how did it go?
Old 02-10-2005, 11:58 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by LOSF
what else.
and nbcb which idiot cut my point to 5.

welcome to the forum.

Old 02-10-2005, 12:03 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by lestat_666
Hey guys this thread is going off topic again! Please settle your disputes via private messages k? Thanks.

Aside from that, I was wondering if anyone here has experience in bringing a Thai WL out for movie? If you did, was a thai foreign film or holllywood blockbuster and how did it go?
Yes I have .Last time when i have a cat40 tirak, The Shutter was showing, so went to watch lor. Also went to watch a hollywood comedy, see action nia.
Now got one thai movie going to show here, Tom yam goong. Not sure when it's showing but soon lah. Akan datang.
Old 02-10-2005, 08:44 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
I don't know what u trying to prove here since u can actually use the PM function.

Reason being that when i tried posting pm to Singrakthai,it was at 10pm local time in bkk.The traffic was heavy and i had that server busy prompt.I did not know if i had replied him yet.So I do not want to take any chances,i copy and paste the pm onto the thread.Anything wrong with that??Hmm...even if i trying to prove my actions,so why cant i post on the thread??
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 02-10-2005, 08:54 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by singrakthai
Oh!!! He did PM me lah! At 11.58pm (sammy forum time).. then I guess he felt insecure so he cut and paste and post it here so people here can see he's not cheapo and actually very sincere in paying lah... hehehe

I also kept my promise to call him leh... but abit late at 11pm Thai time cos I was busy the whole day... but he didn't pick up phone leh.. maybe he lost his Thai mobile too lor.... I tot can go nana to help him test his gf one leh... so sad... sat night i no programme....
Haiz no need to argue with u lah,waste of time only.U want say what up to u lah.I can assume anything u want,as long as u are happy.

bro Singrakthai,in case u duno hor,I am been using this Orange service provider which sucks big time in bkk,not sure u have friends encountering this problem or not,but I have problem calling out and recieving calls at peak periods.One of the samster from here always keep in touch with me,but always difficult to reach me.He himself had Orange sim card too b4,but refused to use it cos its has problems.Anyway I received a couple of unknown numbers yesterday.05229XXXX,06238XXXX and 018683XXXX.I do not know which one it belongs to u since i had deleted away ur hp no long time ago.The other hp nos either belongs to other samsters here for holiday or watever.I was supposed to meet up with some guys in bacarra but i could not call out.And I sent sms but i guess it did not reach the guy.Sometimes i sent sms to my girl takes 8hrs later to recieve.By the way i missed ur call maybe since i was at Nana enjoying myself in one of the bars,since i failed to meet up with them in bacarra.Been a long time since i stepped into nana plaza.

hey by all means u can go ahead to test my gf or watsoever.No need to wait for special permission one.I could onli be too happy that u could help me out.No need to preadvance tip me off one,so in case i go warn my gf that more discreet in ur operation.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 02-10-2005, 09:01 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by UltimateTirak
KNN this is a fucking joke.

hmm,fucking joke indeed huh??then perhaps u can tell me which part is funny??In the first place,do u know the procedures via dbs banking website or not??Or u are just talking rot.Due to security reasons,dbs requires authorisation code for adding new payee thru internet banking.Will be sent thru initial hp no that i gave.I lost my hp no when i came back from my visa run to cambodia sometime in July i think.I have cancelled my line and how m i going to retrieve my password thru a cancelled sim card??u are a fucking joker.Do not come here talk crap if u know nuts bout IB messages in internet banking.That is the reason why i insisted on bro singrakthai to pm me his thai bank instead.I get someone to transfer to him from bkk.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 02-10-2005, 09:22 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
Reason being that when i tried posting pm to Singrakthai,it was at 10pm local time in bkk.The traffic was heavy and i had that server busy prompt.I did not know if i had replied him yet.So I do not want to take any chances,i copy and paste the pm onto the thread.Anything wrong with that??Hmm...even if i trying to prove my actions,so why cant i post on the thread??
Maybe I have this impression that since Singrakthai says that you "owe him some drinks money", and you want to prove something by saying in the public that you r going to return him.

Anyway, I go drinking with so many of my friends, sometimes I blanjah, sometimes they blanjah. I also lost track of who pay most. I also don't see them post in forum ask me to return, or I post ask them to return.
Want return, return lor.

If one really wu sim, put a pm, ask for number, call back immediate. Pia cab go down and return double lor.

*But from start until now, I also never see Singrakthai ask from u a single cent.

