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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 21-03-2011, 05:20 PM
robertchua robertchua is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Bro DaScolda, I see you are already out of moderation - this is good news!

I will up you with my humble 1 point for both your FRs on Wu Ze Tian and Pearly (Is it Pearly or Pearlyn?). Long overdue these 2 FRs may be but it is certainly refreshing to read both ladies in their initial stages. I believe each dominatrix will need to start somewhere and you, being one of their pioneer customers, have contributed to their experience so that the rest of us can benefit in time to come. Thanks for sharing with us.
Old 21-03-2011, 06:25 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Hi bro robertchua,

Thanks for your response and for upping me You are right, it IS Pearly, not Pearlyn, though in my mind, I've always remembered her as Pearlyn. I guess nobody bothered to correct me then, not even she herself:P

Anyway, I patronized another Mistress that isn't on your list back in 2009 as well, a Filipino Mistress Camilla if I remember correctly. I'm trying to locate the SBF post which linked to the BBS site with her number at that point in time. She and her friend stayed in M Hotel when they visited SG. Once I get my information bearings straight, I'll post another FR (though I'm not sure how useful it'll be).
Old 22-03-2011, 12:43 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

hello bros will be going to Thailand next week anyone can recommend a mistress that will administer a good caning (marks not more than one week)
Old 22-03-2011, 01:01 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by 1987 View Post
I just had a session with a china girl met at some ktv last night. I asked if she likes SM and yes, she says she loves it and had several previous experiences with quite afew clients.

Today, met her at our arranged hotel and had our session.

I was dressed like a cute little girl while she tied my hands and legs up and caned / spanked me really hard, scolded me, just like teaching me a lesson. After that, got a HJ from her. Very skillful HJ too.
I enjoyed the session very much, I feel its money well spent. Hence I'm sharing here.

Standing at around 1.63m tall, she is quite good looking in my opinion, at least 6.8/10. Not really slim, but certainly not fat.

She is very obliging, just tell her what you want clearly before you start the entire game with her. Best to sms her and tell her exactly what you like, she'll do her best to please you.

Price is $100 / hr. Very value for money.

I will share her contact with interested bros here. PM me.
Pls only sms her in chinese, thank you.

Overall very nice and friendly girl.
Lastly, she is leaving Singapore for good in April. So, don't miss your chance.

My own high heels and canes hehe
Thanks to Bro 1987. This lady is indeed quite a gem and I had a very enjoyable time with her.

Looks - 8/10 (IMHO...I love this kind of looks)
Figure - 8/10 (Just the right size for a dominatrix. Neither thin nor fat). If she puts on her dominatrix garb (which she currently dosen't have), I think she will strike a very imposing figure.
Attitude - 9/10 (accomodating and certainly not like many dommes with bigtime attitudes from CM)

She came dressed in a simple Tee and a short skirt. The moment I saw her, I was thinking that she looked prettier than I have expected her to be. Certainly younger and better looking than the average SG girl, and she has the boobs to boot as well.

Nice skin and a figure that is just right. Her figure reminds me of Mistress Natsuki from Japan (for the bros who have seen her videos or seen her live, you will know what I mean)

I requested for a softer SM session and got what I wanted. No prima donna attitude from her. She did what I requested of her perfectly. And I can see that she respects her clients' wishes and tries her best to suit her client and make him happy.

Too bad she will be leaving our shores soon, if she is staying in SG, I will certainly RTBD.

Honestly, she is the first domme (excluding the Japanese ones I tried in Tokyo) that really knows what I want. You guys should know the feeling. It isn't easy to strike it off with a domme mentally, especially during the 1st or 2nd session, but with her, it seems that she knows my desires and could script the session accordingly based on my response and reaction.

Dmg - 100 + 20 tips for such an enjoyable session
Room - 20

RTBD - hell yes..i will need a longer session also.
Old 22-03-2011, 01:57 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

is pearly still around , would like to try her foot play, but saw youth hc thread stated all become glass panel, how to try? or she got ctc, dun mind pm me? haha

Originally Posted by shoey View Post
thanks robertchua.

i am glad to see so many contributions for this thread. keep it alive! now on for a FR....

