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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 24-09-2008, 06:23 AM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by Bazic606 View Post
So let's face it, gers are bonuses at these joints, a place to chill out is...........................priceless....

a bit too ex for me if just to chill out
my latest FR 小柔 from bro arowana-sg

Old 24-09-2008, 10:31 AM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by acer3939 View Post
you think like me meh? bo lang jio lim teh nowdays liao. that's why need to go 'sian' jap milf so boliao keke
A chek, you got time meh?? I jio you, ai mai??
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Old 24-09-2008, 10:33 AM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by Bazic606 View Post
Gers come and go, the high turnover rate can put a place above another in terms of quality and picks, knowing this fact, today you might find DC on a waterloo, a few months later, you will probably say the same for LV or TAM or Orchard....So let's face it, gers are bonuses at these joints, a place to chill out is...........................priceless....
Gals come and go is a good thing, arboh we get stuck with same gals will be very sian, that is the good thing about these KTVs.

As for chilling out, I agree with otur-san, very expensive wor..
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Old 24-09-2008, 10:35 AM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by GodsendSYT View Post
ha ha ya ya.. bussniess so good till 6pm no gals then all come out at 6.30pm to scare ppl.. ha ha..

U went during the 7th month izzit???
Old 24-09-2008, 10:38 AM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by et911 View Post
Gals come and go is a good thing, arboh we get stuck with same gals will be very sian....
That why our garment know these problem we are facing.....once a while they will raid and send those old gals back to their hometown and let more new blood coming.......
Old 24-09-2008, 11:17 AM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Just drop by wanna say "Hi" to uncle 6c; et chek; uncle acer; mama and the rest I know in this thread since I did not have time to say "Hi" to you guys in DC....
For those who have invested in me, please let me know who you are in order for me to return the investment, kam sia.
Old 24-09-2008, 11:26 AM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Wah! Bro Valuair, you come back liao also no call me, what kind of friend you are man!
Enjoying myself cruising in Penang.... will be back soon
Old 24-09-2008, 11:28 AM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by Sammmysiao View Post
U went during the 7th month izzit???
Hiaiz.. no wonder u kana zap till left 8 points.. Cause u dun read what ppl are posting..

I already post that i WENT LAST WEEK!!!

So is this clear to u now..
Old 24-09-2008, 11:36 AM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by Bazic606 View Post
Being been to LV, TAM, 3rd floor, Orchard K, Mirage, and other smaller joints probably allows me to comment on DC relatively...
DC offers not only gers, but a place that we can chill out after a hard day at the office. Which of the above joints put their pool table outside the rooms, along with foot massage machine and comfortable corners for those of us who do not wanna get a room. To be fair, nothing to shout about the services rendered by the staffs, but being a regular customer, they are able to greet you on a personal basis tells you that they are there for a long time. Which in turns speak volume of the boss's flair in running the place.

Gers come and go, the high turnover rate can put a place above another in terms of quality and picks, knowing this fact, today you might find DC on a waterloo, a few months later, you will probably say the same for LV or TAM or Orchard....So let's face it, gers are bonuses at these joints, a place to chill out is...........................priceless....
Ha ha.. at last someone say something useful..

I do agree that DC is more relax compare to some other joints in terms of same damage..

What i'm disappointed is that year after year, the gals are getting from bad to worse.. I mean something needs to be done about the quality of the gals.. As you know, most ppl(maybe not you) goes there for the comfort and gals.. If not why are we paying for the high damage.. Being comfort is one thing but to have lookable gals is another thing.. i went with 4 of my friend.. guess what.. only i got 1 gal.. the rest of them can't even get one to their liking.. so i think that speak volumes of the gals over there..

As for the service, I all along dun like to sit near the pool table area.. I think the waiters there sucks.. I still perfer the other side nearer to the stage.. the waiters waitress there are much much more friendly.
Old 24-09-2008, 12:20 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Can I respond????

