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Old 04-09-2002, 02:45 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: FR on Teacher by bro xiao zhu

Originally posted by ming

Bro Xiao_zhu

Did you notice someone today that actual look alike my avatar.......that's me.........kekeke.......btw i am in a hurry so never come and siad hi to you lah..............
is me. i quietly reading newspaper only. i am the one!!!
Old 04-09-2002, 02:57 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: FR on Teacher by bro xiao zhu

Originally posted by Archer

is me. i quietly reading newspaper only. i am the one!!!

Bro Archer

I don't see you reading newsapaper today busy preparing food specially for???????kekeke...............So caring n loving............btw you like to offer food lah.......last time i see you offering time i also must learn lah........good food people don't resist...........
Lies are always sweet n the truth will only hurts. Enjoys when we can.

Old 04-09-2002, 03:03 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: FR on Teacher by bro xiao zhu

Originally posted by ming

Bro Archer

I don't see you reading newsapaper today busy preparing food specially for???????kekeke...............So caring n loving............btw you like to offer food lah.......last time i see you offering time i also must learn lah........good food people don't resist...........
of course, good food will make them remember too. give some sweet to your black cat, she will not forget u for sure.
Old 04-09-2002, 03:13 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: FR on Teacher by bro xiao zhu

Originally posted by Archer

of course, good food will make them remember too. give some sweet to your black cat, she will not forget u for sure.
Bro Archer

Seldom see you so late still in the forum? Why regret for not reading the newspaper???????kekeke.............Cannot be so cheap-skate to the gals lah...............only to bros $1 chicken rice can..............I must offer something special mah......
Lies are always sweet n the truth will only hurts. Enjoys when we can.

Old 04-09-2002, 09:59 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Greedy Whipper!

Originally posted by cuntking
bro xiao zhu, I may be crazy for MILK but you no need to buy 1 litre of REAL fresh milk to HQ ...... trying to be funny?

Wat lah i thought you really wan milk mah.......
Xiao_Zhu Fresh FR! Just like Just came out from Oven!
Pls Look Out!

Xiao_Zhu IS BACK NOW,Will Try to continue my Hot hot FR
Old 04-09-2002, 10:01 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: FR on Teacher by bro xiao zhu

Originally posted by ming

Bro Xiao_zhu

Did you notice someone today that actual look alike my avatar.......that's me.........kekeke.......btw i am in a hurry so never come and siad hi to you lah..............
NVM is ok cause i already know WHO are you kekekekee
Xiao_Zhu Fresh FR! Just like Just came out from Oven!
Pls Look Out!

Xiao_Zhu IS BACK NOW,Will Try to continue my Hot hot FR
Old 04-09-2002, 10:54 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Yi Yi at Tommy's

Originally posted by cuntking
bro jag, this gal, I can only sat one thing ...... EACH TO HIS OWN..... well the feedback from HQ is that half of them love her while the other half, normal or not sp good. Must try to know if she suits you.

bro trader have a very good FR on her here ......... btw bro trader nice meeting you ..... talking to you brings back good memories of my days in England ..... Blackburn, Blackburn ....... that year they beat MU and were the Champions!

Nice to meet you too KING!
had a good time at Tommy's (must have been 4 hours!)
no wonder some of the guys said this is King's 2nd home
Blackburn beating Man U??? Wah long time ago man :-)

About Yi Yi, I was one of those who posted a very positive FR just last week. I remember qualifying my FR by saying she was very very businesslike at the beginning. It took some time to chat her up and the service improved only as she became more comfy with me. That girl is definitely a looker but you guys should expect very SOP service unless you find a way to click with her.

If you want very good service (without actually doing any work!) then try Zhu Er (do it quick if you are interested). Many thanks to King for recommending her, makes me itchy to spend the rest of the week at Tommy's reading newspaper! My FR on Zhu Zhu will follow soon!
Old 04-09-2002, 11:43 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Great Celebrations

CHEAPO! ... at least a KFC two piece meal meh ... addicited to chickens .... ha ha ha

Originally posted by ming

Bro cuntking

Sure i will..........kekeke.............$1 chicken rice for all.......
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 04-09-2002, 12:03 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Great Celebrations

bro jag, the next celebration (hopefull tomorrow), sure invite you one ... errrr ... have you met bro hs or hustler before?