I've tried Pearly from Youth HC recently. as what other bros mentioned, just let her know at the beginning what you want and she will start the session immediately. however, as most of you might have already known... they have changed the glassdoor for the HC. so whatever you do can be seen from the outside...

on to the FR:

immediately when i entered the room, i told her that I want to have foot worship and some humiliation such as slapping, spitting and trampling.... BOY, when she first heard that... she immediately gave me a hard slap! and the rest is history. she kept slapping me and it was really hard...i had to plead with her to slap softer...hahaha.. i highly recommend for those who are into face-slapping... however, actually i'm more into foot worship but somehow she got the impression that i love face-slapping...

anyways, she proceeded to stuff her foot into my mouth and asked me to lick her feet. she also did some soft trampling etc...

the thing about her is that she is has the dominant look as she is quite tall for a lady. probably about 1.7m....
Old 22-03-2011, 05:02 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by kbearsg View Post
PM'd Mistress Len on CM. Arriving this week. Hope to have a positive experience also and post an FR for it. Any link for the private website?
KBearSg, here is Ms Len's website address, very nice by the way... I was told that she is back this week also, yesterday I think??? I am hoping that her schedual allows for some fun and games,
Old 22-03-2011, 08:49 AM
robertchua robertchua is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by DaScolda View Post
Hi bro robertchua,

Thanks for your response and for upping me You are right, it IS Pearly, not Pearlyn, though in my mind, I've always remembered her as Pearlyn. I guess nobody bothered to correct me then, not even she herself:P

Anyway, I patronized another Mistress that isn't on your list back in 2009 as well, a Filipino Mistress Camilla if I remember correctly. I'm trying to locate the SBF post which linked to the BBS site with her number at that point in time. She and her friend stayed in M Hotel when they visited SG. Once I get my information bearings straight, I'll post another FR (though I'm not sure how useful it'll be).
Bro DaScolda, I have just upped you this morning (Have to wait 24 hours before I can up anyone again, you see).

This Mistress Camilla sure sounds interesting. I look forward to reading your FR.
Old 22-03-2011, 09:08 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by submarine View Post
Thanks to Bro 1987. This lady is indeed quite a gem and I had a very enjoyable time with her.

Looks - 8/10 (IMHO...I love this kind of looks)
Figure - 8/10 (Just the right size for a dominatrix. Neither thin nor fat). If she puts on her dominatrix garb (which she currently dosen't have), I think she will strike a very imposing figure.
Attitude - 9/10 (accomodating and certainly not like many dommes with bigtime attitudes from CM)

She came dressed in a simple Tee and a short skirt. The moment I saw her, I was thinking that she looked prettier than I have expected her to be. Certainly younger and better looking than the average SG girl, and she has the boobs to boot as well.

Nice skin and a figure that is just right. Her figure reminds me of Mistress Natsuki from Japan (for the bros who have seen her videos or seen her live, you will know what I mean)

I requested for a softer SM session and got what I wanted. No prima donna attitude from her. She did what I requested of her perfectly. And I can see that she respects her clients' wishes and tries her best to suit her client and make him happy.

Too bad she will be leaving our shores soon, if she is staying in SG, I will certainly RTBD.

Honestly, she is the first domme (excluding the Japanese ones I tried in Tokyo) that really knows what I want. You guys should know the feeling. It isn't easy to strike it off with a domme mentally, especially during the 1st or 2nd session, but with her, it seems that she knows my desires and could script the session accordingly based on my response and reaction.

Dmg - 100 + 20 tips for such an enjoyable session
Room - 20

RTBD - hell yes..i will need a longer session also.
Bro submarine, thanks for your sharing! At $100 per hour, this lady is indeed value for money. Her accommodating attitude is something I wish all dominatrix, professional or otherwise, will have. It is a pity she is leaving Singapore so soon though.

In my search in GL for streetwalkers wearing boots to kick me, there are times that there are either no streetwalker wearing the kind of boots I like or if there were such streetwalkers wearing the kind of boots I like, they rejected me. Yes, I do get rejected by the streetwalkers as they are not comfortable hurting me.

Hence as a last resort, I will go for streetwalkers wearing normal high heels. My most memorable streetwalker (who was not wearing boots) was wearing a pair of dark brown round toe high heels when I approached her. Similar to your experience with this lady in your FR, she knew exactly what I want despite being a newbie (she has never kicked before) and gave me such a good time that I extended my session with her. This is the one and only time I have ever extended my session with any GL streetwalker.

It is a pity I never saw her again in GL after that extended session.
Old 22-03-2011, 10:20 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Hi all,

Okay, I'm unable to locate the exact post which led to Ms Camilla, but if I'm not wrong her number was posted on the BBS. This was around late 2008, I think. Gave her a call, and found that she was actually staying at M Hotel.

Over our short conversation on the line, I asked about the kind of services she offered. She was quite vague (even with the kind of toys she brought), but the tribute was clear. $400 for a one-hour session. That was really steep, but hey, I'd try anything once if it has to do with my fetish:P

She SMSed me the room number of the hotel and we set a time for me to arrive and wait outside. I soon realised why I needed to wait. There were other guys (yes, plural) in that room having their needs met too:P

About 15 mins after I arrived, the door opened a crack and short Filipino lady in a corset, black stockings and heels signalled me to enter. So this was Mistress Camilla. She looked young and attractive, but something about her gave me the "transsexual" vibe. I was actually quite reluctant, but I decided on the spot to go along with session.

