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Old 09-07-2009, 05:58 PM
warbird warbird is offline
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Smile Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime View Post
Hi Warbird, no need to take this literally. Happy here is construed as a state of being joyous and the feeling of contentment. You are internally satisfied that you have gotten a fair deal (or better yet – a good deal in your BY venture). You are glad that you are in an empowered position and that you cannot be bullied or ‘inveigled’ into submitting to her whims. Instead she has to cater to your whims!
This being said, do try to be open minded and think through my points:

1) First you should not even bother to “try”. Let your natural instincts take over. You should not be fixated over pleasuring her as it paradoxically puts pressure, stress and anxiety onto yourself. And this very anxiety will in turn ironically diminish your sexual performance.

To put it bluntly in another way, she is there to satisfy you and not vice versa. You tell her what you want, and she has to find within her means to deliver on your request.

2) Second, (now this is rather controversial), the idea of pleasuring a woman lie in the feminist indoctrination of sexual liberation. Women now accept that sex can be pleasurable in itself and not merely as a means for procreation.

Once this idea of women as a sexual being is generally taken as a truism, men foolishly take it one step further to their detriment. They placed it upon themselves to prove their masculinity by linking the sex act of bringing a woman into orgasm / satisfaction as an affirmation of their manhood. This is actually not good for the psyche as it is essentially a manifestation of a fragile ego.

And a fragile ego will emasculate you as it robs you of your confidence (which is by far the sexiest attribute that a man can have)

3) In general, women response to sex involves more than the physical. It is the confluence of the mental and psychological context that sets up the arousal reaction for them. (Read a Harlequin or Mills and Boons novel vis-à-vis Penthouse / Sammyboy forum to sense the differentiation).

In other words, what I am suggesting here that its not where and how to touch that is important into bring her into heighten state of arousal, but rather in how you bring her into a sexual context that will trigger the biggest response.

Of course, I am not dismissing the physical aspect. Too clumsy and “losing your way” on a woman’s physical terrain is one of the biggest turn-off ever for a woman. It shows you up as an inexperienced person (by implication cannot provide for her well being and hence undesirable).

So guys, you must know the minimum “technique” (which sadly many don’t) and be comfortable and confident with yourself and your body image. There is really no need to obsess about mastering the entire rituals of the Karma Sutra or even engage in transcendent sex.
For me personally, the axiom that mind the sexiest organ (the top head) rings very true. I had women discharging copious fluids by her giving me a blow job the way I want it (without me expanding any physical effort). I am a very lazy lover in terms of physical exertion but I know how to mouth things that I know would turn her on as she is performing fellatio on me.

Trust me on that, a lot of women get off by giving pleasure to a man. Sometimes to the throes of quivering orgasm even with only limited physical contact. This is especially so for a man whom they hold in high regard (such as a Patron).

Seen or know any fat bastard tycoons (that you just know don’t have the physical wherewithal for hot pulsating sex) and yet women confide that they are good lovers? It mind fuck – and woman cannot tell the difference simply because of their different paradigm in viewing sex
Hi bro justime,

Thx so much for ur reply!

Some frens say that the sex organ of a gal is in her brain, hehehe.

Old 09-07-2009, 09:53 PM
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Re: Mistress

Bro Justime and all others,

You may want to be careful about Nitric oxide. For me, Cod Liver Oil works, It has Vitamin A, which boosts testosterone.

Just Say NO!

by Cory Mermer

Excess NO may be responsible for causing glaucoma and possibly other conditions: how to address this naturally: There has been much publicity in the press recently about a finding that many people suffering with chronic open angle glaucoma (COAG) have excessive levels of Nitric Oxide (NO) (Neufeld 97).

By reducing these levels through drugs, researchers were able to reduce the damage caused by increased intraocular pressure to the optic nerves in rats (Neufeld 99). There is now a rush by pharmaceutical companies, to get a NO-blocking drug approved for the treatment of COAG. However, there seems to be little interest in finding out what is really causing these levels to be so high in the first place. Since artificially suppressing any natural physiological response of the body is bound to have unintended consequences.

Nitric Oxide:

Information about this neurotransmitter is still not fully known, since it was only first identified in 1987 (Ignarro, 1987), resulting in the authors receiving the 1989 Nobel Prize in Science. Nitric Oxide is made, at various sites in the body, from L-arginine. It serves many functions, such as inducing vasodilatation, controlling intragastric pressure, facilitating dilation of the uterus during pregnancy, inhibiting bone resorption, is essential for producing and maintaining an erection, and kills bacteria, fungi, and even tumor cells. However, it is also very dangerous at high levels, being a potent nitrogen free radical. It actually has the capacity to kill neurons and is thought to be responsible for much of the degeneration that occurs after strokes and in some diseases of the nervous system.

What are some of the possible causes of increased NO levels?

