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Old 07-08-2005, 09:14 PM
euks euks is offline
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Re: 66A G12,G13

Hmmm, people don't seems to bother to read anymore.

KELFON just wrote a very suspicious field report on G12
where ZenneZ pointed out how is it possible that G12 started smsing him mushy messages 1 month before KELFON fucked G12.

So obviously, Kelfon has not been honest in his field report and most probably has his own malicious agenda.

But either Kelfon is dumb or very short sighted, he address ZenneZ (who exposed him) as brudder and gave an irrelevant reply.

With all these going on, Cebeion comes in and ask about G12 feedback.

Originally Posted by cebeion
Yo brudders,

Went to above house saw G12,13 look quite sweet, any brudders tested them? can give feedback?

I have tried G1 at this house, shes ok only lah...
Old 07-08-2005, 09:44 PM
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Re: 66A G12,G13

Originally Posted by euks
Hmmm, people don't seems to bother to read anymore.

KELFON just wrote a very suspicious field report on G12
where ZenneZ pointed out how is it possible that G12 started smsing him mushy messages 1 month before KELFON fucked G12.

So obviously, Kelfon has not been honest in his field report and most probably has his own malicious agenda.

But either Kelfon is dumb or very short sighted, he address ZenneZ (who exposed him) as brudder and gave an irrelevant reply.

With all these going on, Cebeion comes in and ask about G12 feedback.
OKT cannot force ask to bonk, same like we cannot force people to read also mah.


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Old 07-08-2005, 10:45 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

but now is the lunar 7 month don lnow whether buisness affected a not so do u guy go bonking at the g*o*t festival
Old 07-08-2005, 11:19 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by cuntarow
but now is the lunar 7 month don lnow whether buisness affected a not so do u guy go bonking at the g*o*t festival
More or less the business will be affected. But for my case, the show will still goes on.
Old 07-08-2005, 11:54 PM
zunbo zunbo is offline
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by Luna
More or less the business will be affected. But for my case, the show will still goes on.
That's mean u be going for Post Grad course.... hahahah
LIfe IS Short.... Njoy and most of all.... Never regrets cos U can never turn back time...
Old 08-08-2005, 08:30 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by KELFON
Tell too much wait brudders here go and ask the girl previously G6 case.....
But by telling who she is, you are helping her to make more money. By making more money quicker, maybe she can retire earlier. Right?
Old 08-08-2005, 08:32 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by jdi813
wah L18H30 ... haven't cheong there in ages ... last reg was the noriko fujiwara look alike, but beh kee no liao ... then was G26 and G11 ... last whack there was a one shot for both G2 and G5 ... after that neber step in there again

Now cutting back on cheonging but when i do i go back to re-exploring the old haunts like L6 and L8 again
Ha ha. G11 go back to take care of her child. Now I only go there to whack G2. Also changing from GL to HC.
Old 08-08-2005, 11:32 AM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Hi all, New here to the GL scene. Would like to ask you guys to recommend CAT40 girls.
Good looks and big boobs. thanx.

By the way, heard from a friend he fingered the girl's pussy during one of the sessions. Is this actually allowed? I thought they did not allow this as I recall from one of the threads.
Old 08-08-2005, 02:43 PM
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Re: 66A G12,G13

Originally Posted by euks
Hmmm, people don't seems to bother to read anymore.

KELFON just wrote a very suspicious field report on G12
where ZenneZ pointed out how is it possible that G12 started smsing him mushy messages 1 month before KELFON fucked G12.

So obviously, Kelfon has not been honest in his field report and most probably has his own malicious agenda.

But either Kelfon is dumb or very short sighted, he address ZenneZ (who exposed him) as brudder and gave an irrelevant reply.

With all these going on, Cebeion comes in and ask about G12 feedback.

okie, I lied in my statement in 'The Tirak Problem', the girl I actually referred to was G6 of 66A. I hide as I didn't want brudders here to go and ask her. The field report given on G12 was to the best I can remember, don't bother to convince people here to believe me also...dun believe, try her yourself and hope you sprain your 'kwe'....hahahahaha....You are more dumb than me...
Old 08-08-2005, 04:05 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by peterfish
But by telling who she is, you are helping her to make more money. By making more money quicker, maybe she can retire earlier. Right?
Is that what you did for your tirak last time?
Old 08-08-2005, 08:02 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Anyone have an FRs on girls at L16H14? There is a cutie no. 1 who used to work at Emmanuelle in BKK. Her name is Ae. Just curious to find out how she is doing.
Old 08-08-2005, 08:27 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by robbiesync
Hi all, New here to the GL scene. Would like to ask you guys to recommend CAT40 girls.
Good looks and big boobs. thanx.

By the way, heard from a friend he fingered the girl's pussy during one of the sessions. Is this actually allowed? I thought they did not allow this as I recall from one of the threads.
IRREVANT to ask lah...

Go down and walk, and see!
Fniger or not, lick or not, depends on individual. Theres a couple who even did arse licking. hehee~ U just have to try. and post FR. Condenm those bad ones so I can blacklist along with u.
Retired chiongster Genuinely selling this account for SGD600. Do leave pm.
Old 08-08-2005, 08:58 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Just hear from my friends that he have tried G21 of L18 my frd is not a his description to me is that the girl have good figure..very GF feel and veri accomodating to his fingering ,kissing ...etc..just wonder any bros have try already???....would try myself later..coz pocket burnt one big hole liao and provide FR who have tried can maybe let us have a brief FR...boleh???..Th anks
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Old 08-08-2005, 09:33 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by spidey2278
Just hear from my friends that he have tried G21 of L18 my frd is not a his description to me is that the girl have good figure..very GF feel and veri accomodating to his fingering ,kissing ...etc..just wonder any bros have try already???....would try myself later..coz pocket burnt one big hole liao and provide FR who have tried can maybe let us have a brief FR...boleh???..Th anks
U another one. Your friend try already give you FR, you ask us again? I thought you can just call your friend and ask him for more detailed one.


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Old 08-08-2005, 10:08 PM
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Re: Geylang's $40 Thai Reports

Originally Posted by siamcutey
U another one. Your friend try already give you FR, you ask us again? I thought you can just call your friend and ask him for more detailed one.

don't be confused just trying to share a gem my friend tried that i said he is not a samster and his FR not the same as bro provide here mah! and also to verify the authenicity mah.. knw..
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