Maybe u are just as paranoid as me


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Old 02-10-2005, 09:43 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
Anyway I received a couple of unknown numbers yesterday.05229XXXX,06238XXXX and 018683XXXX.I do not know which one it belongs to u since i had deleted away ur hp no long time ago.
Mine is the 3rd number... I called u 1 min ago but i guess ur lousy network only allows ringing and u not being able to pick up ur phone...

For someone who's sincere in making friends and also talked about buying me drinks next time... u deleted my hp no. long time ago? Wow, though I look down on u, I still keep ur number leh.... how convincing....

Ya lah, enough of wasting bandwidth here lah... I prefer face to face talk to sort out our differences lah.... wat else u wanna prove to ppl out here leh?
Old 02-10-2005, 09:47 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by singrakthai
Mr Jun|ch,
I think u mus be very bored and lonely staying in Thailand already... tats why u come here to post every evening to "share" about ur experiences... its ok lah... i understand how u feel... sometimes i'm bored talking to Thai all the time too... i also enjoy tcss early in the morning during office hour here...

Its ok to share ur experiences... i love reading others experiences leh.. i never said anything or commended about ur previous posts did i? Only after U quoted me several times and commended something differently from my views... see lah? Now we have to tear both our faces down already... haha

Ok, I apologise calling u a dog.. that was uncall for... sorry!

But seriously speaking lah.. i do look down on u lah... i initiated to meet u because i was curious about u when i read ur story here. I tot u must be damn good looking or sweet talker or something shak shak lah... i even invited my another s'porean expat to come along with me leh.. as if we meeting legend... really taken by surprised when I saw ur looks lah.. normal leh, i think...

Then at first I also tot u si bei shak can have some WL support u... support, as in... really pay for EVERYTHING, and u collect $ and enjoy life (i think alot of ppl here also have this kinda impression of u)... but tat time u told me u pay for taxi and drying up ur savings to stay here leh... oh, maybe now after ur savings all dried, she paying for u?

But actually this is nothing lah. What I look down most is when u told me ur story about u and ur gf.... u said u pity her and when u first met her, advised her to quit.... ok, this i respect leh... i asked about whether u really sure if ur gf don't sleep with customers... u say u sure... then u added, "but now i wish she does leh" ... wtf? U recently replied ur reason for this is because u don't want to see her pawn her golds and valuables.. wat a load of crap leh!!!!! U rather ur gf to sell her body than her pawning her valuables?!!!! And if she's really paying for ur staying here, u rather her sell her body than her to pawn her valuables to support u staying here?

For all i know, maybe u want her to sleep with other customers so u'll feel better when u sleep with other Thai women here leh...

What a joker leh.. nuff said lah.... PM me ur Thai mobile number again, and we have a good talk face to face lah... i tried calling u twice but u didn't pick up ur phone jus now... u lost ur Thai mobile too? I don't normally go town on weekdays but i'll do it for u lah... what u want to prove u tell me in my face lor...

Have a good weekend...
Glad u understand how i feel,at some point of time,u thought i was constantly going for commercial sex all my time in bkk.Now i glad u see the most subtle side of me.Everyone comes here to waste time anyway.But at times can be enriching to read some of the better posts here by senior samsters with many experiences b4.Though some may be inaccurate at some point of time.Different cases,different analysis.

whether u have commented on my previous posts or not,i do not know lah.U should know urself better.I do not like to go back and read the long threads.I only have sufficient time to update myself what is going on as for today.Everyone here is sharing their points of views or opinions in this forum.Individuals will always share their perspectives in regard to all cases.Personally i do not feel or think i tear down my face or what.I do not know about u then.I seen even more fierce and more constructive debates over certain issues in this forum.Very quite unlike the one u and i are sharing.

No need to apologise for what u had done.I never regarded anything really serious about peoples' comments here.U can call anyone with whatever names u want.Frankly it's not affecting me.JUst makes me wonder...

As for whether u look down on me or look up on me,well again its entirely ur own opinion.I am not going to get really bothered whether this forum,having thousands of bros here,each and everyone of them must like me,favour my posts and worship me.Even thaksin did so many things and said many things that dismayed many people in thailand.But does he really go bothered about all that??If like that I think he really naive loh.He called those workers for the new airport as "coolies".They are unhappy and voiced out.Is he going to write into the press and offer a formal written apology for the workers??Nah i dun think so.So there is no need actually to name someone a "dog" and then say sorry lah.