Originally posted by JaguarLuv

Curry???!!! *drool* and somemore cooked by a GL gal?? *envy* Kao... never invite me sia!
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 04-09-2002, 12:08 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Greedy Whipper!

bro xiao zhu, you are a nice guy but as my student, you must be smarter ... hee hee hee

Originally posted by Xiao_zhu
Wat lah i thought you really wan milk mah.......
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 04-09-2002, 12:30 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Greedy Whipper!

Originally posted by cuntking
bro xiao zhu, you are a nice guy but as my student, you must be smarter ... hee hee hee

As wat i said i still have alot more to learn...
But now i'm smarterr than last time kekekekeke 2days more
Xiao_Zhu Fresh FR! Just like Just came out from Oven!
Pls Look Out!

Xiao_Zhu IS BACK NOW,Will Try to continue my Hot hot FR
Old 04-09-2002, 12:32 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Yi Yi at Tommy's

bro trader, gald to know that you had a good time at HQ last night.

yes, my days in UK were quite long ago .... miss Soho .... ke ke ke

well again, each to his own .... waiting for your FR

Originally posted by trader

Nice to meet you too KING!
had a good time at Tommy's (must have been 4 hours!)
no wonder some of the guys said this is King's 2nd home
Blackburn beating Man U??? Wah long time ago man :-)

About Yi Yi, I was one of those who posted a very positive FR just last week. I remember qualifying my FR by saying she was very very businesslike at the beginning. It took some time to chat her up and the service improved only as she became more comfy with me. That girl is definitely a looker but you guys should expect very SOP service unless you find a way to click with her.

If you want very good service (without actually doing any work!) then try Zhu Er (do it quick if you are interested). Many thanks to King for recommending her, makes me itchy to spend the rest of the week at Tommy's reading newspaper! My FR on Zhu Zhu will follow soon!
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 04-09-2002, 01:36 PM
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Yoko L28 FR by bro muganshagwa

MuganShagwa FR @ HQ
Yoko 28(03092202)
Please Do Not Read first 2 paragraphs unless you're a newbie who wants to have an idea of life in Tommy'sIf not head for the FR directly

Today I headed for Tommy's house after logging on the CPU and checking for him. Read that he was down at The Club(my own term of HQ) It was 5 pm when I logged on and I basically took a short nap as I was actually tired but I could not miss the chance to meet CK and the homies, so left my residence at 1745 and reached Tommy's at 1800 plus. Woah, there were alot of guys(by my standards-my second time) and I walked up to Tommy and asked where was CK, Tommy told me it was the guy in black. Alamak?! Got couple of guys in black, can Gabra! Ok, nevermind finally got to meet the man himself and also the regulars in the forum. I must say that you guys and really friendly and warm. I totally enjoyed myself until I told Xiao_zhu that it reminded me of a Community Centre. It was really alot of good and fun conversation. I didn't even notice the time go by and CK and company were there to treat dinner. Ok, on to my field report before I get the flame thrower.

I was there looking for my intended target, but unfortunately, she was not there. It was the second time that I seeked out the the Vampire sucker but to no avail. Anyway, I asked the guys for their opinion and indicated that I wanted a Commando. Was given a few suggestions and decided upon Yoko 28.(Thanks CK for requesting for me-my china like cracked) I thought that it would be a breeze getting her but hey, i think I waited approximately 2 hours for her(from time of interest) Frankly speakin, the wait was not long as I had the chance to speak to the regulars and other guys there and time just flew by.