Based on current knowledge and available research, there are several factors which may cause or contribute to elevated NO levels:

Allergies (histamine)
Poor iron status
Hypoxia (oxygen deficiency)
Carbon monoxide exposure
Excess estrogen or 'estrogen dominance'

How can allergies cause increased NO levels? The answer is quite simple. It is common knowledge that allergies can cause elevated histamine levels, which is why antihistamine medications are such popular drugs. What is not widely known, is that histamine, in turn, stimulates a release of NO from various cells in the body (Mannaioni 97a, Mannaioni 97b, Champion 98).

It is actually proposed that some of the adverse effects of histamine, such as increasing permeability of the blood/brain barrier, are actually mediated by NO (Mayhan 96). Therefore, in individuals with allergies causing elevated histamine levels, addressing this problem may abrogate the need for pharmacologically reducing NO levels. Additionally, high histamine levels have been associated with of circulatory hypoxia, a condition that will be discussed further in another section (Sumina 78).

The question of how to address this problem can be done in several ways, the merits of which will not be explored now, since this is a topic which deserves more attention than can be given here:

Avoidance or reduction of allergens (e.g., dietary change, air filters, etc.)
Use of natural antihistamines (e.g., quercitin) (Bronner, Pearce)
Use of conventional antihistamine medications
Alternative allergy treatment (homeopathy, enzyme-potentiated desensitization)
Conventional allergy treatment
For those people with allergies, some of whom may not even know they have them, one or a combination of the above choices might help improve not just their allergic symptoms, but their overall health as well. Of course, in order to adequately address the allergy problem, it must be properly diagnosed by a qualified clinician.

Poor iron status

Another possible cause of increased NO is decreased iron levels. One of the reasons for this is that hemoglobin and other iron-containing compounds bind to NO in the blood, rendering it inactive.

Poor iron status and anemia may result from dietary insufficiency, not only of iron, but of folic acid and vitamin B-12 as well. Particularly in the elderly, B-12 deficiency is not uncommon. This is most likely due to an age-related decline in the production of Intrinsic Factor, a glycoprotein secreted by cells in the gastric mucosa, necessary for the proper absorption of B-12. Those at greatest risk for a deficiency of iron and B-12 are vegetarians and those with a diet very low in meat, the best source of B-12. However, deficiencies can be pharmacologically induced as well. As an example, drugs taken for gastrointestinal problems, such as the popular omeprazole (Prilosec in the US, Losec in Canada), are known to reduce B-12 absorption significantly, possibly by reducing IF levels (Marcuard 94).

Even in people with normal hemoglobin levels, their iron stores may be less than optimal. Many physicians feel that this is more accurately assessed through the evaluation of serum ferritin levels. Ferritin is the major iron storage protein, conserving it for use as needed, in the cells. It also serves other functions, such as protecting against certain free radicals, such as oxidized iron and peroxides, and is essential for proper cell growth and proliferation.

Therefore, it is likely that adequate ferritin levels act to reduce some of the negative effects of excess NO through its antioxidant function. NO in turn, helps to protect against the release of oxidative free iron from iron-containing compounds (Puntarulo 97, Juckett 96)


In addition to resulting in reduced hemoglobin and ferritin levels, iron deficiency may cause elevated NO levels through another physiological mechanism by causing anemic hypoxia, or subnormal oxygen content in the blood. Hypoxia is known to cause a stimulation of NO production, which is most likely a defense or survival mechanism of the body, which produces the NO to relax the blood vessels in order to supply more oxygenated blood to the tissues.

Other forms of hypoxia may also be present and have this effect as well. For example, diffusional hypoxia results from damaged pulmonary membranes and impaired lung function, as occurs with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (e.g., emphysema). Therefore lung diseases may cause elevated NO levels by causing chronic hypoxia.

As for natural treatments, some nutrients have been shown to enhance lung function. The most notable of these is N-acetylcysteine, commonly referred to as NAC.

Impaired lung function may also be pharmacologically induced with the use of common medications such as beta-blockers. These drugs have the potential to promote broncho-spasm and broncho-constriction. This class of drugs is often used for conditions such as hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, chronic angina pectoris, and others. Natural treatments of these conditions and elimination of the necessity of these drugs may therefore reduce NO levels.

Ironically, the most popular drugs in the treatment of COAG are beta-blocker eye-drops (e.g., Timolol). Therefore, it is possible that this type of treatment could raise NO levels and actually increase the risk of damage to the optic nerve. Additionally, if those glaucoma subjects in the study by Neufeld et al were being treated with these medications, it is possible that the elevated NO was not a result of the condition, but rather the treatment.

A condition of circulatory hypoxia, resulting from excessive vasoconstriction or myocardial insufficiency, can also cause an increase in NO levels. Magnesium has been shown to ease vasoconstriction, and other cardio-protective nutrients, such as coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine, Taurine, etc. may prove helpful for myocardial insufficiency.


