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Old 06-02-2012, 11:54 AM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

If u r into PI bro get a local sim.

Sun cell is cheapest as per my analysis.

U can even buy top ups n reload in singapore so tht ur number does not expire.

Dude if u hv girls on FB, I GUESS thats d best way forward.

As usual when you do business with any FLS IN the PHILIPPINES please INSIST ON VALID ID.

Get the hotel to register her id as well.

This prevents crimes and scams (read underage)

Lotsa underage scams in the PI.

Mind sharing with us ur FB experience?

I think d girls (i read) r pretty much into d commercial sector.

They wld expect a tip (nothing wrong) n u wil get gfe.

All d best bro.

Originally Posted by darkknightrises View Post
Alright folks. I'm heading to Manila on 20th March. Hell I know it's early but if any bros heading down during that time, let me know. As usual, I will be staying at the Malate area (Flap Jack's at Robinson's, David's Tea House and MTO massage...).

I have already hooked up with 2 girls via this revolutionary networking website called Facebook (damn it has photos and this new 'Map' feature!) and hopefully I will be bonking at least 1 (if I interpret her messages correctly which go something like, "It's ok to share a room, even the shower. I am open-minded!", "I will have sex with you if I'm drunk").

This time, I'm going to put bro etsys's theory to the test by going to MBC early in the morning and will camp there till 8pm (if empty, I will just sing "Where the girls at...").

Don't have a local number yet so pm me.
Old 06-02-2012, 12:00 PM
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Talking Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Yes my bro.

Ur manila king diba? Wht u said is right pick up the 23-26 yo for the best GFE.

Some of my sammybros take slightly older ones 26-31 yo for great sex, satisfaction n gfe.

Just dun throw me out of Malacanang im good!

Originally Posted by manilaboy2007 View Post
Like those old but unopened wine is it? hehe
Old 06-02-2012, 12:43 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

ya, I am also doing this facebook. chatting with pinas all over phil, from up north to down south. Lining them up for my later days there.

Actually I just play FB online games with them and wait for them to prompt me for conversation as I still have lots of time in hand. Will try the DIA later.
Old 06-02-2012, 01:59 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

by the way, fun of the day .. got this message .. from an old flame .. living in AC ..

How should I reply ? Top answer gets one free beer

hey you are interested to invest my shop or what?you must to tell me

sssssso by the way i keep going to my net cafe you wana invest?

if that you want but if not you can tell me early

okie so it seems you are not interested il do it for myself

I know, I am bored ..
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Old 06-02-2012, 02:04 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

darkknightrises: if you hit MBC by day time and stick till 8 pm .. you gotta be fugly bro .. no offence

The evening vampires are real hardcore stuff .. beat it before they descend on MBC !!!!
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Old 06-02-2012, 02:16 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
darkknightrises: if you hit MBC by day time and stick till 8 pm .. you gotta be fugly bro .. no offence

The evening vampires are real hardcore stuff .. beat it before they descend on MBC !!!!
No bro! I am putting your theory to the test... i need a large sample size so I won't be hitting any... just doing qualitative survey!

I'm not handsome but touch wood, no problems in MBC yet.

What time do the fabled evening vampires hit?
Old 06-02-2012, 02:18 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
by the way, fun of the day .. got this message .. from an old flame .. living in AC ..

How should I reply ? Top answer gets one free beer

hey you are interested to invest my shop or what?you must to tell me

sssssso by the way i keep going to my net cafe you wana invest?

if that you want but if not you can tell me early

okie so it seems you are not interested il do it for myself

I know, I am bored ..
I wouldn't know what to say either except that legally foreigners are not allowed to own retail businesses? Sorry creative juices are out... cause horniness is taking over!
Old 06-02-2012, 02:29 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by The Lord View Post
Dude if u hv girls on FB, I GUESS thats d best way forward.

As usual when you do business with any FLS IN the PHILIPPINES please INSIST ON VALID ID.

Mind sharing with us ur FB experience?

I think d girls (i read) r pretty much into d commercial sector.

They wld expect a tip (nothing wrong) n u wil get gfe.

