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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 04-01-2011, 10:31 PM
Zebidee Zebidee is offline
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Re: Sentir at boat quay... bagus! bagus!

OK, so after seeing so many comments about this place, I decided to pay a visit. I run past most nights so I have been curious to try for some time.

Went up the stairs, and past the point with the warning doorbell. Went in and met by a very pretty PRC girl, in a long dress but could see she had nice body. She was the same one that gave me massage (60 mins)

Place was quiet, with high roof (typical shophouse). Some other customers getting serviced - I heard a few moans and some girls really loud.

Massage was very good, started at shoulders and back, with her boobs (in dress ) rubbing top of my head. GThen did arms, legs, then asked me to turn over. She doe my chest and stomach, which sitting on my thighs (still in dress.

Then she asks "magic" question - only offer HJ, Wanted $60, I say $50. She says OK, so starts. not very passionate but good technique. Then I go to autoroam. She says extra $10. I say OK (so she gets her original $60 anyway LOL). Very nice skin, soft, nice tits, and great ass.

Name: Lao Xing (I thing. I am Ang Moh so not very good with Chinese names)
Massage: 7/10. Good but could have been more erotic
Boobs: 8/10
Body: 8/10
HJ: 6/10, mainly because she her hot body
Damage: $100 for massage and HJ with autoroam.

Would not go back. It was good but plenty more to try thanks to Sammy FR's.
Old 05-01-2011, 05:28 PM
hosay10 hosay10 is offline
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Re: Sentir at boat quay... bagus! bagus!

Originally Posted by Zebidee View Post

Name: Lao Xing (I thing. I am Ang Moh so not very good with Chinese names)
Massage: 7/10. Good but could have been more erotic
Boobs: 8/10
Body: 8/10
HJ: 6/10, mainly because she her hot body
Damage: $100 for massage and HJ with autoroam.

Would not go back. It was good but plenty more to try thanks to Sammy FR's.
well at least kudos to the masseur who never over charged u, usually if its ang mo, most masseur will over charged u
Old 07-01-2011, 10:27 AM
kgbkgb kgbkgb is offline
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Re: Sentir at boat quay... bagus! bagus!

who's this? no head/ no tail?
Old 07-01-2011, 11:43 AM
Ecare Ecare is offline
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Re: Sentir at boat quay... bagus! bagus!

prettier version of one of the girls with very sexy voice that is working there?
Old 07-01-2011, 06:11 PM
Green Finger Green Finger is offline
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Re: Sentir at boat quay... bagus! bagus!

Originally Posted by Cunty View Post

Uploaded with
You veri can huh, with gal pic somemore??
Old 07-01-2011, 09:53 PM
chickalan chickalan is offline
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Re: Sentir at boat quay... bagus! bagus!

After reading the FRs on this place, went to try out yest. The place is not bad ..... nice smell and clean.

Walk up the stairs .. open the door ... and was greeted by this buxom 34B lady (about 30+ PRC) called Rainy who was to be my massuer. Not too pretty but ok lah.

Go for the 1 hour massage and 35 minutes into the massage asked me whether I want any special. Of course i say I want and she start quoting me the price which was $80 for everthing except FJ (she don't do). The everything include JG (or BJ), HJ, and auto roaming.

With only 20 minutes left, there is no time to waste so any bro who want the special just have to tell her to cut short the massage.

My rating -
Massage = 8/10
JG = 5/10
HJ = 6/10
Damage = 40 + 80
Old 31-05-2011, 11:06 AM
Midnightman Midnightman is offline
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Thumbs down Re: Sentir at boat quay... bagus! bagus!

I visited Sentir last week monday. I asked for mandy. She was about 32 years old prc. Her massage skill was so so. After the massage, she offered me $60 for HJ and $80 for BM. I opted for BM. The BM is actually nothing at all. She just unhooked the bra and kissed my nipple and proceed to HJ me. Only can touch her upper part and cannot touch the lower part. She was wearing hot pant. Really not worth the money. After the massage, I left the place and saw a big boob lady at the counter. I asked her name. She said she was Pei Pei. I decided to check up her in the next visit. On the last Friday, I visited the place again and asked for Pei Pei. Again, same things happened again. she was like Mandy. Quoted $60 for HJ and $80 for BM. The BM was like Mandy also except she had c cup boob. Cannot touch lower part. She was wearing tight hot pant also. I feel that this place charge higher price for HJ and doesn't provide good service. I will not return again.
Old 04-07-2011, 04:36 PM
HKman HKman is offline
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Re: Sentir at boat quay... bagus! bagus!