Recently, estrogen has been shown to enhance the bioactivity of NO (Blum 98). There are several ways that women can wind up with excessive estrogen levels or an imbalance in the hormonal system, causing an "estrogen dominance" situation.

One is that women on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may not have their hormone levels properly monitored and may be given doses that cause levels to rise too high. Also, the most popular estrogen used, Premarin, is obtained from horses and has a completely different composition than human estrogen, with much more potent estrogenic effects. There are an increasing number of doctors who are using "natural" hormone replacement therapy and custom tailoring the composition and dosages to their patients.

It is also possible that excessive estrogenic activity is being induced in the body through estrogen-mimicking environmental pollutants. There may be some detoxification and lifestyle modification procedures (e.g., eating organically, avoidance of plastics, etc.) that can reduce these effects. Another possibility is a hormonal imbalance between estrogen and progesterone.

Possible Dangers of Suppressing Nitric Oxide

Any drug that is developed to suppress NO production, in the hope of treating COAG or any other condition, could have many adverse effects, due to the many functions of the neurotransmitter. For example, NO plays an important role in controlling feto-placental circulation during pregnancy (Izumi 96), making it's use during pregnancy potentially dangerous. Suppression of NO could theoretically cause other problems such as impotence or sexual dysfunction, elevated blood pressure, digestive disturbances, increased susceptibility to infection, and even increased risk of cancer.
Old 10-07-2009, 11:04 AM
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Smile Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by golfnut View Post
Bro Justime and all others,

You may want to be careful about Nitric oxide. For me, Cod Liver Oil works, It has Vitamin A, which boosts testosterone.

Just Say NO!

by Cory Mermer

Excess NO may be responsible for causing glaucoma and possibly other conditions: how to address this naturally: There has been much publicity in the press recently about a finding that many people suffering with chronic open angle glaucoma (COAG) have excessive levels of Nitric Oxide (NO) (Neufeld 97)............................................... ......

Any drug that is developed to suppress NO production, in the hope of treating COAG or any other condition, could have many adverse effects, due to the many functions of the neurotransmitter. For example, NO plays an important role in controlling feto-placental circulation during pregnancy (Izumi 96), making it's use during pregnancy potentially dangerous. Suppression of NO could theoretically cause other problems such as impotence or sexual dysfunction, elevated blood pressure, digestive disturbances, increased susceptibility to infection, and even increased risk of cancer.
Thx for the info.

But under normal conditions, for most men who r older than 40, there is not enough NO in the blood vessels, especially in the penile circulation. Most supplements n herbs r weak boosters of NO. Viagra n Cialis r much more potent...

Hi bro justime,

I may not want to BY JJ.

She has been delaying her medical exam n blood tests at DSC, something she promised to do over a wk ago. Although it's not that important to me as I always practice safe sex, I feel that she has breached the terms of our agreement.

We exchanged a no of SMS-es yesterday. She told me that she is having her big auntie n abd cramps n would get the tests in a few days. I more or less ORDERED her to get them today or else. She was displeased, accusing me of being mean n insensitive.

She wrote, 你不懂对女孩子要温柔一点吗? I didn't fall into the trap of agreeing w/ her.

I replied, 我是不懂,我只知道君子一诺千金, meaning that I'm not a sensitive, wussy beta male who will agree w/ whatever she says, instead I'm a man whose words r as good as gold (one essential attribute of a dominant male). I also implies that she has reneged on her promise by delaying the tests. I know her respect n attraction (especially at the subconscious level) for me, if there was very little before, has just shot up. She suddenly became very affable n tender n admitted that perhaps she was overly sensitive n she would get the tests done ASAP.

There is one other thing I dislike abt her. She has a large tattoo which covers almost 1/4 of her otherwise nice ass n beautiful body!

BTW, I did give her a nice deposit plus fees to cover the blood tests the other day, in exchange for spending 2 hrs in a hotel rm. IMHO, it's a fair deal for both parties. So when I tell her I'm not going to BY her, she shouldn't be upset. I'll offer my continued friendship n will try to help her get some business at DC if she wants.

Also, my 1st BAO-ee, the 21 yo Fujian student, sent me a sms last night that she had just returned from China...hmmm. She had previously avoided me as if I was a leper after I abruptly terminated my patronage when she refused to go to a hotel rm after dinner. She hated me so much that she gave up a steady stream of income from TAM n DC n went to work at a smaller joint. But I continued to send her SMS-es on a weekly basis...If I do re-BAO her, firstly, I want to make sure she service me well n secondly, I want her to fall in love w/ me n beg me to make love to her, hehehe.

Thx n good day!!
Old 11-07-2009, 01:46 AM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by golfnut View Post
Bro Justime and all others,

You may want to be careful about Nitric oxide. For me, Cod Liver Oil works, It has Vitamin A, which boosts testosterone.