Originally Posted by Bazic606 View Post
Being been to LV, TAM, 3rd floor, Orchard K, Mirage, and other smaller joints probably allows me to comment on DC relatively...
DC offers not only gers, but a place that we can chill out after a hard day at the office.
Care to share the names of the smaller joints? Credit crisis is creating havoc to the economy.. Need to cut cost for 2009.

Originally Posted by Bazic606 View Post
Which of the above joints put their pool table outside the rooms, along with foot massage machine and comfortable corners for those of us who do not wanna get a room.
Sigh.. short arms, short fingers, and bak qiu tak stem = ZERO flair for pool. Maybe watch the girls play? I should start using those foot massagers. Kept forgetting about them after I walk out from the loo.

Originally Posted by Bazic606 View Post
To be fair, nothing to shout about the services rendered by the staffs, but being a regular customer, they are able to greet you on a personal basis tells you that they are there for a long time. Which in turns speak volume of the boss's flair in running the place.
Tell them not to shout my name across the corridor hor.. Damn paiseh. Johnny? He's laughing in his sleep these days at the cash register Ka ching, ka ching.

Originally Posted by Bazic606 View Post
Gers come and go, the high turnover rate can put a place above another in terms of quality and picks, knowing this fact, today you might find DC on a waterloo, a few months later, you will probably say the same for LV or TAM or Orchard....So let's face it, gers are bonuses at these joints, a place to chill out is...........................priceless....
Errrr... eerrrrrrrrrrrr.. hmmm....

Old man... new place!!!!


Old 24-09-2008, 12:34 PM
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Talking Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by Looksee View Post
if u go DC.....please jio me.....would like to have a drink with u.....
lolx... uncle d biggest devil here....

Originally Posted by et911 View Post
Beginning of the week niah jiu got fire liao..

If he jio you, will you jio me??
waliew, since when i dun jio d 2 of u de le?

Originally Posted by Looksee View Post
if JPK buys me drink, i'll jio u...........
c.. arrow shoot here liaoz.. si devil~ i long time no go liaoz.. anyone 2 bring an emotionally poor old man there as well?

Originally Posted by et911 View Post
CFFDC you believe also kar?
nbz.... gonna out words into action~

Originally Posted by mamamia View Post
uncle, same old trick to get ppl jio you to DC? no wonder so long no one jio me....
he steal all ur jio-ers right? lolz...

Originally Posted by acer3939 View Post
you think like me meh? bo lang jio lim teh nowdays liao. that's why need to go 'sian' jap milf so boliao keke
now uncle lim ji pun teh ar? bo jio?~?~?
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Old 24-09-2008, 01:31 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

There are always cheaper places to chill out I agree, but among those K's I have mentioned earlier, I have to throw a vote to DC for the ambience that they have created unknowingly. So Bro Otur/et911, I am passing a comment based on restrictive condition.....

Bro Ham, I would gladly share with you on some of the lesser joints that I have patronised, you might find them a little different from your usual hangouts, but trust me, no lesser fun from what you might have been paying for through your escapades at classy outlets....

My personal tip to Bro GSSyt, live and let live, since you are there, make the best out of it, enjoy the time with your friends, then take a rest from DC and make another round probably a month or two later....or when you scream the same about LV, TAM or 3rd floor.....

Old 24-09-2008, 01:32 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by Valuair View Post
Just drop by wanna say "Hi" to uncle 6c; et chek; uncle acer; mama and the rest I know in this thread since I did not have time to say "Hi" to you guys in DC....
my first kaki in DC..........
member of the kaypoh clan.......
Old 24-09-2008, 01:32 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Feeling chirpy today... just adding my contribution for contrast

Originally Posted by GodsendSYT View Post
Ha ha.. at last someone say something useful..

I do agree that DC is more relax compare to some other joints in terms of same damage..
For drinkers like myself, for 2 bottles, TAM(/=) is cheapest, then DC(396),LV(400??),Lido(cant remember,never get to pay) in that order.