The Field Report

Yoko arrived and I guess she did look alittle mature but I was forwarned by the guys so it was A-OK. I took a piss(scared perhaps of her reputation) and then went to the room and waited for her. Her rapport with the guys are fantastic and so I waited in the room like Blur(Wahaha). She came in shortly and closed the door. I took a look at her and did a visual assetment of her. She was quite small built, matured looking(looks like those matured hairstylist that are pretty ok lookin) and legs were pretty skinny. Procedure of taking off clothes and showering with SOP action which is nothing actually. Proceeded to the bed to be anally violated. Oh yeah! She did that all right, she caressed my back and gave me a cat bathe. Her AR was kinda aggresive and it was fun. I forgot to mention, that there were abit of frenching before the Cat bath. Soon, I was asked to turn around and this was the part where she cat bathe me again and proceeded to the BBBJ. Woaha! Yoko was sure a veteran, the way she sucked, you should hear me suck my breath in. Deep throat, swirling tongue, sucking with pressure, abit of handjob. Woaha! Yummy! Next, she laid next to me and I frenched her and tried to rub her clit. I did not go down on her after feeling her cunt. It felt like a Veteran alright, so I passed and just licked her nipples. She went back to BBBJ(my fav) and I could have blown my load then, but I decided to ask her if I could piston her. She said sure. She capped me and she got on top, Holding my shoulders and squatting up and down, it sure felt good.Point aside-Working Ladies have this ability of variying cut pressure and speed) I wanted her to demonstrate her true skill before I came, so I asked her to change to doggy. Went in and I tried. I must say that her A-hole was huge and no, I did not try even though I heard that is permissable. Now, I think fatigue and my 3/10 skill kicked in and I started to get like Mista Softy. I told her if she could BBBJ me to completion(aka CIM) and she was most acommodating and motioned me to turn around. This has got to be one of the most memorable finalie

Yoko, did my dick in many patterns and pressure until at one stage, I nearly had a free sex change when she almost ripped my dick with her suction pressure-Yeooow! The defination of pain and pleasure sure was crystal clear in my mind.She finally found the right place and gave a couple of fakeo moans and I just released my load in her mouth. She told me it was alot and said I must not have sex for a long time and that she could tell I was tired(Wah, these gals PR are pretty good. Should be spin doctors) She cleaned up and I then was going to shower also when she said,"Puc Puc Poa?!" I like huh? So I said "Quack Quack Queck?!" Like chicken and duck communicating. language barrier. Actually she asked me to turn of the faulty bathroom light which was like disco light(when she was blowing me-the power of bj till the blub blow!) and offered to give me a nice massage. After a couple of quacks, I finally escomprehendo and I had my bones cracked in my body. Whew... was worried there for a while. Overall, it was a good session and like the good Lord Denning said, "In my mind....

Look 6.5/10-Has lips that can O-ring aka thick and matured look that I don't mind
Boobs-6/10 I think I will aquire CK taste for melons
Body 6/10-Body is alright. I'm just glad it's not wierd besides the enlarged A-hole(which bros widen it?! :P) Her cunt lips were hangin abit.
BBBJ-8.5/10 a very hard worker, open to suggestions and blew till she perspired
FJ-4/10-Ok, before you go what?! I must clarify that it was my fault as I became Mistar Softy and lost mood. So it's MY RATING. Not hers,I cannot judge
Attitude-8/10 Nice lady but langauge barrier
RTF-Not likely as I'm looking for my elusive gym babe and to get into the ring with her.

Overall, a very solid choice for a guy who did not have his target today. Very accomadating and pretty commando. Still not scary enough. I will stick to my mark.

Thanks for enduring my FR. More to come.

I would like to thank the guys in Tommy's for your patience, food and opinions that made my day! CuntKing, thanks for dinner too! Next time on me!

Nicks that I remember and had a pleasure meetin
-FatBastard-You so sexy!
-Humsap-insightful man
-Ah Des-You put older guys to shame
-Xiao_zhu-Up and cummin! You are the One!
-Scroller-Do Lunch and do after lunch
-Moonface-activate HQ active status!
-The rest that I may have left out unintentionally.