Just Say NO!

Thanks golfnut for the info. Appreciate it very much. Don't know whether the NO has a "placebo" effect on me - but I do feel a little more energetic after taking it for about one month. (I since have been taking NO for about a year already ... without any adverse effects watsoever).

Anyway, in the light of this new information, I may just desist taking NO for a couple of months (once I finish my current bottle) to see whether it this will impair and/or impact me adversely.

Medical findings always so contradictory. One minute coffee is said to prevent alzheimer's, and then another study from an equally respected medical study disclaims this and say that caffeine promotes dementia. (The same for the case of egg yolk - one study its good for you while another contradicts it ... and both from Lancet like medical authority!).

Certain Food is deem carcinogenic and then later retracted. Heard from my doctor friend that there are even some studies that show that anti-oxidents has a contary effect and actually facilitates cancer . .... well perhaps what you consume and in what quantities is casino-genic. Literally like a gamble.

Anyway, thanks once again for your research and for posting the information golfnut!
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."
Old 11-07-2009, 02:16 AM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
I may not want to BY JJ.

She has been delaying her medical exam n blood tests at DSC, something she promised to do over a wk ago. Although it's not that important to me as I always practice safe sex, I feel that she has breached the terms of our agreement.

We exchanged a no of SMS-es yesterday. She told me that she is having her big auntie n abd cramps n would get the tests in a few days. I more or less ORDERED her to get them today or else. She was displeased, accusing me of being mean n insensitive.

She wrote, 你不懂对女孩子要温柔一点吗? I didn't fall into the trap of agreeing w/ her.

I replied, 我是不懂,我只知道君子一诺千金, meaning that I'm not a sensitive, wussy beta male who will agree w/ whatever she says, instead I'm a man whose words r as good as gold (one essential attribute of a dominant male). I also implies that she has reneged on her promise by delaying the tests. I know her respect n attraction (especially at the subconscious level) for me, if there was very little before, has just shot up. She suddenly became very affable n tender n admitted that perhaps she was overly sensitive n she would get the tests done ASAP.

There is one other thing I dislike abt her. She has a large tattoo which covers almost 1/4 of her otherwise nice ass n beautiful body!

BTW, I did give her a nice deposit plus fees to cover the blood tests the other day, in exchange for spending 2 hrs in a hotel rm. IMHO, it's a fair deal for both parties. So when I tell her I'm not going to BY her, she shouldn't be upset. I'll offer my continued friendship n will try to help her get some business at DC if she wants.

Also, my 1st BAO-ee, the 21 yo Fujian student, sent me a sms last night that she had just returned from China...hmmm. She had previously avoided me as if I was a leper after I abruptly terminated my patronage when she refused to go to a hotel rm after dinner. She hated me so much that she gave up a steady stream of income from TAM n DC n went to work at a smaller joint. But I continued to send her SMS-es on a weekly basis...If I do re-BAO her, firstly, I want to make sure she service me well n secondly, I want her to fall in love w/ me n beg me to make love to her, hehehe.
* Clap! Clap! Your response toward JJ is exactly what I am trying to communicate with regards to handling woman. Don't be bullied and take no crap from them. Paradoxically this will win their respect and you appear more attractive in their eyes!

Anyway, as I mentioned to you in PM, whether you want to take JJ into the next level or discard her to move on, its your absolute perogative. Whatever that you think is in your best interest is the one I support.

Don't want to delve into the metaphysics and such, but in my personal experience, once you have that "attitude", it somehow magnetises you and draw new woman unto you (or old flames back). Previously luke warm response turn red-hot desire etc ....

Warbird, you may not know it, but you have imbibed some of the key principles here in the thread and have turn you into a raging Romeo.

Without you being over conscious about the processes, you internalised the message, went out to field for experiential validation and reaped the benefits. I doubt you will be so traumatised or manipulated like in the case of your first BY foray.

All in all ... my heartiest congratulations!
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."
Old 11-07-2009, 09:54 AM
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Smile Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime View Post
* Clap! Clap! Your response toward JJ is exactly what I am trying to communicate with regards to handling woman. Don't be bullied and take no crap from them. Paradoxically this will win their respect and you appear more attractive in their eyes!

Anyway, as I mentioned to you in PM, whether you want to take JJ into the next level or discard her to move on, its your absolute perogative. Whatever that you think is in your best interest is the one I support.

Don't want to delve into the metaphysics and such, but in my personal experience, once you have that "attitude", it somehow magnetises you and draw new woman unto you (or old flames back). Previously luke warm response turn red-hot desire etc ....

Warbird, you may not know it, but you have imbibed some of the key principles here in the thread and have turn you into a raging Romeo.

Without you being over conscious about the processes, you internalised the message, went out to field for experiential validation and reaped the benefits. I doubt you will be so traumatised or manipulated like in the case of your first BY foray.