My FR on Sentir (accidentally post here first)

Originally Posted by HKman View Post
Tried Sentir a couple of weeks ago becoz of raids to my usual place.

First impression: Location is convenient but entrance very obvious. Too easy to be spotted by coworkers or customers esp. in the evening.
Set-up is ok and sharing of showers between 2 rooms saves space.

Walls do not go all the way to ceiling so you can hear what is happening in the other rooms.

Extra comments:
1. Was concerned when I entered becoz Pepsi was wearing strange pink sweatpants with her tank top: very auntie and not sexy at all. But she changed to a short dress for the session.
2. Indian brother entered right after me. From the sound (remember walls not to ceiling) he was 'finished' after 10-15 mins. perhaps skip the massage?

Name: Pepsi (Thai)
Age: late 30s
Body: 6/10 (a little fat, boobs c-cup maybe enhanced but soft)
Looks: 4-5/10 (MILF)
Massage: 6/10 (so so, but slightly Thai style with longer strokes as opposed to the Chinese style kneeding and poking)
BM: 5/10 (got Didi nice and hard but was not very active other than long catbath, took off her dress but kept wearing her red panties)
FJ: not available (sign inside the room says so and Pepsi confirmed when I asked)
Damage: $40 for 45mins MJ plus $70 for BM
RTF: not if my old place survives (except perhaps for the hottie i saw walking out)

Saw a hotter looking chick at the counter when walking out: Big mop of curly hair, almost like afro. Seemed younger (late 20s or ~30).
Anybody know her name?
Old 04-07-2011, 08:56 PM
samsam33 samsam33 is offline
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Re: Sentir at boat quay... bagus! bagus!

Frankly speaking, due to so many joints at boat quay, there is no such thing like $80 HJ or $80 BM which is basically like what you described

99% of the time, you can insist $50 for HJ with unlimited roaming. All you need is to insist

You can start with $50 or even $40 for HJ and then proceed to roaming. If she said cannot, then you tell her later you cannot shoot out, can she still take $50 for HJ since you did not shoot out?

99% of the time, the lady will just allow you to do what you want with $50 HJ because she wants to finish you off asap and because there are too many choices at BQ these days

Originally Posted by Midnightman View Post
I visited Sentir last week monday. I asked for mandy. She was about 32 years old prc. Her massage skill was so so. After the massage, she offered me $60 for HJ and $80 for BM. I opted for BM. The BM is actually nothing at all. She just unhooked the bra and kissed my nipple and proceed to HJ me. Only can touch her upper part and cannot touch the lower part. She was wearing hot pant. Really not worth the money. After the massage, I left the place and saw a big boob lady at the counter. I asked her name. She said she was Pei Pei. I decided to check up her in the next visit. On the last Friday, I visited the place again and asked for Pei Pei. Again, same things happened again. she was like Mandy. Quoted $60 for HJ and $80 for BM. The BM was like Mandy also except she had c cup boob. Cannot touch lower part. She was wearing tight hot pant also. I feel that this place charge higher price for HJ and doesn't provide good service. I will not return again.
Old 14-09-2014, 08:19 AM
power69 power69 is offline
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Re: Sentir at boat quay... bagus! bagus!

Masg still 40dlr,per hr?
Above advice is veri good.

The joint,sentir,convenient location at boat quay.

Last edited by power69; 14-09-2014 at 09:09 AM.
Old 14-09-2014, 01:35 PM
ahtangge ahtangge is offline
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Re: Sentir at boat quay... bagus! bagus!

I think the smart and commercial ones encourage you to roam so that you will shoot faster and job is done. Try to ask them to continue with the massage after firing because there is still time left and you can see the colour of their faces!!
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