We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 04-09-2002, 06:33 PM
trader trader is offline
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Zhu Er FR

Finally had a chance to meet CuntKing and his merry punters on Tuesday evening. It was the L1612 Open house at Tommy's with good makan, great company and lovely women! My original intention was to pop over to say Hi to the King and have a good shag. Never intended to go in at 4pm and leave after 8pm! It was just too comfy sitting there chatting with the bros and doing some Geylang window shopping.

After getting an eyeful of East, Yoko (L28), Violet, Apple, Castle, MJ, etc..... I finally settle on Zhu Er. She had just finished a session and was sitting so sweetly having some makan. My well tuned punter instinct was signalling that Zhu Zhu would be a sooooooo sweet dish! Mr King confirmed this with a very high recommendation for Zhu Zhu.

She was sweet from start, holding my hand while leading me to the room. Once inside, we both undressed and proceeded to the shower. She was all smiles from the beginning to the end of the session. After tenderly (emphasis on tender!!) washing me up, she proceeded to give a warm water BBBJ right there in the shower! After lots of nice BBBJ and soapy body massage, we both dried up and got on the bed.

She had me face down on the bed and began her catbath. had my hard dick drilling into the mattress with her gentle tongue caress and BOOB caress all over my back! This was followed up with a very wet tongue thrusting AR. MAN was her tongue action good. after a good back job, I turned over and had a nice cuddle. got a chance to fondle that lovely silky milky skin (getting a hard on just recalling this!) This girl was damn considerate, stopping the action to clean out her mouth, so we could do som serious frenching. Had her tongue caressing all over my front, finally ending with a great BBBJ. She me worked up and ready to blow in no time! Had to stop the BJ and offer to eat that lovely pussy.

She has such a nicely trimmed bush, clean and sweet smelling! I quickly gave that pussy some serious tongue action. Must have found her spot as she began to moan and thrust that cunt into my face. Those moans were real as I tasted her juices flowing. No sign of KY anyway (my pet hate about working girls) Must have given her at least one powerful orgasm before I just had to fuck her! Got up and Thrust my hard dick into that delicious pussy. We fucked like lovers, missionary with 100% body to body contact. Fucked her cunt with my dick and her mouth with my tongue! Unfortunately missionary was the only position I got to, it felt so good I just wanted to stay in her all night! Wasn't long before I blew a gigantic load into her.

That sweet sweet girl thanked me for a good fuck and proceeded to clean me up. Even got a nice dick massage as she was commenting on the huge amount of sperm I let go. She was a real ball breaking turn on. Had some rest and chit chat as she was telling me about how great King and the guys are (definitely her preferred customers) Before she let me go have a wash, she insisted on giving a nice back rub. cracked all the bones in the right places and smoothed the aches with a silky body to body massage. She actually had me all hard again with the winding down massage!!! pity time was up or I would have jumped her again. Instead I had to settle for a tender soaping session in the shower.

Zhu Er

Face : 7/10 Not a fantastic looker, more the sweet girl next door
Body : 7/10 very nice with silky milky skin! just a little fleshy
Boobs : 6/10 about a handful for me, not quite good enough for the milk hungry!
Cat bath : 9/10 will give you a mind blowing tongue caress
AR 9/10 : usually not my fav thing but she does it so well
BBBJ : 9/10 loads of tongue, deep throating and suction
French : 9/10 very passionate like a lover
FJ : very very GF like, will hug you close like a lover
RTF : most definitely! Probably try and catch again before Sat

Summary : Not a great looker but very very service oriented. Must be one of the best GF experience available.
Old 04-09-2002, 06:44 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: FR on Teacher by bro xiao zhu

Originally posted by Xiao_zhu
NVM is ok cause i already know WHO are you kekekekee
Bro Xiao_zhu

How you know who i am.......kekeke..........who are those that suan you for going for two sessions............They all never go for two sessions before mah.............Each to his own cases...........Only you enjoy than you wolud know.........Well Done, when you going for your three or four sessions??????????hehehe.............
Lies are always sweet n the truth will only hurts. Enjoys when we can.

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