All in all ... my heartiest congratulations!
Hi bro justime,

You r exactly right. I hv benefited greatly from reading n absorbing many of the BY principles n strategies u hv so eloquently expounded here. Plus the help of my "secret treatise" n NLP exercises......I'm now becoming a fearless, overconfident lao chi ko pek, hahaha.

BTW, I hv not decided on my future course of action w/ JJ. My only worry is that I may start missing her the day after I terminate my patronage. After all, she is very fair, tall n quite a looker. Despite her height, she can also be whimsical, very cute n alluring like a little gal...This also happened w/ my 1st BAO-ee.

Thx n have a great weekend!!
Old 11-07-2009, 11:43 PM
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Re: Mistress

This post and the next couple of posts will be a little “whimsical” to a certain extent. But it has an intended purpose. (Sorry for delaying Masterstroke yet again, but this is very important!)

In the course of writing this thread, I have several people contacting me about their particular situation. I want to do my level best to help, but sometimes I am operating on a very tight time constraint that does not quite allow me to give personalized attention. That being said, I will still try my best to assist whenever I can. So do contact me when you want some “wise counsel”.

What I want to put across is that time is really a great healer. I want to let you know that I am NOT always this composed and empowered. There was a time when I was very emotional and have no sense whatsoever about being empowered in a relationship. Hua, literally had to sit me down and share with me the lessons (some of which I am incorporating now in this thread). Hua’s wise counsel and life’s lesson literally saved me from doing personal violence against myself!

It is from this counseling session and heavy dose of self introspection that I had a life changing moment. I suddenly had a significant paradigm shift in how I look at life and relationship (from a self empowering perspective). This is where I made the most progress in terms of speed and alacrity to the empowered state that I am in currently. If you read my thread purposefully and with personal introspection, perhaps you too can have that moment. Or your personal growth might be more gradual – with incremental growth towards the goal of self empowerment!

To make things a little interesting, I shall share a little personal disclosure about myself. It was during a particular period of my life whereby my approach to relationship (and mistressing) was so disempowering. Learn from my failures / mistakes so that you need not suffer any unnecessary grief. (The time and energy used for coping from grief can be better applied elsewhere, like building a business or self development!)

As I am preparing my little story, let me refer to you another thread that I created at the Link and Picture Exchange Plaza at Sammyboy Forum.

Chloe, Kor-American SYT ("Pat's Dead Ringer)

The thread has no real bearing to the substance and content of what I am about to write except that the protagonist – Pat (who is my Thai ex-mistress) look remarkably like the girl, Chloe, in the picture. A real Dead Ringer, including that little ‘scar’ on that belly. Sort of like a “visual aid” for my story narrative.

See you in a bit!
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."
Old 12-07-2009, 01:03 AM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
BTW, I hv not decided on my future course of action w/ JJ. My only worry is that I may start missing her the day after I terminate my patronage. After all, she is very fair, tall n quite a looker. Despite her height, she can also be whimsical, very cute n alluring like a little gal...This also happened w/ my 1st BAO-ee.
1) Hi Warbird, as you know, I share your sense of aesthetics with regards to JJ. She really is beautiful in so many ways. As mentioned to you earlier in this thread, out of the many ladies I saw at Amani and Dong Men, JJ and XH are the only ones which I fancied.

Anyway, take your time in deciding. Be comforted that whatever your choice is, at least you had made love to her - which is a feat in itself as she is not the 'easy' sort! (We both know that some men spent oodles of cash, but have absolute no returns in physical intimacy).

2) Talking about beauty and sense of aesthetics, I don't have a particular type. It is transcient and shifts with different times of my life. My particular flavour is still "tall and fair".

Technically if I were to see Pat (the Chloe lookalike in my above post) who is a SYT, she may not make the impact like she did the last time (yes, albeit 15 years ago). Pat is definitely beautiful and desirable, and I still do remember every crevice and delicious curve about her like it was yesterday, but the same girl at different epoch of my life provokes different reaction and has different impact.

3) What is the implication of this? I am trying to make the point that impermanence and temporal nature of lust and the shifting sense in your sense of beauty*. (I speak from my perspective here)! The recognition of this fact can take away the power that a beautiful woman naturally command.

* You can and do get bored (not matter how beautiful your gal is). On the other side of the coin, Beauty can also "grow" on you.

4) So please remember that sense of beauty (as you define it internally in your mind and visceral) does shift. Remembering this adage, it can help you break that infatuation mode that a stunning and beautiful woman can command from you. "Weak in the presence of beauty" is unavoidable especially for a woman loving hetrosexual man who is into cheonging (I am one of them) - but the recognition of the transcient nature of how this beauty is defined can dilute the power of beauty a little.