All d best bro.
Ok I have to be upfront: I created a fake FB ac (duh!) and my first friend was my pinay ex. So we broke up but I already added some of her friends and some of her friends added me. Some of them are FLs, some have quit the scene, some are actually decent working people. I am working on 1 who quitted the scene as a form of guarantee and the other 2 are friends of friends of friends of my ex (I try to go out of her network as far as possible). Pleasantly surprised by the initiation of drunk sex by one of the 2 but fingers crossed she's not a cock-teaser.

It's also a matter of timing. I kept sending messages to the 2 and when they responded, I'm offline and when I responded, they're offline. But last night was good as I managed to chat with one of them for a good 2 hours. Single mum (not listed in her profile but she told me over chat) but looks game to try anything. Guess doldrums of life getting her down...

As for the guaranteed bonk, I'm not telling her when I'm hitting Manila till I can't get the either of the 2.

Another excerpt of the conversation with the single mum from 5 mins ago:
Me: I bet many guys wanna have sex with you once they see your photos.
She: Hahaha
Me: Sorry if I'm a bit blunt
She: It's ok
Me: I may happen to be one of the guys.
She: It's ok... whatever... if you get me drunk as I said.
Me: But if you are drunk, how are we going to have sex?
She: I'm more wild if I'm drunk.

I was like , then I was like and now I'm . Now we haven't got to the tricky part whether payment needs to be involved...
Old 06-02-2012, 02:32 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

darkknightrises: Now allowed to own business ? Well, that doesn't stop the girls from trying to 'ask for investment' and see the tone has also changed to "you gonna loose if you don't give me money" style

For the vampires, especially those on Shabu, they descend late, but try to stick to the second floor and fly around the Koreans and Japs ..

In first floor, you are pretty much safe though ..
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Old 06-02-2012, 02:35 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
In first floor, you are pretty much safe though ..
To be honest, I never took a single step up the stairs. I heard it's expensive.

Just being cheap...
Old 06-02-2012, 05:24 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

2nd floor has a cover charge, plus a live band .. of course, the girls there think they are twice the price as ground floor

Sometimes, 2nd floor is nice to chill and watch Freddie Aguilar's son or Freddie himself playing .. nice ..
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Old 06-02-2012, 06:47 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Descend on MBC on the first night and a vulture zoom into me the moment she step in.

She is quite frank. I told her I am tight budget and she ask how much. I said 1K and she propose 1.1k. She said is for the house. Is that my problem?

I said ok.

Her actions are very smooth. She said she go out first and then I followed suit. Took a cab to Sogo hotel and do it. Just SOP and no GFE. Just mechanical. Since I just need a quick release at 1am, I am fine.

When back from Legazpi, I do not feel like going to MBC. So called up my Iloilo girl and she appeard within the agreed time.

Ask for whether she has dinner and she said she has eaten. I then said I need dinner and she accompany me. We went to Arnorlds Chicken (sorry not sure about the spelling) and I ask her does she want anything, she actually ordered half a grilled chicken! She said it is suppose to be shared. I can see that she did not eat much or did not eat at all when she is in the province. She is more eager to earn the money from me. So she might have give up dinner and rush down from Laguna. However to be honest (or I am naive), I can't feel that she is a very mecenary person and she did not keep asking me for money but for sure she need the money for her family.

Have a good time with her though she is not a stunner. Small boobs and petite.

One thing about her is that she like to sleep. Maybe because she just get off from work.
Old 06-02-2012, 09:27 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Fugly like me!???

Originally Posted by etsys View Post
darkknightrises: if you hit MBC by day time and stick till 8 pm .. you gotta be fugly bro .. no offence

The evening vampires are real hardcore stuff .. beat it before they descend on MBC !!!!
Old 06-02-2012, 09:38 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

If The Lord considered himself fugly, then I really no longer dare to step into MBC with a face like mine!!!!
Old 06-02-2012, 10:28 PM
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Re: phillipines, manaila, makati

Nice FR bro...

I like the part when you said "or i am naive" .... Shows the sincerity of the FR.

me just smooth talker la bro... But quite Fugly with a small san miguel beer belly... My OC says as long as not too big im entitled to it

Originally Posted by Hahahaha View Post
Descend on MBC on the first night and a vulture zoom into me the moment she step in.

She is quite frank. I told her I am tight budget and she ask how much. I said 1K and she propose 1.1k. She said is for the house. Is that my problem?

I said ok.

Her actions are very smooth. She said she go out first and then I followed suit.
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