I was quickly ushered into the toilet and made to sit on the bowl in the dark. She whispered in my ear to be quiet, while she reached into my shirt and squeezed my nipples really hard. I winced at the unexpected assault. After that, she ran her hands all over me, like a pat-down, stopping at my crotch for a brief squeeze before making sure I was clean. She told me to stay put and left the toilet.

I could hear some other voices outside, probably the earlier guys finishing up their session. I realised that there was another lady in that room, but I'm not sure why the BBS message didn't mention it. Or maybe it did, but I didn't notice coz I was only focused on the contact number:P

Anyway, the other voices eventually stopped and I heard the room door open and close. Mistress Camilla then entered the dark toilet and told me to take off my shoes and kneel on the floor. I was made to crawl out of the toilet and towards the bed. From my observations, the room was really nice. I managed to confirm the existence of another lady, she was seated at a corner surfing the net on a laptop. She was probably the one who posted the entry.

Old 22-03-2011, 10:48 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Mistress Camilla (Part 2)

While I was crawling towards the bed, Ms Camilla sat down at the edge and dangled her stockinged and heeled feet in front of me. I immediately started worshipping them, and removed the shoes with my mouth. As I progressed up her calves, she told me to stop and remove all my clothes immediately. I quicky complied and soon I was naked, my clothes and belongings in a heap.

She made me stand facing the wall with my hands and legs outstretched. Suddenly, I felt a whip crack across my butt! I dont know where that cat-of-nine-tails came from, but it hurt! The whipping continued for a bit, with her taunting me at every stroke about what a naughty boy I was. In the middle of this, she received a call on her cellphone (another customer, no doubt). She stopped whipping me to converse with the caller, but she still ran the whip around my thighs and crotch. I really wished she had tied me up or something, but unfortunately nothing of the sort happened throughout the session

After the whipping, I was told to face the bed. Ms Camilla was on all fours on the bed, and told me to worship her ass. I complied enthusiastically, running my hands all over her stockinged legs while kissing her butt cheeks. It was here that I tried to ascertain whether she was indeed a transgender, but as I my hands progressed between her thighs, she slapped them away and told me to keep them behind my back while worshipping her petite behind.

When that was over, I was made to go on all fours on the floor and she rode me around the room, whipping my ass telling me to go faster. Occasionally, she fondled my privates as well. After about 5 mins of this, she decided that it was time for my release (I was noticeably quite hard).

She instructed me to crawl to the toilet and sit on the bowl with my hands behind my back. Then she kneeled in front of me and proceeded to jerk me off. I soon came all over her breasts. She then stood up and pressed my face into her chest, telling me to lick every drop of sperm off her breasts. I wasn't expecting that, but it was a nice touch:P

After that, she told me to shower and get dressed. The session was over, apparently. I thanked her, paid her and left. The other lady in the room observed our session throughout, but she never participated. I'm wondering if I should've suggested it, but I knew that I didn't have enough cash on me:P

As it turned out, the whole session was less than an hour (including the time I was made to wait in the toilet). So at $400, it was definitely not value for money Still, it was an experience, and as you bros already know, such experiences are indeed hard to come by.
Old 22-03-2011, 10:55 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Walnutt View Post
KBearSg, here is Ms Len's website address, very nice by the way... I was told that she is back this week also, yesterday I think??? I am hoping that her schedual allows for some fun and games,
Thank you so much!
Old 22-03-2011, 04:27 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by DaScolda View Post
Mistress Camilla (Part 2)

While I was crawling towards the bed, Ms Camilla sat down at the edge and dangled her stockinged and heeled feet in front of me. I immediately started worshipping them, and removed the shoes with my mouth. As I progressed up her calves, she told me to stop and remove all my clothes immediately. I quicky complied and soon I was naked, my clothes and belongings in a heap.

She made me stand facing the wall with my hands and legs outstretched. Suddenly, I felt a whip crack across my butt! I dont know where that cat-of-nine-tails came from, but it hurt! The whipping continued for a bit, with her taunting me at every stroke about what a naughty boy I was. In the middle of this, she received a call on her cellphone (another customer, no doubt). She stopped whipping me to converse with the caller, but she still ran the whip around my thighs and crotch. I really wished she had tied me up or something, but unfortunately nothing of the sort happened throughout the session

After the whipping, I was told to face the bed. Ms Camilla was on all fours on the bed, and told me to worship her ass. I complied enthusiastically, running my hands all over her stockinged legs while kissing her butt cheeks. It was here that I tried to ascertain whether she was indeed a transgender, but as I my hands progressed between her thighs, she slapped them away and told me to keep them behind my back while worshipping her petite behind.