And you want this mental weapon because you should take control of your emotional and rational self in the presence of beauty. (An over powering beauty can sometimes make you vulnerable because she catches you at a visceral level which many a times is more powerful than the mind!).


"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."
Old 12-07-2009, 01:21 PM
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Re: Mistress

The below story is dedicated to a “Thai champion” in Sammyboy’s Sex forum .. you know who you are! Do come out to share your interesting story if you are so inclined, I am sure we can help many brothers here see different dimensions on empowerment. I will dispense my “2 cents” within the confines of your story and apply the concept of empowerment in order that readers here can have a more through apprehension in the application of the concept.

In addition, just for you, I set up “visual surprise” in order to make the below story a little more delectable for you.

Originally Posted by justime View Post

To make things a little interesting, I shall share a little personal disclosure about myself. It was during a particular period of my life whereby my approach to relationship (and mistressing) was so disempowering. Learn from my failures / mistakes so that you need not suffer any unnecessary grief. (The time and energy used for coping from grief can be better applied elsewhere, like building a business or self development!)

As I am preparing my little story, let me refer to you another thread that I created at the Link and Picture Exchange Plaza at Sammyboy Forum.

Chloe, Kor-American SYT ("Pat's Dead Ringer)

The thread has no real bearing to the substance and content of what I am about to write except that the protagonist – Pat (who is my Thai ex-mistress) look remarkably like the girl, Chloe, in the picture. A real Dead Ringer, including that little ‘scar’ on that belly. Sort of like a “visual aid” for my story narrative.

See you in a bit!
Some factoids about the pictorial:

i) For those that do operate in the LOS (Land Of Smiles – Thailand), Chloe’s body type can be quite the norm. However, in Thailand they tend to be more tanned. In a quite a reversal however, Pat is actually fairer (albeit marginally) than Chloe.

Chloe’s sweet alluring features (“kawaii” like) appear also quite plentiful in Thailand. If this type of SYT appeals to your presence sense of aesthetics; you may want to consider visiting LOS.

ii) Yes, Pat too shares the “Bald Tiger” look in her groin area. I personally did her first shaving during the initial good times.

iii) And unfortunately down to the faintly visible ‘scars’ too. ( Read my story to find out).

Some important pointers to note:

1) An important point to note is that despite the different nationality and ethnic make up, the concept of empowerment that I talk about is still very much relevant and applicable. The use of a Tom Yum context as opposed to Dim Sum is just to add different flavouring (make the thread little more ‘colourful’ if you like!).

2) Yes, there will be certain cultural and social imperatives that are different. However, this is subsumed under “Principles of Empowerment”. The Principles of Empowerment still operate. I can vouch for that – in my relationship with Paeng (my current squeeze) and my other post Pat mistressing forays.

3) I have to go back a long way in narrating this story (think prequel!) - close to 15 years. This is because I have been operating under an empowered mode for many years now.

In spite of the intervening years with different mistress (between Pat and Paeng), my experience with Pat remains the most tumultuous by far! My relationship with Pat will therefore make an excellent case study on the don’ts when mistressing.

(I have since learnt a lot from this which I will share with you guys so that you can avoid the same mistakes I made – whether its PRC WL, Vietnamese mei-meis or Thai lasses).
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."
Old 12-07-2009, 03:20 PM
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Smile Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime View Post
What I want to put across is that time is really a great healer. I want to let you know that I am NOT always this composed and empowered. There was a time when I was very emotional and have no sense whatsoever about being empowered in a relationship. Hua, literally had to sit me down and share with me the lessons (some of which I am incorporating now in this thread). Hua’s wise counsel and life’s lesson literally saved me from doing personal violence against myself!

It is from this counseling session and heavy dose of self introspection that I had a life changing moment. I suddenly had a significant paradigm shift in how I look at life and relationship (from a self empowering perspective).....

To make things a little interesting, I shall share a little personal disclosure about myself. It was during a particular period of my life whereby my approach to relationship (and mistressing) was so disempowering. Learn from my failures / mistakes so that you need not suffer any unnecessary grief. (The time and energy used for coping from grief can be better applied elsewhere, like building a business or self development!)

As I am preparing my little story, let me refer to you another thread that I created at the Link and Picture Exchange Plaza at Sammyboy Forum.

Chloe, Kor-American SYT ("Pat's Dead Ringer)

The thread has no real bearing to the substance and content of what I am about to write except that the protagonist – Pat (who is my Thai ex-mistress) look remarkably like the girl, Chloe, in the picture....Sort of like a “visual aid” for my story narrative.
Very good bro. Yes, I'll remember to stay composed n empowered in a RS. Also, the one who cares the least controls the RS, hehehe.

Wow! Pat must be a very chio n sexy Thai gal!

Originally Posted by justime View Post
1) Hi Warbird, as you know, I share your sense of aesthetics with regards to JJ...