U want think my looks normal,ok loh.U want think u are more handsome than me..also can!!as long as u are happy,why bothers??Correct??hehe...U said already mah,the above mentioned "stunts" can be achievable by anyone who stayed bkk long enuff,so why do i need a handsome face,sweet talker??Now who is contradicting his posts? No need to post here say i look normal lah,nothing fastastic lah.By doing that shows how shallow ur posts seems.I do have utmost respect in regards to SC's posts.His posts are very constructive and yet debatable.U post like that,then u want me to counter u say what??that u also not very good looking mehz??machiam kids arguing over petty issues lah.U want can discuss about [tiraks,piichais,WLs as well as other pertaining issues].Or u want to have competition and go make survey who attracts more WLs huh??or perhaps u are more "liked" by decent girls.Since u have a decent gf,not a WL.ok lah,u are more yandao than me okies??i just a lowly piichai which neither looks or charm.Singrakthai could definitely do better than me in terms of anythin.

Aey u met up me May or June,I just came bkk one month hor.Now its been almost 6months.I never gave the impression that I am very shak.Only perhaps u and a handful of bros here think so.I said already,she paid for my transport,food and lodging.And do give me allowances hor,cos she assume i do not have a penny at all.allowances hor,not of thousands of baht hor.U urself protrayed me until i so shak,what can i do??U must be not reading my posts carefully.I said already my money is only for me to go for drinks if i want to,not sharing with her.If not already scenario not same already.Get what i mean.Same when u are married,u give money to ur wife,but have some extra cash to boink in geylang.Unless u go ask ur wife,can withdraw $40 from joint acc so u can go boink meh??

U know why nowadays when i met up with samsters,when ppl ask me abt whether my girl go with customers,i say yes cos i cant be bothered to spend 3hrs of my meeting explaining my story.I do not owe my living to that guy.Why should i be bothered with his opinions??I said she do not go with customers,I do wish she go because u have no idea since u are not living with us.How many thai gold she can sell??u think her father opens jewellery shop huh??she has 10"baht" thai gold worth ard 80k baht.though nowadays gold fetch higher.Sell finish gold and then sell car and house huh??And then how??cannot finish meh??I wonder what is going on in ur head leh.Selling is not a solution mah.That why i said sometimes i WISH she go with customers.

Ur statements are really darn funny leh.u said,
"For all i know, maybe u want her to sleep with other customers so u'll feel better when u sleep with other Thai women here leh"

Like that means those cheongsters who have wives,at times when they feel guilty when they have flings in geylang or bkk,then they also want their wives or dun mind them sleepin ard.I guess ur gf in going to have a hard time loh.

I still have the same thai hp no,I lost my m1 hp no in spore.Please kindly read carefully hor.I personally do not have anything to speak with u in person.I would not be bothered to use my thai baht to call u.Even when i called bro u know who in bkk,he always calls me back.I do not use my baht from my gf to talk senseless issues on the phone.That would even make MORE people look down on me using gf's money to talk on the phone over stupid issues.U do not like me its ur own business.There is nothing to proof on my part.I do see u trying to proof something by posting such posts with defaming issues.Well u do not see me calling u "dog",cheapo and look down and such rite??

Perhaps u are so free,kindly carried out ur operation to proof that my girl goes with customers loh.No need tell me when u go down,just when u are done,leave me a sms or call me when u walk out with her.U could even jio ur friends to help u,in case u scared u are not up to standard to fulfil the operation.Fine with me.And instead of calling me names here,why dun u pm me ur thai bank acc so that i can transfer to u??thanks.U are dragging the issue.Its not me hor.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 02-10-2005, 09:50 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
If one really wu sim, put a pm, ask for number, call back immediate. Pia cab go down and return double lor.
*But from start until now, I also never see Singrakthai ask from u a single cent.
Maybe u are just as paranoid as me
I did PM him my bank acc no. after he asked me to... that was yesterday or 2 days ago I think...
I think he got ghost inside him leh... I never expected him to repay me back... so little $! I take highway go town will already cost me 100baht! For some reasons, he posted in other threads to remind me he still owe me drinks... I never even bother to aknowledged... then when I got pissed off by him for using the word "cheap" on me, I talked about the drinks thing.. then he say he knew i'll somehow bring up the drinks thing ... then tried to make it like i'm very petty about it... boey tahan...
See how defensive he is by typing long stories to explain himself.... hehehe.. quite entertaining actually.. to me... hehehe

Last edited by singrakthai; 02-10-2005 at 10:04 PM.
Old 02-10-2005, 09:54 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

WOW! As soon as I finished my above post, I saw 1 LOOOONG post!!! I guess he was busy replying to me to pick up my mobile..... Is it more tiring to talk on phone or type long post? I wonder........ hehehe

Sorry guys, should I settle this with him privately or continue to post in the open? U guys enjoy? Great entertaining stuffs?
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