When that was over, I was made to go on all fours on the floor and she rode me around the room, whipping my ass telling me to go faster. Occasionally, she fondled my privates as well. After about 5 mins of this, she decided that it was time for my release (I was noticeably quite hard).

She instructed me to crawl to the toilet and sit on the bowl with my hands behind my back. Then she kneeled in front of me and proceeded to jerk me off. I soon came all over her breasts. She then stood up and pressed my face into her chest, telling me to lick every drop of sperm off her breasts. I wasn't expecting that, but it was a nice touch:P

After that, she told me to shower and get dressed. The session was over, apparently. I thanked her, paid her and left. The other lady in the room observed our session throughout, but she never participated. I'm wondering if I should've suggested it, but I knew that I didn't have enough cash on me:P

As it turned out, the whole session was less than an hour (including the time I was made to wait in the toilet). So at $400, it was definitely not value for money Still, it was an experience, and as you bros already know, such experiences are indeed hard to come by.
Bro DaScolda, thanks for your very well-written FR on Mistress Camilla. $400 for 1 hour session sounds expensive to me. I think most dominatrix charge about half of that.

If you are still looking for your BDSM fix (at more affordable prices), may I suggest you look for either bro 1987's contact, Queen Ke Er, at $100 per hour or sign up for the Prison Roleplay event organised by Mistress Minky at $200 per person.
Old 22-03-2011, 04:42 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by 1987 View Post
helped her created an account at cm,
Bro 1987, you are good! Yes I have seen that CM account that you have created for her. Is she going to see the messages that she might receive or are you going to translate for her?

On a separate note, I have arranged a session with her - she has told me that she is willing to kick my balls with her boots. Not too sure what kind of boots it is for now except it is black in colour.

This means we have up to 24 dominatrix to choose from now till April!

(A) From, we have a total of 13 dominatrix comprising of:
1. Mistress Minky aka Minky ($400/2hrs)
2. Miss Len aka divinemercy ($400/2hrs)
3. Mistress Shannon Ohio aka MistressOfMind ($500/2hrs)
4. Miss Cruela aka mizzcruela ($250/2-3hrs)
5. Miss Fiona aka NoirRascal ($400/2hrs)
6. Mistress Kimmee aka Kimmee ($250/2hrs with subsequent hr at $100)
7. Mistress Maxim aka Amazingasia ($200-$250/2hrs)
8. Mistress Francesca aka MissFrancesca85 aka Rachel from Rachel stables ($200/hr)
9. Miss Bitchevon aka bitchevon (not a pro-domme so ask at your own risk)
10. Miss Unice aka Unice
11 Mistress Sophie L aka mistresssophieL ($150/hr)
12. PRC Mistress known as Caning4u ($100/session)
13. SM Queen Ke Er aka queenKeer ($100/hr) - leaving in April 2011 though so be quick to catch her!

(B) For FL in SBF, we have 2 currently:
1. Mistress Sin Cee Cee ($200/90min - promo price)
2. Mistress Wu Ze Tian

(C) From HC, we have a total of 3:
1. Sophie from ? HC
2. Pearly from Youth HC
3. Jess from Youth HC

(D) From GL, we have a total of 3:
1. Cindy, L28H37 (GL150)
2. Yingzhi, L18H05 (GL150)
3. G88, WH08 ($50) - previously a showgirl at Bangkok's Soi Cowboy

(E) From overseas, we have 3 dominatrix coming to Singapore next month:
1. Mistress Suniya (Thailand) - 18th to 25th April 2011
2. Thaidomina's Mistress Nurie and Mistress Jasmine - 25th to 30th April 2011

(F) In Singapore, we have 1 Prison Roleplay event happening on 2 April 2011 at $200 per person
Old 22-03-2011, 10:45 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Hello Everyone,

This is my first post and I just wanted to say what a marvelous and cool thread this is.

Thanks to everyone for all their contributions and in depth descriptions of their experiences.

So I can contribute something here and give back a little bit ... I can fully recommend Mistress Jasmine from I had two sessions with her this past weekend and ...

Old 22-03-2011, 11:29 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Mistress Carmella is a transexual domme from the philipines. I believe that was who you met a few years ago i.e. Camilla.

She is now cheaper than 400 a session and usually stays in Balestier when in singapore. She advertises on collarme (trans section) and has a website:

Thigh boots, latex, toys and really very professional if anyone is up for a transexual mistress
I think she may be in singapore at the moment.
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