Anyway, take your time in deciding. Be comforted that whatever your choice is, at least you had made love to her - which is a feat in itself as she is not the 'easy' sort! (We both know that some men spent oodles of cash, but have absolute no returns in physical intimacy).

2) Talking about beauty and sense of aesthetics, I don't have a particular type. It is transcient and shifts with different times of my life. My particular flavour is still "tall and fair".

Technically if I were to see Pat (the Chloe lookalike in my above post) who is a SYT, she may not make the impact like she did the last time...

3) What is the implication of this? I am trying to make the point that impermanence and temporal nature of lust and the shifting sense in your sense of beauty*. (I speak from my perspective here)! The recognition of this fact can take away the power that a beautiful woman naturally command.

* You can and do get bored (not matter how beautiful your gal is). On the other side of the coin, Beauty can also "grow" on you............................

And you want this mental weapon because you should take control of your emotional and rational self in the presence of beauty.....
Hi bro justime,

Getting bored is an understatement.

I hv been afflicted w/ a psychological illness since I was a young man. I long to fxxk gals I can't get or who play very hard to get. The chase can be very thrilling n sexciting. However, as soon as soon as I get her pussy, my interest seems to deflate like a punctured balloon! It's akin to a severe case of buyer's remorse. Strangely, very soon after the breakup, I start craving for her pussy again. It's like a riding a roller coaster!

I'm going break this curse once n for all.

I may yet continue my patronage w/ JJ bcos she is my 2nd BAO-ee n I hv not spent so many intimate hrs w/ a gal (other than my OC) for decades. It would be a good learning experience, hahaha.

Originally Posted by justime View Post
The below story is dedicated to a “Thai champion” in Sammyboy’s Sex forum .. you know who you are! Do come out to share your interesting story if you are so inclined, I am sure we can help many brothers here see different dimensions on empowerment. I will dispense my “2 cents” within the confines of your story and apply the concept of empowerment in order that readers here can have a more through apprehension in the application of the concept.

In addition, just for you, I set up “visual surprise” in order to make the below story a little more delectable for you.

Some factoids about the pictorial:
3) I have to go back a long way in narrating this story (think prequel!) - close to 15 years. This is because I have been operating under an empowered mode for many years now.

In spite of the intervening years with different mistress (between Pat and Paeng), my experience with Pat remains the most tumultuous by far! My relationship with Pat will therefore make an excellent case study on the don’ts when mistressing.

(I have since learnt a lot from this which I will share with you guys so that you can avoid the same mistakes I made – whether its PRC WL, Vietnamese mei-meis or Thai lasses).
Hi bro justime,

I can't wait for ur case studies....should also consider a "mistress clinic." Hahaha.

I do hv a question. Do u pay a monthly "retainer" to ur mistress even though she is thousands of miles away? My 1st BAO-ee wants me to keep sending her some money (not the full amt she is getting in SGP) after she returns to China.

Old 12-07-2009, 05:38 PM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
Yes, I'll remember to stay composed n empowered in a RS. Also, the one who cares the least controls the RS, hehehe.

Wow! Pat must be a very chio n sexy Thai gal!

..... Getting bored is an understatement.

I hv been afflicted w/ a psychological illness since I was a young man. I long to fxxk gals I can't get or who play very hard to get. The chase can be very thrilling n sexciting. However, as soon as soon as I get her pussy, my interest seems to deflate like a punctured balloon! It's akin to a severe case of buyer's remorse. Strangely, very soon after the breakup, I start craving for her pussy again. It's like a riding a roller coaster!

I'm going break this curse once n for all.

I may yet continue my patronage w/ JJ bcos she is my 2nd BAO-ee n I hv not spent so many intimate hrs w/ a gal (other than my OC) for decades. It would be a good learning experience, hahaha.

I do hv a question. Do u pay a monthly "retainer" to ur mistress even though she is thousands of miles away? My 1st BAO-ee wants me to keep sending her some money (not the full amt she is getting in SGP) after she returns to China.

Hi Warbird, just a quick reply before I have my afternoon siesta.

1) Pat is indeed very cute! I can still vividly remember her curves and beauty despite it being fifteen years ago. However, in my current aesthetics (Beauty) orientation, JJ and XH is more my type.

With proper "grooming", she can be very appealing indeed.

2) Yup, absolutely agree about the comment on who cares less in the RS wields the greater power. (That is why an important attribute in empowerment is to always have options and choice - so that you will NOT appear needy!)

3) Will talk about losing interest after 'conquest' in due course. Of all members of the Mistress Brotherhood, Terrence suffers from this affliction the most.

I empathise and relate what you are trying to communicate - essentially its wanting what you 'can't' have and enjoying the psychic rewards of a successful chase. BTW I am still afflicted by this syndrome too.