What i'm disappointed is that year after year, the gals are getting from bad to worse.. I mean something needs to be done about the quality of the gals..
All luck bro .. you have missed out the gems there.. plus you are going head to head with likes of 606 and one of his SYT lover buddy. 606 alone picked up 3 gems in 2wks in Sep, not to mention the not so SYTs.

Bros see me at DC rather often but my resident 'chilling place' is TAM and CI(Club Infinitute or commonly known 3rd floor to most) where I meet with clients and my colleagues. There were times when I am there 4-5 nights a week (90% work as I dont have the $$ to go that often) With the combined effort of my colleagues I get to push the mamasan to let us see most of the SYT and pretty ones. But when I dropped into my friend's room (he's there every monday) I realized his group has all the pretty girls in one room. This is a fact of life... he and his friends opens minimun 10 bottles(higest I saw 25) every monday. I accumulate 5-8 on a good week. Naturally, the girls flock to that room.

DC has always been ranked below the likes of TAM,CI and LV but to be fair to Johnny the quality has improved over time. Take away the extremes, I'll rate DC Fair behind LV, TAM , CI which I consider Good. Even Lido only get a Fair++ from me on terms of looks and average age.

Maybe As you know, most ppl(maybe not you) goes there for the comfort and gals.. If not why are we paying for the high damage.. Being comfort is one thing but to have lookable gals is another thing.. i went with 4 of my friend.. guess what.. only i got 1 gal.. the rest of them can't even get one to their liking.. so i think that speak volumes of the gals over there..
A bottle at pub is 120-180 region(150 ave?). 198 for the comfort of the room,free flow fruits, hot towels... is very good bargain for 'chimney' bros wor? Especially for a group of 4. Not worth the extra 50 meh(each pays 12.50 more or 1 mug of beer at Boat Quay)

We are there to pay 50-100 for 2hrs of the girls time.. even if I dont chose them I dont think they are not "lookable gals". Maybe you can go to the F1 face search or Star Search to chose one? Heheheehe just kidding hor. Dun get angry.. 50 bucks only... cham mm tor standard ok lah.. Even TAM and LV has bad days and we all have days where we went vegetarian.

As for the service, I all along dun like to sit near the pool table area.. I think the waiters there sucks.. I still perfer the other side nearer to the stage.. the waiters waitress there are much much more friendly.
This is very subjective and I'll not say too much.. but from experiences I realized if you are nice to them they will reciprocate. Even a dog will wag it's tail if you pat it once a while. I have no issues with the waiters at DC. Not even that obnoxious specky chap at 10s and 20s corner.

Just my view lah. Sorry for being kaypoh and talkin so much hor...

Old man... new place!!!!


Old 24-09-2008, 01:39 PM
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Re: Dynasty Classic at Mt Sophia

Originally Posted by Bazic606 View Post
There are always cheaper places to chill out I agree, but among those K's I have mentioned earlier, I have to throw a vote to DC for the ambience that they have created unknowingly. So Bro Otur/et911, I am passing a comment based on restrictive condition.....

Bro Ham, I would gladly share with you on some of the lesser joints that I have patronised, you might find them a little different from your usual hangouts, but trust me, no lesser fun from what you might have been paying for through your escapades at classy outlets....

My personal tip to Bro GSSyt, live and let live, since you are there, make the best out of it, enjoy the time with your friends, then take a rest from DC and make another round probably a month or two later....or when you scream the same about LV, TAM or 3rd floor.....

Speaking like an old man... The recent turmoil also taking a toll on you, dear friend?

I always view everything on the lighter side of life(unless when being copromised) and I have had fantastic results at these joints I can live with the aggressive manner business is conducted but I really cannot go home with 'siao stains' on my butt. My maid might inocently ask my CO for stronger detergent to remove that.

Are you going to tell me you were up this morning to watch soccer?

Old man... new place!!!!


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