4) There is no hard and fast rule with regards to sending money whilst she is overseas. Generally some degree of 'deposit' is needed to extend your hold on her. (How else could she eke out a living?)

Putting / investing money whilst she is away is kinda like a business proposition whereby you stake your future claim on her in anticipation that she will return. Most do however return (in the context of my experience) However, know the risk that she might 'run away' and leaving your wallet lighter.

Accept also that by you not being in close proximity, your authority, influence and span of control is reduced (- but not eliminated altogether). Will show you how to maximise this control while remote from her. Remote control!

Two obvious points. One, never pay the same going rate as in Singapore. Cost of living in China (or Thailand) is lower. Two, if your interest in her is begining to wane, pay minimal or even not at all.

(Absolute Max you should give is SGD 1800 - SGD 2, 000 for a girl you still have hots for!). Absolute max!

By the way, I did not give Paeng a cent. Have NOT been giving her any for close to a year now. I had earlier 'helped' her to set up a salon which now generates her income. Although it is profitable, I did not take my entitled share of profit that was due to me. So its kinda like a retainer of sorts.

"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."
Old 12-07-2009, 07:43 PM
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Re: Mistress

Hi Justime,

I found celery juice and pure cod liver oil (the vitamin A in it) works... especially after 30 minutes of weight lifting of fast twitched muscle training. I am 40 and still look and feel 28....

And libido and physical qualities remained the same.

Old 13-07-2009, 11:45 AM
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Smile Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime View Post
Hi Warbird, just a quick reply before I have my afternoon siesta.

1) Pat is indeed very cute! I can still vividly remember her curves and beauty despite it being fifteen years ago. However, in my current aesthetics (Beauty) orientation, JJ and XH is more my type.

With proper "grooming", she can be very appealing indeed.

2) Yup, absolutely agree about the comment on who cares less in the RS wields the greater power. (That is why an important attribute in empowerment is to always have options and choice - so that you will NOT appear needy!)

3) Will talk about losing interest after 'conquest' in due course. Of all members of the Mistress Brotherhood, Terrence suffers from this affliction the most.

I empathise and relate what you are trying to communicate - essentially its wanting what you 'can't' have and enjoying the psychic rewards of a successful chase. BTW I am still afflicted by this syndrome too.

4) There is no hard and fast rule with regards to sending money whilst she is overseas. Generally some degree of 'deposit' is needed to extend your hold on her. (How else could she eke out a living?)

Putting / investing money whilst she is away is kinda like a business proposition whereby you stake your future claim on her in anticipation that she will return............................................ ...............................

Two obvious points. One, never pay the same going rate as in Singapore. Cost of living in China (or Thailand) is lower. Two, if your interest in her is begining to wane, pay minimal or even not at all.

(Absolute Max you should give is SGD 1800 - SGD 2, 000 for a girl you still have hots for!). Absolute max!

By the way, I did not give Paeng a cent. Have NOT been giving her any for close to a year now. I had earlier 'helped' her to set up a salon which now generates her income. Although it is profitable, I did not take my entitled share of profit that was due to me. So its kinda like a retainer of sorts.
Hi bro justime,

I know a mild form of the syndrome is prevalent, but my case is quite severe. I'm seeking a cure from NLP n zen meditation...

Thx for ur clarification on the issue of retainer while the gal is overseas. What if the gal is in SGP n I'm in Gotham City? I guess I may hv to pay the same bcos of the high cost of living here.


[QUOTE=golfnut;3913799]Hi Justime,

I found celery juice and pure cod liver oil (the vitamin A in it) works... especially after 30 minutes of weight lifting of fast twitched muscle training. I am 40 and still look and feel 28....

And libido and physical qualities remained the same.


Thx for the info.

You're a young man compared w/ me. But I feel like 20 n my libido is at least as strong as before!! I can't seem to get enough...

Good day!!
Old 13-07-2009, 12:51 PM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by golfnut View Post

I found celery juice and pure cod liver oil (the vitamin A in it) works... especially after 30 minutes of weight lifting of fast twitched muscle training. I am 40 and still look and feel 28....

And libido and physical qualities remained the same.

Hi Golfnut, I am very impressed that you are so in touch with your physical self! Good on you. Good physical health, helps to make you look better (better body aesthetics does aid confidence) and also makes the love making session better. Sex is a physical activity after all that is said and done!

Guess from your nick that you are a golf aficionado and your fast twitched muscle training is geared to improve your round.

I really should take a cue from you to improve my physical condition via nutrition and exercise. Unfortuntely for me the only 'exercise' I have these days is the use of my "birdie" to get into "the hole". (and it ain't golf I am talking about)
"Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime.

We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day."
Old 13-07-2009, 01:24 PM
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Re: Mistress

i am following these posting very closely. Only to say i am lucky to see how other bros deals with their women and learn from them. Sure save me many many pain and time. Salute u guys!!!

big thank you.
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